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ref(release-health): Remove duplex backend from code (#41062)

In https://github.com/getsentry/getsentry/pull/8804, we switched SaaS
from using the duplex backend (which dispatches queries to either the
sessions or the metrics backend) to using the metrics backend

We are done comparing sessions and metrics results. The other use case
of the duplex backend was to have a rolling transition, allowing to use
the metrics dataset before we had 90 days of data. We assume we will not
need this transition in single-tenant. If we do, we can always write a
more simple dispatcher than the duplex backend.
Joris Bayer 2 лет назад

+ 0 - 2

@@ -601,7 +601,6 @@ CELERY_IMPORTS = (
-    "sentry.release_health.duplex",
@@ -679,7 +678,6 @@ CELERY_QUEUES = [
     Queue("unmerge", routing_key="unmerge"),
     Queue("update", routing_key="update"),
     Queue("profiles.process", routing_key="profiles.process"),
-    Queue("release_health.duplex", routing_key="release_health.duplex"),
     Queue("get_suspect_resolutions", routing_key="get_suspect_resolutions"),
     Queue("get_suspect_resolutions_releases", routing_key="get_suspect_resolutions_releases"),
     Queue("replays.ingest_replay", routing_key="replays.ingest_replay"),

+ 0 - 1388

@@ -1,1388 +0,0 @@
-import collections.abc
-import math
-from copy import deepcopy
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
-from enum import Enum
-from typing import (
-    Any,
-    Callable,
-    List,
-    Literal,
-    Mapping,
-    Optional,
-    Sequence,
-    Set,
-    Tuple,
-    Union,
-    cast,
-import pytz
-from dateutil import parser
-from sentry_sdk import (
-    capture_exception,
-    capture_message,
-    push_scope,
-    set_context,
-    set_extra,
-    set_tag,
-from sentry import features
-from sentry.exceptions import InvalidSearchQuery
-from sentry.models import Organization, Project
-from sentry.release_health.base import (
-    CrashFreeBreakdown,
-    CurrentAndPreviousCrashFreeRates,
-    EnvironmentName,
-    OrganizationId,
-    OverviewStat,
-    ProjectId,
-    ProjectOrRelease,
-    ProjectRelease,
-    ProjectReleaseSessionStats,
-    ProjectReleaseUserStats,
-    ProjectWithCount,
-    ReleaseHealthBackend,
-    ReleaseHealthOverview,
-    ReleaseName,
-    ReleasesAdoption,
-    ReleaseSessionsTimeBounds,
-    SessionsQueryConfig,
-    SessionsQueryResult,
-    StatsPeriod,
-from sentry.release_health.metrics import MetricsReleaseHealthBackend
-from sentry.release_health.sessions import SessionsReleaseHealthBackend
-from sentry.snuba.metrics.utils import get_intervals
-from sentry.snuba.sessions import get_rollup_starts_and_buckets
-from sentry.snuba.sessions_v2 import InvalidParams, QueryDefinition
-from sentry.tasks.base import instrumented_task
-from sentry.utils.metrics import Tags, incr, timer, timing
-DateLike = Union[datetime, str]
-ReleaseHealthResult = Any
-Scalars = Union[int, str, float, datetime, None]
-def _coerce_utc(timestamp: datetime) -> datetime:
-    if timestamp.tzinfo is None:
-        return timestamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
-    return timestamp
-class ComparatorType(Enum):
-    Counter = "counter"
-    Ratio = "ratio"
-    Quantile = "quantile"
-    Exact = "exact"
-    DateTime = "datetime"
-    Ignore = "ignore"
-IndexBy = Union[str, Callable[[Any], Any]]
-class ListSet:
-    """
-    ListSet is a list that behaves like a set
-    Each element has a field (or there is a lambda) that gives its identity
-    and elements within two lists are compared for equality by first matching
-    the identity and then matching their contents.
-    Inserting multiple elements with the same identity will result in
-    undefined behaviour (the last element for an identity in the list will
-    be compared and all the rest will be ignored)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, schema: "Schema", index_by: IndexBy):
-        self.child_schema = schema
-        if type(index_by) == str:
-            self.index_by: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x.get(index_by)
-        else:
-            self.index_by = cast(Callable[[Any], Any], index_by)
-class FixedList:
-    """
-    List with a fixed number of elements, where each element has a separate
-    schema.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, child_schemas: List["Schema"]):
-        self.child_schemas = child_schemas
-    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
-        return isinstance(other, FixedList) and self.child_schemas == other.child_schemas
-    def __repr__(self) -> str:
-        return f"FixedList({self.child_schemas})"
-Schema = Union[
-    ComparatorType, List[Any], Mapping[str, Any], Set[Any], ListSet, FixedList, Tuple[Any, ...]
-class ComparisonError:
-    def __init__(self, message: str, results: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None):
-        self._message = message
-        self._results = results
-    @property
-    def delta(self) -> Optional[float]:
-        if self._results is None:
-            return None
-        sessions, metrics = self._results
-        return metrics - sessions
-    @property
-    def relative_change(self) -> Optional[float]:
-        if self._results is None:
-            return None
-        sessions, metrics = self._results
-        if sessions:
-            return (metrics - sessions) / abs(sessions)
-        return None
-    def __str__(self) -> str:
-        return self._message
-def compare_entities(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult, metrics: ReleaseHealthResult, path: str
-) -> Optional[ComparisonError]:
-    if sessions != metrics:
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"field {path} contains different data sessions={sessions} metrics={metrics}"
-        )
-    return None
-def _compare_basic(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult, metrics: ReleaseHealthResult, path: str
-) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[ComparisonError]]:
-    """
-    Runs basic comparisons common to most implementations,
-    If the first value in the return tuple is true the comparison is finished the the second
-    value can be returned as a result
-    """
-    if sessions is None and metrics is None:
-        return True, None
-    if sessions is None:
-        return True, ComparisonError(f"field {path} only present in metrics implementation")
-    if metrics is None:
-        return True, ComparisonError(f"field {path} missing from metrics implementation")
-    return False, None
-def compare_datetime(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult, metrics: ReleaseHealthResult, rollup: int, path: str
-) -> Optional[ComparisonError]:
-    done, error = _compare_basic(sessions, metrics, path)
-    if done:
-        return error
-    if not isinstance(sessions, (str, datetime)):
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"invalid field type {path} sessions={sessions} expected a date-like type found {type(sessions)}"
-        )
-    if not isinstance(metrics, (str, datetime)):
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"invalid field type {path} metrics={metrics} expected a date-like type found {type(metrics)}"
-        )
-    if type(sessions) != type(metrics):
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"field {path} inconsistent types return sessions={type(sessions)}, metrics={type(metrics)}"
-        )
-    dd = None
-    if isinstance(sessions, str):
-        assert isinstance(metrics, str)
-        try:
-            sessions_d = parser.parse(sessions)
-            metrics_d = parser.parse(metrics)
-            dd = abs(sessions_d - metrics_d)
-        except parser.ParserError:
-            return ComparisonError(
-                f"field {path} could not parse dates sessions={sessions}, metrics={metrics}"
-            )
-    elif isinstance(sessions, datetime):
-        assert isinstance(metrics, datetime)
-        dd = abs(sessions - metrics)
-    if dd > timedelta(seconds=rollup):
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"field {path} failed to match datetimes sessions={sessions}, metrics={metrics}"
-        )
-    return None
-def compare_counters(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult, metrics: ReleaseHealthResult, path: str
-) -> Optional[ComparisonError]:
-    done, error = _compare_basic(sessions, metrics, path)
-    if done:
-        return error
-    if not isinstance(sessions, int):
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"invalid field type {path} sessions={sessions} expected an int type found {type(sessions)}"
-        )
-    if not isinstance(metrics, int):
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"invalid field type {path} metrics={metrics} expected an int type found {type(metrics)}"
-        )
-    if metrics < 0:
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"invalid field {path} value={metrics}, from metrics, only positive values are expected. "
-        )
-    if sessions < 0:
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"sessions ERROR, Invalid field {path} value = {sessions}, from sessions, only positive values are expected. "
-        )
-    if (sessions <= 10 and metrics > 10) or (metrics <= 10 and sessions > 10):
-        if abs(sessions - metrics) > 4:
