@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+import {EventType} from '@sentry-internal/rrweb';
+import {transformCrumbs} from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/breadcrumbs/utils';
+import {spansFactory} from 'sentry/utils/replays/replayDataUtils';
+import ReplayReader from 'sentry/utils/replays/replayReader';
+describe('ReplayReader', () => {
+ const replayRecord = TestStubs.ReplayRecord({});
+ it('Should return null if there are missing arguments', () => {
+ const missingAttachments = ReplayReader.factory({
+ attachments: undefined,
+ errors: [],
+ replayRecord,
+ });
+ expect(missingAttachments).toBeNull();
+ const missingErrors = ReplayReader.factory({
+ attachments: [],
+ errors: undefined,
+ replayRecord,
+ });
+ expect(missingErrors).toBeNull();
+ const missingRecord = ReplayReader.factory({
+ attachments: [],
+ errors: [],
+ replayRecord: undefined,
+ });
+ expect(missingRecord).toBeNull();
+ });
+ it('should calculate started_at/finished_at/duration based on first/last events', () => {
+ const minuteZero = new Date('2023-12-25T00:00:00');
+ const minuteTen = new Date('2023-12-25T00:10:00');
+ const replay = ReplayReader.factory({
+ attachments: [
+ TestStubs.Replay.ConsoleEvent({timestamp: minuteZero}),
+ TestStubs.Replay.ConsoleEvent({timestamp: minuteTen}),
+ ],
+ errors: [],
+ replayRecord: TestStubs.ReplayRecord({
+ started_at: new Date('2023-12-25T00:01:00'),
+ finished_at: new Date('2023-12-25T00:09:00'),
+ duration: undefined, // will be calculated
+ }),
+ });
+ const expectedDuration = 10 * 60 * 1000; // 10 minutes, in ms
+ expect(replay?.getReplay().started_at).toEqual(minuteZero);
+ expect(replay?.getReplay().finished_at).toEqual(minuteTen);
+ expect(replay?.getReplay().duration.asMilliseconds()).toEqual(expectedDuration);
+ expect(replay?.getDurationMs()).toEqual(expectedDuration);
+ });
+ it('should make the replayRecord available through a getter method', () => {
+ const replay = ReplayReader.factory({
+ attachments: [],
+ errors: [],
+ replayRecord,
+ });
+ expect(replay?.getReplay()).toEqual(replayRecord);
+ });
+ describe('attachment splitting', () => {
+ const timestamp = new Date();
+ const firstDiv = TestStubs.Replay.RRWebFullSnapshotFrameEvent({timestamp});
+ const secondDiv = TestStubs.Replay.RRWebFullSnapshotFrameEvent({timestamp});
+ const clickEvent = TestStubs.Replay.ClickEvent({timestamp});
+ const firstMemory = TestStubs.Replay.MemoryEvent({
+ startTimestamp: timestamp,
+ endTimestamp: timestamp,
+ });
+ const secondMemory = TestStubs.Replay.MemoryEvent({
+ startTimestamp: timestamp,
+ endTimestamp: timestamp,
+ });
+ const navigationEvent = TestStubs.Replay.NavigateEvent({
+ startTimestamp: timestamp,
+ endTimestamp: timestamp,
+ });
+ const consoleEvent = TestStubs.Replay.ConsoleEvent({timestamp});
+ const replayEnd = {
+ type: EventType.Custom,
+ timestamp: expect.any(Number), // will be set to the endTimestamp of the last crumb in the test
+ data: {
+ tag: 'replay-end',
+ },
+ };
+ const attachments = [
+ clickEvent,
+ consoleEvent,
+ firstDiv,
+ firstMemory,
+ navigationEvent,
+ secondDiv,
+ secondMemory,
+ ];
+ const {
+ startTimestamp,
+ endTimestamp: _2,
+ op: _1,
+ ...payload
+ } = navigationEvent.data.payload;
+ const expectedNav = {
+ ...payload,
+ action: 'navigate',
+ category: 'default',
+ color: 'green300',
+ description: 'Navigation',
