@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import time
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Mapping, Optional, Union
+import sentry_sdk
from requests import Session
from sentry.utils import jwt, safe
@@ -27,17 +28,18 @@ def _get_authorization_header(
if expiry_sec is None:
expiry_sec = 60 * 10 # default to 10 mins
- token = jwt.encode(
- {
- "iss": credentials.issuer_id,
- "exp": int(time.time()) + expiry_sec,
- "aud": "appstoreconnect-v1",
- },
- credentials.key,
- algorithm="ES256",
- headers={"kid": credentials.key_id, "alg": "ES256", "typ": "JWT"},
- )
- return jwt.authorization_header(token)
+ with sentry_sdk.start_span(op="jwt", description="Generating AppStoreConnect JWT token"):
+ token = jwt.encode(
+ {
+ "iss": credentials.issuer_id,
+ "exp": int(time.time()) + expiry_sec,
+ "aud": "appstoreconnect-v1",
+ },
+ credentials.key,
+ algorithm="ES256",
+ headers={"kid": credentials.key_id, "alg": "ES256", "typ": "JWT"},
+ )
+ return jwt.authorization_header(token)
def _get_appstore_json(
@@ -52,25 +54,27 @@ def _get_appstore_json(
:raises ValueError: if the request failed or the response body could not be parsed as
- headers = _get_authorization_header(credentials)
- if not url.startswith("https://"):
- full_url = "https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com"
- if url[0] != "/":
- full_url += "/"
- else:
- full_url = ""
- full_url += url
- logger.debug(f"GET {full_url}")
- response = session.get(full_url, headers=headers)
- if not response.ok:
- raise ValueError("Request failed", full_url, response.status_code, response.text)
- try:
- return response.json() # type: ignore
- except Exception as e:
- raise ValueError(
- "Response body not JSON", full_url, response.status_code, response.text
- ) from e
+ with sentry_sdk.start_span(op="appconnect-request", description="AppStoreConnect API request"):
+ headers = _get_authorization_header(credentials)
+ if not url.startswith("https://"):
+ full_url = "https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com"
+ if url[0] != "/":
+ full_url += "/"
+ else:
+ full_url = ""
+ full_url += url
+ logger.debug(f"GET {full_url}")
+ with sentry_sdk.start_span(op="http", description="AppStoreConnect request"):
+ response = session.get(full_url, headers=headers)
+ if not response.ok:
+ raise ValueError("Request failed", full_url, response.status_code, response.text)
+ try:
+ return response.json() # type: ignore
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Response body not JSON", full_url, response.status_code, response.text
+ ) from e
def _get_next_page(response_json: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Optional[str]:
@@ -116,87 +120,90 @@ def get_build_info(
in starship documentation
build_number: str - the version of the build (e.g. '101'), looks like the build number
- # https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/list_builds
- url = (
- f"v1/builds?filter[app]={app_id}"
- # we can fetch a maximum of 200 builds at once, so do that
- "&limit=200"
- # include related AppStore/PreRelease versions with the response
- # NOTE: the `iris` web API has related `buildBundles` objects,
- # which have very useful `includesSymbols` and `dSYMUrl` attributes,
- # but this is sadly not available in the official API. :-(
- # Open this in your browser when you are signed into AppStoreConnect:
- # https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/iris/v1/builds?filter[processingState]=VALID&include=appStoreVersion,preReleaseVersion,buildBundles&limit=1&filter[app]=XYZ
- "&include=appStoreVersion,preReleaseVersion"
- # sort newer releases first
- "&sort=-uploadedDate"
- # only include valid builds
- "&filter[processingState]=VALID"
- # and builds that have not expired yet
- "&filter[expired]=false"
- )
- pages = _get_appstore_info_paged(session, credentials, url)
- result = []
- for page in pages:
- # Collect the related data sent in this page so we can look it up by (type, id).
- included_relations = {}
- for relation in page["included"]:
- rel_type = relation["type"]
- rel_id = relation["id"]
- included_relations[(rel_type, rel_id)] = relation
- def get_related(data: JSONData, relation: str) -> Union[None, JSONData]:
- """Returns related data by looking it up in all the related data included in the page.
- This first looks up the related object in the data provided under the
- `relationships` key. Then it uses the `type` and `id` of this key to look up
- the actual data in `included_relations` which is an index of all related data
- returned with the page.
- If the `relation` does not exist in `data` then `None` is returned.
- """
- rel_ptr_data = safe.get_path(data, "relationships", relation, "data")
- if rel_ptr_data is None:
- # The query asks for both the appStoreVersion and preReleaseVersion
- # relations to be included. However for each build there could be only one
- # of these that will have the data with type and id, the other will have
- # None for data.
