@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ import {isEqual, omitBy} from 'lodash';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
+import {Organization, EventsStats, EventsStatsData} from 'app/types';
+import {Series, SeriesDataUnit} from 'app/types/echarts';
import {addErrorMessage} from 'app/actionCreators/indicator';
import {canIncludePreviousPeriod} from 'app/views/events/utils/canIncludePreviousPeriod';
import {doEventsRequest} from 'app/actionCreators/events';
@@ -10,11 +13,54 @@ import SentryTypes from 'app/sentryTypes';
import LoadingPanel from '../loadingPanel';
+type RenderProps = {
+ loading: boolean;
+ reloading: boolean;
+ // timeseries data
+ timeseriesData?: Series[];
+ allTimeseriesData?: EventsStatsData;
+ originalTimeseriesData?: EventsStatsData;
+ timeseriesTotals?: object;
+ originalPreviousTimeseriesData?: EventsStatsData | null;
+ previousTimeseriesData?: Series | null;
+ timeAggregatedData?: Series | {};
+type EventsRequestProps = {
+ // TODO(ts): Update when we type `app/api`
+ api: object;
+ organization: Organization;
+ timeAggregationSeriesName: string;
+ project?: number[];
+ environment?: string[];
+ period?: string;
+ start?: any;
+ end?: any;
+ interval?: string;
+ limit?: number;
+ query?: string;
+ includePrevious?: boolean;
+ includeTransformedData?: boolean;
+ includeTimeAggregation?: boolean;
+ loading?: boolean;
+ showLoading?: boolean;
+ yAxis?: 'event_count' | 'user_count';
+ children: (renderProps: RenderProps) => React.ReactNode;
+type EventsRequestState = {
+ reloading: boolean;
+ timeseriesData: null | EventsStats;
const propNamesToIgnore = ['api', 'children', 'organization', 'loading'];
-const omitIgnoredProps = props =>
+const omitIgnoredProps = (props: EventsRequestProps) =>
omitBy(props, (_value, key) => propNamesToIgnore.includes(key));
-class EventsRequest extends React.PureComponent {
+class EventsRequest extends React.PureComponent<EventsRequestProps, EventsRequestState> {
static propTypes = {
* API client instance
@@ -112,45 +158,38 @@ class EventsRequest extends React.PureComponent {
end: null,
interval: '1d',
limit: 15,
- getCategory: i => i,
query: '',
includePrevious: true,
includeTransformedData: true,
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.state = {
- reloading: false || props.loading,
- timeseriesData: null,
- };
- }
+ state = {
+ reloading: !!this.props.loading,
+ timeseriesData: null,
+ };
componentDidMount() {
- componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
+ componentDidUpdate(prevProps: EventsRequestProps) {
if (isEqual(omitIgnoredProps(prevProps), omitIgnoredProps(this.props))) {
componentWillUnmount() {
this.unmounting = true;
+ private unmounting: boolean = false;
fetchData = async () => {
const {api, ...props} = this.props;
- let timeseriesData;
+ let timeseriesData: EventsStats | null;
this.setState(state => ({
reloading: state.timeseriesData !== null,
try {
timeseriesData = await doEventsRequest(api, props);
} catch (resp) {
@@ -161,55 +200,55 @@ class EventsRequest extends React.PureComponent {
timeseriesData = null;
if (this.unmounting) {
reloading: false,
* Retrieves data set for the current period (since data can potentially contain previous period's data), as
* well as the previous period if possible.
* Returns `null` if data does not exist
- getData = data => {
+ getData = (
+ data: EventsStatsData
+ ): {previous: EventsStatsData | null; current: EventsStatsData} => {
const {period, includePrevious} = this.props;
- if (!data) {
- return {
- previous: null,
- current: null,
- };
- }
const hasPreviousPeriod = canIncludePreviousPeriod(includePrevious, period);
// Take the floor just in case, but data should always be divisible by 2
const dataMiddleIndex = Math.floor(data.length / 2);
return {
- previous: hasPreviousPeriod ? data.slice(0, dataMiddleIndex) : null,
current: hasPreviousPeriod ? data.slice(dataMiddleIndex) : data,
+ previous: hasPreviousPeriod ? data.slice(0, dataMiddleIndex) : null,
// This aggregates all values per `timestamp`
- calculateTotalsPerTimestamp = (data, getName = timestamp => timestamp * 1000) => {
- return data.map(([timestamp, countArray], i) => ({
+ calculateTotalsPerTimestamp = (
+ data: EventsStatsData,
+ getName: (
+ timestamp: number,
+ countArray: {count: number}[],
+ i: number
+ ) => number = timestamp => timestamp * 1000
+ ): SeriesDataUnit[] =>
+ data.map(([timestamp, countArray], i) => ({
name: getName(timestamp, countArray, i),
value: countArray.reduce((acc, {count}) => acc + count, 0),
- };
* Get previous period data, but transform timestampts so that data fits unto the current period's data axis
- transformPreviousPeriodData = (current, previous) => {
+ transformPreviousPeriodData = (
+ current: EventsStatsData,
+ previous: EventsStatsData | null
+ ): Series | null => {
// Need the current period data array so we can take the timestamp
// so we can be sure the data lines up
if (!previous) {
@@ -224,25 +263,19 @@ class EventsRequest extends React.PureComponent {
* Aggregate all counts for each time stamp
- transformAggregatedTimeseries = (data, seriesName) => {
- if (!data) {
- return null;
- }
+ transformAggregatedTimeseries = (data: EventsStatsData, seriesName: string): Series => {
return {
data: this.calculateTotalsPerTimestamp(data),
* Transforms query response into timeseries data to be used in a chart
- transformTimeseriesData = data => {
+ transformTimeseriesData = (data: EventsStatsData): [Series] => {
return [
seriesName: 'Current Period',
@@ -254,31 +287,27 @@ class EventsRequest extends React.PureComponent {
- transformData = data => {
- if (!data) {
- return null;
+ processData(response: EventsStats | null) {
+ if (!response) {
+ return {};
- return this.transformTimeseriesData(data);
- };
- processData({data, totals} = {}) {
+ const {data, totals} = response;
const {
} = this.props;
const {current, previous} = this.getData(data);
- const transformedData = includeTransformedData ? this.transformData(current) : null;
+ const transformedData = includeTransformedData
+ ? this.transformTimeseriesData(current)
+ : [];
const previousData = includeTransformedData
? this.transformPreviousPeriodData(current, previous)
: null;
const timeAggregatedData = includeTimeAggregation
? this.transformAggregatedTimeseries(current, timeAggregationSeriesName)
- : null;
+ : {};
return {
data: transformedData,
allData: data,
@@ -289,12 +318,9 @@ class EventsRequest extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
const {children, showLoading, ...props} = this.props;
const {timeseriesData, reloading} = this.state;
// Is "loading" if data is null
const loading = this.props.loading || timeseriesData === null;
@@ -310,12 +336,11 @@ class EventsRequest extends React.PureComponent {
originalPreviousData: originalPreviousTimeseriesData,
previousData: previousTimeseriesData,
- } = (timeseriesData && this.processData(timeseriesData, true)) || {};
+ } = this.processData(timeseriesData);
return children({
// timeseries data
timeseriesData: transformedTimeseriesData,
@@ -324,11 +349,9 @@ class EventsRequest extends React.PureComponent {
// sometimes we want to reference props that were given to EventsRequest
export default EventsRequest;