+ id: 2,
+ level: 'info',
+ message: '',
+ type: 'navigation',
+ data: {
+ ...payload.data,
+ label: 'Page load',
+ to: '',
+ },
+ timestamp: new Date(startTimestamp * 1000).toISOString(),
+ };
+ function patchEvents(events) {
+ return transformCrumbs(
+ events.map(event => ({
+ ...event.data.payload,
+ id: expect.any(Number),
+ timestamp: new Date(event.data.payload.timestamp * 1000).toISOString(),
+ }))
+ );
+ }
+ function patchSpanEvents(events) {
+ return spansFactory(
+ events.map(event => ({
+ ...event.data.payload,
+ id: expect.any(String),
+ endTimestamp: event.data.payload.endTimestamp,
+ startTimestamp: event.data.payload.startTimestamp,
+ }))
+ );
+ }
+ it.each([
+ {
+ method: 'getRRWebEvents',
+ expected: [firstDiv, secondDiv, replayEnd],
+ },
+ {
+ method: 'getCrumbsWithRRWebNodes',
+ expected: patchEvents([clickEvent]),
+ },
+ {
+ method: 'getUserActionCrumbs',
+ expected: [...patchEvents([clickEvent]), expectedNav],
+ },
+ {
+ method: 'getConsoleCrumbs',
+ // Need a non-console event in here so the `id` ends up correct,
+ // slice() removes the extra item later
+ expected: patchEvents([clickEvent, consoleEvent]).slice(1),
+ },
+ {
+ method: 'getNonConsoleCrumbs',
+ expected: [...patchEvents([clickEvent]), expectedNav],
+ },
+ {
+ method: 'getNavCrumbs',
+ expected: [expectedNav],
+ },
+ {
+ method: 'getNetworkSpans',
+ expected: patchSpanEvents([navigationEvent]),
+ },
+ {
+ method: 'getMemorySpans',
+ expected: patchSpanEvents([secondMemory, secondMemory]),
+ },
+ ])('Calling $method will filter attachments', ({method, expected}) => {
+ const replay = ReplayReader.factory({
+ attachments,
+ errors: [],
+ replayRecord,
+ });
+ const exec = replay?.[method];
+ expect(exec()).toStrictEqual(expected);
+ });
+ });
+ it('shoud return the SDK config if there is a RecordingOptions event found', () => {
+ const timestamp = new Date();
+ const optionsFrame = TestStubs.Replay.OptionFrame({});
+ const replay = ReplayReader.factory({
+ attachments: [
+ TestStubs.Replay.OptionFrameEvent({
+ timestamp,
+ data: {payload: optionsFrame},
+ }),
+ ],
+ errors: [],
+ replayRecord,
+ });
+ expect(replay?.sdkConfig()).toBe(optionsFrame);
+ });
+ describe('isNetworkDetailsSetup', () => {
+ it('should have isNetworkDetailsSetup=true if sdkConfig says so', () => {
+ const timestamp = new Date();
+ const replay = ReplayReader.factory({
+ attachments: [
+ TestStubs.Replay.OptionFrameEvent({
+ timestamp,
+ data: {
+ payload: TestStubs.Replay.OptionFrame({
+ networkDetailHasUrls: true,
+ }),
+ },
+ }),
+ ],
+ errors: [],
+ replayRecord,
+ });
+ expect(replay?.isNetworkDetailsSetup()).toBeTruthy();
+ });
+ it.each([
+ {
+ data: {
+ method: 'GET',
+ request: {headers: {accept: 'application/json'}},
+ },
+ expected: true,
+ },
+ {
+ data: {
+ method: 'GET',
+ },
+ expected: false,
+ },
+ ])('should have isNetworkDetailsSetup=$expected', ({data, expected}) => {
+ const startTimestamp = new Date();
+ const endTimestamp = new Date();
+ const replay = ReplayReader.factory({
+ attachments: [
+ TestStubs.Replay.SpanFrameEvent({
+ timestamp: startTimestamp,
+ data: {
+ payload: TestStubs.Replay.RequestFrame({
+ op: 'resource.fetch',
+ startTimestamp,
+ endTimestamp,
+ description: '/api/0/issues/',
+ data,
+ }),
+ },
+ }),
+ ],
+ errors: [],
+ replayRecord,
+ });
+ expect(replay?.isNetworkDetailsSetup()).toBe(expected);
+ });
+ });