@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ sentry.event_manager
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import logging
-import os
import six
-import random
import jsonschema
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
@@ -17,14 +15,11 @@ from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connection, IntegrityError, router, transaction
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
-from django.utils.functional import cached_property
-from sentry import options
from sentry import buffer, eventtypes, eventstream, features, tagstore, tsdb, filters
from sentry.constants import (
from sentry.coreapi import (
@@ -35,10 +30,7 @@ from sentry.coreapi import (
-from sentry.interfaces.base import get_interface, prune_empty_keys
-from sentry.interfaces.exception import normalize_mechanism_meta
-from sentry.interfaces.schemas import validate_and_default_interface
-from sentry.lang.native.utils import get_sdk_from_event
+from sentry.interfaces.base import get_interface
from sentry.models import (
Activity, Environment, Event, EventError, EventMapping, EventUser, Group,
GroupEnvironment, GroupHash, GroupLink, GroupRelease, GroupResolution, GroupStatus,
@@ -59,8 +51,7 @@ from sentry.utils.data_filters import (
from sentry.utils.dates import to_timestamp
from sentry.utils.db import is_postgres, is_mysql
-from sentry.utils.meta import Meta
-from sentry.utils.safe import ENABLE_TRIMMING, safe_execute, trim, trim_dict, get_path, set_path, setdefault_path
+from sentry.utils.safe import safe_execute, trim, get_path, setdefault_path
from sentry.utils.strings import truncatechars
from sentry.utils.geo import rust_geoip
from sentry.utils.validators import is_float
@@ -81,8 +72,6 @@ SECURITY_REPORT_INTERFACES = (
-ENABLE_RUST = os.environ.get("SENTRY_USE_RUST_NORMALIZER", "false").lower() in ("1", "true")
def pop_tag(data, key):
data['tags'] = [kv for kv in data['tags'] if kv is None or kv[0] != key]
@@ -454,26 +443,9 @@ class EventManager(object):
self._data = data
- @cached_property
- def use_rust_normalize(self):
- if self._project is not None:
- if self._project.id in options.get('store.projects-normalize-in-rust-opt-out'):
- return False
- if self._project.id in options.get('store.projects-normalize-in-rust-opt-in'):
- return True
- opt_in_rate = options.get('store.projects-normalize-in-rust-percent-opt-in')
- if opt_in_rate != 0:
- if opt_in_rate > 0.0:
- bucket = ((self._project.id * 2654435761) % (2 ** 32)) % 1000
- return bucket <= (opt_in_rate * 1000)
- else:
- return random.random() < -opt_in_rate
- return ENABLE_RUST
def normalize(self):
tags = {
- 'use_rust_normalize': six.text_type(self.use_rust_normalize)
+ 'use_rust_normalize': True
with metrics.timer('events.store.normalize.duration', tags=tags):
@@ -481,7 +453,7 @@ class EventManager(object):
data = self.get_data()
- data['use_rust_normalize'] = self.use_rust_normalize
+ data['use_rust_normalize'] = True
@@ -494,247 +466,27 @@ class EventManager(object):
raise RuntimeError('Already normalized')
self._normalized = True
- if self.use_rust_normalize:
- from semaphore.processing import StoreNormalizer
- rust_normalizer = StoreNormalizer(
- geoip_lookup=rust_geoip,
- project_id=self._project.id if self._project else None,
- client_ip=self._client_ip,
- client=self._auth.client if self._auth else None,
- key_id=six.text_type(self._key.id) if self._key else None,
- protocol_version=six.text_type(self.version) if self.version is not None else None,
- stacktrace_frames_hard_limit=settings.SENTRY_STACKTRACE_FRAMES_HARD_LIMIT,
- max_stacktrace_frames=settings.SENTRY_MAX_STACKTRACE_FRAMES,
- valid_platforms=list(VALID_PLATFORMS),
- max_secs_in_future=MAX_SECS_IN_FUTURE,
- max_secs_in_past=MAX_SECS_IN_PAST,
- enable_trimming=ENABLE_TRIMMING,
- )
- self._data = CanonicalKeyDict(
- rust_normalizer.normalize_event(dict(self._data))
- )
- normalize_user_agent(self._data)
- return
- data = self._data
- # Before validating with a schema, attempt to cast values to their desired types
- # so that the schema doesn't have to take every type variation into account.