-            return ComparisonError(
-                f"fields with different values at {path} sessions={sessions}, metrics={metrics}",
-                (sessions, metrics),
-            )
-        else:
-            return None
-    if metrics <= 10:
-        if abs(sessions - metrics) > 3:
-            return ComparisonError(
-                f"fields with different values at {path} sessions={sessions}, metrics={metrics}",
-                (sessions, metrics),
-            )
-        else:
-            return None
-    else:
-        if float(abs(sessions - metrics)) / metrics > 0.05:
-            return ComparisonError(
-                f"fields with different values at {path} sessions={sessions}, metrics={metrics}",
-                (sessions, metrics),
-            )
-    return None
-def compare_ratios(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult, metrics: ReleaseHealthResult, path: str
-) -> Optional[ComparisonError]:
-    done, error = _compare_basic(sessions, metrics, path)
-    if done:
-        return error
-    if not isinstance(sessions, float):
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"invalid field type {path} sessions={sessions} expected a float type found {type(sessions)}"
-        )
-    if not isinstance(metrics, float):
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"invalid field type {path} metrics={metrics} expected a float type found {type(metrics)}"
-        )
-    if metrics < 0:
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"invalid field {path} value = {metrics}, from metrics, only positive values are expected. "
-        )
-    if sessions < 0:
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"sessions ERROR, Invalid field {path} value = {sessions}, from sessions, only positive values are expected. "
-        )
-    if sessions == metrics == 0.0:
-        return None
-    if float(abs(sessions - metrics)) / max(metrics, sessions) > 0.01:
-        return ComparisonError(
-            f"fields with different values at {path} sessions={sessions}, metrics={metrics}",
-            (sessions, metrics),
-        )
-    return None
-compare_quantiles = compare_ratios
-def compare_scalars(
-    sessions: Scalars, metrics: Scalars, rollup: int, path: str, schema: Optional[Schema]
-) -> Optional[ComparisonError]:
-    if schema is None:
-        t = type(sessions)
-        if isinstance(sessions, (str, int)):
-            return compare_entities(sessions, metrics, path)
-        elif isinstance(sessions, float):
-            return compare_ratios(sessions, metrics, path)
-        elif isinstance(sessions, datetime):
-            return compare_datetime(sessions, metrics, rollup, path)
-        else:
-            return ComparisonError(f"unsupported scalar type {t} at path {path}")
-    elif schema == ComparatorType.Ignore:
-        return None
-    elif schema == ComparatorType.Counter:
-        return compare_counters(sessions, metrics, path)
-    elif schema == ComparatorType.Ratio:
-        return compare_ratios(sessions, metrics, path)
-    elif schema == ComparatorType.Quantile:
-        return compare_ratios(sessions, metrics, path)
-    elif schema == ComparatorType.Exact:
-        return compare_entities(sessions, metrics, path)
-    elif schema == ComparatorType.DateTime:
-        return compare_datetime(sessions, metrics, rollup, path)
-    else:
-        return ComparisonError(f"unsupported schema={schema} at {path}")
-def _compare_basic_sequence(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult, metrics: ReleaseHealthResult, path: str
-) -> Tuple[bool, List[ComparisonError]]:
-    """
-    Does basic comparisons common to sequences (arrays and tuples)
-    if the first parameter of the tuple is True the comparison is finished and the second
-    element can be returned as the final result.
-    If the first parameter is False the second parameter is an empty array (no errors found so far) and specialised
-    comparison should continue
-    """
-    done, error = _compare_basic(sessions, metrics, path)
-    if done:
-        if error is not None:
-            return True, [error]
-        else:
-            return True, []
-    if not isinstance(sessions, collections.abc.Sequence) or not isinstance(
-        metrics, collections.abc.Sequence
-    ):
-        return True, [
-            ComparisonError(
-                f"invalid sequence types at path {path} sessions={type(sessions)}, metrics={type(metrics)}"
-            )
-        ]
-    if len(sessions) != len(metrics):
-        return True, [
-            ComparisonError(
-                f"different length for metrics tuple on path {path}, sessions={len(sessions)}, metrics={len(metrics)}"
-            )
-        ]
-    return False, []
-def compare_arrays(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult,
-    metrics: ReleaseHealthResult,
-    rollup: int,
-    path: str,
-    schema: Optional[List[Schema]],
-) -> List[ComparisonError]:
-    done, errors = _compare_basic_sequence(sessions, metrics, path)
-    if done:
-        return errors
-    if schema is None:
-        child_schema = None
-    else:
-        assert len(schema) == 1
-        child_schema = schema[0]
-    for idx in range(len(sessions)):
-        elm_path = f"{path}[{idx}]"
-        errors += compare_results(sessions[idx], metrics[idx], rollup, elm_path, child_schema)
-    return errors
-def compare_tuples(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult,
-    metrics: ReleaseHealthResult,
-    rollup: int,
-    path: str,
-    schema: Optional[Sequence[Schema]],
-) -> List[ComparisonError]:
-    done, errors = _compare_basic_sequence(sessions, metrics, path)
-    if done:
-        return errors
-    if schema is not None:
-        assert len(sessions) == len(schema)
-    for idx in range(len(sessions)):
-        elm_path = f"{path}[{idx}]"
-        if schema is None:
-            child_schema = None
-        else:
-            child_schema = schema[idx]
-        errors += compare_results(sessions[idx], metrics[idx], rollup, elm_path, child_schema)
-    return errors
-def compare_sets(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult, metrics: ReleaseHealthResult, path: str
-) -> List[ComparisonError]:
-    if sessions != metrics:
-        return [
-            ComparisonError(
-                f"different values found at path {path} sessions={sessions}, metrics={metrics}"
-            )
-        ]
-    return []
-def compare_dicts(
-    sessions: Mapping[Any, Any],
-    metrics: Mapping[Any, Any],
-    rollup: int,
-    path: str,
-    schema: Optional[Mapping[str, Schema]],
-) -> List[ComparisonError]:
-    if type(metrics) != dict:
-        return [
-            ComparisonError(
-                f"invalid type of metrics at path {path} expecting a dictionary found a {type(metrics)}"
-            )
-        ]
-    if schema is None:
-        iterate_all = True
-        generic_item_schema = None
-        schema = {}
-    else:
-        iterate_all = "*" in schema
-        generic_item_schema = schema.get("*")
-    ret_val = []
-    if iterate_all:
-        if len(sessions) != len(metrics):
-            return [
-                ComparisonError(
-                    f"different number of keys in dictionaries sessions={len(sessions)}, metrics={len(metrics)}"
-                )
-            ]
-        for key, val in sessions.items():
-            child_path = f"{path}[{key}]"
-            child_schema = schema.get(key, generic_item_schema)
-            ret_val += compare_results(val, metrics.get(key), rollup, child_path, child_schema)
-    else:
-        for key, child_schema in schema.items():
-            child_path = f"{path}[{key}]"
-            ret_val += compare_results(
-                sessions.get(key), metrics.get(key), rollup, child_path, child_schema
-            )
-    return ret_val
-def compare_list_set(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult,
-    metrics: ReleaseHealthResult,
-    rollup: int,
-    path: str,
-    schema: ListSet,
-) -> List[ComparisonError]:
-    done, error = _compare_basic(sessions, metrics, path)
-    if done:
-        if error is not None:
-            return [error]
-        else:
-            return []
-    sessions_dict = {schema.index_by(x): x for x in sessions}
-    metrics_dict = {schema.index_by(x): x for x in metrics}
-    return compare_dicts(
-        sessions_dict, metrics_dict, rollup, path + "@", {"*": schema.child_schema}
-    )
-def compare_fixed_list(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult,
-    metrics: ReleaseHealthResult,
-    rollup: int,
-    path: str,
-    schema: FixedList,
-) -> List[ComparisonError]:
-    done, errors = _compare_basic_sequence(sessions, metrics, path)
-    if done:
-        return errors
-    expected_length = len(schema.child_schemas)
-    if len(sessions) != expected_length:
-        errors.append(
-            ComparisonError(
-                f"Wrong number of elements in sessions list: expected {expected_length}, got {len(sessions)}"
-            )
-        )
-    if len(metrics) != expected_length:
-        errors.append(
-            ComparisonError(
-                f"Wrong number of elements in metrics list: expected {expected_length}, got {len(metrics)}"
-            )
-        )
-    for idx, (child_schema, session, metric) in enumerate(
