@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class BaseNotification(abc.ABC):
message_builder = "SlackNotificationsMessageBuilder"
fine_tuning_key: str | None = None
metrics_key: str = ""
+ analytics_event: str = ""
def __init__(self, organization: Organization):
self.organization = organization
@@ -88,9 +89,6 @@ class BaseNotification(abc.ABC):
def get_unsubscribe_key(self) -> tuple[str, int, str | None] | None:
return None
- def record_notification_sent(self, recipient: Team | User, provider: ExternalProviders) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError
def get_log_params(self, recipient: Team | User) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
return {
"organization_id": self.organization.id,
@@ -103,6 +101,24 @@ class BaseNotification(abc.ABC):
def get_callback_data(self) -> Mapping[str, Any] | None:
return None
+ def record_analytics(self, event_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ analytics.record(event_name, **kwargs)
+ def record_notification_sent(self, recipient: Team | User, provider: ExternalProviders) -> None:
+ # may want to explicitly pass in the parameters for this event
+ self.record_analytics(
+ f"integrations.{provider.name}.notification_sent",
+ category=self.get_category(),
+ **self.get_log_params(recipient),
+ )
+ # record an optional second event
+ if self.analytics_event:
+ self.record_analytics(
+ self.analytics_event,
+ providers=provider.name.lower(),
+ **self.get_log_params(recipient),
+ )
class ProjectNotification(BaseNotification, abc.ABC):
def __init__(self, project: Project) -> None:
@@ -114,14 +130,5 @@ class ProjectNotification(BaseNotification, abc.ABC):
project_link: str = absolute_uri(f"/{self.organization.slug}/{self.project.slug}/")
return project_link
- def record_notification_sent(self, recipient: Team | User, provider: ExternalProviders) -> None:
- analytics.record(
- f"integrations.{provider.name.lower()}.notification_sent",
- actor_id=recipient.id,
- category=self.get_category(),
- organization_id=self.organization.id,
- project_id=self.project.id,
- )
def get_log_params(self, recipient: Team | User) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
return {"project_id": self.project.id, **super().get_log_params(recipient)}