@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ import {TraceType} from '../traceType';
* - instead of storing span children separately, we should have meta tree nodes that handle pointing to the correct children
+type ArgumentTypes<F> = F extends (...args: infer A) => any ? A : never;
export declare namespace TraceTree {
type Transaction = TraceFullDetailed;
interface Span extends RawSpanType {
@@ -172,6 +174,12 @@ export declare namespace TraceTree {
type CollectedVital = {key: string; measurement: Measurement};
+ interface TraceTreeEvents {
+ ['trace timeline change']: (view: [number, number]) => void;
+ }
+ type EventStore = {[K in keyof TraceTreeEvents]: Set<TraceTreeEvents[K]>};
export type ViewManagerScrollToOptions = {
@@ -508,6 +516,8 @@ export class TraceTree {
const tLen = transactionQueue.length;
const oLen = orphanErrorsQueue.length;
+ // Items in each queue are sorted by timestamp, so we just take
+ // from the queue with the earliest timestamp which means the final list will be ordered.
while (tIdx < tLen || oIdx < oLen) {
const transaction = transactionQueue[tIdx];
const orphan = orphanErrorsQueue[oIdx];
@@ -612,10 +622,13 @@ export class TraceTree {
data: Event,
spans: RawSpanType[],
options: {sdk: string | undefined} | undefined
- ): TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue> {
+ ): [TraceTreeNode<TraceTree.NodeValue>, [number, number] | null] {
const platformHasMissingSpans = shouldAddMissingInstrumentationSpan(options?.sdk);
+ let min_span_start = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ let min_span_end = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
const parentIsSpan = isSpanNode(parent);
const lookuptable: Record<
@@ -625,14 +638,14 @@ export class TraceTree {
// If we've already fetched children, the tree is already assembled
if (parent.spanChildren.length > 0) {
parent.zoomedIn = true;
- return parent;
+ return [parent, null];
// If we have no spans, insert an empty node to indicate that there is no data
if (!spans.length && !parent.children.length) {
parent.zoomedIn = true;
parent.spanChildren.push(new NoDataNode(parent));
- return parent;
+ return [parent, null];
if (parentIsSpan) {
@@ -676,6 +689,16 @@ export class TraceTree {
project_slug: undefined,
+ if (
+ typeof span.start_timestamp === 'number' &&
+ span.start_timestamp < min_span_start
+ ) {
+ min_span_start = span.start_timestamp;
+ }
+ if (typeof span.timestamp === 'number' && span.timestamp > min_span_end) {
+ min_span_end = span.timestamp;
+ }
for (const error of getRelatedSpanErrorsFromTransaction(span, parent)) {
@@ -748,7 +771,8 @@ export class TraceTree {
parent.zoomedIn = true;
- return parent;
+ return [parent, [min_span_start, min_span_end]];
static AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(
@@ -1326,7 +1350,36 @@ export class TraceTree {
// Api response is not sorted
spans.data.sort((a, b) => a.start_timestamp - b.start_timestamp);
- TraceTree.FromSpans(node, data, spans.data, {sdk: data.sdk?.name});
+ const [_, view] = TraceTree.FromSpans(node, data, spans.data, {
+ sdk: data.sdk?.name,
+ });
+ // Spans contain millisecond precision, which means that it is possible for the
+ // children spans of a transaction to extend beyond the start and end of the transaction
+ // through ns precision. To account for this, we need to adjust the space of the transaction node and the space
+ // of our trace so that all of the span children are visible and can be rendered inside the view.
+ if (
+ view &&
+ Number.isFinite(view[0]) &&
+ Number.isFinite(view[1]) &&
+ this.root.space
+ ) {
+ const prev_start = this.root.space[0];
+ const prev_end = this.root.space[1];
+ const new_start = view[0];
+ const new_end = view[1];
+ // Update the space of the tree and the trace root node
+ this.root.space = [
+ Math.min(new_start * node.multiplier, this.root.space[0]),
+ Math.max(new_end * node.multiplier - prev_start, this.root.space[1]),
+ ];
+ this.root.children[0].space = [...this.root.space];
+ if (prev_start !== this.root.space[0] || prev_end !== this.root.space[1]) {
+ this.dispatch('trace timeline change', this.root.space);
+ }
+ }
const spanChildren = node.getVisibleChildren();
this._list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...spanChildren);
@@ -1366,6 +1419,38 @@ export class TraceTree {
return this._list;
+ listeners: TraceTree.EventStore = {
+ 'trace timeline change': new Set(),
+ };
+ on<K extends keyof TraceTree.TraceTreeEvents>(
+ event: K,
+ cb: TraceTree.TraceTreeEvents[K]
+ ): void {
+ this.listeners[event].add(cb);
+ }
+ off<K extends keyof TraceTree.TraceTreeEvents>(
+ event: K,
+ cb: TraceTree.TraceTreeEvents[K]
+ ): void {
+ this.listeners[event].delete(cb);
+ }
+ dispatch<K extends keyof TraceTree.TraceTreeEvents>(
+ event: K,
+ ...args: ArgumentTypes<TraceTree.TraceTreeEvents[K]>
+ ): void {
+ if (!this.listeners[event]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const handler of this.listeners[event]) {
+ // @ts-expect-error
+ handler(...args);
+ }
+ }
* Prints the tree in a human readable format, useful for debugging and testing