@@ -194,7 +194,21 @@ def custom_preprocessing_hook(endpoints: Any) -> Any: # TODO: organize method,
return filtered
+def dereference_schema(schema: dict, schema_components: dict) -> dict:
+ """
+ Dereferences the schema reference if it exists. Otherwise, returns the schema as is.
+ """
+ if len(schema) == 1 and "$ref" in schema:
+ # The reference always takes the form of #/components/schemas/{schema_name}
+ schema_name = schema["$ref"].split("/")[-1]
+ schema = schema_components[schema_name]
+ return schema
def custom_postprocessing_hook(result: Any, generator: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
+ # Fetch schema component references
+ schema_components = result["components"]["schemas"]
for path, endpoints in result["paths"].items():
for method_info in endpoints.values():
_check_tag(path, method_info)
@@ -222,6 +236,9 @@ def custom_postprocessing_hook(result: Any, generator: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> An
schema = content["application/json"]["schema"]
+ # Dereference schema if needed
+ schema = dereference_schema(schema, schema_components)
# Required params are stored in a list and not in the param itself
required = set(schema.get("required", []))
if required: