@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+import logging
+import time
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, TypedDict, cast
+from snuba_sdk import (
+ AliasedExpression,
+ Column,
+ Condition,
+ Direction,
+ Entity,
+ Function,
+ Granularity,
+ LimitBy,
+ Op,
+ OrderBy,
+ Query,
+ Request,
+from sentry import options
+from sentry.sentry_metrics import indexer
+from sentry.snuba.dataset import Dataset, EntityKey
+from sentry.snuba.metrics.naming_layer.mri import TransactionMRI
+from sentry.snuba.referrer import Referrer
+from sentry.utils.snuba import raw_snql_query
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CHUNK_SIZE = 9998 # Snuba's limit is 10000 and we fetch CHUNK_SIZE+1
+class ProjectTransactions(TypedDict, total=True):
+ project_id: int
+ org_id: int
+ transaction_counts: List[Tuple[str, int]]
+def get_orgs_with_project_counts(max_orgs: int, max_projects: int) -> Iterator[List[int]]:
+ """
+ Fetch organisations in batches.
+ A batch will return at max max_orgs elements
+ It will accumulate org ids in the list until either it accumulates max_orgs or the
+ number of projects in the already accumulated orgs is more than max_projects or there
+ are no more orgs
+ """
+ start_time = time.time()
+ metric_id = indexer.resolve_shared_org(str(TransactionMRI.COUNT_PER_ROOT_PROJECT.value))
+ offset = 0
+ load_rate = int(options.get("dynamic-sampling.prioritise_transactions.load_rate") * 100)
+ last_result: List[Tuple[int, int]] = []
+ while (time.time() - start_time) < MAX_SECONDS:
+ query = (
+ Query(
+ match=Entity(EntityKey.GenericOrgMetricsCounters.value),
+ select=[
+ Function("uniq", [Column("project_id")], "num_projects"),
+ Column("org_id"),
+ ],
+ groupby=[
+ Column("org_id"),
+ ],
+ where=[
+ Condition(Function("modulo", [Column("org_id"), 100]), Op.LT, load_rate),
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=6)),
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, datetime.utcnow()),
+ Condition(Column("metric_id"), Op.EQ, metric_id),
+ ],
+ granularity=Granularity(3600),
+ orderby=[
+ OrderBy(Column("org_id"), Direction.ASC),
+ ],
+ )
+ .set_limit(CHUNK_SIZE + 1)
+ .set_offset(offset)
+ )
+ request = Request(
+ dataset=Dataset.PerformanceMetrics.value, app_id="dynamic_sampling", query=query
+ )
+ data = raw_snql_query(
+ request,
+ )["data"]
+ count = len(data)
+ more_results = count > CHUNK_SIZE
+ offset += CHUNK_SIZE
+ if more_results:
+ data = data[:-1]
+ for row in data:
+ last_result.append((row["org_id"], row["num_projects"]))
+ first_idx = 0
+ count_projects = 0
+ for idx, (org_id, num_projects) in enumerate(last_result):
+ count_projects += num_projects
+ if idx - first_idx >= max_orgs - 1 or count_projects >= max_projects:
+ # we got to the number of elements desired
+ yield [o for o, _ in last_result[first_idx : idx + 1]]
+ first_idx = idx + 1
+ count_projects = 0
+ # keep what is left unused from last_result for the next iteration or final result
+ last_result = last_result[first_idx:]
+ if not more_results:
+ break
+ if len(last_result) > 0:
+ yield [org_id for org_id, _ in last_result]
+def fetch_transactions_with_total_volumes(
+ org_ids: List[int], large_transactions: bool, max_transactions: int
+) -> Iterator[ProjectTransactions]:
+ """
+ Fetch transactions for all orgs and all projects with pagination orgs and projects with count per root project
+ org_ids: the orgs for which the projects & transactions should be returned
+ large_transactions: if True it returns transactions with the largest count
+ if False it returns transactions with the smallest count
+ max_transactions: maximum number of transactions to return
+ """
+ start_time = time.time()
+ offset = 0
+ org_ids = list(org_ids) # just to be sure it is not some other sequence
+ transaction_string_id = indexer.resolve_shared_org("transaction")
+ transaction_tag = f"tags_raw[{transaction_string_id}]"
+ metric_id = indexer.resolve_shared_org(str(TransactionMRI.COUNT_PER_ROOT_PROJECT.value))
+ current_org_id: Optional[int] = None
+ current_proj_id: Optional[int] = None
+ transaction_counts: List[Tuple[str, int]] = []
+ if large_transactions:
+ transaction_ordering = Direction.DESC
+ else:
+ transaction_ordering = Direction.ASC
+ while (time.time() - start_time) < MAX_SECONDS:
+ query = (
+ Query(
+ match=Entity(EntityKey.GenericOrgMetricsCounters.value),
+ select=[
+ Function("sum", [Column("value")], "num_transactions"),
+ Column("org_id"),
+ Column("project_id"),
