@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
+import inspect
from contextlib import contextmanager
-from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, Iterable, Tuple
+from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, Iterable, Tuple, cast
from unittest import TestCase
import pytest
@@ -17,34 +18,26 @@ TestMethod = Callable[..., None]
class SiloModeTest:
"""Decorate a test case that is expected to work in a given silo mode.
- By default, the test is executed if the environment is in that silo mode or
- in monolith mode. The test is skipped in an incompatible mode.
- If the SILO_MODE_SPLICE_TESTS environment flag is set, any decorated test
- class will be modified by having new test methods inserted. These new
- methods run in the given modes and have generated names (such as
- "test_response__in_region_silo"). This can be used in a dev environment to
- test in multiple modes conveniently during a single test run. Individually
- decorated methods and stand-alone functions are treated as normal.
+ Tests marked to work in monolith mode are always executed.
+ Tests marked additionally to work in silo or control mode only do so when either
+ 1. the test is marked as stable=True
+ 2. the test is being run with SILO_MODE_UNSTABLE_TESTS=1
def __init__(self, *silo_modes: SiloMode) -> None:
self.silo_modes = frozenset(silo_modes)
- self.splice = bool(settings.SILO_MODE_SPLICE_TESTS)
+ self.run_unstable_tests = bool(settings.SILO_MODE_UNSTABLE_TESTS)
def _find_all_test_methods(test_class: type) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, TestMethod]]:
for attr_name in dir(test_class):
- if attr_name.startswith("test_"):
+ if attr_name.startswith("test_") or attr_name == "test":
attr = getattr(test_class, attr_name)
if callable(attr):
yield attr_name, attr
- def _create_mode_methods_to_splice(
- self, test_method: TestMethod
- ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, TestMethod]]:
- for mode in self.silo_modes:
+ def _create_mode_methods(self, test_method: TestMethod) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, TestMethod]]:
+ def method_for_mode(mode: SiloMode) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, TestMethod]]:
def replacement_test_method(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
with override_settings(SILO_MODE=mode):
test_method(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -54,31 +47,63 @@ class SiloModeTest:
replacement_test_method.__name__ = modified_name
yield modified_name, replacement_test_method
- def _splice_mode_methods(self, test_class: type) -> type:
+ for mode in self.silo_modes:
+ yield from method_for_mode(mode)
+ def _add_silo_modes_to_methods(self, test_class: type) -> type:
for (method_name, test_method) in self._find_all_test_methods(test_class):
- for (new_name, new_method) in self._create_mode_methods_to_splice(test_method):
- setattr(test_class, new_name, new_method)
+ for (new_method_name, new_test_method) in self._create_mode_methods(test_method):
+ setattr(test_class, new_method_name, new_test_method)
return test_class
- def __call__(self, decorated_obj: Any) -> Any:
+ def __call__(self, decorated_obj: Any = None, stable: bool = False) -> Any:
+ if decorated_obj:
+ return self._call(decorated_obj, stable)
+ def receive_decorated_obj(f: Any) -> Any:
+ return self._call(f, stable)
+ return receive_decorated_obj
+ def _mark_parameterized_by_silo_mode(self, test_method: TestMethod) -> TestMethod:
+ def replacement_test_method(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ with override_settings(SILO_MODE=kwargs.pop("silo_mode")):
+ return test_method(*args, **kwargs)
+ orig_sig = inspect.signature(test_method)
+ new_test_method = functools.update_wrapper(replacement_test_method, test_method)
+ if "silo_mode" not in orig_sig.parameters:
+ new_params = tuple(orig_sig.parameters.values()) + (
+ inspect.Parameter("silo_mode", inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY),
+ )
+ new_sig = orig_sig.replace(parameters=new_params)
+ new_test_method.__setattr__("__signature__", new_sig)
+ return cast(
+ TestMethod,
+ pytest.mark.parametrize("silo_mode", [mode for mode in self.silo_modes])(
+ new_test_method
+ ),
+ )
+ def _call(self, decorated_obj: Any, stable: bool) -> Any:
is_test_case_class = isinstance(decorated_obj, type) and issubclass(decorated_obj, TestCase)
is_function = callable(decorated_obj)
if not (is_test_case_class or is_function):
raise ValueError("@SiloModeTest must decorate a function or TestCase class")
- if self.splice and is_test_case_class:
- return self._splice_mode_methods(decorated_obj)
+ # Only run non monolith tests when they are marked stable or we are explicitly running for that mode.
+ if not stable and not self.run_unstable_tests:
+ # In this case, simply force the current silo mode (monolith)
+ return decorated_obj
- current_silo_mode = SiloMode.get_current_mode()
- is_skipped = (
- current_silo_mode != SiloMode.MONOLITH and current_silo_mode not in self.silo_modes
- )
- reason = f"Test case is not part of {current_silo_mode} mode"
- return pytest.mark.skipif(is_skipped, reason=reason)(decorated_obj)
+ if is_test_case_class:
+ return self._add_silo_modes_to_methods(decorated_obj)
+ return self._mark_parameterized_by_silo_mode(decorated_obj)
-control_silo_test = SiloModeTest(SiloMode.CONTROL)
-region_silo_test = SiloModeTest(SiloMode.REGION)
+control_silo_test = SiloModeTest(SiloMode.CONTROL, SiloMode.MONOLITH)
+region_silo_test = SiloModeTest(SiloMode.REGION, SiloMode.MONOLITH)