@@ -0,0 +1,1355 @@
+created: '2023-12-20T18:32:42.074404Z'
+creator: sentry
+source: tests/sentry/backup/test_releases.py
+- fields:
+ key: bar
+ last_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.745Z'
+ last_updated_by: unknown
+ value: '"b"'
+ model: sentry.controloption
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.325Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.325Z'
+ external_id: slack:test-org
+ metadata: {}
+ name: Slack for test-org
+ provider: slack
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.integration
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ key: foo
+ last_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.744Z'
+ last_updated_by: unknown
+ value: '"a"'
+ model: sentry.option
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.918Z'
+ default_role: member
+ flags: '1'
+ is_test: false
+ name: test-org
+ slug: test-org
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.organization
+ pk: 4553177530105856
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.465Z'
+ default_role: member
+ flags: '1'
+ is_test: false
+ name: Climbing Lark
+ slug: climbing-lark
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.organization
+ pk: 4553177530171395
+- fields:
+ config:
+ hello: hello
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.326Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.326Z'
+ default_auth_id: null
+ grace_period_end: null
+ integration: 1
+ organization_id: 4553177530105856
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.organizationintegration
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ key: sentry:account-rate-limit
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ value: 0
+ model: sentry.organizationoption
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.169Z'
+ first_event: null
+ flags: '10'
+ forced_color: null
+ name: project-test-org
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ platform: null
+ public: false
+ slug: project-test-org
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.project
+ pk: 4553177530171393
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.360Z'
+ first_event: null
+ flags: '10'
+ forced_color: null
+ name: other-project-test-org
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ platform: null
+ public: false
+ slug: other-project-test-org
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.project
+ pk: 4553177530171394
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.527Z'
+ first_event: null
+ flags: '10'
+ forced_color: null
+ name: Loyal Monkey
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ platform: null
+ public: false
+ slug: loyal-monkey
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.project
+ pk: 4553177530171396
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.694Z'
+ first_event: null
+ flags: '10'
+ forced_color: null
+ name: Joint Rattler
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ platform: null
+ public: false
+ slug: joint-rattler
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.project
+ pk: 4553177530171397
+- fields:
+ config:
+ hello: hello
+ integration_id: 1
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ model: sentry.projectintegration
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ data:
+ dynamicSdkLoaderOptions:
+ hasPerformance: true
+ hasReplay: true
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.187Z'
+ label: Default
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ public_key: 70bce2307256ae6fd47d7493b2c24285
+ rate_limit_count: null
+ rate_limit_window: null
+ roles: '1'
+ secret_key: c214085beb73feb9ad26a03c055fe0be
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.projectkey
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ data:
+ dynamicSdkLoaderOptions:
+ hasPerformance: true
+ hasReplay: true
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.376Z'
+ label: Default
+ project: 4553177530171394
+ public_key: b72a9e75306347ee82fbac48f7d8adc1
+ rate_limit_count: null
+ rate_limit_window: null
+ roles: '1'
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+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.projectkey
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ data:
+ dynamicSdkLoaderOptions:
+ hasPerformance: true
+ hasReplay: true
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.545Z'
+ label: Default
+ project: 4553177530171396
+ public_key: c0cb64e733a6945babd1c40181792004
+ rate_limit_count: null
+ rate_limit_window: null
+ roles: '1'
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+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.projectkey
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ data:
+ dynamicSdkLoaderOptions:
+ hasPerformance: true
+ hasReplay: true
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.713Z'
+ label: Default
+ project: 4553177530171397
+ public_key: 0a175b1793bc2b7ea14560e2851fbce4
+ rate_limit_count: null
+ rate_limit_window: null
+ roles: '1'
+ secret_key: 3c4765b7a319ffe6dad4dfbbbce580fc
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.projectkey
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
