@@ -12,8 +12,14 @@ import {Client} from 'app/api';
import ButtonBar from 'app/components/buttonBar';
import DropdownLink from 'app/components/dropdownLink';
import {getParams} from 'app/components/organizations/globalSelectionHeader/getParams';
-import {ParseResult, parseSearch} from 'app/components/searchSyntax/parser';
+import {
+ ParseResult,
+ parseSearch,
+ TermOperator,
+ Token,
+} from 'app/components/searchSyntax/parser';
import HighlightQuery from 'app/components/searchSyntax/renderer';
+import {getKeyName, isWithinToken} from 'app/components/searchSyntax/utils';
import {
@@ -37,8 +43,10 @@ import {
+ generateOperatorEntryMap,
+ getValidOps,
} from './utils';
@@ -65,6 +73,20 @@ const makeQueryState = (query: string) => ({
parsedQuery: parseSearch(query),
+const generateOpAutocompleteGroup = (
+ validOps: readonly TermOperator[],
+ tagName: string
+): AutocompleteGroup => {
+ const operatorMap = generateOperatorEntryMap(tagName);
+ const operatorItems = validOps.map(op => operatorMap[op]);
+ return {
+ searchItems: operatorItems,
+ recentSearchItems: undefined,
+ tagName: '',
+ type: 'tag-operator' as ItemType,
+ };
type ActionProps = {
api: Client;
@@ -96,6 +118,13 @@ type ActionBarItem = {
Action: React.ComponentType<ActionProps>;
+type AutocompleteGroup = {
+ searchItems: SearchItem[];
+ recentSearchItems: SearchItem[] | undefined;
+ tagName: string;
+ type: ItemType;
type Props = WithRouterProps & {
api: Client;
organization: LightWeightOrganization;
@@ -513,6 +542,10 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
onKeyUp = (evt: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLTextAreaElement>) => {
+ if (evt.key === 'ArrowLeft' || evt.key === 'ArrowRight') {
+ this.updateAutoCompleteItems();
+ }
// Other keys are managed at onKeyDown function
if (evt.key !== 'Escape') {
@@ -749,6 +782,179 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
return [];
+ async generateTagAutocompleteGroup(tagName: string): Promise<AutocompleteGroup> {
+ const tagKeys = this.getTagKeys(tagName);
+ const recentSearches = await this.getRecentSearches();
+ return {
+ searchItems: tagKeys,
+ recentSearchItems: recentSearches ?? [],
+ tagName,
+ type: 'tag-key' as ItemType,
+ };
+ }
+ generateValueAutocompleteGroup = async (
+ tagName: string,
+ query: string
+ ): Promise<AutocompleteGroup | null> => {
+ const {prepareQuery, excludeEnvironment} = this.props;
+ const supportedTags = this.props.supportedTags ?? {};
+ const preparedQuery =
+ typeof prepareQuery === 'function' ? prepareQuery(query) : query;
+ // filter existing items immediately, until API can return
+ // with actual tag value results
+ const filteredSearchGroups = !preparedQuery
+ ? this.state.searchGroups
+ : this.state.searchGroups.filter(
+ item => item.value && item.value.indexOf(preparedQuery) !== -1
+ );
+ this.setState({
+ searchTerm: query,
+ searchGroups: filteredSearchGroups,
+ });
+ const tag = supportedTags[tagName];
+ if (!tag) {
+ return {
+ searchItems: [],
+ recentSearchItems: [],
+ tagName,
+ type: 'invalid-tag',
+ };
+ }
+ // Ignore the environment tag if the feature is active and
+ // excludeEnvironment = true
+ if (excludeEnvironment && tagName === 'environment') {
+ return null;
+ }
+ const fetchTagValuesFn =
+ tag.key === 'firstRelease'
+ ? this.getReleases
+ : tag.predefined
+ ? this.getPredefinedTagValues
+ : this.getTagValues;
+ const [tagValues, recentSearches] = await Promise.all([
+ fetchTagValuesFn(tag, preparedQuery),
+ this.getRecentSearches(),
+ ]);
+ return {
+ searchItems: tagValues ?? [],
+ recentSearchItems: recentSearches ?? [],
+ tagName: tag.key,
+ type: 'tag-value',
+ };
+ };
+ showDefaultSearches = async () => {
+ const {query} = this.state;
+ const [defaultSearchItems, defaultRecentItems] = this.props.defaultSearchItems!;
+ if (!defaultSearchItems.length) {
+ // Update searchTerm, otherwise <SearchDropdown> will have wrong state
+ // (e.g. if you delete a query, the last letter will be highlighted if `searchTerm`
+ // does not get updated)
+ this.setState({searchTerm: query});
+ const tagKeys = this.getTagKeys('');
+ const recentSearches = await this.getRecentSearches();
+ this.updateAutoCompleteState(tagKeys, recentSearches ?? [], '', 'tag-key');
+ return;
+ }
+ // cursor on whitespace show default "help" search terms
+ this.setState({searchTerm: ''});
+ this.updateAutoCompleteState(defaultSearchItems, defaultRecentItems, '', 'default');
+ return;
+ };
+ getCursorToken = (
+ parsedQuery: ParseResult,
+ cursor: number
+ ): ParseResult[number] | null => {
+ for (const node of parsedQuery) {
+ if (node.type === Token.Spaces || !isWithinToken(node, cursor)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // traverse into a logic group to find specific filter
+ if (node.type === Token.LogicGroup) {
+ return this.getCursorToken(node.inner, cursor);
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ updateAutoCompleteFromAst = async () => {
+ const cursor = this.getCursorPosition();
+ const {parsedQuery} = this.state;
+ if (!parsedQuery) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const cursorToken = this.getCursorToken(parsedQuery, cursor);
+ if (!cursorToken) {
+ this.showDefaultSearches();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cursorToken.type === Token.Filter) {
+ const tagName = getKeyName(cursorToken.key, {aggregateWithArgs: true});
+ // check if we are on the tag, value, or operator
+ if (isWithinToken(cursorToken.value, cursor)) {
+ const node = cursorToken.value;
+ const valueGroup = await this.generateValueAutocompleteGroup(tagName, node.text);
+ const autocompleteGroups = valueGroup ? [valueGroup] : [];
+ // show operator group if at beginning of value
+ if (cursor === node.location.start.offset) {
+ const opGroup = generateOpAutocompleteGroup(getValidOps(cursorToken), tagName);
+ autocompleteGroups.unshift(opGroup);
+ }
+ this.updateAutoCompleteStateMultiHeader(autocompleteGroups);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isWithinToken(cursorToken.key, cursor)) {
+ const node = cursorToken.key;
+ const autocompleteGroups = [await this.generateTagAutocompleteGroup(tagName)];
+ // show operator group if at end of key
+ if (cursor === node.location.end.offset) {
+ const opGroup = generateOpAutocompleteGroup(getValidOps(cursorToken), tagName);
+ autocompleteGroups.unshift(opGroup);
+ }
+ this.setState({searchTerm: tagName});
+ this.updateAutoCompleteStateMultiHeader(autocompleteGroups);
+ return;
+ }
+ // show operator autocomplete group
+ const opGroup = generateOpAutocompleteGroup(getValidOps(cursorToken), tagName);
+ this.updateAutoCompleteStateMultiHeader([opGroup]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cursorToken.type === Token.FreeText) {
+ const autocompleteGroups = [
+ await this.generateTagAutocompleteGroup(cursorToken.text),
+ ];
+ this.setState({searchTerm: cursorToken.text});
+ this.updateAutoCompleteStateMultiHeader(autocompleteGroups);
+ return;
+ }
+ };
updateAutoCompleteItems = async () => {
if (this.blurTimeout) {
@@ -756,7 +962,13 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
const cursor = this.getCursorPosition();
- let query = this.state.query;
+ const {organization} = this.props;
+ if (organization.features.includes('search-syntax-highlight')) {
+ this.updateAutoCompleteFromAst();
+ return;
+ }
+ let {query} = this.state;
