@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from sentry.auth.provider import MigratingIdentityId, Provider
from sentry.auth.providers.fly.provider import FlyOAuth2Provider
from sentry.auth.superuser import is_active_superuser
from sentry.locks import locks
-from sentry.models import AuditLogEntry, AuthIdentity, AuthProvider, User
+from sentry.models import AuditLogEntry, AuthIdentity, AuthProvider, User, outbox_context
from sentry.pipeline import Pipeline, PipelineSessionStore
from sentry.pipeline.provider import PipelineProvider
from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.organization import (
@@ -298,65 +298,65 @@ class AuthIdentityHandler:
def _get_auth_identity(self, **params: Any) -> AuthIdentity | None:
- return AuthIdentity.objects.get(auth_provider=self.auth_provider, **params)
+ return AuthIdentity.objects.get(auth_provider_id=self.auth_provider.id, **params)
except AuthIdentity.DoesNotExist:
return None
- @transaction.atomic
def handle_attach_identity(self, member: RpcOrganizationMember | None = None) -> AuthIdentity:
Given an already authenticated user, attach or re-attach an identity.
# prioritize identifying by the SSO provider's user ID
- auth_identity = self._get_auth_identity(ident=self.identity["id"])
- if auth_identity is None:
- # otherwise look for an already attached identity
- # this can happen if the SSO provider's internal ID changes
- auth_identity = self._get_auth_identity(user=self.user)
- if auth_identity is None:
- auth_is_new = True
- auth_identity = AuthIdentity.objects.create(
- auth_provider=self.auth_provider,
- user=self.user,
- ident=self.identity["id"],
- data=self.identity.get("data", {}),
- )
- else:
- auth_is_new = False
- # TODO(dcramer): this might leave the user with duplicate accounts,
- # and in that kind of situation its very reasonable that we could
- # test email addresses + is_managed to determine if we can auto
- # merge
- if auth_identity.user != self.user:
- wipe = self._wipe_existing_identity(auth_identity)
+ with transaction.atomic(router.db_for_write(AuthIdentity)):
+ auth_identity = self._get_auth_identity(ident=self.identity["id"])
+ if auth_identity is None:
+ # otherwise look for an already attached identity
+ # this can happen if the SSO provider's internal ID changes
+ auth_identity = self._get_auth_identity(user_id=self.user.id)
+ if auth_identity is None:
+ auth_is_new = True
+ auth_identity = AuthIdentity.objects.create(
+ auth_provider=self.auth_provider,
+ user_id=self.user.id,
+ ident=self.identity["id"],
+ data=self.identity.get("data", {}),
+ )
- wipe = None
- now = timezone.now()
- auth_identity.update(
- user=self.user,
- ident=self.identity["id"],
- data=self.provider.update_identity(
- new_data=self.identity.get("data", {}), current_data=auth_identity.data
- ),
- last_verified=now,
- last_synced=now,
- )
+ auth_is_new = False
+ # TODO(dcramer): this might leave the user with duplicate accounts,
+ # and in that kind of situation its very reasonable that we could
+ # test email addresses + is_managed to determine if we can auto
+ # merge
+ if auth_identity.user_id != self.user.id:
+ wipe = self._wipe_existing_identity(auth_identity)
+ else:
+ wipe = None
- logger.info(
- "sso.login-pipeline.attach-existing-identity",
- extra={
- "wipe_result": repr(wipe),
- "organization_id": self.organization.id,
- "user_id": self.user.id,
- "auth_identity_user_id": auth_identity.user.id,
- "auth_provider_id": self.auth_provider.id,
- "idp_identity_id": self.identity["id"],
- "idp_identity_email": self.identity.get("email"),
- },
- )
+ now = timezone.now()
+ auth_identity.update(
+ user_id=self.user.id,
+ ident=self.identity["id"],
+ data=self.provider.update_identity(
+ new_data=self.identity.get("data", {}), current_data=auth_identity.data
+ ),
+ last_verified=now,
+ last_synced=now,
+ )
+ logger.info(
+ "sso.login-pipeline.attach-existing-identity",
+ extra={
+ "wipe_result": repr(wipe),
+ "organization_id": self.organization.id,
+ "user_id": self.user.id,
+ "auth_identity_user_id": auth_identity.user.id,
+ "auth_provider_id": self.auth_provider.id,
+ "idp_identity_id": self.identity["id"],
+ "idp_identity_email": self.identity.get("email"),
+ },
+ )
if member is None:
member = self._get_organization_member(auth_identity)
@@ -386,23 +386,15 @@ class AuthIdentityHandler:
# so that the new identifier gets used (other we'll hit a constraint)
# violation since one might exist for (provider, user) as well as
# (provider, ident)
- deletion_result = (
- AuthIdentity.objects.exclude(id=auth_identity.id)
- .filter(auth_provider=self.auth_provider, user=self.user)
- .delete()
- )
- # since we've identified an identity which is no longer valid
- # lets preemptively mark it as such
- other_member = organization_service.check_membership_by_id(
- user_id=auth_identity.user_id, organization_id=self.organization.id
- )
- if other_member is None:
- return
+ with outbox_context(transaction.atomic(router.db_for_write(AuthIdentity))):
+ deletion_result = (
+ AuthIdentity.objects.exclude(id=auth_identity.id)
+ .filter(auth_provider=self.auth_provider, user_id=self.user.id)
+ .delete()
+ )
- other_member.flags.sso__invalid = True
- other_member.flags.sso__linked = False
- organization_service.update_membership_flags(organization_member=other_member)
+ for outbox in self.auth_provider.outboxes_for_mark_invalid_sso(auth_identity.user_id):
+ outbox.save()
return deletion_result
@@ -785,7 +777,6 @@ class AuthHelper(Pipeline):
self.provider_model, self.provider, self.organization, self.request, identity
- @transaction.atomic
def _finish_login_pipeline(self, identity: Mapping[str, Any]) -> HttpResponse:
The login flow executes both with anonymous and authenticated users.
@@ -843,7 +834,6 @@ class AuthHelper(Pipeline):
return auth_handler.handle_existing_identity(self.state, auth_identity)
- @transaction.atomic
def _finish_setup_pipeline(self, identity: Mapping[str, Any]) -> HttpResponseRedirect:
the setup flow here is configuring SSO for an organization.
@@ -877,20 +867,24 @@ class AuthHelper(Pipeline):
auth.mark_sso_complete(request, self.organization.id)
- sso_enabled.send_robust(
- organization=self.organization,
- user=request.user,
- provider=self.provider.key,
- sender=self.__class__,
+ organization_service.schedule_signal(
+ sso_enabled,
+ organization_id=self.organization.id,
+ args=dict(
+ user_id=request.user.id,
+ provider=self.provider.key,
+ ),
- AuditLogEntry.objects.create(
- organization_id=self.organization.id,
- actor=request.user,
- ip_address=request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"],
- target_object=self.provider_model.id,
- event=audit_log.get_event_id("SSO_ENABLE"),
- data=self.provider_model.get_audit_log_data(),
+ log_service.record_audit_log(
+ event=AuditLogEvent(
+ organization_id=self.organization.id,
+ actor_user_id=request.user.id,
+ ip_address=request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"],
+ target_object_id=self.provider_model.id,
+ event_id=audit_log.get_event_id("SSO_ENABLE"),
+ data=self.provider_model.get_audit_log_data(),
+ )
email_missing_links.delay(self.organization.id, request.user.id, self.provider.key)