@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import React from 'react';
-import createReactClass from 'create-react-class';
-import {Link} from 'react-router';
-import LazyLoad from 'react-lazyload';
-import ApiMixin from 'app/mixins/apiMixin';
-import {update as projectUpdate} from 'app/actionCreators/projects';
-import {leaveTeam} from 'app/actionCreators/teams';
-import IndicatorStore from 'app/stores/indicatorStore';
-import BarChart from 'app/components/barChart';
-import ProjectLabel from 'app/components/projectLabel';
-import SentryTypes from 'app/proptypes';
-import TooltipMixin from 'app/mixins/tooltip';
-import {sortArray} from 'app/utils';
-import {t, tct} from 'app/locale';
-const ExpandedTeamList = createReactClass({
- displayName: 'ExpandedTeamList',
- propTypes: {
- access: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
- organization: SentryTypes.Organization.isRequired,
- teamList: PropTypes.arrayOf(SentryTypes.Team).isRequired,
- projectList: PropTypes.arrayOf(SentryTypes.Project).isRequired,
- hasTeams: PropTypes.bool,
- },
- mixins: [
- ApiMixin,
- TooltipMixin(function() {
- return {
- selector: '.tip',
- title: function(instance) {
- return this.getAttribute('data-isbookmarked') === 'true'
- ? 'Remove from bookmarks'
- : 'Add to bookmarks';
- },
- };
- }),
- ],
- leaveTeam(team) {
- // TODO(dcramer): handle loading indicator
- leaveTeam(
- this.api,
- {
- orgId: this.props.organization.slug,
- teamId: team.slug,
- },
- {
- error: () => {
- IndicatorStore.add(
- t('There was an error while trying to leave the team.'),
- 'error'
- );
- },
- }
- );
- },
- urlPrefix() {
- let org = this.props.organization;
- return `/organizations/${org.slug}`;
- },
- getProjectsForTeam(team) {
- return sortArray(
- this.props.projectList.filter(p => !!p.teams.find(t1 => t1.slug == team.slug)),
- function(o) {
- return o.name;
- }
- );
- },
- renderProjectList(team, projects) {
- return <tbody>{projects.map(this.renderProject)}</tbody>;
- },
- renderNoProjects(team) {
- return (
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <p className="project-list-empty">
- {tct(
- 'There are no projects in this team. Get started by [link:creating your first project].',
- {
- link: (
- <a href={this.urlPrefix() + '/projects/new/?team=' + team.slug} />
- ),
- }
- )}
- </p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- );
- },
- renderTeamNode(team, urlPrefix) {
- // TODO: make this cleaner
- let access = this.props.access;
- let projects = this.getProjectsForTeam(team);
- let orgId = this.props.organization.slug;
- return (
- <div className="box" key={team.slug}>
- <div className="box-header">
- <div className="pull-right actions hidden-xs">
- <a className="leave-team" onClick={this.leaveTeam.bind(this, team)}>
- {t('Leave Team')}
- </a>
- {access.has('team:write') && (
- <Link
- className="team-settings"
- to={`/organizations/${orgId}/teams/${team.slug}/settings/`}
- >
- {t('Team Settings')}
- </Link>
- )}
- </div>
- <h3>#{team.slug}</h3>
- </div>
- <div className="box-content">
- <table className="table table-no-top-border m-b-0">
- {projects.length
- ? this.renderProjectList(team, projects)
- : this.renderNoProjects(team)}
- </table>
- </div>
- </div>
- );
- },
- toggleBookmark(project) {
- projectUpdate(this.api, {
- orgId: this.props.organization.slug,
- projectId: project.slug,
- data: {
- isBookmarked: !project.isBookmarked,
- },
- });
- },
- renderProject(project) {
- let org = this.props.organization;
- let chartData =
- project.stats &&
- project.stats.map(point => {
- return {x: point[0], y: point[1]};
- });
- return (
- <tr key={project.id} className={project.isBookmarked ? 'isBookmarked' : null}>
- <td>
- <h5>
- <a
- onClick={this.toggleBookmark.bind(this, project)}
- className="tip"
- data-isbookmarked={project.isBookmarked}
- >
- {project.isBookmarked ? (
- <span className="icon-star-solid bookmark" />
- ) : (
- <span className="icon-star-outline bookmark" />
- )}
- </a>
- <Link to={`/${org.slug}/${project.slug}/`}>
- <ProjectLabel project={project} organization={this.props.organization} />
- </Link>
- </h5>
- </td>
- <td className="align-right project-chart">
- {chartData && (
- <LazyLoad>
- <BarChart points={chartData} label="events" />
- </LazyLoad>
- )}
- </td>
- </tr>
- );
- },
- renderEmpty() {
- if (this.props.hasTeams) {
- return (
- <p>
- {this.props.access.has('project:write')
- ? tct(
- 'You are not a member of any teams. [joinLink:Join an existing team] or [createLink:create a new one].',
- {
- joinLink: (
- <Link
- to={`/organizations/${this.props.organization
- .slug}/teams/all-teams/`}
- />
- ),
- createLink: <Link to={this.urlPrefix() + '/teams/new/'} />,
- }
- )
- : tct('You are not a member of any teams. [joinLink:Join a team].', {
- joinLink: (
- <Link
- to={`/organizations/${this.props.organization.slug}/teams/all-teams/`}
- />
- ),
- })}
- </p>
- );
- }
- return (
- <p>
- {tct(
- 'You dont have any teams for this organization yet. Get started by [link:creating your first team].',
- {
- link: <Link to={this.urlPrefix() + '/teams/new/'} />,
- }
- )}
- </p>
- );
- },
- renderTeamNodes() {
- return this.props.teamList.map(team => {
- return this.renderTeamNode(team);
- });
- },
- render() {
- let hasTeams = this.props.teamList.length > 0;
- return <div>{hasTeams ? this.renderTeamNodes() : this.renderEmpty()}</div>;
- },
-export default ExpandedTeamList;