@@ -158,17 +158,14 @@ matrix:
name: 'Acceptance'
env: TEST_SUITE=acceptance USE_SNUBA=1
- # allowed to fail
- <<: *postgres_default
name: '[Django 1.10] Backend [Postgres] (1/2)'
env: DJANGO_VERSION=">=1.10,<1.11" TEST_SUITE=postgres DB=postgres TOTAL_TEST_GROUPS=2 TEST_GROUP=0
- # allowed to fail
- <<: *postgres_default
name: '[Django 1.10] Backend [Postgres] (2/2)'
env: DJANGO_VERSION=">=1.10,<1.11" TEST_SUITE=postgres DB=postgres TOTAL_TEST_GROUPS=2 TEST_GROUP=1
- # allowed to fail
- <<: *acceptance_default
name: '[Django 1.10] Acceptance'
env: DJANGO_VERSION=">=1.10,<1.11" TEST_SUITE=acceptance USE_SNUBA=1 PERCY_ENABLE=0
@@ -239,7 +236,6 @@ matrix:
- psql -c 'create database sentry;' -U postgres
- # allowed to fail
- python: 2.7
name: '[Django 1.10] Snuba Integration'
env: DJANGO_VERSION=">=1.10,<1.11" TEST_SUITE=snuba USE_SNUBA=1 SENTRY_ZOOKEEPER_HOSTS=localhost:2181 SENTRY_KAFKA_HOSTS=localhost:9092
@@ -283,10 +279,6 @@ matrix:
- name: 'Storybook Deploy'
- - name: '[Django 1.10] Backend [Postgres] (1/2)'
- - name: '[Django 1.10] Backend [Postgres] (2/2)'
- - name: '[Django 1.10] Acceptance'
- - name: '[Django 1.10] Snuba Integration'