+ key: sentry:relay-rev
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ value: '"f9037c268d79422fa994fd1b9d619690"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ key: sentry:relay-rev-lastchange
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ value: '"2023-12-20T18:32:41.192841Z"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ key: sentry:option-epoch
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ value: 11
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ key: sentry:relay-rev
+ project: 4553177530171394
+ value: '"10e0a8b352b24b38af19818e16f81f4b"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
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+ project: 4553177530171394
+ value: '"2023-12-20T18:32:41.381356Z"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 5
+- fields:
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+ project: 4553177530171394
+ value: 11
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 6
+- fields:
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+ project: 4553177530171396
+ value: '"7913f179953f44feb8d141465385c51a"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 7
+- fields:
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+ project: 4553177530171396
+ value: '"2023-12-20T18:32:41.549951Z"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 8
+- fields:
+ key: sentry:option-epoch
+ project: 4553177530171396
+ value: 11
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 9
+- fields:
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+ project: 4553177530171397
+ value: '"f4729548834241edb67d697343776d9b"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 10
+- fields:
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+ project: 4553177530171397
+ value: '"2023-12-20T18:32:41.717909Z"'
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 11
+- fields:
+ key: sentry:option-epoch
+ project: 4553177530171397
+ value: 11
+ model: sentry.projectoption
+ pk: 12
+- fields:
+ auto_assignment: true
+ codeowners_auto_sync: true
+ date_created: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.209Z'
+ fallthrough: true
+ is_active: true
+ last_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.209Z'
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ raw: '{"hello":"hello"}'
+ schema:
+ hello: hello
+ suspect_committer_auto_assignment: false
+ model: sentry.projectownership
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.214Z'
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ redirect_slug: project_slug_in_test-org
+ model: sentry.projectredirect
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ first_seen: null
+ is_internal: true
+ last_seen: null
+ public_key: yN6nLIJnm8pak29i41CO9yvwDeo7xqV-R_XvjxqICDk
+ relay_id: 2e623b93-a574-4000-a023-14f2a579bcf9
+ model: sentry.relay
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ first_seen: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.742Z'
+ last_seen: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.742Z'
+ public_key: yN6nLIJnm8pak29i41CO9yvwDeo7xqV-R_XvjxqICDk
+ relay_id: 2e623b93-a574-4000-a023-14f2a579bcf9
+ version: 0.0.1
+ model: sentry.relayusage
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ config: {}
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.452Z'
+ external_id: null
+ integration_id: 1
+ languages: '[]'
+ name: getsentry/getsentry
+ organization_id: 4553177530105856
+ provider: integrations:github
+ status: 0
+ url: https://github.com/getsentry/getsentry
+ model: sentry.repository
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ actor: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.096Z'
+ idp_provisioned: false
+ name: test_team_in_test-org
+ org_role: null
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ slug: test_team_in_test-org
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.team
+ pk: 4553177530171392
+- fields:
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+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.173Z'
+ email: owner
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
+ is_managed: false
+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: null
+ is_staff: true
+ is_superuser: true
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.173Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.173Z'
+ name: ''
+ password: md5$tO5Rzmcyl2fKw8cFVl2TFD$496381953947634f9d4400491b64710d
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: owner
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ avatar_type: 0
+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.899Z'
+ email: invitee
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
+ is_managed: false
+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: null
+ is_staff: false
+ is_superuser: false
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.899Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.899Z'
+ name: ''
+ password: md5$UMG7bn7lqOcHHMguDZTnUK$77d134ccb6e9a923d464e0a4264dbded
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: invitee
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ avatar_type: 0
