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ref(native): Partially remove symbolic codepath (#13224)

Since Symbolicator is now used for 100% of projects, we can kill the old codepath.
Markus Unterwaditzer 5 years ago

+ 0 - 269

@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import logging
-import six
-from symbolic import FrameInfoMap, FrameTrust, ObjectLookup
-from sentry.attachments import attachment_cache
-from sentry.coreapi import cache_key_for_event
-from sentry.lang.native.minidump import process_minidump, frames_from_minidump_thread, \
-from sentry.lang.native.utils import parse_addr, rebase_addr
-from sentry.models import Project, ProjectDebugFile
-from sentry.utils.cache import cache
-from sentry.utils.hashlib import hash_values
-from import get_path
-logger = logging.getLogger('sentry.minidumps')
-# Frame trust values achieved through the use of CFI
-CFI_TRUSTS = ('cfi', )
-# Minimum frame trust value that we require to omit CFI reprocessing
-MIN_TRUST = FrameTrust.fp
-# Placeholder used to indicate that no CFI could be used to stackwalk a thread
-NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER = '__no_cfi__'
-class ThreadRef(object):
-    """Cacheable and mutable reference to stack frames of an event thread."""
-    def __init__(self, frames, modules):
-        self.raw_frames = frames
-        self.modules = modules
-        self.resolved_frames = None
-        self._cache_key = self._get_cache_key()
-    def _get_frame_key(self, frame):
-        module = self.modules.find_object(frame['instruction_addr'])
-        # If we cannot resolve a module for this frame, this means we're dealing
-        # with an absolute address here. Since this address changes with every
-        # crash and would poison our cache, we skip it for the key calculation.
-        if not module:
-            return None
-        return (
-            module.debug_id,
-            rebase_addr(frame['instruction_addr'], module)
-        )
-    def _get_cache_key(self):
-        values = [self._get_frame_key(f) for f in self.raw_frames]
-        # XXX: The seed is hard coded for a future refactor
-        return 'st:%s' % hash_values(values, seed='MinidumpCfiProcessor')
-    def _frame_from_cache(self, entry):
-        debug_id, offset, trust = entry[:3]
-        module = self.modules.get_object(debug_id)
-        # The debug_id can be None or refer to a missing module. If the module
-        # was missing, the stored offset was absolute as well. Otherwise, we
-        # have no choice but to assume an absolute address. In practice, the
-        # latter hopefully never happens.
-        addr = module.addr + parse_addr(offset) if module else parse_addr(offset)
-        return module, {
-            'instruction_addr': '0x%x' % addr,
-            'package': module.code_file if module else None,
-            'trust': trust,
-        }
-    def load_from_cache(self):
-        """Attempts to load the reprocessed stack trace from the cache. The
-        return value is ``True`` for a cache hit, and ``False`` for a miss.
-        The loaded addresses are rebased to the provided code modules.
-        """
-        cached = cache.get(self._cache_key)
-        if cached is None:
-            return False
-        if cached == NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER:
-            self.resolved_frames = NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER
-        else:
-            self.resolved_frames = [self._frame_from_cache(c) for c in cached]
-        return True
-    def save_to_cache(self):
-        """Stores the reprocessed stack trace to the cache. For frames with
-        known code modules only relative offsets are stored, otherwise the
-        absolute address as fallback."""
-        if self.resolved_frames is None:
-            raise RuntimeError('save_to_cache called before resolving frames')
-        if self.resolved_frames == NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER:
-            cache.set(self._cache_key, NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER)
-            return
-        values = []
-        for module, frame in self.resolved_frames:
-            module_id = module and module.debug_id
-            addr = frame['instruction_addr']
-            if module:
-                addr = '0x%x' % rebase_addr(addr, module)
-            values.append((module_id, addr, frame['trust']))
-        cache.set(self._cache_key, values)
-    def load_from_minidump(self, thread):
-        """Loads the stack trace from a minidump process state thread."""
-        # Convert the entire thread into frames conforming to the `Frame`
-        # interface. Note that this is done with the same function as the
-        # initial ingestion to avoid normalization conflicts.
-        frames = frames_from_minidump_thread(thread)
-        # Filter out stack traces that did not improve during reprocessing. For
-        # these cases we only store a marker. This also prevents us from
-        # destroying absolute addresses when restoring from the cache. Stack
-        # traces containing CFI frames are mapped to their modules and stored.
-        if any(frame['trust'] in CFI_TRUSTS for frame in frames):
-            self.resolved_frames = [(self.modules.find_object(f['instruction_addr']), f)
-                                    for f in frames]
-        else:
-            self.resolved_frames = NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER
-    def apply_to_event(self):
-        """Writes the loaded stack trace back to the event's payload. Returns
-        ``True`` if the payload was changed, otherwise ``False``."""
-        if self.resolved_frames is None:
-            raise RuntimeError('apply_to_event called before resolving frames')
-        if self.resolved_frames == NO_CFI_PLACEHOLDER:
-            return False
-        self.raw_frames[:] = [frame for module, frame in self.resolved_frames]
-        return True
-    @property
-    def needs_cfi(self):
-        """Indicates whether this thread requires reprocessing with CFI due to
-        scanned stack frames."""
-        return any(
-            getattr(FrameTrust, f.get('trust', ''), 0) < MIN_TRUST
-            for f in self.raw_frames
-        )
-class ThreadProcessingHandle(object):
-    """Helper object for processing all event threads.
-    This class offers a view on all threads in the given event payload,
-    including the crashing exception thread. Use ``iter_threads`` to iterate
-    pointers to the original threads' stack traces. Likewise, ``iter_modules``
-    returns references to all modules (images) loaded into the process.
-    The handle keeps track of changes to the original data. To signal mutation,
-    call ``indicate_change``. Finally, ``result`` returns the changed data or
-    None if it was not changed.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, data):
- = data
-        self.modules = self._get_modules()
-        self.changed = False
-    def _get_modules(self):
-        modules = get_path(, 'debug_meta', 'images', filter=True)
-        return ObjectLookup(modules or [])
-    def iter_modules(self):
-        """Returns an iterator over all code modules (images) loaded by the
-        process at the time of the crash. The values are of type ``ObjectRef``.
-        """
-        return self.modules.iter_objects()
-    def iter_threads(self):
-        """Returns an iterator over all threads of the process at the time of
-        the crash, including the crashing thread. The values are of type
-        ``ThreadRef``."""
-        for thread in get_path(, 'threads', 'values', filter=True, default=()):
-            if thread.get('crashed'):
-                # XXX: Assumes that the full list of threads is present in the
-                # original crash report. This is guaranteed by KSCrash and our
-                # minidump utility.
-                exceptions = get_path(, 'exception', 'values', filter=True)
-                frames = get_path(exceptions, 0, 'stacktrace', 'frames')
-            else:
-                frames = get_path(thread, 'stacktrace', 'frames')
-            tid = thread.get('id')
-            if tid and frames:
-                yield tid, ThreadRef(frames, self.modules)
-    def indicate_change(self):
-        """Signals mutation of the data."""
-        self.changed = True
-    def result(self):
-        """Returns ``data`` if ``indicate_change`` was called, otherwise None.
-        """
-        if self.changed:
-            return
-def reprocess_minidump_with_cfi(data):
-    """Reprocesses a minidump event if CFI(call frame information) is available
-    and viable. The event is only processed if there are stack traces that
-    contain scanned frames.
-    """
-    handle = ThreadProcessingHandle(data)
-    # Check stacktrace caches first and skip all that do not need CFI. This is
-    # either if a thread is trusted (i.e. it does not contain scanned frames) or
-    # since it can be fetched from the cache.
-    threads = {}
-    for tid, thread in handle.iter_threads():
-        if not thread.needs_cfi:
-            continue
-        if thread.load_from_cache():
-            if thread.apply_to_event():
-                handle.indicate_change()
-            continue
-        threads[tid] = thread
-    if not threads:
-        return handle.result()
-    # Check if we have a minidump to reprocess
-    cache_key = cache_key_for_event(data)
-    attachments = attachment_cache.get(cache_key) or []
-    minidump = next((a for a in attachments if a.type == MINIDUMP_ATTACHMENT_TYPE), None)
-    if not minidump:
-        return handle.result()
-    # Determine modules loaded into the process during the crash
-    debug_ids = [module.debug_id for module in handle.iter_modules()]
-    if not debug_ids:
-        return handle.result()
-    # Load CFI caches for all loaded modules (even unreferenced ones)
-    project = Project.objects.get_from_cache(id=data['project'])
-    cficaches = ProjectDebugFile.difcache.get_cficaches(project, debug_ids)
-    if not cficaches:
-        return handle.result()
-    # Reprocess the minidump with CFI
-    cfi_map =
-    for debug_id, cficache in six.iteritems(cficaches):
-        cfi_map.add(debug_id, cficache)
-    state = process_minidump(, cfi=cfi_map)
-    # Merge existing stack traces with new ones from the minidump
-    for minidump_thread in state.threads():
-        thread = threads.get(minidump_thread.thread_id)
-        if thread:
-            thread.load_from_minidump(minidump_thread)
-            thread.save_to_cache()
-            if thread.apply_to_event():
-                handle.indicate_change()
-    return handle.result()

+ 4 - 46

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ from sentry import options
 from sentry.cache import default_cache
 from sentry.coreapi import cache_key_for_event
 from sentry.plugins import Plugin2
-from sentry.lang.native.cfi import reprocess_minidump_with_cfi
 from sentry.lang.native.minidump import get_attached_minidump, is_minidump_event, merge_symbolicator_minidump_response
 from sentry.lang.native.symbolizer import Symbolizer, SymbolicationFailed
 from sentry.lang.native.symbolicator import run_symbolicator, merge_symbolicator_image, create_minidump_task, handle_symbolicator_response_status
@@ -33,21 +32,6 @@ SYMBOLICATOR_FRAME_ATTRS = ("instruction_addr", "package", "lang", "symbol",
-def _is_symbolicator_enabled(project, data):
-    if not options.get('symbolicator.enabled'):
-        return False
-    if project.get_option('sentry:symbolicator-enabled'):
-        return True
-    percentage = options.get('sentry:symbolicator-percent-opt-in') or 0
-    if percentage > 0:
-        id_bit = int(data['event_id'][4:6], 16)
-        return id_bit < percentage * 256
-    return False
 def request_id_cache_key_for_event(data):
     return u'symbolicator:{1}:{0}'.format(data['project'], data['event_id'])
@@ -64,14 +48,6 @@ class NativeStacktraceProcessor(StacktraceProcessor):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         StacktraceProcessor.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        # If true, the project has been opted into using the symbolicator
-        # service for native symbolication, which also means symbolic is not
-        # used at all anymore.
-        # The (iOS) symbolserver is still used regardless of this value.
-        self.use_symbolicator = _is_symbolicator_enabled(self.project,
-        metrics.incr('native.use_symbolicator', tags={'value': self.use_symbolicator})
         self.arch = cpu_name_from_data(
         self.signal = signal_from_data(
@@ -170,12 +146,10 @@ class NativeStacktraceProcessor(StacktraceProcessor):
             'symbolserver_match': None,
             # `[]` is used to indicate to the symbolizer that the symbolicator
-            # deliberately discarded this frame, while `None` means the
-            # symbolicator didn't run (because `self.use_symbolicator` is
-            # false).
+            # deliberately discarded this frame.
             # If the symbolicator did run and was not able to symbolize the
             # frame, this value will be a list with the raw frame as only item.
-            'symbolicator_match': [] if self.use_symbolicator else None,
+            'symbolicator_match': []
         if obj is not None:
@@ -196,23 +170,12 @@ class NativeStacktraceProcessor(StacktraceProcessor):
         if not self.available:
             return False
-        referenced_images = set(
-  ['debug_id'] for pf in processing_task.iter_processable_frames(self)
-            if pf.cache_value is None and['debug_id'] is not None
-        )
-        self.sym = Symbolizer(
-            self.project,
-            self.object_lookup,
-            referenced_images=referenced_images,
-            use_symbolicator=self.use_symbolicator
-        )
+        self.sym = Symbolizer()
         if options.get('symbolserver.enabled'):
-        if self.use_symbolicator:
-            self.run_symbolicator(processing_task)
+        self.run_symbolicator(processing_task)
     def run_symbolicator(self, processing_task):
         # TODO(markus): Make this work with minidumps. An unprocessed minidump
@@ -402,11 +365,6 @@ def reprocess_minidump(data):
     if default_cache.get(minidump_is_reprocessed_cache_key):
-    if not _is_symbolicator_enabled(project, data):
-        rv = reprocess_minidump_with_cfi(data)
-        default_cache.set(minidump_is_reprocessed_cache_key, True, 3600)
-        return rv
     minidump = get_attached_minidump(data)
     if not minidump:

+ 6 - 97

@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
 import six
-from symbolic import SymbolicError, ObjectLookup, LineInfo, parse_addr
+from symbolic import LineInfo, parse_addr
 from import trim
 from sentry.utils.compat import implements_to_string
-from sentry.models import EventError, ProjectDebugFile
-from sentry.lang.native.utils import image_name, rebase_addr
-from sentry.utils.in_app import is_known_third_party, is_optional_package
+from sentry.models import EventError
+from sentry.lang.native.utils import image_name
 from sentry.constants import MAX_SYM
@@ -91,25 +90,10 @@ class SymbolicationFailed(Exception):
 class Symbolizer(object):
-    """This symbolizer dispatches to both symbolic and the system symbols
+    """This symbolizer dispatches to both symbolicator and the system symbols
     we have in the database and reports errors slightly differently.
-    def __init__(self, project, object_lookup, referenced_images, use_symbolicator,
-                 on_dif_referenced=None):
-        if not isinstance(object_lookup, ObjectLookup):
-            object_lookup = ObjectLookup(object_lookup)
-        self.object_lookup = object_lookup
-        self.symcaches = self.symcaches_conversion_errors = None
-        if not use_symbolicator:
-            self.symcaches, self.symcaches_conversion_errors = \
-                ProjectDebugFile.difcache.get_symcaches(
-                    project, referenced_images,
-                    on_dif_referenced=on_dif_referenced,
-                    with_conversion_errors=True)
     def _process_frame(self, sym, package=None, addr_off=0):
         frame = {
             'sym_addr': '0x%x' % (sym.sym_addr + addr_off,),
@@ -133,46 +117,6 @@ class Symbolizer(object):
         return frame
-    def _symbolize_app_frame(self, instruction_addr, obj, sdk_info=None, trust=None):
-        symcache = None
-        if self.symcaches is not None:
-            symcache = self.symcaches.get(obj.debug_id)
-        if symcache is None:
-            # In case we know what error happened on symcache conversion
-            # we can report it to the user now.
-            if self.symcaches_conversion_errors is not None and \
-               obj.debug_id in self.symcaches_conversion_errors:
-                raise SymbolicationFailed(
-                    message=self.symcaches_conversion_errors[obj.debug_id],
-                    type=EventError.NATIVE_BAD_DSYM,
-                    obj=obj
-                )
-            if is_optional_package(obj.code_file, sdk_info=sdk_info):
-                type = EventError.NATIVE_MISSING_OPTIONALLY_BUNDLED_DSYM
-            else:
-                type = EventError.NATIVE_MISSING_DSYM
-            raise SymbolicationFailed(type=type, obj=obj)
-        try:
-            rv = symcache.lookup(rebase_addr(instruction_addr, obj))
-        except SymbolicError as e:
-            raise SymbolicationFailed(
-                type=EventError.NATIVE_BAD_DSYM, message=six.text_type(e), obj=obj
-            )
-        if not rv:
-            # For some frameworks we are willing to ignore missing symbol
-            # errors. Also, ignore scanned stack frames when symbols are
-            # available to complete breakpad's stack scanning heuristics.
-            if trust == 'scan' or is_optional_package(obj.code_file, sdk_info=sdk_info):
-                return []
-            raise SymbolicationFailed(
-                type=EventError.NATIVE_MISSING_SYMBOL, obj=obj)
-        return [self._process_frame(s, addr_off=obj.addr) for s in reversed(rv)]
     def _convert_symbolserver_match(self, instruction_addr, symbolserver_match):
         """Symbolizes a frame with system symbols only."""
         if symbolserver_match is None:
@@ -195,29 +139,6 @@ class Symbolizer(object):
     def symbolize_frame(self, instruction_addr, sdk_info=None,
                         symbolserver_match=None, symbolicator_match=None,
-        app_err = None
-        # A missing symbolicator match indicates that the symbolicator was not
-        # active for this event. Symbolize the app frame directly using
-        # symbolic.
-        # TODO: Remove this after fully switching to symbolicator
-        if symbolicator_match is None:
-            obj = self.object_lookup.find_object(instruction_addr)
-            if obj is None:
-                if trust == 'scan':
-                    return []
-                raise SymbolicationFailed(type=EventError.NATIVE_UNKNOWN_IMAGE)
-            # Try to always prefer the images from the application storage.
-            # If the symbolication fails we keep the error for later
-            try:
-                match = self._symbolize_app_frame(
-                    instruction_addr, obj, sdk_info=sdk_info, trust=trust)
-                if match:
-                    return match
-            except SymbolicationFailed as err:
-                app_err = err
         # If the symbolicator was used, trust its result. Errors that were
         # generated during symbolication are merged into the event's error
         # array separately and do not need to be handled here. The match
@@ -235,20 +156,8 @@ class Symbolizer(object):
         # TODO: Remove this fallback once symbolicator supports iOS system
         # symbols and fully trust the symbolicator response.
-        elif all(x["status"] == "symbolicated" for x in symbolicator_match) or symbolicator_match == []:
+        if all(x["status"] == "symbolicated" for x in symbolicator_match) or symbolicator_match == []:
             return symbolicator_match
         # Then we check the symbolserver for a match.
-        match = self._convert_symbolserver_match(instruction_addr, symbolserver_match)
-        # If we do not get a match and the image was from an app bundle
-        # and we got an error first, we now fail with the original error
-        # as we did indeed encounter a symbolication error.  If however
-        # the match was empty we just accept it as a valid symbolication
-        # that just did not return any results but without error.
-        if app_err is not None \
-                and not match \
-                and (not obj.code_file or not is_known_third_party(obj.code_file, sdk_info=sdk_info)):
-            raise app_err
-        return match
+        return self._convert_symbolserver_match(instruction_addr, symbolserver_match)

