@@ -1,289 +1,2 @@
-# Please do not use
-# from __future__ import annotations
-# in modules such as this one where hybrid cloud service classes and data models are
-# defined, because we want to reflect on type annotations and avoid forward references.
-import abc
-import datetime
-import hmac
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from hashlib import sha256
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Mapping, Optional, Protocol, cast
-from pydantic.fields import Field
-from typing_extensions import TypedDict
-from sentry.constants import SentryAppInstallationStatus, SentryAppStatus
-from sentry.models import SentryApp, SentryAppInstallation
-from sentry.models.apiapplication import ApiApplication
-from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud import RpcModel
-from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.filter_query import OpaqueSerializedResponse
-from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.rpc import RpcService, rpc_method
-from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.user import RpcUser
-from sentry.silo import SiloMode
- from sentry.mediators.external_requests.alert_rule_action_requester import AlertRuleActionResult
- from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.auth import AuthenticationContext
-class RpcApiApplication(RpcModel):
- id: int = -1
- client_id: str = ""
- client_secret: str = ""
-class RpcSentryAppService(RpcModel):
- """
- A `SentryAppService` (a notification service) wrapped up and serializable via the
- rpc interface.
- """
- title: str = ""
- slug: str = ""
- service_type: str = "sentry_app"
-class RpcSentryApp(RpcModel):
- id: int = -1
- scope_list: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list)
- application_id: int = -1
- application: RpcApiApplication = Field(default_factory=RpcApiApplication)
- proxy_user_id: Optional[int] = None # can be null on deletion.
- owner_id: int = -1 # relation to an organization
- name: str = ""
- slug: str = ""
- uuid: str = ""
- events: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list)
- webhook_url: Optional[str] = None
- is_published: bool = False
- is_unpublished: bool = False
- is_internal: bool = True
- is_publish_request_inprogress: bool = False
- status: str = ""
- def show_auth_info(self, access: Any) -> bool:
- encoded_scopes = set({"%s" % scope for scope in list(access.scopes)})
- return set(self.scope_list).issubset(encoded_scopes)
- def build_signature(self, body: str) -> str:
- secret = self.application.client_secret
- return hmac.new(
- key=secret.encode("utf-8"), msg=body.encode("utf-8"), digestmod=sha256
- ).hexdigest()
- # Properties are copied from the sentry app ORM model.
- @property
- def slug_for_metrics(self) -> str:
- if self.is_internal:
- return "internal"
- if self.is_unpublished:
- return "unpublished"
- return self.slug
-class RpcSentryAppInstallation(RpcModel):
- id: int = -1
- organization_id: int = -1
- status: int = SentryAppInstallationStatus.PENDING
- sentry_app: RpcSentryApp = Field(default_factory=lambda: RpcSentryApp())
- date_deleted: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
- uuid: str = ""
-class RpcSentryAppComponent(RpcModel):
- uuid: str = ""
- sentry_app_id: int = -1
- type: str = ""
- app_schema: Mapping[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict)
-class SentryAppEventDataInterface(Protocol):
- """
- Protocol making RpcSentryAppEvents capable of consuming from various sources, keeping only
- the minimum required properties.