+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.410Z'
+ email: admin@localhost
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
+ is_managed: false
+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: null
+ is_staff: true
+ is_superuser: true
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.410Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.410Z'
+ name: ''
+ password: md5$QyxFVI0p6FQtoml3npVMyL$b6dc758f174b05795e862854faf91bfa
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: admin@localhost
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ avatar_type: 0
+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.454Z'
+ email: a8148594c9f847be91d2ae291ade9f5c@example.com
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
+ is_managed: false
+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: null
+ is_staff: true
+ is_superuser: false
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.454Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.454Z'
+ name: ''
+ password: md5$LXnKEITEhMjaMKV2sRjMWX$08bd893720483bd5d4fb1eca3829315d
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: a8148594c9f847be91d2ae291ade9f5c@example.com
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
+ avatar_type: 0
+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.512Z'
+ email: ''
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
+ is_managed: false
+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: true
+ is_staff: false
+ is_superuser: false
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.512Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: null
+ name: ''
+ password: ''
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: test-app-a2ccb11c-d831-485e-ac3a-ead238bf4223
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 5
+- fields:
+ avatar_type: 0
+ avatar_url: null
+ date_joined: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.683Z'
+ email: f88bc7296a0147cabf689af1509805fb@example.com
+ flags: '0'
+ is_active: true
+ is_managed: false
+ is_password_expired: false
+ is_sentry_app: null
+ is_staff: true
+ is_superuser: false
+ is_unclaimed: false
+ last_active: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.683Z'
+ last_login: null
+ last_password_change: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.684Z'
+ name: ''
+ password: md5$DXquXm9A2QIzxPJi1jy1gx$7a6b6736e03395f5b081ac9871a6cb49
+ session_nonce: null
+ username: f88bc7296a0147cabf689af1509805fb@example.com
+ model: sentry.user
+ pk: 6
+- fields:
+ country_code: null
+ first_seen: '2012-04-05T03:29:45.000Z'
+ ip_address:
+ last_seen: '2012-04-05T03:29:45.000Z'
+ region_code: null
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.userip
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
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+ first_seen: '2012-04-05T03:29:45.000Z'
+ ip_address:
+ last_seen: '2012-04-05T03:29:45.000Z'
+ region_code: null
+ user: 2
+ model: sentry.userip
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ key: timezone
+ organization_id: null
+ project_id: null
+ user: 1
+ value: '"Europe/Vienna"'
+ model: sentry.useroption
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ key: timezone
+ organization_id: null
+ project_id: null
+ user: 2
+ value: '"Europe/Vienna"'
+ model: sentry.useroption
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ permission: users.admin
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.userpermission
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.207Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.207Z'
+ name: test-admin-role
+ permissions: '[]'
+ model: sentry.userrole
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.214Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.214Z'
+ role: 1
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.userroleuser
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.445Z'
+ is_global: false
+ name: Saved query for test-org
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ owner_id: null
+ query: saved query for test-org
+ sort: date
+ type: 0
+ visibility: organization
+ model: sentry.savedsearch
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.444Z'
+ last_seen: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.444Z'
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ query: some query for test-org
+ query_hash: 7c69362cd42207b83f80087bc15ebccb
+ type: 0
+ user_id: 1
+ model: sentry.recentsearch
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ team: 4553177530171392
+ model: sentry.projectteam
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ project: 4553177530171394
+ team: 4553177530171392
+ model: sentry.projectteam
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.207Z'
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ user_id: 1
+ model: sentry.projectbookmark
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ created_by: null
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.299Z'
+ date_deactivated: null
+ date_last_used: null
+ name: token 1 for test-org
+ organization_id: 4553177530105856