-        zip(schema.child_schemas, sessions, metrics)
-    ):
-        elm_path = f"{path}[{idx}]"
-        errors += compare_results(session, metric, rollup, elm_path, child_schema)
-    return errors
-def compare_results(
-    sessions: ReleaseHealthResult,
-    metrics: ReleaseHealthResult,
-    rollup: int,
-    path: Optional[str] = None,
-    schema: Optional[Schema] = None,
-) -> List[ComparisonError]:
-    if path is None:
-        path = ""
-    if schema is not None:
-        discriminator: Union[ReleaseHealthResult, Schema, None] = schema
-    else:
-        discriminator = sessions
-    if discriminator is None:
-        if metrics is None:
-            return []
-        else:
-            return [
-                ComparisonError(f"unmatched field at path {path}, sessions=None, metrics={metrics}")
-            ]
-    if isinstance(discriminator, (str, float, int, datetime, ComparatorType)):
-        err = compare_scalars(sessions, metrics, rollup, path, schema)
-        if err is not None:
-            return [err]
-        else:
-            return []
-    elif isinstance(schema, ListSet):  # we only support ListSet in Schemas (not in the results)
-        return compare_list_set(sessions, metrics, rollup, path, schema)
-    elif isinstance(schema, FixedList):
-        return compare_fixed_list(sessions, metrics, rollup, path, schema)
-    elif isinstance(discriminator, tuple):
-        assert schema is None or isinstance(schema, tuple)
-        return compare_tuples(sessions, metrics, rollup, path, schema)
-    elif isinstance(discriminator, list):
-        assert schema is None or isinstance(schema, list)
-        return compare_arrays(sessions, metrics, rollup, path, schema)
-    elif isinstance(discriminator, set):
-        return compare_sets(sessions, metrics, path)
-    elif isinstance(discriminator, dict):
-        assert schema is None or isinstance(schema, dict)
-        return compare_dicts(sessions, metrics, rollup, path, schema)
-    else:
-        return [ComparisonError(f"invalid schema type={type(schema)} at path:'{path}'")]
-def tag_delta(errors: List[ComparisonError], tags: Tags) -> None:
-    relative_changes = [e.relative_change for e in errors if e.relative_change is not None]
-    if relative_changes:
-        max_relative_change = max(relative_changes, key=lambda x: abs(x))
-        timing("rh.duplex.rel_change", max_relative_change, tags=tags)
-        abs_max_relative_change = abs(max_relative_change)
-        tag_value = f"{math.ceil(100 * abs_max_relative_change)}"
-        if max_relative_change < 0:
-            tag_value = f"-{tag_value}"
-        set_tag("rh.duplex.rel_change", tag_value)
-def get_sessionsv2_schema(now: datetime, query: QueryDefinition) -> Mapping[str, FixedList]:
-    schema_for_totals = {
-        "sum(session)": ComparatorType.Counter,
-        "count_unique(user)": ComparatorType.Counter,
-        "avg(session.duration)": ComparatorType.Quantile,
-        "p50(session.duration)": ComparatorType.Quantile,
-        "p75(session.duration)": ComparatorType.Quantile,
-        "p90(session.duration)": ComparatorType.Quantile,
-        "p95(session.duration)": ComparatorType.Quantile,
-        "p99(session.duration)": ComparatorType.Quantile,
-        "max(session.duration)": ComparatorType.Quantile,
-    }
-    # Exclude recent timestamps from comparisons
-    start_of_hour = now.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
-    max_timestamp = start_of_hour - timedelta(hours=1)
-    return {
-        field: FixedList(
-            [
-                # Use exclusive range here, because with hourly buckets,
-                # timestamp 09:00 contains data for the range 09:00 - 10:00,
-                # And we want to still exclude that at 10:01
-                comparator if timestamp < max_timestamp else ComparatorType.Ignore
-                for timestamp in get_intervals(query.start, query.end, query.rollup)
-            ]
-        )
-        for field, comparator in schema_for_totals.items()
-    }
-    name="sentry.release_health.duplex.run_comparison",
-    queue="release_health.duplex",
-    max_retries=0,  # No need to retry
-)  # type: ignore
-def run_comparison(
-    fn_name: str,
-    metrics_fn: Callable[..., Any],
-    should_compare: bool,
-    rollup: Optional[int],
-    organization: Optional[Organization],
-    schema: Optional[Schema],
-    function_args: Tuple[Any],
-    sessions_result: Any,
-    metrics_result: Any,
-    sessions_time: datetime,
-    sentry_tags: Optional[Tags] = None,
-    **kwargs,
-) -> None:
-    if rollup is None:
-        rollup = 0  # force exact date comparison if not specified
-    tags = {"method": fn_name, "rollup": str(rollup)}
-    # Sentry tags
-    set_tag("releasehealth.duplex.rollup", str(rollup))
-    set_tag("releasehealth.duplex.method", fn_name)
-    set_tag("releasehealth.duplex.org_id", str(getattr(organization, "id")))
-    for key, value in (sentry_tags or {}).items():
-        set_tag(key, value)
-    set_context(
-        "release-health-duplex-sessions",
-        {
-            "sessions": sessions_result,
-        },
-    )
-    try:
-        delay = (datetime.now(pytz.utc) - sessions_time).total_seconds()
-        set_extra("delay", delay)
-        timing("releasehealth.metrics.delay", delay)
-        if metrics_result is None:
-            # We read from the metrics source even if there is no need to compare.
-            with timer("releasehealth.metrics.duration", tags=tags, sample_rate=1.0):
-                metrics_result = metrics_fn(*function_args)
-        incr(
-            "releasehealth.metrics.check_should_compare",
-            tags={"should_compare": str(should_compare), **tags},
-            sample_rate=1.0,
-        )
-        if not should_compare:
-            return
-        copy = deepcopy(sessions_result)
-        set_context("release-health-duplex-metrics", {"metrics": metrics_result})
-        with timer("releasehealth.results-diff.duration", tags=tags, sample_rate=1.0):
-            errors = compare_results(copy, metrics_result, rollup, None, schema)
-        set_context("release-health-duplex-errors", {"errors": [str(error) for error in errors]})
-        should_report = features.has(
-            "organizations:release-health-check-metrics-report", organization
-        )
-        incr(
-            "releasehealth.metrics.compare",
-            tags={"has_errors": str(bool(errors)), "reported": str(should_report), **tags},
-            sample_rate=1.0,
-        )
-        if errors and should_report:
-            tag_delta(errors, tags)
-            # We heavily rely on Sentry's message sanitization to properly deduplicate this
-            capture_message(f"{fn_name} - Release health metrics mismatch: {errors[0]}")
-    except Exception:
-        capture_exception()
-        should_compare = False
-        incr(
-            "releasehealth.metrics.crashed",
-            tags=tags,
-            sample_rate=1.0,
-        )
-def identity(x: Any) -> Any:
-    return x
-def index_by_group(d: Mapping[Any, Any]) -> Any:
-    return tuple(sorted(d["by"].items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))  # type: ignore
-class DuplexReleaseHealthBackend(ReleaseHealthBackend):
-    DEFAULT_ROLLUP = 60 * 60  # 1h
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        metrics_start: datetime,
-    ):
-        self.sessions = SessionsReleaseHealthBackend()
-        self.metrics = MetricsReleaseHealthBackend()
-        self.metrics_start = max(
-            metrics_start,
-            # The sessions backend never returns data beyond 90 days, so any
-            # query beyond 90 days will return truncated results.
-            # We assume that the release health duplex backend is sufficiently
-            # often reinstantiated, at least once per day, not only due to
-            # deploys but also because uwsgi/celery are routinely restarting
-            # processes
-            datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(days=89),
-        )
-    @staticmethod
-    def _org_from_projects(projects_list: Sequence[ProjectOrRelease]) -> Optional[Organization]:
-        if len(projects_list) == 0:
-            return None
-        projects_list = list(projects_list)
-        if isinstance(projects_list[0], tuple):
-            project_ids: List[ProjectId] = [x[0] for x in projects_list]
-        else:
-            project_ids = projects_list
-        projects = Project.objects.get_many_from_cache(project_ids)
-        if len(projects) > 0:
-            return Organization.objects.get_from_cache(id=projects[0].organization_id)
-        return None
-    @staticmethod
-    def _org_from_id(org_id: OrganizationId) -> Organization:
-        return Organization.objects.get_from_cache(id=org_id)
-    def _dispatch_call_inner(
-        self,
-        fn_name: str,
-        should_compare: Union[bool, Callable[[], bool]],
-        rollup: Optional[int],
-        organization: Optional[Organization],
-        schema: Optional[Schema],
-        *args: Any,
-        sentry_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
-    ) -> ReleaseHealthResult:
-        # Note: having both featureflags enabled at once is deadly for endpoint
-        # performance, but does work.
-        should_return_metrics = organization is not None and features.has(
-            "organizations:release-health-return-metrics", organization
-        )
-        should_check_metrics = organization is not None and features.has(
-            "organizations:release-health-check-metrics", organization
-        )
-        if not isinstance(should_compare, bool):
-            try:
-                should_compare = should_compare()
-            except Exception:
-                capture_exception()
-                should_compare = False
-            if not should_compare:
-                # if should_compare=False, then we already know the metrics result is bad and shouldn't return it.
-                should_return_metrics = False
-        sessions_fn = getattr(self.sessions, fn_name)
-        metrics_fn = getattr(self.metrics, fn_name)
-        now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
-        tags: Tags = {"method": fn_name, "rollup": str(rollup)}
-        incr(
-            "releasehealth.metrics.should_return",
-            tags={"should_return": str(should_return_metrics), **tags},
-        )
-        sessions_result = None  # get rid of unbound warnings -- this line shouldn't be necessary
-        metrics_result = None
-        if should_return_metrics:
-            try:
-                with timer("releasehealth.metrics.duration", tags=tags, sample_rate=1.0):
-                    metrics_result = metrics_fn(*args)
-            except (InvalidParams, InvalidSearchQuery):
-                # This is a valid result from metrics, not a crash -> no need to fall back to session_fn, just re-raise
-                # There is no need to also send an issue to Sentry on InvalidSearchQuery exception instances as these
-                # are not crashes, and just the result of incompatible search filters.
-                raise
-            except Exception:
-                capture_exception()
-        if should_check_metrics or metrics_result is None:
-            with timer("releasehealth.sessions.duration", tags=tags, sample_rate=1.0):
-                sessions_result = sessions_fn(*args)
-        if should_check_metrics:
-            try:
-                run_comparison.delay(
-                    fn_name,
-                    metrics_fn,
-                    should_compare,
-                    rollup,
-                    organization,
-                    schema,
-                    function_args=args,
-                    sessions_result=sessions_result,
-                    metrics_result=metrics_result,
-                    sessions_time=now,
-                    sentry_tags=sentry_tags,
-                )
-            except Exception:
-                capture_exception()
-        if metrics_result is not None:
-            incr(
-                "releasehealth.metrics.should_return",
-                tags={"did_return": "True", **tags},
-            )
-            return metrics_result
-        else:
-            incr(
-                "releasehealth.metrics.should_return",
-                tags={"did_return": "False", **tags},
-            )
-            return sessions_result
-        # Mypy is not smart enough to figure out _dispatch_call is a wrapper
-        # around _dispatch_call_inner with the same exact signature, and I am
-        # pretty sure there is no sensible way to tell it something like that
-        # without duplicating the entire signature.
-        _dispatch_call = _dispatch_call_inner
-    else:
-        def _dispatch_call(self, *args, **kwargs):
-            with push_scope():
-                return self._dispatch_call_inner(*args, **kwargs)
-    def get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates(
-        self,
-        project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
-        current_start: datetime,
-        current_end: datetime,
-        previous_start: datetime,
-        previous_end: datetime,
-        rollup: int,
-        org_id: Optional[OrganizationId] = None,
-    ) -> CurrentAndPreviousCrashFreeRates:
-        schema = {
-            "*": {
-                "currentCrashFreeRate": ComparatorType.Ratio,
-                "previousCrashFreeRate": ComparatorType.Ratio,
-            }
-        }
-        should_compare = lambda: _coerce_utc(previous_start) > self.metrics_start
-        if org_id is not None:
-            organization = self._org_from_id(org_id)
-        else:
-            organization = self._org_from_projects(project_ids)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            project_ids,
-            current_start,
-            current_end,
-            previous_start,
-            previous_end,
-            rollup,
-            org_id,
-        )
-    def get_release_adoption(
-        self,
-        project_releases: Sequence[ProjectRelease],
-        environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
-        now: Optional[datetime] = None,
-        org_id: Optional[OrganizationId] = None,
-    ) -> ReleasesAdoption:
-        rollup = self.DEFAULT_ROLLUP  # not used
-        schema = {
-            "adoption": ComparatorType.Ratio,
-            "session_adoption": ComparatorType.Ratio,
-            "users_24h": ComparatorType.Counter,
-            "project_users_24h": ComparatorType.Counter,
-            "project_sessions_24h": ComparatorType.Counter,
-        }
-        if now is None:
-            now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
-        should_compare = lambda: now - timedelta(hours=24) > self.metrics_start
-        if org_id is not None:
-            organization = self._org_from_id(org_id)
-        else:
-            organization = self._org_from_projects(project_releases)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_release_adoption",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            project_releases,
-            environments,
-            now,
-            org_id,
-        )
-    def sessions_query_config(
-        self, organization: Organization, start: datetime
-    ) -> SessionsQueryConfig:
-        # Same should compare condition as run_sessions_query:
-        should_compare = _coerce_utc(start) > self.metrics_start
-        if should_compare and features.has(
-            "organizations:release-health-return-metrics", organization
-        ):
-            # Note: This is not watertight. If metrics_result in _dispatch_call_inner
-            # is None because of a crash, we return sessions data, but with the metrics-based
-            # config.
-            return self.metrics.sessions_query_config(organization, start)
-        else:
-            return self.sessions.sessions_query_config(organization, start)
-    def run_sessions_query(
-        self,
-        org_id: int,
-        query: QueryDefinition,
-        span_op: str,
-    ) -> SessionsQueryResult:
-        rollup = query.rollup
-        now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
-        schema_for_series = get_sessionsv2_schema(now, query)
-        # Tag sentry event with relative end time, so we can see if live queries
-        # cause greater deltas:
-        relative_hours = math.ceil((query.end - now).total_seconds() / 3600)
-        sentry_tags = {"run_sessions_query.rel_end": f"{relative_hours}h"}
-        project_ids = query.params.get("project_id")
-        if project_ids and len(project_ids) == 1:
-            project_id = project_ids[0]
-            sentry_tags["run_sessions_query.project_id"] = str(project_id)
-            try:
-                project = Project.objects.get_from_cache(id=project_id)
-                assert org_id == project.organization_id
-            except (Project.DoesNotExist, AssertionError):
-                pass
-            else:
-                sentry_tags["run_sessions_query.platform"] = project.platform
-        schema = {
-            "start": ComparatorType.DateTime,
-            "end": ComparatorType.DateTime,
-            "intervals": [ComparatorType.DateTime],
-            "groups": ListSet(
-                schema={
-                    "by": ComparatorType.Ignore,
-                    "series": schema_for_series,
-                    "totals": ComparatorType.Ignore,
-                },
-                index_by=index_by_group,
-            ),
-            "query": ComparatorType.Exact,
-        }
-        should_compare = lambda: _coerce_utc(query.start) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_id(org_id)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "run_sessions_query",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            org_id,
-            query,
-            span_op,
-            sentry_tags=sentry_tags,
-        )
-    def get_release_sessions_time_bounds(
-        self,
-        project_id: ProjectId,
-        release: ReleaseName,
-        org_id: OrganizationId,
-        environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
-    ) -> ReleaseSessionsTimeBounds:
-        rollup = self.DEFAULT_ROLLUP  # TODO is this the proper ROLLUP ?
-        schema = {
-            "sessions_lower_bound": ComparatorType.DateTime,
-            "sessions_upper_bound": ComparatorType.DateTime,
-        }
-        now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
-        should_compare = lambda: now - timedelta(days=90) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_id(org_id)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_release_sessions_time_bounds",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            project_id,
-            release,
-            org_id,
-            environments,
-        )
-    def check_has_health_data(
-        self,
-        projects_list: Sequence[ProjectOrRelease],
-        now: Optional[datetime] = None,
-    ) -> Set[ProjectOrRelease]:
-        if now is None:
-            now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
-        rollup = self.DEFAULT_ROLLUP  # not used
-        schema = {ComparatorType.Exact}
-        should_compare = lambda: now - timedelta(days=90) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_projects(projects_list)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "check_has_health_data",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            projects_list,
-            now,
-        )
-    def check_releases_have_health_data(
-        self,
-        organization_id: OrganizationId,
-        project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
-        release_versions: Sequence[ReleaseName],
-        start: datetime,
-        end: datetime,
-    ) -> Set[ReleaseName]:
-        rollup = self.DEFAULT_ROLLUP  # not used
-        schema = {ComparatorType.Exact}
-        should_compare = lambda: _coerce_utc(start) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_id(organization_id)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "check_releases_have_health_data",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            organization_id,
-            project_ids,
-            release_versions,
-            start,
-            end,
-        )
-    def get_release_health_data_overview(
-        self,
-        project_releases: Sequence[ProjectRelease],
-        environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
-        summary_stats_period: Optional[StatsPeriod] = None,
-        health_stats_period: Optional[StatsPeriod] = None,
-        stat: Optional[Literal["users", "sessions"]] = None,
-        now: Optional[datetime] = None,
-    ) -> Mapping[ProjectRelease, ReleaseHealthOverview]:
-        rollup = self.DEFAULT_ROLLUP  # not used
-        # ignore all fields except the 24h ones (the others go to the beginning of time)
-        schema = {
-            "total_users_24h": ComparatorType.Counter,
-            "total_project_users_24h": ComparatorType.Counter,
-            "total_sessions_24h": ComparatorType.Counter,
-            "total_project_sessions_24h": ComparatorType.Counter
-            # TODO still need to look into stats field and find out what compare conditions it has
-        }
-        if now is None:
-            now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
-        should_compare = lambda: now - timedelta(days=1) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_projects(project_releases)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_release_health_data_overview",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            project_releases,
-            environments,
-            summary_stats_period,
-            health_stats_period,
-            stat,
-            now,
-        )
-    def get_crash_free_breakdown(
-        self,
-        project_id: ProjectId,
-        release: ReleaseName,
-        start: datetime,
-        environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
-        now: Optional[datetime] = None,
-    ) -> Sequence[CrashFreeBreakdown]:
-        if now is None:
-            now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
-        rollup = self.DEFAULT_ROLLUP  # TODO Check if this is the rollup we want
-        schema = [
-            {
-                "date": ComparatorType.DateTime,
-                "total_users": ComparatorType.Counter,
-                "crash_free_users": ComparatorType.Ratio,
-                "total_sessions": ComparatorType.Counter,
-                "crash_free_sessions": ComparatorType.Ratio,
-            }
-        ]
-        should_compare = lambda: _coerce_utc(start) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_projects([project_id])
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_crash_free_breakdown",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            project_id,
-            release,
-            start,
-            environments,
-            now,
-        )
-    def get_changed_project_release_model_adoptions(
-        self,
-        project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
-        now: Optional[datetime] = None,
-    ) -> Sequence[ProjectRelease]:
-        rollup = self.DEFAULT_ROLLUP  # not used
-        schema = ComparatorType.Ignore
-        should_compare = lambda: datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(days=3) > self.metrics_start
-        if now is None:
-            now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
-        organization = self._org_from_projects(project_ids)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_changed_project_release_model_adoptions",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            list(project_ids),
-            now,
-        )
-    def get_oldest_health_data_for_releases(
-        self,
-        project_releases: Sequence[ProjectRelease],
-        now: Optional[datetime] = None,
-    ) -> Mapping[ProjectRelease, str]:
-        if now is None:
-            now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
-        rollup = self.DEFAULT_ROLLUP  # TODO check if this is correct ?
-        schema = {"*": ComparatorType.DateTime}
-        should_compare = lambda: now - timedelta(days=90) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_projects(project_releases)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_oldest_health_data_for_releases",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            project_releases,
-            now,
-        )
-    def get_project_releases_count(
-        self,
-        organization_id: OrganizationId,
-        project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
-        scope: str,
-        stats_period: Optional[str] = None,
-        environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
-    ) -> int:
-        schema = ComparatorType.Counter
-        if stats_period is None:
-            stats_period = "24h"
-        if scope.endswith("_24h"):
-            stats_period = "24h"
-        rollup, stats_start, _ = get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(stats_period)
-        should_compare = lambda: _coerce_utc(stats_start) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_id(organization_id)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_project_releases_count",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            organization_id,
-            project_ids,
-            scope,
-            stats_period,
-            environments,
-        )
-    def get_project_release_stats(
-        self,
-        project_id: ProjectId,
-        release: ReleaseName,
-        stat: OverviewStat,
-        rollup: int,
-        start: datetime,
-        end: datetime,
-        environments: Optional[Sequence[EnvironmentName]] = None,
-    ) -> Union[ProjectReleaseUserStats, ProjectReleaseSessionStats]:
-        schema = (
-            [
-                (
-                    ComparatorType.Exact,  # timestamp
-                    {
-                        "duration_p50": ComparatorType.Quantile,
-                        "duration_p90": ComparatorType.Quantile,
-                        "*": ComparatorType.Counter,
-                    },
-                )
-            ],
-            {
-                "*": ComparatorType.Counter,
-            },
-        )
-        should_compare = lambda: _coerce_utc(start) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_projects([project_id])
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_project_release_stats",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            project_id,
-            release,
-            stat,
-            rollup,
-            start,
-            end,
-            environments,
-        )
-    def get_project_sessions_count(
-        self,
-        project_id: ProjectId,
-        rollup: int,  # rollup in seconds
-        start: datetime,
-        end: datetime,
-        environment_id: Optional[int] = None,
-    ) -> int:
-        schema = ComparatorType.Counter
-        # We verified the correctness of the metrics implementation manually.
-        # The results still differ because the sessions impl gets its results
-        # from hourly aggregations.
-        schema = ComparatorType.Ignore
-        should_compare = lambda: _coerce_utc(start) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_projects([project_id])
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_project_sessions_count",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            project_id,
-            rollup,
-            start,
-            end,
-            environment_id,
-        )
-    def get_num_sessions_per_project(
-        self,