// Don't continue if the query hasn't changed
if (query === this.state.previousQuery) {
@@ -774,25 +986,7 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
(terms.length === 1 && terms[0] === this.props.defaultQuery) || // default term
/^\s+$/.test(query.slice(cursor - 1, cursor + 1))
) {
- const [defaultSearchItems, defaultRecentItems] = this.props.defaultSearchItems!;
- if (!defaultSearchItems.length) {
- // Update searchTerm, otherwise <SearchDropdown> will have wrong state
- // (e.g. if you delete a query, the last letter will be highlighted if `searchTerm`
- // does not get updated)
- this.setState({searchTerm: query});
- const tagKeys = this.getTagKeys('');
- const recentSearches = await this.getRecentSearches();
- this.updateAutoCompleteState(tagKeys, recentSearches ?? [], '', 'tag-key');
- return;
- }
- // cursor on whitespace show default "help" search terms
- this.setState({searchTerm: ''});
- this.updateAutoCompleteState(defaultSearchItems, defaultRecentItems, '', 'default');
+ this.showDefaultSearches();
@@ -820,9 +1014,6 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
- const {prepareQuery, excludeEnvironment} = this.props;
- const supportedTags = this.props.supportedTags ?? {};
// TODO(billy): Better parsing for these examples
// > sentry:release:
@@ -832,54 +1023,16 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
// e.g. given "!gpu" we want "gpu"
tagName = tagName.replace(new RegExp(`^${NEGATION_OPERATOR}`), '');
query = last.slice(index + 1);
- const preparedQuery =
- typeof prepareQuery === 'function' ? prepareQuery(query) : query;
- // filter existing items immediately, until API can return
- // with actual tag value results
- const filteredSearchGroups = !preparedQuery
- ? this.state.searchGroups
- : this.state.searchGroups.filter(
- item => item.value && item.value.indexOf(preparedQuery) !== -1
- );
- this.setState({
- searchTerm: query,
- searchGroups: filteredSearchGroups,
- });
- const tag = supportedTags[tagName];
- if (!tag) {
- this.updateAutoCompleteState([], [], tagName, 'invalid-tag');
- return;
- }
- // Ignore the environment tag if the feature is active and
- // excludeEnvironment = true
- if (excludeEnvironment && tagName === 'environment') {
+ const valueGroup = await this.generateValueAutocompleteGroup(tagName, query);
+ if (valueGroup) {
+ this.updateAutoCompleteState(
+ valueGroup.searchItems ?? [],
+ valueGroup.recentSearchItems ?? [],
+ valueGroup.tagName,
+ valueGroup.type
+ );
- const fetchTagValuesFn =
- tag.key === 'firstRelease'
- ? this.getReleases
- : tag.predefined
- ? this.getPredefinedTagValues
- : this.getTagValues;
- const [tagValues, recentSearches] = await Promise.all([
- fetchTagValuesFn(tag, preparedQuery),
- this.getRecentSearches(),
- ]);
- this.updateAutoCompleteState(
- tagValues ?? [],
- recentSearches ?? [],
- tag.key,
- 'tag-value'
- );
- return;
@@ -897,7 +1050,7 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
type: ItemType
) {
const {hasRecentSearches, maxSearchItems, maxQueryLength} = this.props;
- const query = this.state.query;
+ const {query} = this.state;
const queryCharsLeft =
maxQueryLength && query ? maxQueryLength - query.length : undefined;
@@ -914,6 +1067,109 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
+ /**
+ * Updates autocomplete dropdown items and autocomplete index state
+ *
+ * @param groups Groups that will be used to populate the autocomplete dropdown
+ */
+ updateAutoCompleteStateMultiHeader = (groups: AutocompleteGroup[]) => {
+ const {hasRecentSearches, maxSearchItems, maxQueryLength} = this.props;
+ const {query} = this.state;
+ const queryCharsLeft =