+ project_last_used_id: 4553177530171393
+ scope_list: '[''org:ci'']'
+ token_hashed: ABCDEFtest-org
+ token_last_characters: xyz1
+ model: sentry.orgauthtoken
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.980Z'
+ email: null
+ flags: '0'
+ has_global_access: true
+ invite_status: 0
+ inviter_id: null
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ role: owner
+ token: null
+ token_expires_at: null
+ type: 50
+ user_email: owner
+ user_id: 1
+ user_is_active: true
+ model: sentry.organizationmember
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.026Z'
+ email: null
+ flags: '0'
+ has_global_access: true
+ invite_status: 0
+ inviter_id: null
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ role: member
+ token: null
+ token_expires_at: null
+ type: 50
+ user_email: invitee
+ user_id: 2
+ user_is_active: true
+ model: sentry.organizationmember
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ member: 2
+ requester_id: null
+ team: 4553177530171392
+ model: sentry.organizationaccessrequest
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ config:
+ schedule: '* * * * *'
+ schedule_type: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.356Z'
+ guid: de845d76-11b6-401b-ab58-9e40453f780b
+ is_muted: false
+ name: ''
+ organization_id: 4553177530105856
+ project_id: 4553177530171393
+ slug: 2c17f7fc05e2
+ status: 0
+ type: 3
+ model: sentry.monitor
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.352Z'
+ name: partially evolved starling
+ organization_id: 4553177530105856
+ model: sentry.environment
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.181Z'
+ email: owner
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.904Z'
+ email: invitee
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.414Z'
+ email: admin@localhost
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.458Z'
+ email: a8148594c9f847be91d2ae291ade9f5c@example.com
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.515Z'
+ email: ''
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 5
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.687Z'
+ email: f88bc7296a0147cabf689af1509805fb@example.com
+ model: sentry.email
+ pk: 6
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.443Z'
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ slug: test-tombstone-in-test-org
+ model: sentry.dashboardtombstone
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ created_by_id: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.439Z'
+ filters: null
+ last_visited: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.439Z'
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ title: Dashboard 1 for test-org
+ visits: 1
+ model: sentry.dashboard
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ condition: '{"op":"equals","name":"environment","value":"prod"}'
+ condition_hash: 1213008ea45924d982b3bdd726cdf2e752d37a8a
+ created_by_id: null
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.345Z'
+ end_date: '2023-12-20T19:32:41.340Z'
+ is_active: true
+ is_org_level: false
+ notification_sent: false
+ num_samples: 100
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ query: environment:prod event.type:transaction
+ rule_id: 1
+ sample_rate: 0.5
+ start_date: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.340Z'
+ model: sentry.customdynamicsamplingrule
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ value: 1
+ model: sentry.counter
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ config: {}
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.245Z'
+ default_global_access: true
+ default_role: 50
+ flags: '0'
+ last_sync: null
+ organization_id: 4553177530105856
+ provider: sentry
+ sync_time: null
+ model: sentry.authprovider
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ auth_provider: 1
+ data:
+ key1: value1
+ key2: 42
+ key3:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 3
+ key4:
+ nested_key: nested_value
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.271Z'
+ ident: 123456789test-org
+ last_synced: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.271Z'
+ last_verified: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.271Z'
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.authidentity
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ config: '""'
+ created_at: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.195Z'
+ last_used_at: null
+ type: 1
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.authenticator
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ config: '""'
+ created_at: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.914Z'
+ last_used_at: null
+ type: 1
+ user: 2
+ model: sentry.authenticator
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ allowed_origins: null
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.223Z'
+ key: 9a67a53ab668425786404c971fb92611
+ label: Default
+ organization_id: 4553177530105856
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.apikey
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ allowed_origins: ''
+ client_id: 5e00ac5ce62941331b78bb45d9453fe7a4d60ac4975a55cffaaab3b03506c107