-        project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
-        start: datetime,
-        end: datetime,
-        environment_ids: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
-        rollup: Optional[int] = None,  # rollup in seconds
-    ) -> Sequence[ProjectWithCount]:
-        schema = [(ComparatorType.Exact, ComparatorType.Counter)]
-        should_compare = lambda: _coerce_utc(start) > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_projects(project_ids)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_num_sessions_per_project",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            project_ids,
-            start,
-            end,
-            environment_ids,
-            rollup,
-        )
-    def get_project_releases_by_stability(
-        self,
-        project_ids: Sequence[ProjectId],
-        offset: Optional[int],
-        limit: Optional[int],
-        scope: str,
-        stats_period: Optional[str] = None,
-        environments: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
-        now: Optional[datetime] = None,
-    ) -> Sequence[ProjectRelease]:
-        schema = ComparatorType.Ignore
-        if stats_period is None:
-            stats_period = "24h"
-        if scope.endswith("_24h"):
-            stats_period = "24h"
-        if now is None:
-            now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
-        rollup, stats_start, _ = get_rollup_starts_and_buckets(stats_period, now=now)
-        assert stats_start is not None  # because stats_period is not None
-        should_compare = lambda: stats_start > self.metrics_start
-        organization = self._org_from_projects(project_ids)
-        return self._dispatch_call(  # type: ignore
-            "get_project_releases_by_stability",
-            should_compare,
-            rollup,
-            organization,
-            schema,
-            project_ids,
-            offset,
-            limit,
-            scope,
-            stats_period,
-            environments,
-        )

+ 0 - 580

@@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
-from datetime import datetime, timezone
-from unittest.mock import MagicMock
-import pytest
-from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict
-from freezegun import freeze_time
-from sentry.models.organization import Organization
-from sentry.release_health import duplex
-from sentry.release_health.base import AllowedResolution, SessionsQueryConfig
-from sentry.release_health.duplex import ComparatorType as Ct
-from sentry.release_health.duplex import (
-    DuplexReleaseHealthBackend,
-    FixedList,
-    ListSet,
-    get_sessionsv2_schema,
-from sentry.snuba.sessions_v2 import InvalidParams, QueryDefinition
-from sentry.testutils.helpers.features import Feature
-    "sessions,metrics,are_equal",
-    [
-        (1, 1, True),
-        (1, 2, False),
-        ("ab", "ab", True),
-        ("ab", "ac", False),
-        ((1, "ab"), (1, "ab"), True),
-        ((1, "ab"), (1, "ac"), False),
-        ((1, "ab"), (2, "ab"), False),
-    ],
-def test_compare_entities(sessions, metrics, are_equal):
-    result = duplex.compare_entities(sessions, metrics, "a.b")
-    assert (result is None) == are_equal
-    "sessions,metrics,final_result,are_equal",
-    [
-        (None, None, True, True),
-        (None, 2, True, False),
-        (2, None, True, False),
-        ("ab", "XY", False, True),
-    ],
-def test_compare_basic(sessions, metrics, final_result, are_equal):
-    """
-    Tests  basic checks that apply to all checkers
-    """
-    actual_final, actual_errors = duplex._compare_basic(sessions, metrics, "a.b")
-    assert actual_final == final_result
-    assert (actual_errors is None) == are_equal
-    "sessions,metrics,rollup,are_equal",
-    [
-        ("2021-10-10T10:15", "2021-10-10T10:16", 3600, True),
-        ("2021-10-10T10:15", "2021-10-10T10:16", 36, False),
-        (datetime(2021, 10, 10, 10, 15), datetime(2021, 10, 10, 10, 16), 3600, True),
-        (datetime(2021, 10, 10, 10, 15), datetime(2021, 10, 10, 10, 16), 36, False),
-        ("2021-10-10T10:15", "abc", 36, False),
-    ],
-def test_compare_datetime(sessions, metrics, rollup, are_equal):
-    result = duplex.compare_datetime(sessions, metrics, rollup, "a.b")
-    assert (result is None) == are_equal
-    "sessions,metrics,are_equal",
-    [
-        (100, 110, False),
-        (100, 105, True),
-        (100, 96, True),
-        (None, None, True),
-        (None, 1, False),
-        (0, None, False),
-        (1, 3, True),
-        (1, 7, False),
-        (9, 11, True),
-        (9, 20, False),
-    ],
-def test_compare_counters(sessions, metrics, are_equal):
-    result = duplex.compare_counters(sessions, metrics, "a.b")
-    assert (result is None) == are_equal
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_quantiles", [True, False])
-    "sessions,metrics,are_equal",
-    [
-        (100.0, 110.0, False),
-        (100.0, 101.0, True),
-        (100.0, 99.0, True),
-        (None, None, True),
-        (None, 1, False),
-        (0.0, None, False),
-        (1.0, 1.01, True),
-        (1.0, 7.0, False),
-        (9.0, 9.05, True),
-        (9.0, 8.95, True),
-        (9.0, 20.0, False),
-    ],
-def test_compare_floats(use_quantiles, sessions, metrics, are_equal):
-    """
-    Tests compare_quantiles and compare_ratios (at the moment the
-    implementations are identical, if the implementation changes this
-    test should be broken in two).
-    """
-    if use_quantiles:
-        result = duplex.compare_quantiles(sessions, metrics, "a.b")
-    else:
-        result = duplex.compare_ratios(sessions, metrics, "a.b")
-    assert (result is None) == are_equal
-    "sessions,metrics,schema, are_equal",
-    [
-        (100, 110, Ct.Counter, False),
-        (100, 105, Ct.Counter, True),
-        # no schema will compare as entity and fail
-        (100, 105, None, False),
-        # no schema will compare as entity and succeed
-        (100, 100, None, True),
-        (100, 100, Ct.Exact, True),
-        (100, 101, Ct.Exact, False),
-        (9.0, 9.05, Ct.Quantile, True),
-        (9.0, 9.05, Ct.Ratio, True),
-        (9.0, 9.1, Ct.Ratio, False),
-        # no schema, no problem, will figure out float and compare as ratio
-        (9.0, 9.05, None, True),
-        ("2021-10-10T10:15", "2021-10-10T10:15:30", Ct.DateTime, True),
-        # no schema will treat string as entity and fail
-        ("2021-10-10T10:15", "2021-10-10T10:15:30", None, False),
-        (
-            datetime(2021, 10, 10, 10, 15, 0),
-            datetime(2021, 10, 10, 10, 15, 30),
-            Ct.DateTime,
-            True,
-        ),
-        # no schema will still figure out to compare as datetime and succeed
-        (datetime(2021, 10, 10, 10, 15, 0), datetime(2021, 10, 10, 10, 15, 30), None, True),
-    ],
-def test_compare_scalars(sessions, metrics, schema, are_equal):
-    result = duplex.compare_scalars(sessions, metrics, 60, "a.b", schema)
-    assert (result is None) == are_equal
-    "sessions,metrics,final_result, are_equal",
-    [
-        (None, None, True, True),
-        (None, [2], True, False),
-        ([2], None, True, False),
-        ([1, 2], [1], True, False),
-        (["ab"], ["XY"], False, True),
-        ([1, 2], [1, 2], False, True),
-        ((1, 2), (1), True, False),
-        (("ab"), ("XY"), False, True),
-    ],
-def test_compare_basic_sequence(sessions, metrics, final_result, are_equal):
-    actual_final, actual_errors = duplex._compare_basic_sequence(sessions, metrics, "a.b")
-    assert actual_final == final_result
-    assert (len(actual_errors) == 0) == are_equal
-    "sessions,metrics,schema, are_equal",
-    [
-        # compare as array of entities
-        ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], None, True),
-        ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [Ct.Exact], True),
-        ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4], [Ct.Exact], False),
-        ([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)], [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)], [Ct.Exact], True),
-        ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2], None, False),
-        ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4], [Ct.Counter], True),
-        (
-            [datetime(2021, 10, 10, 12, 30, 10)],
-            [datetime(2021, 10, 10, 12, 30, 20)],
-            [Ct.DateTime],
-            True,
-        ),
-    ],
-def test_compare_arrays(sessions, metrics, schema, are_equal):
-    result = duplex.compare_arrays(sessions, metrics, 60, "", schema)
-    assert (len(result) == 0) == are_equal
-    "sessions,metrics,schema, are_equal",
-    [
-        (
-            [{"a": 1, "b": 11}, {"a": 2, "b": 22}],
-            [{"a": 2, "b": 22}, {"a": 1, "b": 11}],
-            ListSet({"*": Ct.Exact}, "a"),
-            True,
-        ),
-        (
-            [{"a": 1, "b": 11, "c": 3}, {"a": 2, "b": 22, "d": 1}],
-            [{"a": 2, "b": 22, "d": 100}, {"a": 1, "b": 11, "c": 3}],
-            ListSet({"b": Ct.Exact, "c": Ct.Counter}, "a"),
-            True,
-        ),
-        (
-            [{"a": (10, 1), "b": 1}, {"a": (50, 0), "b": 100}],
-            [{"a": (100, -50), "b": 101}, {"a": (5, 6), "b": 2}],
-            ListSet({"b": Ct.Counter}, lambda x: x["a"][0] + x["a"][1]),
-            True,
-        ),
-        (
-            [{"a": (10, 1), "b": 1}, {"a": (50, 0), "b": 200}],
-            [{"a": (100, -50), "b": 100}, {"a": (5, 6), "b": 2}],
-            ListSet({"b": Ct.Counter}, lambda x: x["a"][0] + x["a"][1]),
-            False,
-        ),
-    ],
-def test_compare_list_set(sessions, metrics, schema, are_equal):
-    result = duplex.compare_list_set(sessions, metrics, 60, "", schema)
-    assert (len(result) == 0) == are_equal
-    "sessions,metrics,schema, are_equal",
-    [
-        (None, None, FixedList([Ct.Exact]), True),
-        (None, [1], FixedList([Ct.Exact]), False),
-        ([1], None, FixedList([Ct.Exact]), False),
-        ([1, 2], [1], FixedList([Ct.Exact, Ct.Exact]), False),
-        ([1, 2], [1, 2], FixedList([Ct.Exact, Ct.Exact]), True),
-        ([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4], FixedList([Ct.Exact, Ct.Exact, Ct.Ignore]), True),
-    ],
-def test_compare_fixed_list(sessions, metrics, schema, are_equal):
-    result = duplex.compare_fixed_list(sessions, metrics, 60, "", schema)
-    assert (len(result) == 0) == are_equal
-    "sessions,metrics,schema, are_equal",
-    [
-        # compare as array of entities
-        ((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3), None, True),
-        ((1, 2), (1, 2), (Ct.Exact, Ct.Exact), True),
-        ((1, 2), (1, 3), (Ct.Exact, Ct.Exact), False),
-        ((1, 2), (1, 3), (Ct.Exact, Ct.Counter), True),
-        ([1, 2.1, 3], [1, 2.11, 4], (Ct.Exact, Ct.Ratio, Ct.Counter), True),
-        (((1, 2), (2, 3)), ((1, 2), (2, 3)), [Ct.Exact, Ct.Exact], True),
-        ((1, 2, 3), (1, 2), None, False),
-    ],
-def test_compare_tuples(sessions, metrics, schema, are_equal):
-    result = duplex.compare_tuples(sessions, metrics, 60, "", schema)
-    assert (len(result) == 0) == are_equal
-    "sessions,metrics,schema, are_equal",
-    [
-        # match all as default entities
-        ({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": 1, "b": 3, "c": 44}, None, False),
-        ({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, None, True),
-        # match all as configured types
-        ({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": 1, "b": 3, "c": 4}, {"*": Ct.Exact}, False),
-        ({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}, {"a": 1, "b": 3, "c": 4}, {"*": Ct.Counter}, True),
-        # match all unspecified as counters, and "c" as Exact
-        (
-            {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3},
-            {"a": 2, "b": 3, "c": 3},
-            {"*": Ct.Counter, "c": Ct.Exact},
-            True,
-        ),
-        # match subset of properties
-        (
-            {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3},
-            {"a": 1, "b": 3, "c": 44},
-            {"a": Ct.Exact, "b": Ct.Counter},
-            True,
-        ),
-        # match overspecified schema
-        (
-            {"a": 1},
-            {"a": 1},
-            {"a": Ct.Exact, "b": Ct.Counter},
-            True,
-        ),
-    ],
-def test_compare_dicts(sessions, metrics, schema, are_equal):
-    result = duplex.compare_dicts(sessions, metrics, 60, "", schema)
-    assert (len(result) == 0) == are_equal
-    "schema, are_equal",
-    [
-        # explicitly match everything
-        (
-            {
-                "a": [Ct.Counter],
-                "b": Ct.Exact,
-                "c": [{"a": (Ct.Exact, Ct.Ratio, Ct.Counter), "b": Ct.Ignore}],
-                "d": Ct.Exact,
-                "e": Ct.Counter,
-            },
-            True,
-        ),
-        # explicitly partial match
-        (
-            {
-                "a": [Ct.Counter],
-                "b": Ct.Exact,
-                "c": [{"a": (Ct.Exact, Ct.Ratio, Ct.Counter)}],
-            },
-            True,
-        ),
-        # implicit matching matching counters as explicit entities should fail
-        (
-            {
-                "a": Ct.Ignore,
-                "b": Ct.Ignore,
-                "c": Ct.Ignore,
-                "*": Ct.Exact,
-            },
-            False,
-        ),
-        # implicit matching counters as implicit entities should fail
-        (
-            {
-                "a": Ct.Ignore,
-                "b": Ct.Ignore,
-                "c": Ct.Ignore,
-                "*": None,  # scalars are implicitly matched as Entities
-            },
-            False,
-        ),
-        # implicit matching matching counters as counters should succeed
-        (
-            {
-                "a": Ct.Ignore,
-                "b": Ct.Ignore,
-                "c": Ct.Ignore,
-                "*": Ct.Counter,
-            },
-            True,
-        ),
-        # implicitly match entities
-        (
-            {
-                "a": [Ct.Counter],
-                "c": [{"a": (Ct.Exact, Ct.Ratio, Ct.Counter), "b": Ct.Ignore}],
-                "e": Ct.Counter,
-                "*": Ct.Exact,
-            },
-            True,
-        ),
-    ],
-def test_compare_complex_structures(schema, are_equal):
-    sessions = {
-        "a": [1, 2, 3],
-        "b": "rel-1",
-        "c": [{"a": (1, 2.3, 4)}, {"a": (2, 3.3, 5)}, {"a": (1, 3.3, 5), "b": 1}],
-        "d": 1,
-        "e": 1,
-    }
-    metrics = {
-        "a": [1, 2, 4],
-        "b": "rel-1",
-        "c": [{"a": (1, 2.31, 5)}, {"a": (2, 3.31, 6)}, {"a": (1, 3.31, 6), "b": 121}],
-        "d": 1,
-        "e": 2,
-    }
-    result = duplex.compare_results(sessions, metrics, 60, "", schema)
-    assert (len(result) == 0) == are_equal
-def test_run_sessions_query_schema():
-    """
-    Tests the specific complex schema for runs_sessions_query.
-    Since the schema is embedded in the function and there is no clean way to test the function directly this
-    test copies and pastes the schema (it still serves as a test for a complex schema).
-    """
-    def index_by(d):
-        return tuple(sorted(d["by"].items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))  # type: ignore
-    schema_for_totals = {
-        "sum(session)": Ct.Counter,
-        "count_unique(user)": Ct.Counter,
-        "avg(session.duration)": Ct.Quantile,
-        "p50(session.duration)": Ct.Quantile,
-        "p75(session.duration)": Ct.Quantile,
-        "p90(session.duration)": Ct.Quantile,
-        "p95(session.duration)": Ct.Quantile,
-        "p99(session.duration)": Ct.Quantile,
-        "max(session.duration)": Ct.Quantile,
-    }
-    schema_for_series = {field: [comparator] for field, comparator in schema_for_totals.items()}
-    schema = {
-        "start": Ct.DateTime,
-        "end": Ct.DateTime,
-        "intervals": [Ct.DateTime],
-        "groups": ListSet(
-            schema={
-                "by": Ct.Ignore,
-                "series": schema_for_series,
-                "totals": schema_for_totals,
-            },
-            index_by=index_by,
-        ),
-        "query": Ct.Exact,
-    }
-    sessions = {
-        "start": "2021-02-01T00:00:00Z",
-        "end": "2021-02-04T00:00:00Z",
-        "intervals": ["2021-02-01T00:00:00Z", "2021-02-02T00:00:00Z", "2021-02-03T00:00:00Z"],
-        "groups": [
-            {
-                "by": {
-                    "session.status": "healthy",
-                    "environment": "release",
-                },
-                "totals": {"sum(session)": 1715553},
-                "series": {"sum(session)": [683772, 677788, 353993]},
-            },
-            {
-                "by": {
-                    "session.status": "abnormal",
-                    "environment": "release",
-                },
-                "totals": {"sum(session)": 0},
-                "series": {"sum(session)": [0, 0, 0]},
-            },
-        ],
-    }
-    metrics = {
-        "start": "2021-02-01T00:00:00Z",
-        "end": "2021-02-04T00:00:00Z",
-        "intervals": ["2021-02-01T00:00:00Z", "2021-02-02T00:00:00Z", "2021-02-03T00:00:00Z"],
-        "groups": [
-            {
-                "by": {"environment": "release", "session.status": "abnormal"},
-                "totals": {"sum(session)": 0},
-                "series": {"sum(session)": [0, 0, 0]},
-            },
-            {
-                "by": {
-                    "environment": "release",
-                    "session.status": "healthy",
-                },
-                "totals": {"sum(session)": 1715553},
-                "series": {"sum(session)": [683772, 677788, 353993]},
-            },
-        ],
-    }
-    result = duplex.compare_results(sessions, metrics, 60, "", schema)
-    assert len(result) == 0
-def _get_duplex_with_mocks(metrics_start: datetime):
-    """Returns the DuplexReleaseHealthBackend with the Senssions and Metrics backends mocked"""
-    ret_val = DuplexReleaseHealthBackend(metrics_start)
-    ret_val.sessions = MagicMock()
-    ret_val.metrics = MagicMock()
-    ret_val.log_exception = MagicMock()
-    ret_val.log_errors = MagicMock()
-    ret_val.compare_results = MagicMock()
-    return ret_val
-@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Requires Db")
-def test_function_dispatch_is_working():
-    duplex = _get_duplex_with_mocks(datetime(2021, 10, 4, 12, 0))
-    duplex.sessions.get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates.return_value = "ret-sessions"
-    duplex.metrics.get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates.return_value = "ret-metrics"
-    call_params = [
-        [1, 2],
-        datetime(2021, 10, 10),
-        datetime(2021, 10, 11),
-        datetime(2021, 10, 5),
-        datetime(2021, 10, 7),
-        30,
-        1,