+ 0 - 186

@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from mock import patch
-from sentry.lang.native.plugin import NativeStacktraceProcessor
-from sentry.stacktraces.processing import process_stacktraces
-from sentry.testutils import TestCase
-    "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B33C37A8-F933-4B6B-9FFA-152282BFDF13/"
-    ""
-SDK_INFO = {"sdk_name": "iOS", "version_major": 9,
-            "version_minor": 3, "version_patchlevel": 0}
-def patched_symbolize_app_frame(self, instruction_addr, img, sdk_info=None, trust=None):
-    if instruction_addr != 4295123756:
-        return []
-    return [
-        {
-            'filename': 'Foo.swift',
-            'abs_path': 'Foo.swift',
-            'lineno': 42,
-            'colno': 23,
-            'package': OBJECT_NAME,
-            'function': 'real_main',
-        }
-    ]
-def patched_convert_symbolserver_match(self, instruction_addr, symbolserver_match):
-    if 6016 <= instruction_addr < 6020:
-        return [
-            {
-                'abs_path': None,
-                'filename': None,
-                'package': '/usr/lib/whatever.dylib',
-                'function': 'whatever_system',
-            }
-        ]
-    return []
-class BasicResolvingFileTest(TestCase):
-    @patch(
-        'sentry.lang.native.symbolizer.Symbolizer._symbolize_app_frame',
-        new=patched_symbolize_app_frame
-    )
-    @patch(
-        'sentry.lang.native.symbolizer.Symbolizer._convert_symbolserver_match',
-        new=patched_convert_symbolserver_match
-    )
-    def test_frame_resolution(self):
-        event_data = {
-            "user": {
-                "ip_address": ""
-            },
-            "extra": {},
-            "project":,
-            "platform": "cocoa",
-            "debug_meta": {
-                "images": [
-                    {
-                        "type": "apple",
-                        "cpu_subtype": 0,
-                        "uuid": "C05B4DDD-69A7-3840-A649-32180D341587",
-                        "image_vmaddr": 4294967296,
-                        "image_addr": 4295121760,
-                        "cpu_type": 16777228,
-                        "image_size": 32768,
-                        "name": OBJECT_NAME,
-                    }, {
-                        "type": "apple",
-                        "cpu_subtype": 0,
-                        "cpu_type": 16777228,
-                        "uuid": "B78CB4FB-3A90-4039-9EFD-C58932803AE5",
-                        "image_vmaddr": 0,
-                        "image_addr": 6000,
-                        "cpu_type": 16777228,
-                        "image_size": 32768,
-                        'name': '/usr/lib/whatever.dylib',
-                    }
-                ],
-                "sdk_info":
-                SDK_INFO,
-            },
-            "exception": {
-                "values": [
-                    {
-                        "stacktrace": {
-                            "frames": [
-                                {
-                                    "function": "<redacted>",
-                                    "abs_path": None,
-                                    "package": "/usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib",
-                                    "filename": None,
-                                    "lineno": None,
-                                    "in_app": False,
-                                    "instruction_addr": 6010,
-                                }, {
-                                    "function": "main",
-                                    "instruction_addr": 4295123760
-                                }, {
-                                    "function": "whatever_system",
-                                    "instruction_addr": 6020,
-                                    "symbol_addr": 6016,
-                                }, {
-                                    "platform": "javascript",
-                                    "function": "merge",
-                                    "abs_path": "/scripts/views.js",
-                                    "vars": {},
-                                    "module": None,
-                                    "filename": "../../sentry/scripts/views.js",
-                                    "colno": 16,
-                                    "in_app": True,
-                                    "lineno": 268
-                                }
-                            ]
-                        },
-                        "type":
-                        "NSRangeException",
-                        "mechanism": {
-                            "type": "mach",
-                            "meta": {
-                                "signal": {
-                                    "number": 6,
-                                    "code": 0,
-                                    "name": "SIGABRT",
-                                    "code_name": None
-                                },
-                                "mach_exception": {
-                                    "subcode": 0,
-                                    "code": 0,
-                                    "exception": 10,
-                                    "name": "EXC_CRASH"
-                                }
-                            }
-                        },
-                        "value": (
-                            "*** -[__NSArray0 objectAtIndex:]: index 3 "
-                            "beyond bounds for empty NSArray"
-                        )
-                    }
-                ]
-            },
-            "contexts": {
-                "device": {
-                    "type": "device",
-                    "model_id": "N102AP",
-                    "model": "iPod7,1",
-                    "arch": "arm64",
-                    "family": "iPod"
-                },
-                "os": {
-                    "type": "os",
-                    "version": "9.3.2",
-                    "rooted": False,
-                    "build": "13F69",
-                    "name": "iOS"
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        def make_processors(data, infos):
-            return [NativeStacktraceProcessor(data, infos)]
-        event_data = process_stacktraces(
-            event_data, make_processors=make_processors)
-        bt = event_data['exception']['values'][0]['stacktrace']
-        frames = bt['frames']
-        assert frames[0]['function'] == '<redacted>'
-        assert frames[0]['instruction_addr'] == 6010
-        assert frames[1]['function'] == 'real_main'
-        assert frames[1]['lineno'] == 42
-        assert frames[1]['colno'] == 23
-        assert frames[1]['package'] == OBJECT_NAME
-        assert frames[1]['instruction_addr'] == 4295123760
-        assert frames[2]['function'] == 'whatever_system'
-        assert frames[2]['package'] == '/usr/lib/whatever.dylib'
-        assert frames[2]['instruction_addr'] == 6020

