@@ -1,122 +1,136 @@
import {Component} from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
import capitalize from 'lodash/capitalize';
-import pick from 'lodash/pick';
import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale';
-import {ExternalActorMapping, Integration, Organization} from 'sentry/types';
+import {ExternalActorMapping, Integration} from 'sentry/types';
+import {getExternalActorEndpointDetails} from 'sentry/utils/integrationUtil';
import {FieldFromConfig} from 'sentry/views/settings/components/forms';
import Form from 'sentry/views/settings/components/forms/form';
+import FormModel from 'sentry/views/settings/components/forms/model';
import {Field} from 'sentry/views/settings/components/forms/type';
-type Props = Pick<Form['props'], 'onSubmitSuccess' | 'onCancel'> &
- Partial<Pick<Form['props'], 'onSubmit'>> & {
- organization: Organization;
- integration: Integration;
- mapping?: ExternalActorMapping;
- type: 'user' | 'team';
- baseEndpoint?: string;
- sentryNamesMapper: (v: any) => {id: string; name: string}[];
- url: string;
- onResults?: (data: any) => void;
- };
+type Props = Pick<Form['props'], 'onCancel' | 'onSubmitSuccess' | 'onSubmitError'> & {
+ integration: Integration;
+ mapping?: ExternalActorMapping;
+ type: 'user' | 'team';
+ getBaseFormEndpoint: (mapping?: ExternalActorMapping) => string;
+ sentryNamesMapper: (v: any) => {id: string; name: string}[];
+ dataEndpoint: string;
+ onResults?: (data: any, mappingKey?: string) => void;
+ isInline?: boolean;
+ mappingKey?: string;
export default class IntegrationExternalMappingForm extends Component<Props> {
+ model = new FormModel();
get initialData() {
const {integration, mapping} = this.props;
return {
- externalName: '',
- userId: '',
- teamId: '',
- sentryName: '',
provider: integration.provider.key,
integrationId: integration.id,
- ...pick(mapping, ['externalName', 'userId', 'sentryName', 'teamId']),
+ ...mapping,
get formFields(): Field[] {
- const {type, sentryNamesMapper, url, mapping} = this.props;
+ const {
+ dataEndpoint,
+ isInline,
+ mapping,
+ mappingKey,
+ onResults,
+ sentryNamesMapper,
+ type,
+ } = this.props;
const optionMapper = sentryNames =>
sentryNames.map(({name, id}) => ({value: id, label: name}));
- const fields: any[] = [
+ const fields: Field[] = [
- name: 'externalName',
- type: 'string',
- required: true,
- label: tct('External [type]', {type: capitalize(type)}),
- placeholder: t(`${type === 'team' ? '@org/teamname' : '@username'}`),
- },
- ];
- if (type === 'user') {
- fields.push({
- name: 'userId',
+ name: `${type}Id`,
type: 'select_async',
required: true,
- label: tct('Sentry [type]', {type: capitalize(type)}),
- placeholder: t(`Choose your Sentry User`),
- url,
+ label: isInline ? undefined : tct('Sentry [type]', {type: capitalize(type)}),
+ placeholder: t(`Select Sentry ${capitalize(type)}`),
+ url: dataEndpoint,
onResults: result => {
- // For organizations with >100 users, we want to make sure their
+ onResults?.(result, isInline ? mapping?.externalName : mappingKey);
+ // TODO(Leander): The code below only fixes the problem when viewed, not when edited
+ // Pagination still has bugs for results not on initial return of the query
+ // For organizations with >100 entries, we want to make sure their
// saved mapping gets populated in the results if it wouldn't have
// been in the initial 100 API results, which is why we add it here
- if (mapping && !result.find(({user}) => user.id === mapping.userId)) {
- result = [{id: mapping.userId, name: mapping.sentryName}, ...result];
+ if (
+ mapping &&
+ !result.find(entry => {
+ const id = type === 'user' ? entry.user.id : entry.id;
+ return id === mapping[`${type}Id`];
+ })
+ ) {
+ return optionMapper([
+ {id: mapping[`${type}Id`], name: mapping.sentryName},
+ ...sentryNamesMapper(result),
+ ]);
- this.props.onResults?.(result);
return optionMapper(sentryNamesMapper(result));
- });
- }
- if (type === 'team') {
- fields.push({
- name: 'teamId',
- type: 'select_async',
+ },
+ ];
+ // We only add the field for externalName if it's the full (not inline) form
+ if (!isInline) {
+ fields.unshift({
+ name: 'externalName',
+ type: 'string',
required: true,
- label: tct('Sentry [type]', {type: capitalize(type)}),
- placeholder: t(`Choose your Sentry Team`),
- url,
- onResults: result => {
- // For organizations with >100 teams, we want to make sure their
- // saved mapping gets populated in the results if it wouldn't have
- // been in the initial 100 API results, which is why we add it here
- if (mapping && !result.find(({id}) => id === mapping.teamId)) {
- result = [{id: mapping.teamId, name: mapping.sentryName}, ...result];
- }
- // The team needs `this.props.onResults` so that we have team slug
- // when a user submits a team mapping, the endpoint needs the slug
- // as a path param: /teams/${organization.slug}/${team.slug}/external-teams/
- this.props.onResults?.(result);
- return optionMapper(sentryNamesMapper(result));
- },
+ label: isInline ? undefined : tct('External [type]', {type: capitalize(type)}),
+ placeholder: type === 'user' ? t('@username') : t('@org/teamname'),
return fields;
- render() {
- const {onSubmitSuccess, onCancel, mapping, baseEndpoint, onSubmit} = this.props;
+ get extraFormFieldProps() {
+ const {isInline} = this.props;
+ return isInline
+ ? {
+ // We need to submit the entire model since it could be a new one or an update
+ getData: () => this.model.getData(),
+ // We need to update the model onBlur for inline forms since the model's 'onPreSubmit' hook
+ // does NOT run when using `saveOnBlur`.
+ onBlur: () => this.updateModel(),
+ }
+ : {flexibleControlStateSize: true};
+ }
- // endpoint changes if we are making a new row or updating an existing one
- const endpoint = !baseEndpoint
- ? undefined
- : mapping
- ? `${baseEndpoint}${mapping.id}/`
- : baseEndpoint;
- const apiMethod = !baseEndpoint ? undefined : mapping ? 'PUT' : 'POST';
+ // This function is necessary since the endpoint we submit to changes depending on the value selected
+ updateModel() {
+ const mapping = this.model.getData() as ExternalActorMapping;
+ const {getBaseFormEndpoint} = this.props;
+ if (mapping) {
+ const endpointDetails = getExternalActorEndpointDetails(
+ getBaseFormEndpoint(mapping),
+ mapping
+ );
+ this.model.setFormOptions({...this.model.options, ...endpointDetails});
+ }
+ }
+ render() {
+ const {isInline, onCancel, onSubmitError, onSubmitSuccess} = this.props;
return (
- onSubmitSuccess={onSubmitSuccess}
+ model={this.model}
- apiEndpoint={endpoint}
- apiMethod={apiMethod}
- onSubmit={onSubmit}
+ onSubmitSuccess={onSubmitSuccess}
+ onSubmitError={onSubmitError}
+ saveOnBlur={isInline}
+ allowUndo={isInline}
+ onPreSubmit={() => this.updateModel()}
{this.formFields.map(field => (
@@ -124,7 +138,7 @@ export default class IntegrationExternalMappingForm extends Component<Props> {
- flexibleControlStateSize
+ {...this.extraFormFieldProps}