@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ import {
import {IssueSortOptions} from 'sentry/views/issueList/utils';
import {DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD} from '../data';
+import {getNumEquations} from '../utils';
import {ColumnsStep} from './buildSteps/columnsStep';
import {DashboardStep} from './buildSteps/dashboardStep';
@@ -190,12 +191,6 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
- useEffect(() => {
- if (objectIsEmpty(tags)) {
- loadOrganizationTags(api, organization.slug, selection);
- }
- }, []);
// Feature flag for new widget builder design. This feature is still a work in progress and not yet available internally.
const widgetBuilderNewDesign = organization.features.includes(
@@ -272,6 +267,10 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
new_widget: !isEditing,
+ if (objectIsEmpty(tags)) {
+ loadOrganizationTags(api, organization.slug, selection);
+ }
if (isEditing && isValidWidgetIndex) {
const widgetFromDashboard = filteredDashboardWidgets[widgetIndexNum];
@@ -433,7 +432,10 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
set(newState, 'queries', normalized);
if (widgetBuilderNewDesign) {
- if (getIsTimeseriesChart(newDisplayType) && normalized[0].columns.length) {
+ if (
+ getIsTimeseriesChart(newDisplayType) &&
+ normalized[0].columns.filter(column => !!column).length
+ ) {
// If a limit already exists (i.e. going between timeseries) then keep it,
// otherwise calculate a limit
newState.limit =
@@ -566,7 +568,7 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
const newQueries = state.queries.map(query => {
const isDescending = query.orderby.startsWith('-');
- const orderbyAggregateAliasField = trimStart(query.orderby, '-');
+ const rawOrderby = trimStart(query.orderby, '-');
const prevAggregateAliasFieldStrings = query.aggregates.map(aggregate =>
state.dataSet === DataSet.RELEASE
? stripDerivedMetricsPrefix(aggregate)
@@ -601,32 +603,36 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
newQuery.columns = columnsAndAggregates?.columns ?? [];
- if (
- !aggregateAliasFieldStrings.includes(orderbyAggregateAliasField) &&
- query.orderby !== ''
- ) {
- if (prevAggregateAliasFieldStrings.length === newFields.length) {
- // The Field that was used in orderby has changed. Get the new field.
+ if (!aggregateAliasFieldStrings.includes(rawOrderby) && query.orderby !== '') {
+ if (
+ prevAggregateAliasFieldStrings.length === newFields.length &&
+ prevAggregateAliasFieldStrings.includes(rawOrderby)
+ ) {
+ // The aggregate that was used in orderby has changed. Get the new field.
let newOrderByValue =
- prevAggregateAliasFieldStrings.indexOf(orderbyAggregateAliasField)
+ prevAggregateAliasFieldStrings.indexOf(rawOrderby)
if (!stripEquationPrefix(newOrderByValue ?? '')) {
newOrderByValue = '';
- if (isDescending) {
- newQuery.orderby = `-${newOrderByValue}`;
- } else {
- newQuery.orderby = newOrderByValue;
- }
+ newQuery.orderby = `${isDescending ? '-' : ''}${newOrderByValue}`;
} else {
+ const isFromAggregates = aggregateAliasFieldStrings.includes(rawOrderby);
+ const isCustomEquation = isEquation(rawOrderby);
+ const isUsedInGrouping = newQuery.columns.includes(rawOrderby);
+ const keepCurrentOrderby =
+ isFromAggregates || isCustomEquation || isUsedInGrouping;
+ const firstAggregateAlias = isEquation(aggregateAliasFieldStrings[0])
+ ? `equation[${getNumEquations(aggregateAliasFieldStrings) - 1}]`
+ : aggregateAliasFieldStrings[0];
newQuery.orderby = widgetBuilderNewDesign
- ? ((aggregateAliasFieldStrings.includes(orderbyAggregateAliasField) ||
- isEquation(orderbyAggregateAliasField)) &&
- newQuery.orderby) ||
- `${isDescending ? '-' : ''}${aggregateAliasFieldStrings[0]}`
