@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router';
+import {useTheme} from '@emotion/react';
+import styled from '@emotion/styled';
+import MarkLine from 'sentry/components/charts/components/markLine';
+import DatePageFilter from 'sentry/components/datePageFilter';
+import * as Layout from 'sentry/components/layouts/thirds';
+import PageFiltersContainer from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/container';
+import TimeSince from 'sentry/components/timeSince';
+import {t} from 'sentry/locale';
+import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space';
+import {formatPercentage} from 'sentry/utils/formatters';
+import {
+ PageErrorAlert,
+ PageErrorProvider,
+} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/pageError';
+import Chart from 'sentry/views/starfish/components/chart';
+import {Block, BlockContainer} from 'sentry/views/starfish/views/spans/spanSummaryPanel';
+import {ReleasePreview} from 'sentry/views/starfish/views/spans/spanSummaryPanel/releasePreview';
+import {SpanDescription} from 'sentry/views/starfish/views/spans/spanSummaryPanel/spanDescription';
+import {SpanTransactionsTable} from 'sentry/views/starfish/views/spans/spanSummaryPanel/spanTransactionsTable';
+import {useApplicationMetrics} from 'sentry/views/starfish/views/spans/spanSummaryPanel/useApplicationMetrics';
+import {useSpanById} from 'sentry/views/starfish/views/spans/spanSummaryPanel/useSpanById';
+import {useSpanMetrics} from 'sentry/views/starfish/views/spans/spanSummaryPanel/useSpanMetrics';
+import {useSpanMetricSeries} from 'sentry/views/starfish/views/spans/spanSummaryPanel/useSpanMetricSeries';
+import {
+ useSpanFirstSeenEvent,
+ useSpanLastSeenEvent,
+} from 'sentry/views/starfish/views/spans/spanSummaryPanel/useSpanSeenEvent';
+type Props = {
+ location: Location;
+} & RouteComponentProps<{groupId: string}, {}>;
+function SpanSummaryPage({params}: Props) {
+ const {groupId} = params;
+ const theme = useTheme();
+ const {data: span} = useSpanById(groupId, 'span-summary-page');
+ const {data: applicationMetrics} = useApplicationMetrics();
+ const {data: spanMetrics} = useSpanMetrics({group_id: groupId});
+ const {data: spanMetricSeries} = useSpanMetricSeries(span);
+ const {data: firstSeenSpanEvent} = useSpanFirstSeenEvent({group_id: groupId});
+ const {data: lastSeenSpanEvent} = useSpanLastSeenEvent({group_id: groupId});
+ return (
+ <Layout.Page>
+ <PageFiltersContainer>
+ <PageErrorProvider>
+ <Layout.Header>
+ <Layout.HeaderContent>
+ <Layout.Title> Span Summary </Layout.Title>
+ </Layout.HeaderContent>{' '}
+ </Layout.Header>
+ <Layout.Body>
+ <Layout.Main fullWidth>
+ <PageErrorAlert />
+ <FilterOptionsContainer>
+ <DatePageFilter alignDropdown="left" />
+ </FilterOptionsContainer>
+ <BlockContainer>
+ <Block
+ title={t('First Seen')}
+ description={t(
+ 'The first time this span was ever seen in the current retention window'
+ )}
+ >
+ <TimeSince date={spanMetrics?.first_seen} />
+ {firstSeenSpanEvent?.release && (
+ <ReleasePreview release={firstSeenSpanEvent?.release} />
+ )}
+ </Block>
+ <Block
+ title={t('Last Seen')}
+ description={t('The most recent time this span was seen')}
+ >
+ <TimeSince date={spanMetrics?.last_seen} />
+ {lastSeenSpanEvent?.release && (
+ <ReleasePreview release={lastSeenSpanEvent?.release} />
+ )}
+ </Block>
+ <Block
+ title={t('Total Spans')}
+ description={t(
+ 'The total number of times this span was seen in all time'
+ )}
+ >
+ {spanMetrics?.count}
+ </Block>
+ <Block
+ title={t('App Impact')}
+ description={t(
+ 'The total exclusive time taken up by this span vs. entire application'
+ )}
+ >
+ {formatPercentage(
+ spanMetrics?.total_time / applicationMetrics?.total_time
+ )}
+ </Block>
+ </BlockContainer>
+ <BlockContainer>
+ {span && (
+ <Block title={t('Description')}>
+ <SpanDescription span={span} />
+ </Block>
+ )}
+ </BlockContainer>
+ <BlockContainer>
+ <Block
+ title={t('Span Throughput (SPM)')}
+ description={t('Spans per minute')}
+ >
+ <Chart
+ statsPeriod="24h"
+ height={140}
+ data={[
+ {
+ ...spanMetricSeries.spm,
+ markLine: spanMetrics?.p50
+ ? MarkLine({
+ silent: true,
+ animation: false,
+ lineStyle: {color: theme.blue300, type: 'dotted'},
+ data: [
+ {
+ yAxis: spanMetrics.spm,
+ },
+ ],
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ position: 'insideStart',
+ },
+ })
+ : undefined,
+ },
+ ]}
+ start=""
+ end=""
+ loading={false}
+ utc={false}
+ stacked
+ isLineChart
+ disableXAxis
+ hideYAxisSplitLine
+ />
+ </Block>
+ <Block title={t('Span Duration (p50)')} description={t('Exclusive time')}>
+ <Chart
+ statsPeriod="24h"
+ height={140}
+ data={[
+ {
+ ...spanMetricSeries.p50,
+ markLine: spanMetrics?.p50
+ ? MarkLine({
+ silent: true,
+ animation: false,
+ lineStyle: {color: theme.blue300, type: 'dotted'},
+ data: [
+ {
+ yAxis: spanMetrics.p50,
+ },
+ ],
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ position: 'insideStart',
+ },
+ })
+ : undefined,
+ },
+ ]}
+ start=""
+ end=""
+ loading={false}
+ chartColors={theme.charts.getColorPalette(4).slice(3, 5)}
+ utc={false}
+ stacked
+ isLineChart
+ disableXAxis
+ hideYAxisSplitLine
+ />
+ </Block>
+ {span?.span_operation === 'http.client' ? (
+ <Block title={t('Failure Rate')} description={t('Non-200 HTTP status')}>
+ <Chart
+ statsPeriod="24h"
+ height={140}
+ data={[spanMetricSeries.failure_rate]}
+ start=""
+ end=""
+ loading={false}
+ chartColors={[theme.charts.getColorPalette(2)[2]]}
+ utc={false}
+ stacked
+ isLineChart
+ disableXAxis
+ hideYAxisSplitLine
+ />
+ </Block>
+ ) : null}
+ </BlockContainer>
+ <BlockContainer>
+ {span && <SpanTransactionsTable span={span} />}
+ </BlockContainer>
+ </Layout.Main>
+ </Layout.Body>
+ </PageErrorProvider>
+ </PageFiltersContainer>
+ </Layout.Page>
+ );
+const FilterOptionsContainer = styled('div')`
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: row;
+ gap: ${space(1)};
+ align-items: center;
+ margin-bottom: ${space(2)};
+export default SpanSummaryPage;