@@ -7,11 +7,13 @@ from unittest import mock
import pytest
from django.urls import reverse
+from sentry.models.dashboard_widget import DashboardWidgetTypes
from sentry.models.environment import Environment
from sentry.sentry_metrics.use_case_id_registry import UseCaseID
from sentry.snuba.metrics.extraction import MetricSpecType, OnDemandMetricSpec
from sentry.testutils.cases import MetricsEnhancedPerformanceTestCase
from sentry.testutils.helpers.datetime import before_now, iso_format
+from sentry.testutils.helpers.on_demand import create_widget
from sentry.testutils.silo import region_silo_test
pytestmark = pytest.mark.sentry_metrics
@@ -1174,6 +1176,180 @@ class OrganizationEventsStatsMetricsEnhancedPerformanceEndpointTestWithOnDemandW
assert response.data[group][agg]["meta"]["isMetricsExtractedData"]
assert response.data[group]["isMetricsExtractedData"]
+ def test_top_events_with_transaction_on_demand_passing_widget_id_unsaved(self):
+ field = "count()"
+ field_two = "count_web_vitals(measurements.lcp, good)"
+ groupbys = ["customtag1", "customtag2"]
+ query = "transaction.duration:>=100"
+ spec = OnDemandMetricSpec(
+ field=field, groupbys=groupbys, query=query, spec_type=MetricSpecType.DYNAMIC_QUERY
+ )
+ spec_two = OnDemandMetricSpec(
+ field=field_two, groupbys=groupbys, query=query, spec_type=MetricSpecType.DYNAMIC_QUERY
+ )
+ _, widget, __ = create_widget(
+ ["epm()"],
+ "transaction.duration:>=100",
+ self.project,
+ title="Dashboard 123",
+ columns=["user.id", "release", "count()"],
+ discover_widget_split=None,
+ )
+ for hour in range(0, 5):
+ self.store_on_demand_metric(
+ hour * 62 * 24,
+ spec=spec,
+ additional_tags={
+ "customtag1": "foo",
+ "customtag2": "red",
+ "environment": "production",
+ },
+ timestamp=self.day_ago + timedelta(hours=hour),
+ )
+ self.store_on_demand_metric(
+ hour * 60 * 24,
+ spec=spec_two,
+ additional_tags={
+ "customtag1": "bar",
+ "customtag2": "blue",
+ "environment": "production",
+ },
+ timestamp=self.day_ago + timedelta(hours=hour),
+ )
+ yAxis = ["count()", "count_web_vitals(measurements.lcp, good)"]
+ with mock.patch.object(widget, "save") as mock_widget_save:
+ response = self.do_request(
+ data={
+ "project": self.project.id,
+ "start": iso_format(self.day_ago),
+ "end": iso_format(self.day_ago + timedelta(hours=2)),
+ "interval": "1h",
+ "orderby": ["-count()"],
+ "query": query,
+ "yAxis": yAxis,
+ "field": [
+ "count()",
+ "count_web_vitals(measurements.lcp, good)",
+ "customtag1",
+ "customtag2",
+ ],
+ "topEvents": 5,
+ "dataset": "metricsEnhanced",
+ "useOnDemandMetrics": "true",
+ "onDemandType": "dynamic_query",
+ "dashboardWidgetId": widget.id,
+ },
+ )
+ assert bool(mock_widget_save.assert_called_once)
+ assert response.status_code == 200, response.content
+ groups = [
+ ("foo,red", "count()", 0.0, 1488.0),
+ ("foo,red", "count_web_vitals(measurements.lcp, good)", 0.0, 0.0),
+ ("bar,blue", "count()", 0.0, 0.0),
+ ("bar,blue", "count_web_vitals(measurements.lcp, good)", 0.0, 1440.0),
+ ]
+ assert len(response.data.keys()) == 2
+ for group_count in groups:
+ group, agg, row1, row2 = group_count
+ row_data = response.data[group][agg]["data"][:2]
+ assert [attrs for time, attrs in row_data] == [[{"count": row1}], [{"count": row2}]]
+ assert response.data[group][agg]["meta"]["isMetricsExtractedData"]
+ assert response.data[group]["isMetricsExtractedData"]
+ def test_top_events_with_transaction_on_demand_passing_widget_id_saved(self):
+ field = "count()"
+ field_two = "count_web_vitals(measurements.lcp, good)"
+ groupbys = ["customtag1", "customtag2"]
+ query = "transaction.duration:>=100"
+ spec = OnDemandMetricSpec(
+ field=field, groupbys=groupbys, query=query, spec_type=MetricSpecType.DYNAMIC_QUERY
+ )
+ spec_two = OnDemandMetricSpec(
+ field=field_two, groupbys=groupbys, query=query, spec_type=MetricSpecType.DYNAMIC_QUERY
+ )
+ _, widget, __ = create_widget(
+ ["epm()"],
+ "transaction.duration:>=100",
+ self.project,
+ title="Dashboard 123",
+ columns=["user.id", "release", "count()"],
+ discover_widget_split=DashboardWidgetTypes.TRANSACTION_LIKE, # Transactions like uses on-demand
+ )
+ for hour in range(0, 5):
+ self.store_on_demand_metric(
+ hour * 62 * 24,
+ spec=spec,
+ additional_tags={
+ "customtag1": "foo",
+ "customtag2": "red",
+ "environment": "production",
+ },
+ timestamp=self.day_ago + timedelta(hours=hour),
+ )
+ self.store_on_demand_metric(
+ hour * 60 * 24,
+ spec=spec_two,
+ additional_tags={
+ "customtag1": "bar",
+ "customtag2": "blue",
+ "environment": "production",
+ },
+ timestamp=self.day_ago + timedelta(hours=hour),
+ )
+ yAxis = ["count()", "count_web_vitals(measurements.lcp, good)"]
+ with mock.patch.object(widget, "save") as mock_widget_save:
+ response = self.do_request(
+ data={
+ "project": self.project.id,
+ "start": iso_format(self.day_ago),
+ "end": iso_format(self.day_ago + timedelta(hours=2)),
+ "interval": "1h",
+ "orderby": ["-count()"],
+ "query": query,
+ "yAxis": yAxis,
+ "field": [
+ "count()",
+ "count_web_vitals(measurements.lcp, good)",
+ "customtag1",
+ "customtag2",
+ ],
+ "topEvents": 5,
+ "dataset": "metricsEnhanced",
+ "useOnDemandMetrics": "true",
+ "onDemandType": "dynamic_query",
+ "dashboardWidgetId": widget.id,
+ },
+ )
+ assert bool(mock_widget_save.assert_not_called)
+ assert response.status_code == 200, response.content
+ groups = [
+ ("foo,red", "count()", 0.0, 1488.0),
+ ("foo,red", "count_web_vitals(measurements.lcp, good)", 0.0, 0.0),
+ ("bar,blue", "count()", 0.0, 0.0),
+ ("bar,blue", "count_web_vitals(measurements.lcp, good)", 0.0, 1440.0),
+ ]
+ assert len(response.data.keys()) == 2
+ for group_count in groups:
+ group, agg, row1, row2 = group_count
+ row_data = response.data[group][agg]["data"][:2]
+ assert [attrs for time, attrs in row_data] == [[{"count": row1}], [{"count": row2}]]
+ assert response.data[group][agg]["meta"]["isMetricsExtractedData"]
+ assert response.data[group]["isMetricsExtractedData"]
def test_timeseries_on_demand_with_multiple_percentiles(self):
field = "p75(measurements.fcp)"
field_two = "p75(measurements.lcp)"