+ AliasedExpression(Column(transaction_tag), "transaction_name"),
+ ],
+ groupby=[
+ Column("org_id"),
+ Column("project_id"),
+ AliasedExpression(Column(transaction_tag), "transaction_name"),
+ ],
+ where=[
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.GTE, datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=6)),
+ Condition(Column("timestamp"), Op.LT, datetime.utcnow()),
+ Condition(Column("metric_id"), Op.EQ, metric_id),
+ Condition(Column("org_id"), Op.IN, org_ids),
+ ],
+ granularity=Granularity(3600),
+ orderby=[
+ OrderBy(Column("org_id"), Direction.ASC),
+ OrderBy(Column("project_id"), Direction.ASC),
+ OrderBy(Column("num_transactions"), transaction_ordering),
+ ],
+ )
+ .set_limitby(
+ LimitBy(columns=[Column("org_id"), Column("project_id")], count=max_transactions)
+ )
+ .set_limit(CHUNK_SIZE + 1)
+ .set_offset(offset)
+ )
+ request = Request(
+ dataset=Dataset.PerformanceMetrics.value, app_id="dynamic_sampling", query=query
+ )
+ data = raw_snql_query(
+ request,
+ )["data"]
+ count = len(data)
+ more_results = count > CHUNK_SIZE
+ offset += CHUNK_SIZE
+ if more_results:
+ data = data[:-1]
+ for row in data:
+ proj_id = row["project_id"]
+ org_id = row["org_id"]
+ transaction_name = row["transaction_name"]
+ num_transactions = row["num_transactions"]
+ if current_proj_id != proj_id or current_org_id != org_id:
+ if len(transaction_counts) > 0:
+ yield {
+ "project_id": cast(int, current_proj_id),
+ "org_id": cast(int, current_org_id),
+ "transaction_counts": transaction_counts,
+ }
+ transaction_counts = []
+ current_org_id = org_id
+ current_proj_id = proj_id
+ transaction_counts.append((transaction_name, num_transactions))
+ if not more_results:
+ if len(transaction_counts) > 0:
+ yield {
+ "project_id": cast(int, current_proj_id),
+ "org_id": cast(int, current_org_id),
+ "transaction_counts": transaction_counts,
+ }
+ break
+ else:
+ logger.error(
+ "",
+ extra={"offset": offset},
+ )
+ return None
+def merge_transactions(
+ left: ProjectTransactions, right: ProjectTransactions
+) -> ProjectTransactions:
+ if left["org_id"] != right["org_id"]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "missmatched orgs while merging transactions", left["org_id"], right["org_id"]
+ )
+ if left["project_id"] != right["project_id"]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "missmatched projects while merging transactions",
+ left["project_id"],
+ right["project_id"],
+ )
+ transactions = set()
+ merged_transactions = [*left["transaction_counts"]]
+ for transaction_name, _ in merged_transactions:
+ transactions.add(transaction_name)
+ for transaction_name, count in right["transaction_counts"]:
+ if transaction_name not in transactions:
+ # not already in left, add it
+ merged_transactions.append((transaction_name, count))
+ return {
+ "org_id": left["org_id"],
+ "project_id": left["project_id"],
+ "transaction_counts": merged_transactions,
+ }
+def transactions_zip(
+ left: Iterator[ProjectTransactions],
+ right: Iterator[ProjectTransactions],
+) -> Iterator[ProjectTransactions]:
+ """
+ returns a generator that zips left and right (when they match) and when not it re-aligns the sequence
+ """
+ more_right = True
+ more_left = True
+ left_elm = None
+ right_elm = None
+ while more_left or more_right:
+ if more_right and right_elm is None:
+ try:
+ right_elm = next(right)
+ except StopIteration:
+ more_right = False
+ right_elm = None
+ if more_left and left_elm is None:
+ try:
+ left_elm = next(left)
+ except StopIteration:
+ more_left = False
+ left_elm = None
+ if right_elm is not None and left_elm is not None:
+ # we have both right and left try to merge them if they point to the same entity
+ if (
+ left_elm["org_id"] == right_elm["org_id"]
+ and left_elm["project_id"] == right_elm["project_id"]
+ ):
+ yield merge_transactions(left_elm, right_elm)
+ left_elm = None
+ right_elm = None
+ else:
+ # the two elements do not match see which one is "smaller" and return it, keep the other
+ # for the next iteration
+ if left_elm["org_id"] < right_elm["org_id"]:
+ yield left_elm
+ left_elm = None
+ elif left_elm["org_id"] > right_elm["org_id"]:
+ yield right_elm
+ right_elm = None
+ # orgs are the sam try projects
+ elif left_elm["project_id"] < right_elm["project_id"]:
+ yield left_elm
+ left_elm = None
+ else: # right_elm["project_id"] > left_elm["project_id"]
+ yield right_elm
+ right_elm = None
+ else:
+ if left_elm is not None:
+ yield left_elm
+ left_elm = None
+ if right_elm is not None:
+ yield right_elm
+ right_elm = None