+ 0 - 383

@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-created: '2019-05-03T08:10:26.398964Z'
-creator: sentry
-source: tests/symbolicator/
-  device:
-    arch: x86
-    type: device
-  os:
-    build: ''
-    name: Windows
-    type: os
-    version: 10.0.14393
-  images:
-  - code_file: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-    code_id: 5AB380779000
-    debug_file: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.pdb
-    debug_id: 3249d99d-0c40-4931-8610-f4e4fb0b6936-1
-    image_addr: '0x2a0000'
-    image_size: 36864
-    type: pe
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-    image_addr: '0x70850000'
-    image_size: 1331200
-    type: pe
-  - code_file: C:\Windows\System32\msvcp140.dll
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-    debug_file: msvcp140.i386.pdb
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-    image_addr: '0x709a0000'
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-    image_addr: '0x70a10000'
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-    type: pe
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-    debug_file: dbgcore.pdb
-    debug_id: aec7ef2f-df4b-4642-a471-4c3e5fe8760a-1
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-    type: pe
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-    code_id: 589ABC7714000
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-    image_addr: '0x70c60000'
-    image_size: 81920
-    type: pe
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-    debug_id: 147c51fb-7ca1-408f-85b5-285f2ad6f9c5-1
-    image_addr: '0x73ba0000'
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-    type: pe
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-    image_addr: '0x73bb0000'
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-    type: pe
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-    debug_file: advapi32.pdb
-    debug_id: 0c799483-b549-417d-8433-4331852031fe-1
-    image_addr: '0x73c70000'
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-    type: pe
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-    debug_id: d3474559-96f7-47d6-bf43-c176b2171e68-1
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-    type: pe
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-    image_size: 1585152
-    type: pe
-- name: timestamp
-  type: past_timestamp
-  value: 1521713273.0
-  values:
-  - mechanism:
-      handled: false
-      synthetic: true
-      type: minidump
-    raw_stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f44'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f79'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x750662c4'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: cfi
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x2a2d97'
-        package: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-        trust: cfi
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x2a2a3d'
-        package: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        eax: '0x0'
-        ebp: '0x10ff670'
-        ebx: '0xfe5000'
-        ecx: '0x10ff670'
-        edi: '0x13bfd78'
-        edx: '0x7'
-        eflags: '0x10246'
-        eip: '0x2a2a3d'
-        esi: '0x759c6314'
-        esp: '0x10ff644'
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f44'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f79'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x750662c4'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: cfi
-      - abs_path: f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl
-        filename: exe_common.inl
-        function: __scrt_common_main_seh
-        in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x2a2d96'
-        lineno: 283
-        package: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-        trust: cfi
-      - abs_path: c:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\crash\main.cpp
-        filename: main.cpp
-        function: main
-        in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x2a2a3d'
-        lineno: 35
-        package: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        eax: '0x0'
-        ebp: '0x10ff670'
-        ebx: '0xfe5000'
-        ecx: '0x10ff670'
-        edi: '0x13bfd78'
-        edx: '0x7'
-        eflags: '0x10246'
-        eip: '0x2a2a3d'
-        esi: '0x759c6314'
-        esp: '0x10ff644'
-    thread_id: 1636
-stacktrace: null
-  values:
-  - crashed: true
-    id: 1636
-  - crashed: false
-    id: 3580
-    raw_stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f44'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f79'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x750662c4'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771e016c'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        eax: '0x0'
-        ebp: '0x159faa4'
-        ebx: '0x13b0990'
-        ecx: '0x0'
-        edi: '0x13b4af0'
-        edx: '0x0'
-        eflags: '0x216'
-        eip: '0x771e016c'
-        esi: '0x13b4930'
-        esp: '0x159f900'
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f44'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f79'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x750662c4'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771e016c'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        eax: '0x0'
-        ebp: '0x159faa4'
-        ebx: '0x13b0990'
-        ecx: '0x0'
-        edi: '0x13b4af0'
-        edx: '0x0'
-        eflags: '0x216'
-        eip: '0x771e016c'
-        esi: '0x13b4930'
-        esp: '0x159f900'
-  - crashed: false
-    id: 2600
-    raw_stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f44'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f79'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x750662c4'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771e016c'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        eax: '0x0'
-        ebp: '0x169fb98'
-        ebx: '0x13b0990'
-        ecx: '0x0'
-        edi: '0x13b7c28'
-        edx: '0x0'
-        eflags: '0x202'
-        eip: '0x771e016c'
-        esi: '0x13b7a68'
-        esp: '0x169f9f4'
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f44'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771d0f79'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x750662c4'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: fp
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771e016c'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        eax: '0x0'
-        ebp: '0x169fb98'
-        ebx: '0x13b0990'
-        ecx: '0x0'
-        edi: '0x13b7c28'
-        edx: '0x0'
-        eflags: '0x202'
-        eip: '0x771e016c'
-        esi: '0x13b7a68'
-        esp: '0x169f9f4'
-  - crashed: false
-    id: 2920
-    raw_stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771df3dc'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        eax: '0x0'
-        ebp: '0x179f2b8'
-        ebx: '0x17b1aa0'
-        ecx: '0x0'
-        edi: '0x17b1a90'
-        edx: '0x0'
-        eflags: '0x206'
-        eip: '0x771df3dc'
-        esi: '0x2cc'
-        esp: '0x179f2ac'
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x771df3dc'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        eax: '0x0'
-        ebp: '0x179f2b8'
-        ebx: '0x17b1aa0'
-        ecx: '0x0'
-        edi: '0x17b1a90'
-        edx: '0x0'
-        eflags: '0x206'
-        eip: '0x771df3dc'
-        esi: '0x2cc'
-        esp: '0x179f2ac'

+ 0 - 44

@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-created: '2019-04-16T08:02:50.732813Z'
-creator: sentry
-source: tests/symbolicator/
-  device:
-    arch: x86
-    type: device
-  os:
-    build: ''
-    name: Windows
-    type: os
-    version: 10.0.14393
-  images:
-  - code_file: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-    debug_id: 3249d99d-0c40-4931-8610-f4e4fb0b6936-1
-    image_addr: '0x2a0000'
-    image_size: 36864
-    type: symbolic
-errors: null
-  values:
-  - raw_stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - function: <unknown>
-        in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x2a2a3d'
-        package: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - abs_path: c:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\crash\main.cpp
-        filename: main.cpp
-        function: main
-        in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x2a2a3d'
-        lineno: 35
-        package: C:\projects\breakpad-tools\windows\Release\crash.exe
-    thread_id: 1636
-stacktrace: null
-threads: null

+ 0 - 44

@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-created: '2019-04-24T21:02:26.624518Z'
-creator: sentry
-source: tests/symbolicator/
-contexts: null
-  images:
-  - arch: x86_64
-    code_file:
-    debug_id: 502fc0a5-1ec1-3e47-9998-684fa139dca7
-    image_addr: '0x100000000'
-    image_size: 4096
-    image_vmaddr: '0x100000000'
-    type: macho
-  sdk_info:
-    sdk_name: macOS
-    version_major: 10
-    version_minor: 12
-    version_patchlevel: 4
-- image_arch: x86_64
-  image_path:
-  image_uuid: 502fc0a5-1ec1-3e47-9998-684fa139dca7
-  message: None
-  type: native_missing_dsym
-  values:
-  - raw_stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - function: unknown
-        in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x100000fa0'
-        package:
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - function: unknown
-        in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x100000fa0'
-        package:
-    type: Fail
-    value: fail
-stacktrace: null
-threads: null