+ maxQueryLength && query ? maxQueryLength - query.length : undefined;
+ const searchGroups = groups
+ .map(({searchItems, recentSearchItems, tagName, type}) =>
+ createSearchGroups(
+ searchItems,
+ hasRecentSearches ? recentSearchItems : undefined,
+ tagName,
+ type,
+ maxSearchItems,
+ queryCharsLeft
+ )
+ )
+ .reduce(
+ (acc, item) => ({
+ searchGroups: [...acc.searchGroups, ...item.searchGroups],
+ flatSearchItems: [...acc.flatSearchItems, ...item.flatSearchItems],
+ activeSearchItem: -1,
+ }),
+ {
+ searchGroups: [] as SearchGroup[],
+ flatSearchItems: [] as SearchItem[],
+ activeSearchItem: -1,
+ }
+ );
+ this.setState(searchGroups);
+ };
+ onAutoCompleteFromAst = (replaceText: string, item: SearchItem) => {
+ const cursor = this.getCursorPosition();
+ const {parsedQuery, query} = this.state;
+ if (!parsedQuery) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const cursorToken = this.getCursorToken(parsedQuery, cursor);
+ if (!cursorToken) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // the start and end of what to replace
+ let clauseStart: null | number = null;
+ let clauseEnd: null | number = null;
+ // the new text that will exist between clauseStart and clauseEnd
+ let replaceToken = replaceText;
+ if (cursorToken.type === Token.Filter) {
+ if (item.type === 'tag-operator') {
+ const valueLocation = cursorToken.value.location;
+ clauseStart = cursorToken.location.start.offset;
+ clauseEnd = valueLocation.start.offset;
+ if (replaceText === '!:') {
+ replaceToken = `!${cursorToken.key.text}:`;
+ } else {
+ replaceToken = `${cursorToken.key.text}${replaceText}`;
+ }
+ } else if (isWithinToken(cursorToken.value, cursor)) {
+ const location = cursorToken.value.location;
+ const keyLocation = cursorToken.key.location;
+ // Include everything after the ':'
+ clauseStart = keyLocation.end.offset + 1;
+ clauseEnd = location.end.offset;
+ } else if (isWithinToken(cursorToken.key, cursor)) {
+ const location = cursorToken.key.location;
+ clauseStart = location.start.offset;
+ // If the token is a key, then trim off the end to avoid duplicate ':'
+ clauseEnd = location.end.offset + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cursorToken.type === Token.FreeText) {
+ clauseStart = cursorToken.location.start.offset;
+ clauseEnd = cursorToken.location.end.offset;
+ }
+ if (clauseStart !== null && clauseEnd !== null) {
+ const beforeClause = query.substring(0, clauseStart);
+ const endClause = query.substring(clauseEnd);
+ const newQuery = `${beforeClause}${replaceToken}${endClause}`;
+ this.setState(makeQueryState(newQuery), () => {
+ // setting a new input value will lose focus; restore it
+ if (this.searchInput.current) {
+ this.searchInput.current.focus();
+ // set cursor to be end of the autocomplete clause
+ const newCursorPosition = beforeClause.length + replaceToken.length;
+ this.searchInput.current.selectionStart = newCursorPosition;
+ this.searchInput.current.selectionEnd = newCursorPosition;
+ }
+ // then update the autocomplete box with new items
+ this.updateAutoCompleteItems();
+ this.props.onChange?.(newQuery, new MouseEvent('click') as any);
+ });
+ }
+ };
onAutoComplete = (replaceText: string, item: SearchItem) => {
if (item.type === 'recent-search') {
@@ -934,7 +1190,13 @@ class SmartSearchBar extends React.Component<Props, State> {
const cursor = this.getCursorPosition();
- const query = this.state.query;
+ const {query} = this.state;
+ const {organization} = this.props;
+ if (organization.features.includes('search-syntax-highlight')) {
+ this.onAutoCompleteFromAst(replaceText, item);
+ return;
+ }
const lastTermIndex = getLastTermIndex(query, cursor);
const terms = getQueryTerms(query, lastTermIndex);