Browse Source

ref(py): Explicitly import models (#24981)

Evan Purkhiser 3 years ago
1 changed files with 116 additions and 3 deletions
  1. 116 3

+ 116 - 3

@@ -1,3 +1,116 @@
-from sentry.utils.imports import import_submodules
-import_submodules(globals(), __name__, __path__)
+from .activity import *  # NOQA
+from .actor import *  # NOQA
+from .apiapplication import *  # NOQA
+from .apiauthorization import *  # NOQA
+from .apigrant import *  # NOQA
+from .apikey import *  # NOQA
+from .apiscopes import *  # NOQA
+from .apitoken import *  # NOQA
+from .assistant import *  # NOQA
+from .auditlogentry import *  # NOQA
+from .authenticator import *  # NOQA
+from .authidentity import *  # NOQA
+from .authprovider import *  # NOQA
+from .avatar import *  # NOQA
+from .broadcast import *  # NOQA
+from .commit import *  # NOQA
+from .commitauthor import *  # NOQA
+from .commitfilechange import *  # NOQA
+from .counter import *  # NOQA
+from .dashboard import *  # NOQA
+from .dashboard_widget import *  # NOQA
+from .debugfile import *  # NOQA
+from .deletedentry import *  # NOQA
+from .deletedorganization import *  # NOQA
+from .deletedproject import *  # NOQA
+from .deletedteam import *  # NOQA
+from .deploy import *  # NOQA
+from .distribution import *  # NOQA
+from .email import *  # NOQA
+from .environment import *  # NOQA
+from .event import *  # NOQA
+from .eventattachment import *  # NOQA
+from .eventerror import *  # NOQA
+from .eventuser import *  # NOQA
+from .externalissue import *  # NOQA
+from .featureadoption import *  # NOQA
+from .file import *  # NOQA
+from .group import *  # NOQA
+from .groupassignee import *  # NOQA
+from .groupbookmark import *  # NOQA
+from .groupcommitresolution import *  # NOQA
+from .groupemailthread import *  # NOQA
+from .groupenvironment import *  # NOQA
+from .grouphash import *  # NOQA
+from .groupinbox import *  # NOQA
+from .grouplink import *  # NOQA
+from .groupmeta import *  # NOQA
+from .groupowner import *  # NOQA
+from .groupredirect import *  # NOQA
+from .grouprelease import *  # NOQA
+from .groupresolution import *  # NOQA
+from .grouprulestatus import *  # NOQA
+from .groupseen import *  # NOQA
+from .groupshare import *  # NOQA
+from .groupsnooze import *  # NOQA
+from .groupsubscription import *  # NOQA
+from .grouptombstone import *  # NOQA
+from .identity import *  # NOQA
+from .integration import *  # NOQA
+from .integrationfeature import *  # NOQA
+from .latestreporeleaseenvironment import *  # NOQA
+from .lostpasswordhash import *  # NOQA
+from .monitor import *  # NOQA
+from .monitorcheckin import *  # NOQA
+from .monitorlocation import *  # NOQA
+from .notificationsetting import *  # NOQA
+from .option import *  # NOQA
+from .organization import *  # NOQA
+from .organizationaccessrequest import *  # NOQA
+from .organizationavatar import *  # NOQA
+from .organizationmember import *  # NOQA
+from .organizationonboardingtask import *  # NOQA
+from .organizationoption import *  # NOQA
+from .platformexternalissue import *  # NOQA
+from .processingissue import *  # NOQA
+from .project import *  # NOQA
+from .projectavatar import *  # NOQA
+from .projectbookmark import *  # NOQA
+from .projectcodeowners import *  # NOQA
+from .projectkey import *  # NOQA
+from .projectoption import *  # NOQA
+from .projectownership import *  # NOQA
+from .projectplatform import *  # NOQA
+from .projectredirect import *  # NOQA
+from .promptsactivity import *  # NOQA
+from .pullrequest import *  # NOQA
+from .rawevent import *  # NOQA
+from .recentsearch import *  # NOQA
+from .relay import *  # NOQA
+from .release import *  # NOQA
+from .releasecommit import *  # NOQA
+from .releaseenvironment import *  # NOQA
+from .releasefile import *  # NOQA
+from .releaseheadcommit import *  # NOQA
+from .releaseprojectenvironment import *  # NOQA
+from .repository import *  # NOQA
+from .reprocessingreport import *  # NOQA
+from .rule import *  # NOQA
+from .savedsearch import *  # NOQA
+from .scheduledeletion import *  # NOQA
+from .scheduledjob import *  # NOQA
+from .search_common import *  # NOQA
+from .sentryapp import *  # NOQA
+from .sentryappavatar import *  # NOQA
+from .sentryappcomponent import *  # NOQA
+from .sentryappinstallation import *  # NOQA
+from .servicehook import *  # NOQA
+from .team import *  # NOQA
+from .teamavatar import *  # NOQA
+from .user import *  # NOQA
+from .useravatar import *  # NOQA
+from .useremail import *  # NOQA
+from .userip import *  # NOQA
+from .useroption import *  # NOQA
+from .userpermission import *  # NOQA
+from .userreport import *  # NOQA