@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import pytest
+from django.utils import timezone
+from snuba_sdk.aliased_expression import AliasedExpression
+from snuba_sdk.column import Column
+from snuba_sdk.conditions import Condition, Op, Or
+from snuba_sdk.function import Function
+from sentry.search.events.datasets.profiles import COLUMNS as PROFILE_COLUMNS
+from sentry.search.events.datasets.profiles import ProfilesDatasetConfig
+from sentry.search.events.fields import InvalidSearchQuery
+from sentry.snuba.profiles import ProfilesQueryBuilder
+from sentry.testutils.factories import Factories
+from sentry.utils.snuba import Dataset
+# pin a timestamp for now so tests results dont change
+now = datetime(2022, 10, 31, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+today = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
+def params():
+ organization = Factories.create_organization()
+ team = Factories.create_team(organization=organization)
+ project = Factories.create_project(organization=organization, teams=[team])
+ user = Factories.create_user()
+ Factories.create_team_membership(team=team, user=user)
+ return {
+ "start": now - timedelta(days=7),
+ "end": now - timedelta(seconds=1),
+ "project_id": [project.id],
+ "project_objects": [project],
+ "organization_id": organization.id,
+ "user_id": user.id,
+ "team_id": [team.id],
+ }
+ "field,resolved",
+ [pytest.param(column.alias, column.column, id=column.alias) for column in PROFILE_COLUMNS],
+def test_field_resolution(params, field, resolved):
+ builder = ProfilesQueryBuilder(
+ dataset=Dataset.Profiles,
+ params=params,
+ selected_columns=[field],
+ )
+ if field == resolved:
+ assert builder.columns == [Column(field)]
+ else:
+ assert builder.columns == [AliasedExpression(Column(resolved), alias=field)]
+ "field,resolved",
+ [
+ pytest.param(
+ "last_seen()",
+ Function("max", parameters=[Column("received")], alias="last_seen"),
+ id="last_seen()",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "latest_event()",
+ Function(
+ "argMax",
+ parameters=[Column("profile_id"), Column("received")],
+ alias="latest_event",
+ ),
+ id="latest_event()",
+ ),
+ pytest.param("count()", Function("count", parameters=[], alias="count"), id="count()"),
+ pytest.param(
+ "count_unique(transaction)",
+ Function(
+ "uniq", parameters=[Column("transaction_name")], alias="count_unique_transaction"
+ ),
+ id="count_unique(transaction)",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "percentile(profile.duration,0.25)",
+ Function(
+ "quantile(0.25)",
+ parameters=[Column("duration_ns")],
+ alias="percentile_profile_duration_0_25",
+ ),
+ id="percentile(profile.duration,0.25)",
+ ),
+ *[
+ pytest.param(
+ f"p{qt}()",
+ Function(
+ f"quantile(0.{qt.rstrip('0')})",
+ parameters=[Column("duration_ns")],
+ alias=f"p{qt}",
+ ),
+ id=f"p{qt}()",
+ )
+ for qt in ["50", "75", "95", "99"]
+ ],
+ pytest.param(
+ "p100()",
+ Function(
+ "max",
+ parameters=[Column("duration_ns")],
+ alias="p100",
+ ),
+ id="p100()",
+ ),
+ *[
+ pytest.param(
+ f"p{qt}(profile.duration)",
+ Function(
+ f"quantile(0.{qt.rstrip('0')})",
+ parameters=[Column("duration_ns")],
+ alias=f"p{qt}_profile_duration",
+ ),
+ id=f"p{qt}(profile.duration)",
+ )
+ for qt in ["50", "75", "95", "99"]
+ ],
+ pytest.param(
+ "p100(profile.duration)",
+ Function(
+ "max",
+ parameters=[Column("duration_ns")],
+ alias="p100_profile_duration",
+ ),
+ id="p100(profile.duration)",
+ ),
+ *[
+ pytest.param(
+ f"{fn}(profile.duration)",
+ Function(
+ fn,
+ parameters=[Column("duration_ns")],
+ alias=f"{fn}_profile_duration",
+ ),
+ id=f"{fn}(profile.duration)",
+ )
+ for fn in ["min", "max", "avg", "sum"]
+ ],
+ ],
+def test_aggregate_resolution(params, field, resolved):
+ builder = ProfilesQueryBuilder(
+ dataset=Dataset.Profiles,
+ params=params,
+ selected_columns=[field],
+ )
+ assert builder.columns == [resolved]
+ "field,message",
+ [
+ pytest.param("foo", "Unknown field: foo", id="foo"),
+ pytest.param("count(id)", "count: expected 0 argument\\(s\\)", id="count(id)"),
+ pytest.param(
+ "count_unique(foo)",
+ "count_unique: column argument invalid: foo is not a valid column",
+ id="count_unique(foo)",
+ ),
+ *[
+ pytest.param(
+ f"p{qt}(foo)",
+ f"p{qt}: column argument invalid: foo is not a valid column",
+ id=f"p{qt}(foo)",
+ )
+ for qt in ["50", "75", "95", "99"]
+ ],
+ *[
+ pytest.param(
+ f"p{qt}(id)",
+ f"p{qt}: column argument invalid: id is not a numeric column",
+ id=f"p{qt}(id)",
+ )
+ for qt in ["50", "75", "95", "99"]
+ ],
+ pytest.param(
+ "percentile(foo,0.25)",
+ "percentile: column argument invalid: foo is not a valid column",
+ id="percentile(foo,0.25)",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "percentile(id,0.25)",
+ "percentile: column argument invalid: id is not a numeric column",
+ id="percentile(id,0.25)",
+ ),
+ *[
+ pytest.param(
+ f"{fn}(foo)",
+ f"{fn}: column argument invalid: foo is not a valid column",
+ id=f"{fn}(foo)",
+ )
+ for fn in ["min", "max", "avg", "sum"]
+ ],
+ *[
+ pytest.param(
+ f"{fn}(id)",
+ f"{fn}: column argument invalid: id is not a numeric column",
+ id=f"{fn}(id)",
+ )
+ for fn in ["min", "max", "avg", "sum"]
+ ],
+ ],
+def test_invalid_field_resolution(params, field, message):
+ with pytest.raises(InvalidSearchQuery, match=message):
+ ProfilesQueryBuilder(
+ dataset=Dataset.Profiles,
+ params=params,
+ selected_columns=[field],
+ )
+def is_null(column: str) -> Function:
+ return Function("isNull", parameters=[Column(column)])
+ "query,conditions",
+ [
+ pytest.param(
+ "project.id:1", [Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, 1.0)], id="project.id:1"
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!project.id:1",
+ [Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.NEQ, 1.0)],
+ id="!project.id:1",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ f"trace.transaction:{'a' * 32}",
+ [Condition(Column("transaction_id"), Op.EQ, "a" * 32)],
+ id=f"trace.transaction:{'a' * 32}",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ f"!trace.transaction:{'a' * 32}",
+ [Condition(Column("transaction_id"), Op.NEQ, "a" * 32)],
+ id=f"!trace.transaction:{'a' * 32}",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ f"id:{'a' * 32}",
+ [Condition(Column("profile_id"), Op.EQ, "a" * 32)],
+ id=f"id:{'a' * 32}",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ f"!id:{'a' * 32}",
+ [Condition(Column("profile_id"), Op.NEQ, "a" * 32)],
+ id=f"!id:{'a' * 32}",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ f"timestamp:{today.isoformat()}",
+ [
+ # filtering for a timestamp means we search for a window around it
+ Condition(Column("received"), Op.GTE, today - timedelta(minutes=5)),
+ Condition(Column("received"), Op.LT, today + timedelta(minutes=6)),
+ ],
+ id=f"timestamp:{today.isoformat()}",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ f"!timestamp:{today.isoformat()}",
+ [], # not sure what this should be yet
+ id=f"!timestamp:{today.isoformat()}",
+ marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason="date filters cannot negated"),
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "device.arch:x86_64",
+ [Condition(Column("architecture"), Op.EQ, "x86_64")],
+ id="device.arch:x86_64",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!device.arch:x86_64",
+ [Condition(Column("architecture"), Op.NEQ, "x86_64")],
+ id="!device.arch:x86_64",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "device.classification:high",
+ [Condition(Column("device_classification"), Op.EQ, "high")],
+ id="device.classification:high",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!device.classification:high",
+ [Condition(Column("device_classification"), Op.NEQ, "high")],
+ id="!device.classification:high",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "device.locale:en_US",
+ [Condition(Column("device_locale"), Op.EQ, "en_US")],
+ id="device.locale:en_US",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!device.locale:en_US",
+ [Condition(Column("device_locale"), Op.NEQ, "en_US")],
+ id="!device.locale:en_US",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "device.manufacturer:Apple",
+ [Condition(Column("device_manufacturer"), Op.EQ, "Apple")],
+ id="device.manufacturer:Apple",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!device.manufacturer:Apple",
+ [Condition(Column("device_manufacturer"), Op.NEQ, "Apple")],
+ id="!device.manufacturer:Apple",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "device.model:iPhone14,2",
+ [Condition(Column("device_model"), Op.EQ, "iPhone14,2")],
+ id="device.model:iPhone14,2",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!device.model:iPhone14,2",
+ [Condition(Column("device_model"), Op.NEQ, "iPhone14,2")],
+ id="!device.model:iPhone14,2",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "device.model:iPhone14,2",
+ [Condition(Column("device_model"), Op.EQ, "iPhone14,2")],
+ id="device.model:iPhone14,2",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "os.build:20G817",
+ [Condition(Column("device_os_build_number"), Op.EQ, "20G817")],
+ id="os.build:20G817",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!os.build:20G817",
+ [
+ # os.build is a nullable column
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ Condition(is_null("device_os_build_number"), Op.EQ, 1),
+ Condition(Column("device_os_build_number"), Op.NEQ, "20G817"),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ id="!os.build:20G817",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "os.name:iOS",
+ [Condition(Column("device_os_name"), Op.EQ, "iOS")],
+ id="os.name:iOS",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!os.name:iOS",
+ [Condition(Column("device_os_name"), Op.NEQ, "iOS")],
+ id="!os.name:iOS",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "os.version:15.2",
+ [Condition(Column("device_os_version"), Op.EQ, "15.2")],
+ id="os.version:15.2",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!os.version:15.2",
+ [Condition(Column("device_os_version"), Op.NEQ, "15.2")],
+ id="!os.version:15.2",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "profile.duration:1",
+ # since 1 mean 1 millisecond, and converted to nanoseconds its 1e6
+ [Condition(Column("duration_ns"), Op.EQ, 1e6)],
+ id="profile.duration:1",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!profile.duration:1",
+ # since 1 mean 1 millisecond, and converted to nanoseconds its 1e6
+ [Condition(Column("duration_ns"), Op.NEQ, 1e6)],
+ id="!profile.duration:1",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "profile.duration:>1",
+ # since 1 mean 1 millisecond, and converted to nanoseconds its 1e6
+ [Condition(Column("duration_ns"), Op.GT, 1e6)],
+ id="profile.duration:>1",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "profile.duration:<1",
+ # since 1 mean 1 millisecond, and converted to nanoseconds its 1e6
+ [Condition(Column("duration_ns"), Op.LT, 1e6)],
+ id="profile.duration:<1",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "profile.duration:1s",
+ # since 1s mean 1 second, and converted to nanoseconds its 1e9
+ [Condition(Column("duration_ns"), Op.EQ, 1e9)],
+ id="profile.duration:1s",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "environment:dev",
+ [Condition(Column("environment"), Op.EQ, "dev")],
+ id="environment:dev",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!environment:dev",
+ [
+ # environment is a nullable column
+ Or(
+ conditions=[
+ Condition(is_null("environment"), Op.EQ, 1),
+ Condition(Column("environment"), Op.NEQ, "dev"),
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ id="!environment:dev",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "platform.name:cocoa",
+ [Condition(Column("platform"), Op.EQ, "cocoa")],
+ id="platform.name:cocoa",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!platform.name:cocoa",
+ [Condition(Column("platform"), Op.NEQ, "cocoa")],
+ id="!platform.name:cocoa",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ f"trace:{'a' * 32}",
+ [Condition(Column("trace_id"), Op.EQ, "a" * 32)],
+ id=f"trace:{'a' * 32}",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ f"!trace:{'a' * 32}",
+ [Condition(Column("trace_id"), Op.NEQ, "a" * 32)],
+ id=f"!trace:{'a' * 32}",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "transaction:foo",
+ [Condition(Column("transaction_name"), Op.EQ, "foo")],
+ id="transaction:foo",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!transaction:foo",
+ [Condition(Column("transaction_name"), Op.NEQ, "foo")],
+ id="!transaction:foo",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "release:foo",
+ [Condition(Column("version_name"), Op.EQ, "foo")],
+ id="release:foo",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!release:foo",
+ [Condition(Column("version_name"), Op.NEQ, "foo")],
+ id="!release:foo",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "project_id:1",
+ [Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, 1)],
+ id="project_id:1",
+ ),
+ pytest.param(
+ "!project_id:1",
+ [Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.NEQ, 1)],
+ id="!project_id:1",
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_where_resolution(params, query, conditions):
+ builder = ProfilesQueryBuilder(
+ dataset=Dataset.Profiles,
+ params=params,
+ selected_columns=["count()"],
+ query=query,
+ )
+ for condition in conditions:
+ assert condition in builder.where, condition
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("field", [pytest.param("project"), pytest.param("project.name")])
+def test_where_resolution_project_slug(params, field):
+ project = params["project_objects"][0]
+ builder = ProfilesQueryBuilder(
+ dataset=Dataset.Profiles,
+ params=params,
+ selected_columns=["count()"],
+ query=f"{field}:{project.slug}",
+ )
+ assert Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.EQ, project.id), builder.condition
+ builder = ProfilesQueryBuilder(
+ dataset=Dataset.Profiles,
+ params=params,
+ selected_columns=["count()"],
+ query=f"!{field}:{project.slug}",
+ )
+ assert Condition(Column("project_id"), Op.NEQ, project.id), builder.condition
+ "field,column",
+ [
+ pytest.param(
+ column.alias,
+ column.column,
+ id=f"has:{column.alias}",
+ marks=pytest.mark.skip(reason="has not working yet"),
+ )
+ for column in PROFILE_COLUMNS
+ ],
+def test_has_resolution(params, field, column):
+ builder = ProfilesQueryBuilder(
+ dataset=Dataset.Profiles,
+ params=params,
+ selected_columns=["count()"],
+ query=f"has:{field}",
+ )
+ if field in ProfilesDatasetConfig.non_nullable_keys:
+ assert Condition(Column(column), Op.NEQ, "") in builder.where
+ else:
+ assert Condition(is_null(column), Op.NEQ, 1) in builder.where
+ "field,column",
+ [
+ pytest.param(
+ column.alias,
+ column.column,
+ id=f"!has:{column.alias}",
+ marks=pytest.mark.skip(reason="!has not working yet"),
+ )
+ for column in PROFILE_COLUMNS
+ ],
+def test_not_has_resolution(params, field, column):
+ builder = ProfilesQueryBuilder(
+ dataset=Dataset.Profiles,
+ params=params,
+ selected_columns=["count()"],
+ query=f"!has:{field}",
+ )
+ if field in ProfilesDatasetConfig.non_nullable_keys:
+ assert Condition(Column(column), Op.EQ, "") in builder.where
+ else:
+ assert Condition(is_null(column), Op.EQ, 1) in builder.where