@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import {Location} from 'history';
+import {browserHistory} from 'react-router';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import {Panel} from 'app/components/panels';
+import Button from 'app/components/button';
+import LoadingIndicator from 'app/components/loadingIndicator';
+import withApi from 'app/utils/withApi';
+import withProjects from 'app/utils/withProjects';
+import withOrganization from 'app/utils/withOrganization';
+import DiscoverQuery from 'app/utils/discover/discoverQuery';
+import space from 'app/styles/space';
+import {Organization, Project} from 'app/types';
+import {Client} from 'app/api';
+import {t, tct} from 'app/locale';
+import QuestionTooltip from 'app/components/questionTooltip';
+import {formatPercentage, getDuration} from 'app/utils/formatters';
+import {DEFAULT_RELATIVE_PERIODS} from 'app/constants';
+import {
+ TrendChangeType,
+ TrendFunctionField,
+ TrendView,
+ ProjectTrendsData,
+ NormalizedProjectTrend,
+} from './types';
+import {modifyTrendView, normalizeTrends, trendToColor, getTrendProjectId} from './utils';
+import {HeaderTitleLegend} from '../styles';
+type Props = {
+ api: Client;
+ organization: Organization;
+ trendChangeType: TrendChangeType;
+ previousTrendFunction?: TrendFunctionField;
+ trendView: TrendView;
+ location: Location;
+ projects: Project[];
+function getTitle(trendChangeType: TrendChangeType): string {
+ switch (trendChangeType) {
+ case TrendChangeType.IMPROVED:
+ return t('Most Improved Project');
+ case TrendChangeType.REGRESSION:
+ return t('Worst Regressed Project');
+ default:
+ throw new Error('No trend type passed');
+ }
+function getDescription(
+ trendChangeType: TrendChangeType,
+ trendView: TrendView,
+ projectTrend: NormalizedProjectTrend
+) {
+ const absolutePercentChange = formatPercentage(
+ Math.abs(projectTrend.percentage_aggregate_range_2_aggregate_range_1 - 1),
+ 0
+ );
+ const project = <strong>{projectTrend.project}</strong>;
+ const currentPeriodValue = projectTrend.aggregate_range_2;
+ const previousPeriodValue = projectTrend.aggregate_range_1;
+ const previousValue = getDuration(
+ previousPeriodValue / 1000,
+ previousPeriodValue < 1000 ? 0 : 2
+ );
+ const currentValue = getDuration(
+ currentPeriodValue / 1000,
+ currentPeriodValue < 1000 ? 0 : 2
+ );
+ const absoluteChange = Math.abs(currentPeriodValue - previousPeriodValue);
+ const absoluteChangeDuration = getDuration(
+ absoluteChange / 1000,
+ absoluteChange < 1000 ? 0 : 2
+ );
+ const period = trendView.statsPeriod
+ ? DEFAULT_RELATIVE_PERIODS[trendView.statsPeriod].toLowerCase()
+ : t('given timeframe');
+ const improvedTemplate =
+ 'In the [period], [project] sped up by [absoluteChangeDuration] (a [percent] decrease in duration). See the top transactions that made that happen.';
+ const regressedTemplate =
+ 'In the [period], [project] slowed down by [absoluteChangeDuration] (a [percent] increase in duration). See the top transactions that made that happen.';
+ const template =
+ trendChangeType === TrendChangeType.IMPROVED ? improvedTemplate : regressedTemplate;
+ return tct(template, {
+ project,
+ period,
+ percent: absolutePercentChange,
+ absoluteChangeDuration,
+ previousValue,
+ currentValue,
+ });
+function getNoResultsDescription(trendChangeType: TrendChangeType) {
+ return trendChangeType === TrendChangeType.IMPROVED
+ ? t('The glass is half empty today. There are only regressions so get back to work.')
+ : t(
+ 'The glass is half full today. There are only improvements so get some ice cream.'
+ );
+function handleViewTransactions(
+ projectTrend: NormalizedProjectTrend,
+ projects: Project[],
+ location: Location
+) {
+ const projectId = getTrendProjectId(projectTrend, projects);
+ browserHistory.push({
+ pathname: location.pathname,
+ query: {
+ ...location.query,
+ project: [projectId],
+ },
+ });
+function ChangedProjects(props: Props) {
+ const {location, trendView, organization, projects, trendChangeType} = props;
+ const projectTrendView = trendView.clone();
+ const containerTitle = getTitle(trendChangeType);
+ modifyTrendView(projectTrendView, location, trendChangeType, true);
+ return (
+ <DiscoverQuery
+ eventView={projectTrendView}
+ orgSlug={organization.slug}
+ location={location}
+ trendChangeType={trendChangeType}
+ limit={1}
+ >
+ {({isLoading, tableData}) => {
+ const eventsTrendsData = (tableData as unknown) as ProjectTrendsData;
+ const trends = eventsTrendsData?.events?.data || [];
+ const events = normalizeTrends(trends);
+ const transactionsList = events && events.slice ? events.slice(0, 5) : [];
+ const projectTrend = transactionsList[0];
+ const titleTooltipContent = t(
+ 'This shows the project with largest changes across its transactions'
+ );
+ return (
+ <ChangedProjectsContainer>
+ <StyledPanel>
+ <DescriptionContainer>
+ <ContainerTitle>
+ <HeaderTitleLegend>
+ {containerTitle}{' '}
+ <QuestionTooltip
+ size="sm"
+ position="top"
+ title={titleTooltipContent}
+ />
+ </HeaderTitleLegend>
+ </ContainerTitle>
+ {isLoading ? (
+ <LoadingIndicatorContainer>
+ <LoadingIndicator mini />
+ </LoadingIndicatorContainer>
+ ) : (
+ <React.Fragment>
+ {transactionsList.length ? (
+ <React.Fragment>
+ <ProjectTrendContainer>
+ <div>
+ {getDescription(trendChangeType, trendView, projectTrend)}
+ </div>
+ </ProjectTrendContainer>
+ </React.Fragment>
+ ) : (
+ <ProjectTrendContainer>
+ <div>{getNoResultsDescription(trendChangeType)}</div>
+ </ProjectTrendContainer>
+ )}
+ {projectTrend && (
+ <ButtonContainer>
+ <Button
+ onClick={() =>
+ handleViewTransactions(projectTrend, projects, location)
+ }
+ size="small"
+ >
+ {t('View Transactions')}
+ </Button>
+ </ButtonContainer>
+ )}
+ </React.Fragment>
+ )}
+ </DescriptionContainer>
+ <VisualizationContainer>
+ {projectTrend &&
+ !isLoading &&
+ getVisualization(trendChangeType, projectTrend)}
+ </VisualizationContainer>
+ </StyledPanel>
+ </ChangedProjectsContainer>
+ );
+ }}
+ </DiscoverQuery>
+ );
+const StyledPanel = styled(Panel)`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;
+const DescriptionContainer = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ min-height: 185px;
+const VisualizationContainer = styled('div')``;
+const ChangedProjectsContainer = styled('div')``;
+const ContainerTitle = styled('div')`
+ padding-top: ${space(3)};
+ padding-left: ${space(2)};
+const LoadingIndicatorContainer = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ height: 100%;
+const ProjectTrendContainer = styled('div')`
+ padding: ${space(2)};
+ margin-top: ${space(1)};
+ margin-left: ${space(1)};
+ font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeMedium};
+ color: ${p => p.theme.gray600};
+const ButtonContainer = styled('div')`
+ padding-left: ${space(2)};
+ margin-left: ${space(1)};
+ padding-bottom: ${space(2)};
+function getVisualization(
+ trendChangeType: TrendChangeType,
+ projectTrend: NormalizedProjectTrend
+) {
+ const color = trendToColor[trendChangeType];
+ const trendPercent = formatPercentage(
+ projectTrend.percentage_aggregate_range_2_aggregate_range_1 - 1,
+ 0
+ );
+ return (
+ <div>
+ <TrendCircle color={color}>
+ <TrendCircleContent>
+ <TrendCirclePrimary>
+ {trendChangeType === TrendChangeType.REGRESSION ? '+' : ''}
+ {trendPercent}
+ </TrendCirclePrimary>
+ <TrendCircleSecondary>{projectTrend.project}</TrendCircleSecondary>
+ </TrendCircleContent>
+ </TrendCircle>
+ </div>
+ );
+const TrendCircle = styled('div')<{color: string}>`
+ width: 124px;
+ height: 124px;
+ margin: ${space(3)};
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 5px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ border-color: ${p => p.color};
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+const TrendCircleContent = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ align-items: center;
+const TrendCirclePrimary = styled('div')`
+ font-size: 26px;
+ line-height: 37px;
+const TrendCircleSecondary = styled('div')`
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 12px;
+ color: ${p => p.theme.gray500};
+export default withApi(withProjects(withOrganization(ChangedProjects)));