+ client_secret: 168f3342c278a1ba75118e8f468ab246d80926f98e5e2868103b4232a03691a9
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.521Z'
+ homepage_url: null
+ name: Causal Liger
+ owner: 5
+ privacy_url: null
+ redirect_uris: ''
+ status: 0
+ terms_url: null
+ model: sentry.apiapplication
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ team: 4553177530171392
+ type: 0
+ user_id: null
+ model: sentry.actor
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.177Z'
+ email: owner
+ is_verified: true
+ user: 1
+ validation_hash: 6g75mPWEpXsp0Lsj0iB0negeqI3KpKKg
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:40.901Z'
+ email: invitee
+ is_verified: true
+ user: 2
+ validation_hash: dqbZ3KFLIXvBDbNRpiY2cOd0AxaC2Vzz
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.412Z'
+ email: admin@localhost
+ is_verified: true
+ user: 3
+ validation_hash: bTqcgfnYXwbHvpDkeFmrZkUwSq9E4dtu
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.456Z'
+ email: a8148594c9f847be91d2ae291ade9f5c@example.com
+ is_verified: true
+ user: 4
+ validation_hash: ebaHa0DLCC3gKOZwImjmB9THLZLS74o1
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.513Z'
+ email: ''
+ is_verified: false
+ user: 5
+ validation_hash: myDusGReyNxAaxwfI5hbuR5sP2rinTv9
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 5
+- fields:
+ date_hash_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.685Z'
+ email: f88bc7296a0147cabf689af1509805fb@example.com
+ is_verified: true
+ user: 6
+ validation_hash: x6O9JigsvmyPDHMXe9f0lyN7zOiTzuFp
+ model: sentry.useremail
+ pk: 6
+- fields:
+ aggregate: count()
+ dataset: events
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.394Z'
+ environment: null
+ query: level:error
+ resolution: 60
+ time_window: 600
+ type: 0
+ model: sentry.snubaquery
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ aggregate: count()
+ dataset: events
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.422Z'
+ environment: null
+ query: test query
+ resolution: 60
+ time_window: 60
+ type: 0
+ model: sentry.snubaquery
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ application: 1
+ author: A Company
+ creator_label: a8148594c9f847be91d2ae291ade9f5c@example.com
+ creator_user: 4
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.522Z'
+ date_deleted: null
+ date_published: null
+ date_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.653Z'
+ events: '[]'
+ is_alertable: false
+ metadata: {}
+ name: test app
+ overview: null
+ owner_id: 4553177530105856
+ popularity: 1
+ proxy_user: 5
+ redirect_url: null
+ schema:
+ elements:
+ - settings:
+ optional_fields:
+ - label: Points
+ name: points
+ options:
+ - - '1'
+ - '1'
+ - - '2'
+ - '2'
+ - - '3'
+ - '3'
+ - - '5'
+ - '5'
+ - - '8'
+ - '8'
+ type: select
+ - label: Assignee
+ name: assignee
+ type: select
+ uri: /sentry/members
+ required_fields:
+ - label: Title
+ name: title
+ type: text
+ - label: Summary
+ name: summary
+ type: text
+ type: alert-rule-settings
+ uri: /sentry/alert-rule
+ title: Create Task with App
+ type: alert-rule-action
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ slug: test-app
+ status: 0
+ uuid: 2ed2a6f4-333e-44bb-b029-aad0213eeacf
+ verify_install: true
+ webhook_url: https://example.com/webhook
+ model: sentry.sentryapp
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ data: '{"conditions":[{"id":"sentry.rules.conditions.first_seen_event.FirstSeenEventCondition"},{"id":"sentry.rules.conditions.every_event.EveryEventCondition"}],"action_match":"all","filter_match":"all","actions":[{"id":"sentry.rules.actions.notify_event.NotifyEventAction"},{"id":"sentry.rules.actions.notify_event_service.NotifyEventServiceAction","service":"mail"}]}'
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.334Z'
+ environment_id: null
+ label: ''
+ owner: null
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ source: 0
+ status: 0
+ model: sentry.rule
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.401Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.401Z'
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ snuba_query: 1
+ status: 1
+ subscription_id: null
+ type: incidents
+ model: sentry.querysubscription
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.425Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.425Z'
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ snuba_query: 2
+ status: 1
+ subscription_id: null
+ type: incidents
+ model: sentry.querysubscription
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.530Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.530Z'
+ project: 4553177530171396
+ snuba_query: 1
+ status: 1
+ subscription_id: null
+ type: incidents
+ model: sentry.querysubscription
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.697Z'
+ date_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.697Z'
+ project: 4553177530171397
+ snuba_query: 1
+ status: 1
+ subscription_id: null
+ type: incidents
+ model: sentry.querysubscription
+ pk: 4
+- fields:
+ is_active: true
+ organizationmember: 1
+ role: null
+ team: 4553177530171392
+ model: sentry.organizationmemberteam