- """
- id: str
- label: str
- @property
- def actionType(self) -> str:
- pass
- def is_enabled(self) -> bool:
- pass
-@dataclass # TODO: Make compatible with RpcModel
-class RpcSentryAppEventData(SentryAppEventDataInterface):
- id: str = ""
- label: str = ""
- action_type: str = ""
- enabled: bool = True
- @property
- def actionType(self) -> str:
- return self.action_type
- def is_enabled(self) -> bool:
- return self.enabled
- @classmethod
- def from_event(cls, data_interface: SentryAppEventDataInterface) -> "RpcSentryAppEventData":
- return RpcSentryAppEventData(
- id=data_interface.id,
- label=data_interface.label,
- action_type=data_interface.actionType,
- enabled=data_interface.is_enabled(),
- )
-class SentryAppInstallationFilterArgs(TypedDict, total=False):
- installation_ids: List[int]
- app_ids: List[int]
- organization_id: int
- uuids: List[str]
-class AppService(RpcService):
- key = "app"
- local_mode = SiloMode.CONTROL
- @classmethod
- def get_local_implementation(cls) -> RpcService:
- from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.app.impl import DatabaseBackedAppService
- return DatabaseBackedAppService()
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def serialize_many(
- self,
- *,
- filter: SentryAppInstallationFilterArgs,
- as_user: Optional[RpcUser] = None,
- auth_context: Optional["AuthenticationContext"] = None,
- ) -> List[OpaqueSerializedResponse]:
- pass
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_many(
- self, *, filter: SentryAppInstallationFilterArgs
- ) -> List[RpcSentryAppInstallation]:
- pass
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def find_installation_by_proxy_user(
- self, *, proxy_user_id: int, organization_id: int
- ) -> Optional[RpcSentryAppInstallation]:
- pass
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_installed_for_organization(
- self,
- *,
- organization_id: int,
- ) -> List[RpcSentryAppInstallation]:
- pass
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_sentry_app_by_slug(self, *, slug: str) -> Optional[RpcSentryApp]:
- pass
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def find_alertable_services(self, *, organization_id: int) -> List[RpcSentryAppService]:
- pass
- @classmethod
- def serialize_sentry_app(cls, app: SentryApp) -> RpcSentryApp:
- return RpcSentryApp(
- id=app.id,
- scope_list=app.scope_list,
- application_id=app.application_id,
- application=cls.serialize_api_application(app.application),
- proxy_user_id=app.proxy_user_id,
- owner_id=app.owner_id,
- name=app.name,
- slug=app.slug,
- uuid=app.uuid,
- events=app.events,
- webhook_url=app.webhook_url,
- is_published=app.status == SentryAppStatus.PUBLISHED,
- is_unpublished=app.status == SentryAppStatus.UNPUBLISHED,
- is_internal=app.status == SentryAppStatus.INTERNAL,
- is_publish_request_inprogress=app.status == SentryAppStatus.PUBLISH_REQUEST_INPROGRESS,
- status=app.status,
- )
- @classmethod
- def serialize_api_application(self, api_app: ApiApplication) -> RpcApiApplication:
- return RpcApiApplication(
- id=api_app.id,
- client_id=api_app.client_id,
- client_secret=api_app.client_secret,
- )
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def find_service_hook_sentry_app(self, *, api_application_id: int) -> Optional[RpcSentryApp]:
- pass
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_custom_alert_rule_actions(
- self,
- *,
- event_data: RpcSentryAppEventData,
- organization_id: int,
- project_slug: Optional[str],
- ) -> List[Mapping[str, Any]]:
- pass
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def find_app_components(self, *, app_id: int) -> List[RpcSentryAppComponent]:
- pass
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def get_related_sentry_app_components(
- self,
- *,
- organization_ids: List[int],
- sentry_app_ids: List[int],
- type: str,
- group_by: str = "sentry_app_id",
- ) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
- pass
- @classmethod
- def serialize_sentry_app_installation(
- cls, installation: SentryAppInstallation, app: Optional[SentryApp] = None
- ) -> RpcSentryAppInstallation:
- if app is None:
- app = installation.sentry_app
- return RpcSentryAppInstallation(
- id=installation.id,
- organization_id=installation.organization_id,
- status=installation.status,
- sentry_app=cls.serialize_sentry_app(app),
- date_deleted=installation.date_deleted,
- uuid=installation.uuid,
- )
- @rpc_method
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def trigger_sentry_app_action_creators(
- self, *, fields: List[Mapping[str, Any]], install_uuid: Optional[str]
- ) -> "AlertRuleActionResult":
- pass
-app_service = cast(AppService, AppService.create_delegation())
+from .model import * # noqa
+from .service import * # noqa