- text = six.text_type
- def to_values(v):
- return {'values': v} if v and isinstance(v, (tuple, list)) else v
- casts = {
- 'environment': lambda v: text(v) if v is not None else v,
- 'event_id': lambda v: v.lower(),
- 'fingerprint': cast_fingerprint,
- 'release': lambda v: text(v) if v is not None else v,
- 'dist': lambda v: text(v).strip() if v is not None else v,
- 'time_spent': lambda v: int(v) if v is not None else v,
- 'tags': lambda v: [(text(v_k).replace(' ', '-').strip(), text(v_v).strip()) for (v_k, v_v) in dict(v).items()],
- 'platform': lambda v: v if v in VALID_PLATFORMS else 'other',
- 'logentry': lambda v: {'message': v} if (v and not isinstance(v, dict)) else (v or None),
- # These can be sent as lists and need to be converted to {'values': [...]}
- 'exception': to_values,
- 'breadcrumbs': to_values,
- 'threads': to_values,
- }
- meta = Meta(data.get('_meta'))
- for c in casts:
- value = data.pop(c, None)
- if value is not None:
- try:
- data[c] = casts[c](value)
- except Exception as e:
- meta.enter(c).add_error(EventError.INVALID_DATA, value, {
- 'reason': six.text_type(e),
- })
- data['timestamp'] = process_timestamp(data.get('timestamp'),
- meta.enter('timestamp'))
- # Fill in ip addresses marked as {{auto}}
- if self._client_ip:
- if get_path(data, 'request', 'env', 'REMOTE_ADDR') == '{{auto}}':
- data['request']['env']['REMOTE_ADDR'] = self._client_ip
- if get_path(data, 'user', 'ip_address') == '{{auto}}':
- data['user']['ip_address'] = self._client_ip
- # Validate main event body and tags against schema.
- # XXX(ja): jsonschema does not like CanonicalKeyDict, so we need to pass
- # in the inner data dict.
- validate_and_default_interface(data.data, 'event', meta=meta)
- if data.get('tags') is not None:
- validate_and_default_interface(
- data['tags'], 'tags', name='tags', meta=meta.enter('tags'))
- # Validate interfaces
- for k in list(iter(data)):
- continue
- value = data.pop(k)
+ from semaphore.processing import StoreNormalizer
+ rust_normalizer = StoreNormalizer(
+ geoip_lookup=rust_geoip,
+ project_id=self._project.id if self._project else None,
+ client_ip=self._client_ip,
+ client=self._auth.client if self._auth else None,
+ key_id=six.text_type(self._key.id) if self._key else None,
+ protocol_version=six.text_type(self.version) if self.version is not None else None,
+ stacktrace_frames_hard_limit=settings.SENTRY_STACKTRACE_FRAMES_HARD_LIMIT,
+ max_stacktrace_frames=settings.SENTRY_MAX_STACKTRACE_FRAMES,
+ valid_platforms=list(VALID_PLATFORMS),
+ max_secs_in_future=MAX_SECS_IN_FUTURE,
+ max_secs_in_past=MAX_SECS_IN_PAST,
+ enable_trimming=True,
+ )
- # Ignore all top-level None and empty values, regardless whether
- # they are interfaces or not. For all other unrecognized attributes,
- # we emit an explicit error, unless they are explicitly ignored.
- if not value or k in CLIENT_IGNORED_ATTRS:
- continue
+ self._data = CanonicalKeyDict(
+ rust_normalizer.normalize_event(dict(self._data))
+ )
- try:
- interface = get_interface(k)
- except ValueError:
- logger.debug('Ignored unknown attribute: %s', k)
- meta.enter(k).add_error(EventError.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE)
- continue
- normalized = interface.normalize(value, meta.enter(k))
- if normalized:
- data[interface.path] = normalized
- # Additional data coercion and defaulting we only do for store.
- if self._for_store:
- if self._project is not None:
- data['project'] = self._project.id
- if self._key is not None:
- data['key_id'] = self._key.id
- if self._auth is not None:
- data['sdk'] = data.get('sdk') or parse_client_as_sdk(self._auth.client)
- level = data.get('level') or DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL
- if isinstance(level, int) or (isinstance(level, six.string_types) and level.isdigit()):
- level = LOG_LEVELS.get(int(level), DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL)
- if level not in LOG_LEVELS_MAP:
- data['level'] = level
- if data.get('dist') and not data.get('release'):
- data['dist'] = None
- timestamp = data.get('timestamp')
- if not timestamp:
- timestamp = timezone.now()
- # TODO (alex) can this all be replaced by utcnow?