+ 0 - 42

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-created: '2019-04-16T08:02:52.259172Z'
-creator: sentry
-source: tests/symbolicator/
-contexts: null
-  images:
-  - arch: x86_64
-    code_file:
-    debug_id: 502fc0a5-1ec1-3e47-9998-684fa139dca7
-    image_addr: '0x100000000'
-    image_size: 4096
-    image_vmaddr: '0x100000000'
-    type: macho
-  sdk_info:
-    sdk_name: macOS
-    version_major: 10
-    version_minor: 12
-    version_patchlevel: 4
-errors: null
-  values:
-  - raw_stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - function: unknown
-        in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x100000fa0'
-        package:
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - abs_path: /tmp/hello.c
-        filename: hello.c
-        function: main
-        in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x100000fa0'
-        lineno: 1
-        package:
-    type: Fail
-    value: fail
-stacktrace: null
-threads: null

+ 0 - 5583

@@ -1,5583 +0,0 @@
-created: '2019-05-06T08:50:26.334139Z'
-creator: sentry
-source: tests/symbolicator/
-  device:
-    arch: x86_64
-    memory_size: 6896832512
-    type: device
-  gpu:
-    name: Parallels Display Adapter (WDDM)
-    type: gpu
-  os:
-    build: ''
-    name: Windows 10
-    type: os
-    version: 10.0.17134
-  values:
-  - mechanism:
-      handled: false
-      synthetic: true
-      type: unreal
-    raw_stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7589c73c6'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7548229e6'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754814eaa'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754814e4c'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754805258'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7571fcd39'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75739984f'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75739082f'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff757aafb58'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff757aa121d'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754d8cf00'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754d8cc56'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff757a56186'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff757a3e77e'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff756f2f984'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff756f06dd3'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff756cff2ee'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754be3394'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7589c73c6'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
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-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
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-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
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-        trust: prewalked
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-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
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-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
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-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
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-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
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-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
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-      - in_app: false
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-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff756f06dd3'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff756cff2ee'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: prewalked
-      - function: AActor::IsPendingKillPending
-        in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754be3394'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        raw_function: AActor::IsPendingKillPending()
-        trust: prewalked
-    thread_id: 6900
-  app_default_locate: en-US
-  base_dir: //Mac/Home/Desktop/WindowsNoEditor/YetAnother/Binaries/Win64/
-  build_configuration: Development
-  build_version: ++UE4+Release-4.20-CL-4369336
-  crash_guid: UE4CC-Windows-63456D684167A2659DE73EA3517BEDC4_0000
-  crash_reporter_client_version: '1.0'
-  crash_type: Crash
-  engine_mode: Game
-  engine_version: 4.20.3-4369336+++UE4+Release-4.20
-  executable_name: YetAnother
-  game_name: UE4-YetAnother
-  is_assert: false
-  is_ensure: false
-  is_internal_build: false
-  is_source_distribution: false
-  is_ue4_release: false
-  language_lcid: 1033
-  legacy_call_stack: 'YetAnother!AActor::IsPendingKillPending()
-    YetAnother!AActor::Destroy()
-    YetAnother!FActorComponentTickFunction::ExecuteTickHelper<<lambda_e8384def656dc646af48282ce274db64>
-    >()
-    YetAnother!FActorComponentTickFunction::ExecuteTick()
-    YetAnother!FTickFunctionTask::DoTask()
-    YetAnother!TGraphTask<FTickFunctionTask>::ExecuteTask()
-    YetAnother!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread()
-    YetAnother!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilIdle()
-    YetAnother!FTickTaskSequencer::ReleaseTickGroup()
-    YetAnother!FTickTaskManager::RunTickGroup()
-    YetAnother!UWorld::RunTickGroup()
-    YetAnother!UWorld::Tick()
-    YetAnother!UGameEngine::Tick()
-    YetAnother!FEngineLoop::Tick()
-    YetAnother!GuardedMain()
-    YetAnother!GuardedMainWrapper()
-    YetAnother!WinMain()
-    YetAnother!__scrt_common_main_seh() [f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]
-    kernel32
-    ntdll'
-  login_id: 9776d4844cc893f55395dbbefb0eb6d7
-  machine_id: 9776D4844CC893F55395DBBEFB0EB6D7
-  memory_stats_page_size: 4096
-  memory_stats_total_phsysical_gb: 7
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-  misc_cpu_brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7920HQ CPU @ 3.10GHz
-  misc_cpu_vendor: GenuineIntel
-  misc_number_of_cores: 6
-  misc_number_of_cores_inc_hyperthread: 6
-  platform_name: WindowsNoEditor
-  process_id: 9444
-  root_dir: /Mac/Home/Desktop/WindowsNoEditor/
-  seconds_since_start: 8
-  time_of_crash: 636783112433190000
-stacktrace: null
-  values:
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-    id: 248
