@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ import {mountWithTheme, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary
import DashboardWidgetLibraryModal from 'app/components/modals/dashboardWidgetLibraryModal';
const stubEl = props => <div>{props.children}</div>;
+const alertText =
+ 'Please select at least one Widget from our Library. Alternatively, you can build a custom widget from scratch.';
-function mountModal({initialData}) {
+function mountModal({initialData}, onApply, closeModal) {
const routerContext = TestStubs.routerContext();
return mountWithTheme(
@@ -20,6 +22,8 @@ function mountModal({initialData}) {
createdBy: {id: '1'},
widgetDisplay: [],
+ onAddWidget={onApply}
+ closeModal={closeModal}
{context: routerContext}
@@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ describe('Modals -> DashboardWidgetLibraryModal', function () {
- it('renders the widget library modal', function () {
+ it('selects and unselcts widgets correctly', function () {
// Checking initial modal states
const container = mountModal({initialData});
expect(screen.getByText('6 WIDGETS')).toBeInTheDocument();
@@ -47,13 +51,69 @@ describe('Modals -> DashboardWidgetLibraryModal', function () {
// Select some widgets
const selectButtons = screen.getAllByRole('button');
+ userEvent.click(selectButtons[3]);
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('selected-badge')).toHaveTextContent('3 Selected');
+ expect(screen.queryAllByText('Select')).toHaveLength(3);
+ expect(screen.queryAllByText('Selected')).toHaveLength(3);
+ // Deselect a widget
+ userEvent.click(selectButtons[4]);
expect(screen.getByTestId('selected-badge')).toHaveTextContent('2 Selected');
+ container.unmount();
+ });
+ it('submits selected widgets correctly', function () {
+ // Checking initial modal states
+ const mockApply = jest.fn();
+ const closeModal = jest.fn();
+ const container = mountModal({initialData}, mockApply, closeModal);
+ // Select some widgets
+ const selectButtons = screen.getAllByRole('button');
+ userEvent.click(selectButtons[3]);
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('selected-badge')).toHaveTextContent('1 Selected');
+ userEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('confirm-widgets'));
+ expect(mockApply).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ expect(mockApply).toHaveBeenCalledWith([
+ {
+ displayType: 'area',
+ id: undefined,
+ interval: '5m',
+ queries: [
+ {
+ conditions: '!event.type:transaction',
+ fields: ['count()'],
+ name: '',
+ orderby: '',
+ },
+ ],
+ title: 'All Events',
+ },
+ ]);
+ expect(closeModal).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ container.unmount();
+ });
+ it('raises warning if widget not selected', function () {
+ // Checking initial modal states
+ const mockApply = jest.fn();
+ const closeModal = jest.fn();
+ const container = mountModal({initialData}, mockApply, closeModal);
+ expect(screen.queryByText(alertText)).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('selected-badge')).toHaveTextContent('0 Selected');
+ userEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('confirm-widgets'));
+ expect(mockApply).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
+ expect(closeModal).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
+ expect(screen.getByText(alertText)).toBeInTheDocument();