@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {Fragment, PureComponent} from 'react';
+import {Fragment} from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
import ActorAvatar from 'sentry/components/avatar/actorAvatar';
import ActorAvatar from 'sentry/components/avatar/actorAvatar';
@@ -12,58 +12,38 @@ import space from 'sentry/styles/space';
import {Actor, Member, Team} from 'sentry/types';
import {Actor, Member, Team} from 'sentry/types';
import {IssueAlertRule} from 'sentry/types/alerts';
import {IssueAlertRule} from 'sentry/types/alerts';
+import {TextAction, TextCondition} from './textRule';
type Props = {
type Props = {
memberList: Member[];
memberList: Member[];
rule: IssueAlertRule;
rule: IssueAlertRule;
teams: Team[];
teams: Team[];
-class Sidebar extends PureComponent<Props> {
- renderConditions() {
- const {rule, memberList, teams} = this.props;
- const conditions = rule.conditions.length
- ? rule.conditions.map(condition => (
- <ConditionsBadge key={condition.id}>{condition.name}</ConditionsBadge>
- ))
- : null;
- const filters = rule.filters.length
- ? rule.filters.map(filter => (
- <ConditionsBadge key={filter.id}>
- {filter.time ? filter.name + '(s)' : filter.name}
- </ConditionsBadge>
- ))
- : null;
- const actions = rule.actions.length ? (
- rule.actions.map(action => {
- let name = action.name;
- if (action.targetType === 'Member') {
- const user = memberList.find(
- member => member.user.id === `${action.targetIdentifier}`
- );
- name = t('Send a notification to %s', user?.email);
- }
- if (action.targetType === 'Team') {
- const team = teams.find(tm => tm.id === `${action.targetIdentifier}`);
- name = t('Send a notification to #%s', team?.name);
- }
- if (
- action.id === 'sentry.integrations.slack.notify_action.SlackNotifyServiceAction'
- ) {
- // Remove (optionally, an ID: XXX) from slack action
- name = name.replace(/\(optionally.*\)/, '');
- // Remove tags if they aren't used
- name = name.replace(' and show tags [] in notification', '');
- }
- return <ConditionsBadge key={action.id}>{name}</ConditionsBadge>;
- })
- ) : (
- <ConditionsBadge>{t('Do nothing')}</ConditionsBadge>
- );
- return (
- <PanelBody>
+function Conditions({rule, teams, memberList}: Props) {
+ return (
+ <PanelBody>
+ <Step>
+ <StepContainer>
+ <ChevronContainer>
+ <IconChevron color="gray200" isCircled direction="right" size="sm" />
+ </ChevronContainer>
+ <StepContent>
+ <StepLead>
+ {tct('[when:When] an event is captured [selector]', {
+ when: <Badge />,
+ selector: rule.conditions.length ? t('and %s...', rule.actionMatch) : '',
+ })}
+ </StepLead>
+ {rule.conditions.map((condition, idx) => (
+ <ConditionsBadge key={idx}>
+ <TextCondition condition={condition} />
+ </ConditionsBadge>
+ ))}
+ </StepContent>
+ </StepContainer>
+ </Step>
+ {rule.filters.length ? (
@@ -71,108 +51,102 @@ class Sidebar extends PureComponent<Props> {
- {tct('[when:When] an event is captured [selector]', {
- when: <Badge />,
- selector: conditions?.length ? t('and %s...', rule.actionMatch) : '',
+ {tct('[if:If] [selector] of these filters match', {
+ if: <Badge />,
+ selector: rule.filterMatch,
- {conditions}
+ {rule.filters.map((filter, idx) => (
+ <ConditionsBadge key={idx}>
+ {filter.time ? filter.name + '(s)' : filter.name}
+ </ConditionsBadge>
+ ))}
- {filters && (
- <Step>
- <StepContainer>
- <ChevronContainer>
- <IconChevron color="gray200" isCircled direction="right" size="sm" />
- </ChevronContainer>
- <StepContent>
- <StepLead>
- {tct('[if:If] [selector] of these filters match', {
- if: <Badge />,
- selector: rule.filterMatch,
- })}
- </StepLead>
- {filters}
- </StepContent>
- </StepContainer>
- </Step>
- )}
- <Step>
- <StepContainer>
- <ChevronContainer>
- <IconChevron isCircled color="gray200" direction="right" size="sm" />
- </ChevronContainer>
- <div>
- <StepLead>
- {tct('[then:Then] perform these actions', {
- then: <Badge />,
- })}
- </StepLead>
- {actions}
- </div>
- </StepContainer>
- </Step>
- </PanelBody>
- );
- }
- render() {
- const {rule} = this.props;
- const ownerId = rule.owner?.split(':')[1];
- const teamActor = ownerId && {type: 'team' as Actor['type'], id: ownerId, name: ''};
+ ) : null}
+ <Step>
+ <StepContainer>
+ <ChevronContainer>
+ <IconChevron isCircled color="gray200" direction="right" size="sm" />
+ </ChevronContainer>
+ <div>
+ <StepLead>
+ {tct('[then:Then] perform these actions', {
+ then: <Badge />,
+ })}
+ </StepLead>
+ {rule.actions.length ? (
+ rule.actions.map((action, idx) => {
+ return (
+ <ConditionsBadge key={idx}>
+ <TextAction action={action} memberList={memberList} teams={teams} />
+ </ConditionsBadge>
+ );
+ })
+ ) : (
+ <ConditionsBadge>{t('Do nothing')}</ConditionsBadge>
+ )}
+ </div>
+ </StepContainer>
+ </Step>
+ </PanelBody>
+ );
- return (
- <Fragment>
- <StatusContainer>
- <HeaderItem>
- <Heading noMargin>{t('Last Triggered')}</Heading>
- <Status>
- {rule.lastTriggered ? (
- <TimeSince date={rule.lastTriggered} />
- ) : (
- t('No alerts triggered')
- )}
- </Status>
- </HeaderItem>
- </StatusContainer>
- <SidebarGroup>
- <Heading noMargin>{t('Alert Conditions')}</Heading>
- {this.renderConditions()}
- </SidebarGroup>
- <SidebarGroup>
- <Heading>{t('Alert Rule Details')}</Heading>
- <KeyValueTable>
+function Sidebar({rule, teams, memberList}: Props) {
+ const ownerId = rule.owner?.split(':')[1];
+ const teamActor = ownerId && {type: 'team' as Actor['type'], id: ownerId, name: ''};
+ return (
+ <Fragment>
+ <StatusContainer>
+ <HeaderItem>
+ <Heading noMargin>{t('Last Triggered')}</Heading>
+ <Status>
+ {rule.lastTriggered ? (
+ <TimeSince date={rule.lastTriggered} />
+ ) : (
+ t('No alerts triggered')
+ )}
+ </Status>
+ </HeaderItem>
+ </StatusContainer>
+ <SidebarGroup>
+ <Heading noMargin>{t('Alert Conditions')}</Heading>
+ <Conditions rule={rule} teams={teams} memberList={memberList} />
+ </SidebarGroup>
+ <SidebarGroup>
+ <Heading>{t('Alert Rule Details')}</Heading>
+ <KeyValueTable>
+ <KeyValueTableRow
+ keyName={t('Environment')}
+ value={<OverflowTableValue>{rule.environment ?? '-'}</OverflowTableValue>}
+ />
+ {rule.dateCreated && (
- keyName={t('Environment')}
- value={<OverflowTableValue>{rule.environment ?? '-'}</OverflowTableValue>}
+ keyName={t('Date Created')}
+ value={<TimeSince date={rule.dateCreated} suffix={t('ago')} />}
- {rule.dateCreated && (
- <KeyValueTableRow
- keyName={t('Date Created')}
- value={<TimeSince date={rule.dateCreated} suffix={t('ago')} />}
- />
- )}
- {rule.createdBy && (
- <KeyValueTableRow
- keyName={t('Created By')}
- value={
- <OverflowTableValue>{rule.createdBy.name ?? '-'}</OverflowTableValue>
- }
- />
- )}
+ )}
+ {rule.createdBy && (
- keyName={t('Team')}
+ keyName={t('Created By')}
- teamActor ? <ActorAvatar actor={teamActor} size={24} /> : 'Unassigned'
+ <OverflowTableValue>{rule.createdBy.name ?? '-'}</OverflowTableValue>
- </KeyValueTable>
- </SidebarGroup>
- </Fragment>
- );
- }
+ )}
+ <KeyValueTableRow
+ keyName={t('Team')}
+ value={
+ teamActor ? <ActorAvatar actor={teamActor} size={24} /> : t('Unassigned')
+ }
+ />
+ </KeyValueTable>
+ </SidebarGroup>
+ </Fragment>
+ );
export default Sidebar;
export default Sidebar;