@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# If frontend files change, dispatch a request to getsentry to run its javascript test suites
-name: getsentry dispatcher
- # XXX: We are using `pull_request_target` instead of `pull_request` because we want
- # this to run on forks. It allows forks to access secrets safely by
- # only running workflows from the main branch. Prefer to use `pull_request` when possible.
- #
- # See https://github.com/getsentry/sentry/pull/21600 for more details
- pull_request_target:
- frontend:
- name: frontend dispatch
- runs-on: ubuntu-16.04
- steps:
- # Need to checkout just for `github/file-filters.yml`
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Check for frontend file changes
- uses: getsentry/paths-filter@v2
- id: changes
- with:
- token: ${{ github.token }}
- filters: .github/file-filters.yml
- - name: getsentry token
- uses: getsentry/action-github-app-token@v1
- id: getsentry
- with:
- app_id: ${{ secrets.SENTRY_INTERNAL_APP_ID }}
- private_key: ${{ secrets.SENTRY_INTERNAL_APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- - name: Dispatch getsentry frontend tests
- uses: actions/github-script@v3
- with:
- github-token: ${{ steps.getsentry.outputs.token }}
- script: |
- // Check for getsentry PR dependency
- const body = context.payload.pull_request.body;
- // Logs convert the full PR URL into a shortened link, but we need to match against the full URL
- const matches = body && body.match(/requires.*getsentry\/getsentry\/pull\/(\d+)/im);
- const pr = matches && await github.pulls.get({
- owner: 'getsentry',
- repo: 'getsentry',
- pull_number: matches[1],
- });
- const branch = pr ? pr.data.head.ref : '';
- github.actions.createWorkflowDispatch({
- owner: 'getsentry',
- repo: 'getsentry',
- workflow_id: 'js-build-and-lint.yml',
- ref: 'master',
- inputs: {
- pull_request: matches && matches[1] || '',
- branch,
- skip: "${{ steps.changes.outputs.frontend != 'true' }}",
- 'sentry-sha': '${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}',
- }
- })