@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pathlib
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from typing import Callable
+import pytest
+def call_mypy(tmp_path: pathlib.Path) -> Callable[[str], tuple[int, str]]:
+ cfg = """\
+plugins = ["tools.mypy_helpers.plugin"]
+ cfg_path = tmp_path.joinpath("mypy.toml")
+ cfg_path.write_text(cfg)
+ def _call_mypy(contents: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
+ ret = subprocess.run(
+ (
+ *(sys.executable, "-m", "mypy"),
+ *("--config", str(cfg_path)),
+ *("-c", contents),
+ ),
+ capture_output=True,
+ encoding="UTF-8",
+ )
+ return ret.returncode, ret.stdout
+ return _call_mypy
+def test_invalid_get_connection_call(call_mypy):
+ code = """
+from django.db.transaction import get_connection
+with get_connection() as cursor:
+ cursor.execute("SELECT 1")
+ expected = """\
+<string>:4: error: Missing positional argument "using" in call to "get_connection" [call-arg]
+Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
+ ret, out = call_mypy(code)
+ assert ret
+ assert out == expected
+def test_ok_get_connection(call_mypy):
+ code = """
+from django.db.transaction import get_connection
+with get_connection("default") as cursor:
+ cursor.execute("SELECT 1")
+ ret, out = call_mypy(code)
+ assert ret == 0
+def test_invalid_transaction_atomic(call_mypy):
+ code = """
+from django.db import transaction
+with transaction.atomic():
+ value = 10 / 2
+ expected = """\
+<string>:4: error: All overload variants of "atomic" require at least one argument [call-overload]
+<string>:4: note: Possible overload variants:
+<string>:4: note: def [_C] atomic(using: _C) -> _C
+<string>:4: note: def atomic(using: str, savepoint: bool = ..., durable: bool = ...) -> Atomic
+Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
+ ret, out = call_mypy(code)
+ assert ret
+ assert out == expected
+def test_ok_transaction_atomic(call_mypy):
+ code = """
+from django.db import transaction
+with transaction.atomic("default"):
+ value = 10 / 2
+ ret, _ = call_mypy(code)
+ assert ret == 0
+def test_ok_transaction_on_commit(call_mypy):
+ code = """
+from django.db import transaction
+def completed():
+ pass
+transaction.on_commit(completed, "default")
+ ret, _ = call_mypy(code)
+ assert ret == 0
+def test_invalid_transaction_on_commit(call_mypy):
+ code = """
+from django.db import transaction
+def completed():
+ pass
+ expected = """\
+<string>:7: error: Missing positional argument "using" in call to "on_commit" [call-arg]
+Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
+ ret, out = call_mypy(code)
+ assert ret
+ assert out == expected
+def test_invalid_transaction_set_rollback(call_mypy):
+ code = """
+from django.db import transaction
+ expected = """\
+<string>:4: error: Missing positional argument "using" in call to "set_rollback" [call-arg]
+Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
+ ret, out = call_mypy(code)
+ assert ret
+ assert out == expected
+def test_ok_transaction_set_rollback(call_mypy):
+ code = """
+from django.db import transaction
+transaction.set_rollback(True, "default")
+ ret, _ = call_mypy(code)
+ assert ret == 0