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-  - crashed: false
-    id: 5200
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-    id: 3060
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-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754d89952'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff755199769'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754d7a570'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754da6f49'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        r10: '0x23df7346090'
-        r11: '0x8c43a4eff0'
-        r12: '0x1'
-        r13: '0x23df8d19d60'
-        r14: '0x288'
-        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
-        r8: '0x0'
-        r9: '0x1'
-        rax: '0x4'
-        rbp: '0x8c43a4f649'
-        rbx: '0x0'
-        rcx: '0x288'
-        rdi: '0x288'
-        rdx: '0x0'
-        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
-        rsi: '0x0'
-        rsp: '0x8c43a4f4d8'
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        r10: '0x23df7346090'
-        r11: '0x8c43a4eff0'
-        r12: '0x1'
-        r13: '0x23df8d19d60'
-        r14: '0x288'
-        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
-        r8: '0x0'
-        r9: '0x1'
-        rax: '0x4'
-        rbp: '0x8c43a4f649'
-        rbx: '0x0'
-        rcx: '0x288'
-        rdi: '0x288'
-        rdx: '0x0'
-        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
-        rsi: '0x0'
-        rsp: '0x8c43a4f4d8'
-  - crashed: false
-    id: 612
-    raw_stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75519224c'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7551971e8'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754e4b37f'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7566cc3d7'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7566cbf67'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754d8d176'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75501f8fc'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75504b92d'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754da6f49'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754dc5267'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7544e0000'
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754e349d6'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754d8ca09'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75a1e2338'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75a1e2338'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff758a670b0'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754db0220'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754d89952'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff755199769'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754d8f221'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754e3419b'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0ca99252'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        r10: '0x7ffef000'
-        r11: '0x1'
-        r12: '0x0'
-        r13: '0x23df8d19ea0'
-        r14: '0x298'
-        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
-        r8: '0x1'
-        r9: '0x7ff75a3e20d0'
-        rax: '0x4'
-        rbp: '0x8c4188f919'
-        rbx: '0x0'
-        rcx: '0x298'
-        rdi: '0x298'
-        rdx: '0x0'
-        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
-        rsi: '0x0'
-        rsp: '0x8c4188f7a8'
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        r10: '0x7ffef000'
-        r11: '0x1'
-        r12: '0x0'
-        r13: '0x23df8d19ea0'
-        r14: '0x298'
-        r15: '0x23df9a304c8'
-        r8: '0x1'
-        r9: '0x7ff75a3e20d0'
-        rax: '0x4'
-        rbp: '0x8c4188f919'
-        rbx: '0x0'
-        rcx: '0x298'
-        rdi: '0x298'
-        rdx: '0x0'
-        rip: '0x7ffe100f9f84'
-        rsi: '0x0'
-        rsp: '0x8c4188f7a8'
-  - crashed: false
-    id: 10900
-    raw_stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100d1471'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0fd53034'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff75519224c'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7551971e8'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7566cc508'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff758a671f8'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff759054684'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7566be97c'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff759054684'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7566ce2a3'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff758a670b0'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754db0220'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff758a67a48'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754d8f4e0'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff7551976c3'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ff754d7feb8'
-        package: \\Mac\Home\Desktop\WindowsNoEditor\YetAnother\Binaries\Win64\YetAnother.exe
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe0caa5e9a'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
-        trust: scan
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fa584'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        r10: '0x7ffef000'
-        r11: '0x1'
-        r12: '0x0'
-        r13: '0x7ff758a67a48'
-        r14: '0x0'
-        r15: '0x23df9a31050'
-        r8: '0xff'
-        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
-        rax: '0x34'
-        rbp: '0x8c4189fd19'
-        rbx: '0x0'
-        rcx: '0x0'
-        rdi: '0x6'
-        rdx: '0x8c4189fbd0'
-        rip: '0x7ffe100fa584'
-        rsi: '0x0'
-        rsp: '0x8c4189fba8'
-    stacktrace:
-      frames:
-      - in_app: false
-        instruction_addr: '0x7ffe100fa584'
-        package: C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
-        trust: context
-      registers:
-        r10: '0x7ffef000'
-        r11: '0x1'
-        r12: '0x0'
-        r13: '0x7ff758a67a48'
-        r14: '0x0'
-        r15: '0x23df9a31050'
-        r8: '0xff'
-        r9: '0xfffffffffe7f6361'
-        rax: '0x34'
-        rbp: '0x8c4189fd19'
-        rbx: '0x0'
-        rcx: '0x0'
-        rdi: '0x6'
-        rdx: '0x8c4189fbd0'
-        rip: '0x7ffe100fa584'
-        rsi: '0x0'
-        rsp: '0x8c4189fba8'

+ 0 - 279

@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import copy
-import mock
-import os
-from symbolic import CFICACHE_LATEST_VERSION
-from sentry.attachments import CachedAttachment
-from sentry.lang.native.cfi import reprocess_minidump_with_cfi
-from sentry.lang.native.minidump import MINIDUMP_ATTACHMENT_TYPE
-from sentry.models import ProjectCfiCacheFile
-from sentry.testutils import TestCase
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x7f51401e4800',
-        'package': u'/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/',
-        'trust': 'scan',
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x7f514025002e',
-        'package': u'/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/',
-        'trust': 'scan',
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x401d72',
-        'package': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-        'trust': 'context',
-    }
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x401dc0',
-        'package': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-        'trust': 'scan'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x7f5140cdc000',
-        'package': None,
-        'trust': 'scan'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x400040',
-        'package': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-        'trust': 'scan'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x7fff5aef1000',
-        'package': None,
-        'trust': 'scan'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x7fff5ae4ac88',
-        'package': None,
-        'trust': 'cfi'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x401de9',
-        'package': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-        'trust': 'scan'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x401dc0',
-        'package': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-        'trust': 'scan'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x414ca0',
-        'package': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-        'trust': 'scan'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x401c70',
-        'package': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-        'trust': 'scan'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x401dc0',
-        'package': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-        'trust': 'scan'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x401c70',
-        'package': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-        'trust': 'scan'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x7f514017d830',
-        'package': u'/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/',
-        'trust': 'cfi'
-    },
-    {
-        'instruction_addr': '0x401d72',
-        'package': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-        'trust': 'context',
-    }
-    ('c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6', '0x1dc0', 'scan'),
-    (None, '0x7f5140cdc000', 'scan'),
-    ('c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6', '0x40', 'scan'),
-    (None, '0x7fff5aef1000', 'scan'),
-    (None, '0x7fff5ae4ac88', 'cfi'),
-    ('c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6', '0x1de9', 'scan'),
-    ('c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6', '0x1dc0', 'scan'),
-    ('c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6', '0x14ca0', 'scan'),
-    ('c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6', '0x1c70', 'scan'),
-    ('c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6', '0x1dc0', 'scan'),
-    ('c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6', '0x1c70', 'scan'),
-    ('451a38b5-0679-79d2-0738-22a5ceb24c4b', '0x20830', 'cfi'),
-    ('c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6', '0x1d72', 'context'),
-class CfiReprocessingTest(TestCase):
-    def mock_attachments(self):
-        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'linux.dmp')
-        with open(path, 'rb') as minidump:
-            data =
-        return [CachedAttachment(data=data, type=MINIDUMP_ATTACHMENT_TYPE)]
-    def get_mock_event(self, reprocessed=False):
-        stacktrace = CFI_STACKTRACE if reprocessed else RAW_STACKTRACE
-        return copy.deepcopy({
-            'event_id': '9dac1e3a7ea043818ba6f0685e258c09',
-            'project':,
-            'platform': 'native',
-            'debug_meta': {
-                'images': [
-                    {
-                        'id': u'c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6',
-                        'image_addr': '0x400000',
-                        'image_size': 106496,
-                        'name': u'/work/linux/build/crash',
-                        'type': 'symbolic'
-                    },
-                    {
-                        'id': u'451a38b5-0679-79d2-0738-22a5ceb24c4b',
-                        'image_addr': '0x7f514015d000',
-                        'image_size': 1835008,
-                        'name': u'/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/',
-                        'type': 'symbolic'
-                    },
-                ]
-            },
-            'exception': {
-                'values': [
-                    {
-                        'mechanism': {
-                            'type': 'minidump',
-                            'handled': False
-                        },
-                        'stacktrace': {
-                            'frames': stacktrace,
-                        },
-                        'thread_id': 1304,
-                    }
-                ]
-            },
-            'threads': {
-                'values': [
-                    {
-                        'crashed': True,
-                        'id': 1304
-                    }
-                ]
-            },
-        })
-    @mock.patch('sentry.attachments.base.BaseAttachmentCache.get', return_value=None)
-    @mock.patch('sentry.utils.cache.cache.get', return_value=None)
-    def test_cfi_reprocessing_no_minidump(self, mock_cache_get, mock_attachment_get):
-        data = self.get_mock_event(reprocessed=False)
-        result = reprocess_minidump_with_cfi(data)
-        # mock_cache_get.assert_called_with('st:86e3a22f05a287eeeca681ecbeef3067')
-        cache_key = 'e:9dac1e3a7ea043818ba6f0685e258c09:%s' %
-        mock_attachment_get.assert_called_once_with(cache_key)
-        assert result is None
-    @mock.patch('sentry.attachments.base.BaseAttachmentCache.get')
-    def test_cfi_reprocessing_no_cfi_caches(self, mock_attachment_get):
-        mock_attachment_get.return_value = self.mock_attachments()
-        data = self.get_mock_event(reprocessed=False)
-        result = reprocess_minidump_with_cfi(data)
-        assert result is None
-    @mock.patch('sentry.attachments.base.BaseAttachmentCache.get', return_value=None)
-    @mock.patch('sentry.utils.cache.cache.get', return_value=None)
-    def test_cfi_reprocessing_no_scanned_frames(self, mock_cache_get, mock_attachment_get):
-        data = self.get_mock_event(reprocessed=False)
-        for frame in data['exception']['values'][0]['stacktrace']['frames']:
-            if frame['trust'] == 'scan':
-                frame['trust'] = 'cfi'
-        result = reprocess_minidump_with_cfi(data)
-        assert mock_cache_get.call_count == 0
-        assert mock_attachment_get.call_count == 0
-        assert result is None
-    @mock.patch('sentry.attachments.base.BaseAttachmentCache.get', return_value=None)
-    @mock.patch('sentry.utils.cache.cache.get', return_value=None)
-    def test_cfi_reprocessing_cached(self, mock_cache_get, mock_attachment_get):
-        mock_cache_get.return_value = CFI_CACHE
-        data = self.get_mock_event(reprocessed=False)
-        result = reprocess_minidump_with_cfi(data)
-        mock_cache_get.assert_called_once_with('st:b4eeed5c7008d0003cc5549c36dba6b7')
-        assert mock_attachment_get.call_count == 0
-        assert result == self.get_mock_event(reprocessed=True)
-    @mock.patch('sentry.attachments.base.BaseAttachmentCache.get', return_value=None)
-    @mock.patch('sentry.utils.cache.cache.get', return_value=None)
-    def test_cfi_unchanged(self, mock_cache_get, mock_attachment_get):
-        mock_cache_get.return_value = '__no_cfi__'
-        data = self.get_mock_event(reprocessed=False)
-        result = reprocess_minidump_with_cfi(data)
-        mock_cache_get.assert_called_once_with('st:b4eeed5c7008d0003cc5549c36dba6b7')
-        assert mock_attachment_get.call_count == 0
-        assert result is None
-    @mock.patch('sentry.attachments.base.BaseAttachmentCache.get', return_value=None)
-    @mock.patch('sentry.utils.cache.cache.get', return_value=None)
-    def test_cfi_missing_stacktrace(self, mock_cache_get, mock_attachment_get):
-        data = {
-            'exception': {
-                'values': [
-                    {
-                        'stacktrace': None,
-                    }
-                ]
-            },
-        }
-        result = reprocess_minidump_with_cfi(data)
-        assert mock_cache_get.call_count == 0
-        assert mock_attachment_get.call_count == 0
-        assert result is None
-    @mock.patch('sentry.attachments.base.BaseAttachmentCache.get', return_value=None)
-    @mock.patch('sentry.utils.cache.cache.set', return_value=None)
-    @mock.patch('sentry.utils.cache.cache.get', return_value=None)
-    def test_cfi_reprocessing(self, mock_cache_get, mock_cache_set, mock_attachment_get):
-        dif = self.create_dif_file(
-            debug_id='c0bcc3f1-9827-fe65-3058-404b2831d9e6',
-            features=['unwind']
-        )
-        cache_file = self.create_file_from_path(
-            path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'linux.cficache'),
-            type='project.cficache'
-        )
-        ProjectCfiCacheFile.objects.create(
-            project=self.project,
-            cache_file=cache_file,
-            debug_file=dif,
-            checksum=dif.file.checksum,
-            version=CFICACHE_LATEST_VERSION,
-        )
-        mock_attachment_get.return_value = self.mock_attachments()
-        data = self.get_mock_event(reprocessed=False)
-        result = reprocess_minidump_with_cfi(data)
-        cache_key = 'e:9dac1e3a7ea043818ba6f0685e258c09:%s' %
-        mock_attachment_get.assert_called_once_with(cache_key)
-        mock_cache_set.assert_called_with('st:b4eeed5c7008d0003cc5549c36dba6b7', CFI_CACHE)
-        assert result == self.get_mock_event(reprocessed=True)

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff