@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from sentry.monitors.tasks import (
+ mark_checkin_timeout,
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ def make_ref_time():
# down to the minute.
# NOTE: We also remove the timezone info from the task run timestamp, since
- # it recieves a date time object from the kafka producer. This helps test
+ # it receives a date time object from the kafka producer. This helps test
# for bad timezone
task_run_ts = ts.replace(second=12, microsecond=0, tzinfo=None)
@@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ class MonitorTaskCheckMissingTest(TestCase):
config={"schedule": "* * * * *"},
- # Exepcted checkin was a full minute ago, if this monitor wasn't in the
+ # Expected checkin was a full minute ago, if this monitor wasn't in the
# `state` the monitor would usually end up marked as timed out
monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
@@ -357,8 +358,9 @@ class MonitorTaskCheckMissingTest(TestCase):
-class MonitorTaskCheckTimemoutTest(TestCase):
- def test_timeout_with_no_future_complete_checkin(self):
+class MonitorTaskCheckTimeoutTest(TestCase):
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.tasks.mark_checkin_timeout")
+ def test_timeout_with_no_future_complete_checkin(self, mark_checkin_timeout_mock):
org = self.create_organization()
project = self.create_project(organization=org)
@@ -372,7 +374,7 @@ class MonitorTaskCheckTimemoutTest(TestCase):
config={"schedule": "0 0 * * *"},
- # Next checkin should should have been 24 hours ago
+ # Next checkin should have been 24 hours ago
monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
@@ -408,22 +410,30 @@ class MonitorTaskCheckTimemoutTest(TestCase):
# the second checkin is not yet timed out.
+ # assert that task is called for the specific checkin
+ assert mark_checkin_timeout_mock.delay.call_count == 1
+ assert mark_checkin_timeout_mock.delay.mock_calls[0] == mock.call(checkin1.id)
+ mark_checkin_timeout(checkin1.id)
# First checkin is marked as timed out
assert MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(id=checkin1.id, status=CheckInStatus.TIMEOUT).exists()
- # Second checkin is marked as timed out
+ # Second checkin is not marked as timed out
assert MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(
id=checkin2.id, status=CheckInStatus.IN_PROGRESS
# XXX(epurkhiser): At the moment we mark the monitor with the MOST
- # RECENT updated checkins status. In this scenario we actually already
- # have checkin2 in progress, but because we just marked
+ # RECENT updated checkin's status. In this scenario we actually already
+ # have checkin2 in progress, but because we just marked checkin1
+ # as timed out it is not updated
assert MonitorEnvironment.objects.filter(
id=monitor_environment.id, status=MonitorStatus.TIMEOUT
- def test_timeout_with_future_complete_checkin(self):
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.tasks.mark_checkin_timeout")
+ def test_timeout_with_future_complete_checkin(self, mark_checkin_timeout_mock):
org = self.create_organization()
project = self.create_project(organization=org)
@@ -472,6 +482,12 @@ class MonitorTaskCheckTimemoutTest(TestCase):
# second checkin was already marked as OK.
+ # assert that task is called for the specific checkin
+ assert mark_checkin_timeout_mock.delay.call_count == 1
+ assert mark_checkin_timeout_mock.delay.mock_calls[0] == mock.call(checkin1.id)
+ mark_checkin_timeout(checkin1.id)
# The first checkin is marked as timed out
assert MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(id=checkin1.id, status=CheckInStatus.TIMEOUT).exists()
# The second checkin has not changed status
@@ -482,7 +498,8 @@ class MonitorTaskCheckTimemoutTest(TestCase):
id=monitor_environment.id, status=MonitorStatus.OK
- def test_timeout_via_max_runtime_configuration(self):
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.tasks.mark_checkin_timeout")
+ def test_timeout_via_max_runtime_configuration(self, mark_checkin_timeout_mock):
org = self.create_organization()
project = self.create_project(organization=org)
@@ -517,103 +534,24 @@ class MonitorTaskCheckTimemoutTest(TestCase):
# Running the check_monitors at 35 minutes does not mark the check-in as timed out, it's still allowed to be running
check_timeout(task_run_ts + timedelta(minutes=35))
+ # assert that task is not called for the specific checkin
+ assert mark_checkin_timeout_mock.delay.call_count == 0
assert MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(
id=checkin.id, status=CheckInStatus.IN_PROGRESS
# After 60 minutes the checkin will be marked as timed out
check_timeout(task_run_ts + timedelta(minutes=60))
- assert MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(id=checkin.id, status=CheckInStatus.TIMEOUT).exists()