-    ]
-    duplex.get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates(*call_params)
-    # check the both implementation were called
-    duplex.sessions.get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates.assert_called_once_with(*call_params)
-    duplex.metrics.get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates.assert_called_once_with(*call_params)
-    # check log errors is called with whatever compare_results returned and with the returns from the two backends
-    args = duplex.log_errors.call_args
-    assert args[0][1] == "ret-sessions"
-    assert args[0][2] == "ret-metrics"
-    # set the request to cover times before metrics were available
-    call_params[3] = datetime(2021, 10, 1)
-    duplex.get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates(*call_params)
-    # check sessions backend was called with the new data
-    duplex.sessions.get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates.assert_called_with(*call_params)
-    # check metrics backend were not called again (only one original call)
-    assert duplex.metrics.get_current_and_previous_crash_free_rates.call_count == 1
-@freeze_time("2022-03-02 15:17")
-def test_get_sessionsv2_schema():
-    query = QueryDefinition(
-        query=MultiValueDict(
-            {
-                "statsPeriod": ["24h"],
-                "interval": ["1h"],
-                "field": ["sum(session)", "avg(session.duration)"],
-            }
-        ),
-        params={},
-        query_config=SessionsQueryConfig(AllowedResolution.one_hour, False, True),
-    )
-    schema = get_sessionsv2_schema(datetime.now(timezone.utc), query)
-    assert schema["sum(session)"] == FixedList(22 * [Ct.Counter] + 2 * [Ct.Ignore])
-    assert schema["avg(session.duration)"] == FixedList(22 * [Ct.Quantile] + 2 * [Ct.Ignore])
-@freeze_time("2022-05-02 15:17")
-def test_sessionsv2_config():
-    with Feature("organizations:release-health-return-metrics"):
-        backend = DuplexReleaseHealthBackend(datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc))
-        organization = Organization(id=1, slug="test")
-        # sessions backend:
-        assert backend.sessions_query_config(
-            organization, datetime(2022, 4, 28, 15, 59, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
-        ) == SessionsQueryConfig(
-            AllowedResolution.one_minute, allow_session_status_query=False, restrict_date_range=True
-        )
-        # metrics backend:
-        assert backend.sessions_query_config(
-            organization, datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
-        ) == SessionsQueryConfig(
-            AllowedResolution.ten_seconds,
-            allow_session_status_query=True,
-            restrict_date_range=False,
-        )
-def test_raises_invalid_params(default_organization):
-    """When configured to return metrics, InvalidParams is a valid response that should not be suppressed"""
-    with Feature("organizations:release-health-return-metrics"):
-        backend = DuplexReleaseHealthBackend(datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc))
-        query = QueryDefinition(
-            query=MultiValueDict(
-                {
-                    "statsPeriod": ["24h"],
-                    "interval": ["1h"],
-                    "field": ["crash_rate(session)"],
-                    "groupBy": ["session.status"],  # Cannot group crash rate by session status
-                }
-            ),
-            params={},
-            query_config=SessionsQueryConfig(AllowedResolution.one_hour, False, True),
-        )
-        with pytest.raises(InvalidParams):
-            backend.run_sessions_query(default_organization.id, query, "")

+ 1 - 43

@@ -1,22 +1,16 @@
-from itertools import chain, combinations
-from typing import Iterable, List
-from unittest.mock import patch
+from typing import List
 import pytest
 from django.urls import reverse
 from freezegun import freeze_time
 from snuba_sdk import Column, Condition, Function, Op
-from sentry.release_health.duplex import compare_results
-from sentry.release_health.metrics import MetricsReleaseHealthBackend
 from sentry.release_health.metrics_sessions_v2 import (
-from sentry.release_health.sessions import SessionsReleaseHealthBackend
 from sentry.snuba.sessions_v2 import InvalidParams
 from sentry.testutils.cases import APITestCase, SnubaTestCase
-from tests.snuba.api.endpoints.test_organization_sessions import result_sorted
 pytestmark = pytest.mark.sentry_metrics
@@ -63,37 +57,6 @@ class MetricsSessionsV2Test(APITestCase, SnubaTestCase):
         assert response.status_code == 200
         return response.data
-    def test_sessions_metrics_equal_num_keys(self):
-        """
-        Tests whether the number of keys in the metrics implementation of
-        sessions data is the same as in the sessions implementation.
-        """
-        interval_days_int = 1
-        interval_days = f"{interval_days_int}d"
-        groupbyes = _session_groupby_powerset()
-        for groupby in groupbyes:
-            with patch(
-                "sentry.api.endpoints.organization_sessions.release_health",
-                SessionsReleaseHealthBackend(),
-            ):
-                sessions_data = result_sorted(self.get_sessions_data(groupby, interval_days))
-            with patch(
-                "sentry.api.endpoints.organization_sessions.release_health",
-                MetricsReleaseHealthBackend(),
-            ):
-                metrics_data = result_sorted(self.get_sessions_data(groupby, interval_days))
-            errors = compare_results(
-                sessions=sessions_data,
-                metrics=metrics_data,
-                rollup=interval_days_int * 24 * 60 * 60,  # days to seconds
-            )
-            assert len(errors) == 0
     def test_sessions_metrics_with_metrics_only_field(self):
         Tests whether the request of a metrics-only field forwarded to the SessionsReleaseHealthBackend
@@ -116,11 +79,6 @@ class MetricsSessionsV2Test(APITestCase, SnubaTestCase):
         assert response.status_code == 200
-def _session_groupby_powerset() -> Iterable[str]:
-    keys = ["project", "release", "environment", "session.status"]
-    return chain.from_iterable((combinations(keys, size)) for size in range(len(keys) + 1))
     "input, expected_output, expected_status_filter",

+ 0 - 38

@@ -8,11 +8,9 @@ from django.utils import timezone
 from freezegun import freeze_time
 from sentry.models import ReleaseProjectEnvironment
-from sentry.release_health.duplex import DuplexReleaseHealthBackend
 from sentry.release_health.metrics import MetricsReleaseHealthBackend
 from sentry.testutils import APITestCase, SnubaTestCase
 from sentry.testutils.cases import BaseMetricsTestCase
-from sentry.testutils.helpers.features import Feature
 from sentry.testutils.helpers.link_header import parse_link_header
 from sentry.testutils.silo import region_silo_test
 from sentry.utils.cursors import Cursor
@@ -2173,39 +2171,3 @@ class SessionsMetricsSortReleaseTimestampTest(BaseMetricsTestCase, APITestCase):
                 "series": {"sum(session)": [5]},
-    "sentry.api.endpoints.organization_sessions.release_health",
-    DuplexReleaseHealthBackend(datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 28, 16, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)),
-class DuplexTestCase(BaseMetricsTestCase, APITestCase):
-    """Tests specific to the duplex backend"""
-    def do_request(self, query, user=None, org=None):
-        self.login_as(user=user or self.user)
-        url = reverse(
-            "sentry-api-0-organization-sessions",
-            kwargs={"organization_slug": (org or self.organization).slug},
-        )
-        return self.client.get(url, query, format="json")
-    @freeze_time(MOCK_DATETIME)
-    def test_invalid_params(self):
-        """InvalidParams in metrics backend leads to 400 response when return-metrics is enabled"""
-        self.create_project()
-        with Feature("organizations:release-health-return-metrics"):
-            response = self.do_request(
-                {
-                    "project": [-1],
-                    "statsPeriod": ["24h"],
-                    "interval": ["1h"],
-                    "field": ["crash_rate(session)"],
-                    "groupBy": ["session.status"],  # Cannot group crash rate by session status
-                }
-            )
-            assert response.status_code == 400
-            assert response.data == {
-                "detail": "Cannot group field crash_rate(session) by session.status"
-            }

+ 0 - 11

@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import pytz
 from django.utils import timezone
 from sentry.release_health.base import OverviewStat
-from sentry.release_health.duplex import DuplexReleaseHealthBackend
 from sentry.release_health.metrics import MetricsReleaseHealthBackend
 from sentry.release_health.sessions import SessionsReleaseHealthBackend
 from sentry.snuba.dataset import EntityKey
@@ -37,16 +36,6 @@ def parametrize_backend(cls):
     globals()[MetricsTest.__name__] = MetricsTest
-    class DuplexTest(cls):
-        __doc__ = f"Repeat tests from {cls} with duplex backend"
-        backend = DuplexReleaseHealthBackend(
-            metrics_start=datetime.now(pytz.utc) - timedelta(days=120)
-        )
-    DuplexTest.__name__ = f"{cls.__name__}Duplex"
-    globals()[DuplexTest.__name__] = DuplexTest
     return cls