- # it looks like the only time that this would even be hit is when timestamp
- # is not defined, as the earlier process_timestamp already converts existing
- # timestamps to floats.
- if isinstance(timestamp, datetime):
- # We must convert date to local time so Django doesn't mess it up
- # based on TIME_ZONE
- if settings.TIME_ZONE:
- if not timezone.is_aware(timestamp):
- timestamp = timestamp.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
- elif timezone.is_aware(timestamp):
- timestamp = timestamp.replace(tzinfo=None)
- timestamp = float(timestamp.strftime('%s'))
- data['timestamp'] = timestamp
- data['received'] = float(timezone.now().strftime('%s'))
- setdefault_path(data, 'extra', value={})
- setdefault_path(data, 'logger', value=DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME)
- setdefault_path(data, 'tags', value=[])
- # Fix case where legacy apps pass 'environment' as a tag
- # instead of a top level key.
- # TODO (alex) save() just reinserts the environment into the tags
- # TODO (markus) silly conversion between list and dict, hard to fix
- # without messing up meta
- tagsdict = dict(data['tags'])
- environment_tag = tagsdict.pop("environment", None)
- if not data.get('environment') and environment_tag:
- data['environment'] = environment_tag
- data['tags'] = tagsdict.items()
- # the SDKs currently do not describe event types, and we must infer
- # them from available attributes
- data['type'] = eventtypes.infer(data).key
- data['version'] = self.version
- exceptions = get_path(data, 'exception', 'values', filter=True)
- stacktrace = data.get('stacktrace')
- if stacktrace and exceptions and len(exceptions) == 1:
- exceptions[0]['stacktrace'] = stacktrace
- stacktrace_meta = meta.enter('stacktrace')
- meta.enter('exception', 'values', 0, 'stacktrace').merge(stacktrace_meta)
- del data['stacktrace']
- # TODO(ja): Remove meta data of data['stacktrace'] here, too
- # Exception mechanism needs SDK information to resolve proper names in
- # exception meta (such as signal names). "SDK Information" really means
- # the operating system version the event was generated on. Some
- # normalization still works without sdk_info, such as mach_exception
- # names (they can only occur on macOS).
- if exceptions:
- sdk_info = get_sdk_from_event(data)
- for ex in exceptions:
- if 'mechanism' in ex:
- normalize_mechanism_meta(ex['mechanism'], sdk_info)
- # This function parses the User Agent from the request if present and fills
- # contexts with it.
- normalize_user_agent(data)
- if not get_path(data, "user", "ip_address"):
- # If there is no User ip_address, update it either from the Http
- # interface or the client_ip of the request.
- http_ip = get_path(data, 'request', 'env', 'REMOTE_ADDR')
- if http_ip:
- set_path(data, 'user', 'ip_address', value=http_ip)
- elif self._client_ip:
- set_path(data, 'user', 'ip_address', value=self._client_ip)
- # Trim values
- if data.get('logger'):
- data['logger'] = trim(data['logger'].strip(), 64)
- if data.get('extra'):
- trim_dict(data['extra'], max_size=settings.SENTRY_MAX_EXTRA_VARIABLE_SIZE)
- if data.get('culprit'):
- data['culprit'] = trim(data['culprit'], MAX_CULPRIT_LENGTH)
- if data.get('transaction'):
- # XXX: This will be trimmed again when inserted into tag values
- data['transaction'] = trim(data['transaction'], MAX_CULPRIT_LENGTH)
- # Move some legacy data into tags
- site = data.pop('site', None)
- if site is not None:
- set_tag(data, 'site', site)
- server_name = data.pop('server_name', None)
- if server_name is not None:
- set_tag(data, 'server_name', server_name)
- for key in ('fingerprint', 'modules', 'tags', 'extra', 'contexts'):
- if not data.get(key):
- data.pop(key, None)
- # Merge meta errors into the errors array. We need to iterate over the
- # raw meta instead of data due to pruned null values.
- errors = data.get('errors') or []
- add_meta_errors(errors, meta)
- add_meta_errors(errors, meta.enter('tags'))
- if errors:
- data['errors'] = errors
- elif 'errors' in data:
- del data['errors']
- if meta.raw():
- data['_meta'] = meta.raw()
- elif '_meta' in data:
- del data['_meta']
- self._data = CanonicalKeyDict(prune_empty_keys(data))
+ normalize_user_agent(self._data)
def should_filter(self):