+ ? (keepCurrentOrderby && newQuery.orderby) ||
+ `${isDescending ? '-' : ''}${firstAggregateAlias}`
: '';
@@ -670,28 +676,47 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
const newQueries = state.queries.map(query => {
const newQuery = cloneDeep(query);
newQuery.columns = fieldStrings;
+ const orderby = trimStart(newQuery.orderby, '-');
+ const aggregateAliasFieldStrings = newQuery.aggregates.map(getAggregateAlias);
+ if (!fieldStrings.length) {
+ // The grouping was cleared, so clear the orderby
+ newQuery.orderby = '';
+ } else if (
+ aggregateAliasFieldStrings.length &&
+ !aggregateAliasFieldStrings.includes(orderby) &&
+ !newQuery.columns.includes(orderby) &&
+ !isEquation(orderby)
+ ) {
+ // If the orderby isn't contained in either aggregates or columns, choose the first aggregate
+ const isDescending = newQuery.orderby.startsWith('-');
+ const prefix = orderby && !isDescending ? '' : '-';
+ const firstAggregateAlias = isEquation(aggregateAliasFieldStrings[0])
+ ? `equation[${getNumEquations(aggregateAliasFieldStrings) - 1}]`
+ : aggregateAliasFieldStrings[0];
+ newQuery.orderby = `${prefix}${firstAggregateAlias}`;
+ }
return newQuery;
set(newState, 'userHasModified', true);
set(newState, 'queries', newQueries);
- if (widgetBuilderNewDesign && isTimeseriesChart) {
- const groupByFields = newState.queries[0].columns.filter(
- field => !(field === 'equation|')
+ const groupByFields = newState.queries[0].columns.filter(
+ field => !(field === 'equation|')
+ );
+ if (groupByFields.length === 0) {
+ set(newState, 'limit', undefined);
+ } else {
+ set(
+ newState,
+ 'limit',
+ Math.min(
+ newState.limit ?? DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT,
+ getResultsLimit(newQueries.length, newQueries[0].aggregates.length)
+ )
- if (groupByFields.length === 0) {
- set(newState, 'limit', undefined);
- } else {
- set(
- newState,
- 'limit',
- Math.min(
- newState.limit ?? DEFAULT_RESULTS_LIMIT,
- getResultsLimit(newQueries.length, newQueries[0].aggregates.length)
- )
- );
- }
@@ -920,6 +945,16 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
return false;
+ if (isEditing && !isValidWidgetIndex) {
+ return (
+ <SentryDocumentTitle title={dashboard.title} orgSlug={orgSlug}>
+ <PageContent>
+ <LoadingError message={t('The widget you want to edit was not found.')} />
+ </PageContent>
+ </SentryDocumentTitle>
+ );
+ }
const canAddSearchConditions =
[DisplayType.LINE, DisplayType.AREA, DisplayType.BAR].includes(state.displayType) &&
state.queries.length < 3;
@@ -950,15 +985,16 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
? fields.map((field, index) => explodeField({field, alias: fieldAliases[index]}))
: [...explodedColumns, ...explodedAggregates];
- if (isEditing && !isValidWidgetIndex) {
- return (
- <SentryDocumentTitle title={dashboard.title} orgSlug={orgSlug}>
- <PageContent>
- <LoadingError message={t('The widget you want to edit was not found.')} />
- </PageContent>
- </SentryDocumentTitle>
- );
- }
+ const groupByValueSelected = currentWidget.queries.some(query => {
+ const noEmptyColumns = query.columns.filter(column => !!column);
+ return noEmptyColumns.length > 0;
+ });
+ // The SortBy field shall only be displayed in tabular visualizations or
+ // on time-series visualizations when at least one groupBy value is selected
+ const displaySortByStep =
+ (widgetBuilderNewDesign && isTimeseriesChart && groupByValueSelected) ||
+ isTabularChart;
return (
<SentryDocumentTitle title={dashboard.title} orgSlug={orgSlug}>
@@ -1053,7 +1089,7 @@ function WidgetBuilder({
- {((widgetBuilderNewDesign && isTimeseriesChart) || isTabularChart) && (
+ {displaySortByStep && (