@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import pytest
-from django.conf import settings
-from sentry.issues.grouptype import (
- ErrorGroupType,
- FeedbackGroup,
- MonitorIncidentType,
- PerformanceConsecutiveHTTPQueriesGroupType,
- PerformanceP95EndpointRegressionGroupType,
- ReplayDeadClickType,
-from sentry.models.group import GroupStatus
-from sentry.models.project import Project
-from sentry.testutils.cases import TestMigrations
-from sentry.types.group import GroupSubStatus
-from sentry.utils import redis
-class PriorityLevel:
- LOW = 25
- MEDIUM = 50
- HIGH = 75
-@pytest.mark.skip("Migration is no longer runnable. Retain until migration is removed.")
-class BackfillGroupPriority(TestMigrations):
- migrate_from = "0691_remove_project_team_avatar_model"
- migrate_to = "0692_backfill_group_priority_again"
- def setup_initial_state(self):
- self._create_groups_to_backfill(self.project)
- redis_cluster = redis.redis_clusters.get(settings.SENTRY_MONITORS_REDIS_CLUSTER)
- redis_cluster.set("priority_backfill-2.last_processed_id", self.cache_group_id)
- def test(self):
- for groups, expected_priority in (
- (self.high_priority_groups, PriorityLevel.HIGH),
- (self.medium_priority_groups, PriorityLevel.MEDIUM),
- (self.low_priority_groups, PriorityLevel.LOW),
- ):
- for desc, group in groups:
- group.refresh_from_db()
- if desc == "skip me":
- # these groups should not have been backfilled because the group id is less than the redis cached ID
- assert not group.priority
- continue
- assert group.priority == expected_priority, desc
- if not desc.startswith("existing"):
- assert group.data.get("metadata")["initial_priority"] == expected_priority
- def _create_groups_to_backfill(self, project: Project) -> None:
- skipped_group_count = 3
- data = [
- # three groups to skip to test the redis cache
- (
- "skip me",
- {"type": FeedbackGroup.type_id},
- PriorityLevel.MEDIUM,
- ),
- (
- "skip me",
- {"type": FeedbackGroup.type_id},
- PriorityLevel.MEDIUM,
- ),
- (
- "skip me",
- {"type": FeedbackGroup.type_id},
- PriorityLevel.MEDIUM,
- ),
- # groups with priority remain unchanged, even if escalating.
- (
- "existing low priority",
- {
- "priority": PriorityLevel.LOW,
- "data": {"metadata": {"initial_priority": PriorityLevel.LOW}},
- },
- PriorityLevel.LOW,
- ),
- (
- "existing low priority with escalation",
- {
- "priority": PriorityLevel.LOW,
- "status": GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED,
- "substatus": GroupSubStatus.ESCALATING,
- "data": {"metadata": {"initial_priority": PriorityLevel.LOW}},
- },
- PriorityLevel.LOW,
- ),
- # escalating groups are high priority, except for Replay and Feedback issues
- (
- "escalating error group",
- {
- "status": GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED,
- "substatus": GroupSubStatus.ESCALATING,
- "type": ErrorGroupType.type_id,
- "level": logging.INFO, # this level should not matter
- },
- PriorityLevel.HIGH,
- ),
- (
- "escalating performance group",
- {
- "status": GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED,
- "substatus": GroupSubStatus.ESCALATING,
- "type": PerformanceConsecutiveHTTPQueriesGroupType.type_id,
- },
- PriorityLevel.HIGH,
- ),
- (
- "escalating cron group",
- {
- "status": GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED,
- "substatus": GroupSubStatus.ESCALATING,
- "type": MonitorIncidentType.type_id,
- },
- PriorityLevel.HIGH,
- ),
- (
- "escalating replay group",
- {
- "status": GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED,
- "substatus": GroupSubStatus.ESCALATING,
- "type": ReplayDeadClickType.type_id,
- },
- PriorityLevel.MEDIUM,
- ),
- (
- "escalating feedback group",
- {
- "status": GroupStatus.UNRESOLVED,
- "substatus": GroupSubStatus.ESCALATING,
- "type": FeedbackGroup.type_id,
- },
- PriorityLevel.MEDIUM,
- ),
- # error groups respect log levels if present
- (
- "error group with log level INFO",
- {
- "type": ErrorGroupType.type_id,
- "level": logging.INFO,
- },
- PriorityLevel.LOW,
- ),
- (
- "error group with log level DEBUG",
- {
- "type": ErrorGroupType.type_id,
- "level": logging.DEBUG,
- },
- PriorityLevel.LOW,
- ),
- (
- "error group with log level WARNING",
- {
- "type": ErrorGroupType.type_id,
- "level": logging.WARNING,
- },
- PriorityLevel.MEDIUM,
- ),
- (
- "error group with log level ERROR",
- {
- "type": ErrorGroupType.type_id,
- "level": logging.ERROR,
- },
- PriorityLevel.HIGH,
- ),
- (
- "error group with log level FATAL",
- {
- "type": ErrorGroupType.type_id,
- "level": logging.FATAL,
- },
- PriorityLevel.HIGH,
- ),
- # cron groups are medium priority if they are warnings, high priority otherwise
- (
- "cron group with log level WARNING",
- {
- "type": MonitorIncidentType.type_id,
- "level": logging.WARNING,
- },
- PriorityLevel.MEDIUM,
- ),
- (
- "cron group with log level ERROR",
- {
- "substatus": GroupSubStatus.ONGOING,
- "type": MonitorIncidentType.type_id,
- "level": logging.ERROR,
- },
- PriorityLevel.HIGH,
- ),
- (
- "cron group with log level DEBUG",
- {
- "type": MonitorIncidentType.type_id,
- "level": logging.DEBUG,
- },
- PriorityLevel.HIGH,
- ),
- # statistical detectors are medium priority
- (
- "statistical detector group",
- {
- "level": logging.ERROR,
- "type": PerformanceP95EndpointRegressionGroupType.type_id,
- },
- PriorityLevel.MEDIUM,
- ),
- # performance issues are otherwise low priority
- (
- "performance group",
- {
- "level": logging.ERROR,
- "type": PerformanceConsecutiveHTTPQueriesGroupType.type_id,
- },
- PriorityLevel.LOW,
- ),
- ]
- self.low_priority_groups = []
- self.medium_priority_groups = []
- self.high_priority_groups = []
- for desc, group_data, expected_priority in data:
- group = self.create_group(project, **group_data) # type: ignore[arg-type]
- if desc == "skip me":
- skipped_group_count -= 1
- if skipped_group_count == 0:
- self.cache_group_id = group.id
- if expected_priority == PriorityLevel.LOW:
- self.low_priority_groups.append((desc, group))
- elif expected_priority == PriorityLevel.MEDIUM:
- self.medium_priority_groups.append((desc, group))
- elif expected_priority == PriorityLevel.HIGH:
- self.high_priority_groups.append((desc, group))