- return None
- rel_type = rel_ptr_data["type"]
- rel_id = rel_ptr_data["id"]
- return included_relations[(rel_type, rel_id)]
- for build in page["data"]:
- try:
- related_appstore_version = get_related(build, "appStoreVersion")
- related_prerelease_version = get_related(build, "preReleaseVersion")
- # Normally release versions also have a matching prerelease version, the
- # platform and version number for them should be identical. Nevertheless
- # because we would likely see the build first with a prerelease version
- # before it also has a release version we prefer to stick with that one if
- # it is available.
- if related_prerelease_version:
- version = related_prerelease_version["attributes"]["version"]
- platform = related_prerelease_version["attributes"]["platform"]
- elif related_appstore_version:
- version = related_appstore_version["attributes"]["versionString"]
- platform = related_appstore_version["attributes"]["platform"]
- else:
- raise KeyError("missing related version")
- build_number = build["attributes"]["version"]
- result.append(
- {"platform": platform, "version": version, "build_number": build_number}
- )
- except Exception:
- logger.error(
- "Failed to process AppStoreConnect build from API: %s", build, exc_info=True
- )
- return result
+ with sentry_sdk.start_span(
+ op="appconnect-list-builds", description="List all AppStoreConnect builds"
+ ):
+ # https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/list_builds
+ url = (
+ f"v1/builds?filter[app]={app_id}"
+ # we can fetch a maximum of 200 builds at once, so do that
+ "&limit=200"
+ # include related AppStore/PreRelease versions with the response
+ # NOTE: the `iris` web API has related `buildBundles` objects,
+ # which have very useful `includesSymbols` and `dSYMUrl` attributes,
+ # but this is sadly not available in the official API. :-(
+ # Open this in your browser when you are signed into AppStoreConnect:
+ # https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/iris/v1/builds?filter[processingState]=VALID&include=appStoreVersion,preReleaseVersion,buildBundles&limit=1&filter[app]=XYZ
+ "&include=appStoreVersion,preReleaseVersion"
+ # sort newer releases first
+ "&sort=-uploadedDate"
+ # only include valid builds
+ "&filter[processingState]=VALID"
+ # and builds that have not expired yet
+ "&filter[expired]=false"
+ )
+ pages = _get_appstore_info_paged(session, credentials, url)
+ result = []
+ for page in pages:
+ # Collect the related data sent in this page so we can look it up by (type, id).
+ included_relations = {}
+ for relation in page["included"]:
+ rel_type = relation["type"]
+ rel_id = relation["id"]
+ included_relations[(rel_type, rel_id)] = relation
+ def get_related(data: JSONData, relation: str) -> Union[None, JSONData]:
+ """Returns related data by looking it up in all the related data included in the page.
+ This first looks up the related object in the data provided under the
+ `relationships` key. Then it uses the `type` and `id` of this key to look up
+ the actual data in `included_relations` which is an index of all related data
+ returned with the page.
+ If the `relation` does not exist in `data` then `None` is returned.
+ """
+ rel_ptr_data = safe.get_path(data, "relationships", relation, "data")
+ if rel_ptr_data is None:
+ # The query asks for both the appStoreVersion and preReleaseVersion
+ # relations to be included. However for each build there could be only one
+ # of these that will have the data with type and id, the other will have
+ # None for data.
+ return None
+ rel_type = rel_ptr_data["type"]
+ rel_id = rel_ptr_data["id"]
+ return included_relations[(rel_type, rel_id)]
+ for build in page["data"]:
+ try:
+ related_appstore_version = get_related(build, "appStoreVersion")
+ related_prerelease_version = get_related(build, "preReleaseVersion")
+ # Normally release versions also have a matching prerelease version, the
+ # platform and version number for them should be identical. Nevertheless
+ # because we would likely see the build first with a prerelease version
+ # before it also has a release version we prefer to stick with that one if
+ # it is available.
+ if related_prerelease_version:
+ version = related_prerelease_version["attributes"]["version"]
+ platform = related_prerelease_version["attributes"]["platform"]
+ elif related_appstore_version:
+ version = related_appstore_version["attributes"]["versionString"]
+ platform = related_appstore_version["attributes"]["platform"]
+ else:
+ raise KeyError("missing related version")
+ build_number = build["attributes"]["version"]
+ result.append(
+ {"platform": platform, "version": version, "build_number": build_number}
+ )
+ except Exception:
+ logger.error(
+ "Failed to process AppStoreConnect build from API: %s", build, exc_info=True
+ )
+ return result
AppInfo = namedtuple("AppInfo", ["name", "bundle_id", "app_id"])