- assert MonitorEnvironment.objects.filter(
- id=monitor_environment.id, status=MonitorStatus.TIMEOUT
- ).exists()
- @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.tasks.logger")
- def test_timeout_exception_handling(self, logger):
- org = self.create_organization()
- project = self.create_project(organization=org)
- task_run_ts, ts = make_ref_time()
- check_in_24hr_ago = ts - timedelta(hours=24)
+ # assert that task is called for the specific checkin
+ assert mark_checkin_timeout_mock.delay.call_count == 1
+ assert mark_checkin_timeout_mock.delay.mock_calls[0] == mock.call(checkin.id)
- # This monitor will cause failure
- exception_monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
- organization_id=org.id,
- project_id=project.id,
- type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
- config={
- "schedule_type": ScheduleType.INTERVAL,
- # XXX: Note the invalid schedule will cause an exception,
- # typically the validator protects us against this
- "schedule": [-2, "minute"],
- },
- )
- exception_monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
- monitor=exception_monitor,
- environment=self.environment,
- last_checkin=ts,
- next_checkin=ts + timedelta(hours=24),
- next_checkin_latest=ts + timedelta(hours=24, minutes=1),
- status=MonitorStatus.OK,
- )
- MonitorCheckIn.objects.create(
- monitor=exception_monitor,
- monitor_environment=exception_monitor_environment,
- project_id=project.id,
- status=CheckInStatus.IN_PROGRESS,
- date_added=check_in_24hr_ago,
- date_updated=check_in_24hr_ago,
- timeout_at=check_in_24hr_ago + timedelta(minutes=30),
- )
+ mark_checkin_timeout(checkin.id)
- # This monitor will be fine
- monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
- organization_id=org.id,
- project_id=project.id,
- type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
- config={"schedule": "0 0 * * *"},
- date_added=check_in_24hr_ago,
- )
- monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
- monitor=monitor,
- environment=self.environment,
- last_checkin=ts,
- next_checkin=ts + timedelta(hours=24),
- next_checkin_latest=ts + timedelta(hours=24, minutes=1),
- status=MonitorStatus.OK,
- )
- checkin1 = MonitorCheckIn.objects.create(
- monitor=monitor,
- monitor_environment=monitor_environment,
- project_id=project.id,
- status=CheckInStatus.IN_PROGRESS,
- date_added=check_in_24hr_ago,
- date_updated=check_in_24hr_ago,
- timeout_at=check_in_24hr_ago + timedelta(minutes=30),
- )
- checkin2 = MonitorCheckIn.objects.create(
- monitor=monitor,
- monitor_environment=monitor_environment,
- project_id=project.id,
- status=CheckInStatus.IN_PROGRESS,
- date_added=ts,
- date_updated=ts,
- timeout_at=ts + timedelta(minutes=30),
- )
- assert checkin1.date_added == checkin1.date_updated == check_in_24hr_ago
- check_timeout(task_run_ts)
- # Logged the exception
- assert logger.exception.call_count == 1
- assert MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(id=checkin1.id, status=CheckInStatus.TIMEOUT).exists()
- assert MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(
- id=checkin2.id, status=CheckInStatus.IN_PROGRESS
- ).exists()
+ assert MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(id=checkin.id, status=CheckInStatus.TIMEOUT).exists()
assert MonitorEnvironment.objects.filter(
id=monitor_environment.id, status=MonitorStatus.TIMEOUT
@@ -658,7 +596,7 @@ def test_monitor_task_trigger(dispatch_tasks):
try_monitor_tasks_trigger(ts=now + timedelta(minutes=1))
assert dispatch_tasks.call_count == 2
- # A skipped minute trigges the task AND captures an error
+ # A skipped minute triggers the task AND captures an error
with mock.patch("sentry_sdk.capture_message") as capture_message:
assert capture_message.call_count == 0
try_monitor_tasks_trigger(ts=now + timedelta(minutes=3, seconds=5))
@@ -675,7 +613,7 @@ def test_monitor_task_trigger_partition_desync(dispatch_tasks):
now = datetime.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
- # First message with timestamp just after the minute bounardary
+ # First message with timestamp just after the minute boundary
# triggers the task
try_monitor_tasks_trigger(ts=now + timedelta(seconds=1))
assert dispatch_tasks.call_count == 1
@@ -685,7 +623,7 @@ def test_monitor_task_trigger_partition_desync(dispatch_tasks):
try_monitor_tasks_trigger(ts=now - timedelta(seconds=1))
assert dispatch_tasks.call_count == 1
- # Third message again just after the minute bounadry does NOT trigger
+ # Third message again just after the minute boundary does NOT trigger
# the task, we've already ticked at that time.
try_monitor_tasks_trigger(ts=now + timedelta(seconds=1))
assert dispatch_tasks.call_count == 1