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ integration_id: null
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ sentry_app_id: null
+ target_display: Sentry User
+ target_identifier: '1'
+ target_type: 1
+ trigger_type: 0
+ type: 5
+ model: sentry.notificationaction
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ integration_id: null
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ sentry_app_id: 1
+ target_display: Sentry User
+ target_identifier: '1'
+ target_type: 1
+ trigger_type: 0
+ type: 5
+ model: sentry.notificationaction
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ disable_date: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.338Z'
+ opted_out: false
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ rule: 1
+ sent_final_email_date: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.338Z'
+ sent_initial_email_date: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.338Z'
+ model: sentry.neglectedrule
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ environment: 1
+ is_hidden: null
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ model: sentry.environmentproject
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ dashboard: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.440Z'
+ description: null
+ detail: null
+ display_type: 0
+ interval: null
+ limit: null
+ order: 1
+ thresholds: null
+ title: Test Widget for test-org
+ widget_type: 0
+ model: sentry.dashboardwidget
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ custom_dynamic_sampling_rule: 1
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ model: sentry.customdynamicsamplingruleproject
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ application: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.610Z'
+ expires_at: '2023-12-21T02:32:41.610Z'
+ name: null
+ refresh_token: b082ec41e017187517ce1129fba1d4d79650c58c00b2e5c757c1515e90cad71f
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ token: 4d318b87b58fe0dcf685dba960f35773a9ffdb928da744ec388967465370278d
+ token_last_characters: null
+ user: 5
+ model: sentry.apitoken
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ application: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.663Z'
+ expires_at: null
+ name: create_exhaustive_sentry_app
+ refresh_token: 576634f5abb1f949e730ff3e94cd4609bd869f5071771c099c2390eabaf72725
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ token: 16b400c1ae2d7b84cb342d954f6f33c33f57e196a815db263ab400ecc70ee7e2
+ token_last_characters: null
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.apitoken
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ application: null
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.747Z'
+ expires_at: null
+ name: create_exhaustive_global_configs
+ refresh_token: 7763ce2d9727005c3e1aef74c1ba0f738893f31be9165c270d7aa6d3c0fdb6c0
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ token: 38d0d3270194134f4bf9b2062d388dc90173c84dea094e2ab928c09852c449bd
+ token_last_characters: null
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.apitoken
+ pk: 3
+- fields:
+ application: 1
+ code: 59a3429110887596a941af6fac25b8dee505ac6fffc1e19c2a4af60d875a89cf
+ expires_at: '2022-01-01T11:11:00.000Z'
+ redirect_uri: https://example.com
+ scope_list: '[''openid'', ''profile'', ''email'']'
+ scopes: '0'
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.apigrant
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ application: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.661Z'
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.apiauthorization
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ application: null
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.746Z'
+ scope_list: '[]'
+ scopes: '0'
+ user: 1
+ model: sentry.apiauthorization
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ comparison_delta: null
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.397Z'
+ date_modified: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.397Z'
+ include_all_projects: true
+ name: Meet Moose
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ owner: null
+ resolve_threshold: null
+ snuba_query: 1
+ status: 0
+ team: null
+ threshold_period: 1
+ threshold_type: 0
+ user_id: null
+ model: sentry.alertrule
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ comparison_delta: null
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.424Z'
+ date_modified: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.424Z'
+ include_all_projects: false
+ name: Tender Kid
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ owner: null
+ resolve_threshold: null
+ snuba_query: 2
+ status: 0
+ team: null
+ threshold_period: 1
+ threshold_type: 0
+ user_id: null
+ model: sentry.alertrule
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ snuba_query: 1
+ type: 0
+ model: sentry.snubaqueryeventtype
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ snuba_query: 2
+ type: 0
+ model: sentry.snubaqueryeventtype
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ api_grant: null
+ api_token: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.565Z'
+ date_deleted: null
+ date_updated: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.590Z'
+ organization_id: 4553177530105856
+ sentry_app: 1
+ status: 1
+ uuid: b8c75351-0892-4a57-a806-df3f9d13e48c
+ model: sentry.sentryappinstallation
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ schema:
+ settings:
+ optional_fields:
+ - label: Points
+ name: points
+ options:
+ - - '1'
+ - '1'
+ - - '2'
+ - '2'
+ - - '3'
+ - '3'
+ - - '5'
+ - '5'
+ - - '8'
+ - '8'
+ type: select
+ - label: Assignee
+ name: assignee
+ type: select
+ uri: /sentry/members
+ required_fields:
+ - label: Title
+ name: title
+ type: text
+ - label: Summary
+ name: summary
+ type: text
+ type: alert-rule-settings
+ uri: /sentry/alert-rule
+ title: Create Task with App
+ type: alert-rule-action
+ sentry_app: 1
+ type: alert-rule-action
+ uuid: e4430202-dcfa-4a23-9a7a-f192a6f8d033
+ model: sentry.sentryappcomponent
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
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+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.337Z'
+ owner_id: 1
+ rule: 1
+ until: null
+ user_id: 1
+ model: sentry.rulesnooze
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.336Z'
+ rule: 1
+ type: 1
+ user_id: null
+ model: sentry.ruleactivity
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ action: 1
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ model: sentry.notificationactionproject
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ action: 2
+ project: 4553177530171393
+ model: sentry.notificationactionproject
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: 2
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.430Z'
+ date_closed: null
+ date_detected: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.428Z'
+ date_started: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.428Z'
+ detection_uuid: null
+ identifier: 1
+ organization: 4553177530105856
+ status: 1
+ status_method: 3
+ title: Caring Quagga
+ type: 2
+ model: sentry.incident
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ aggregates: null
+ columns: null
+ conditions: ''
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.441Z'
+ field_aliases: null
+ fields: '[]'
+ name: Test Query for test-org
+ order: 1
+ orderby: ''
+ widget: 1
+ model: sentry.dashboardwidgetquery
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: 1
+ alert_threshold: 100.0
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.407Z'
+ label: Included Newt
+ resolve_threshold: null
+ threshold_type: null
+ model: sentry.alertruletrigger
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.399Z'
+ project: 4553177530171394
+ model: sentry.alertruleexcludedprojects
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.403Z'
+ previous_alert_rule: null
+ type: 1
+ user_id: null
+ model: sentry.alertruleactivity
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule: 2
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.426Z'
+ previous_alert_rule: null
+ type: 1
+ user_id: null
+ model: sentry.alertruleactivity
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.434Z'
+ end: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.434Z'
+ period: 1
+ start: '2023-12-19T18:32:41.434Z'
+ values: '[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.5, 2.5, 3.5]]'
+ model: sentry.timeseriessnapshot
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ actor_id: 1
+ application_id: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.586Z'
+ events: '[]'
+ guid: 5165cdd88b37434a9661265702136376
+ installation_id: 1
+ organization_id: 4553177530105856
+ project_id: null
+ secret: 1c0d00bca7f9b637c2b7f2bc2aa6874e29639168f6e277cd3d533dd8227442aa
+ status: 0
+ url: https://example.com/webhook
+ version: 0
+ model: sentry.servicehook
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ actor_id: 6
+ application_id: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.729Z'
+ events: '[''event.created'']'
+ guid: c22df75f51b04bec9ab118c444ee7c05
+ installation_id: 1
+ organization_id: 4553177530105856
+ project_id: 4553177530171397
+ secret: 53c850c3df253ba3512bddd16644755358abc2c964c4c75a0ec600cb68f21ec8
+ status: 0
+ url: https://example.com/sentry/webhook
+ version: 0
+ model: sentry.servicehook
+ pk: 2
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.438Z'
+ incident: 1
+ target_run_date: '2023-12-20T22:32:41.438Z'
+ model: sentry.pendingincidentsnapshot
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule_trigger: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.437Z'
+ date_modified: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.437Z'
+ incident: 1
+ status: 1
+ model: sentry.incidenttrigger
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.436Z'
+ incident: 1
+ user_id: 1
+ model: sentry.incidentsubscription
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.435Z'
+ event_stats_snapshot: 1
+ incident: 1
+ total_events: 1
+ unique_users: 1
+ model: sentry.incidentsnapshot
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ comment: hello test-org
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.433Z'
+ incident: 1
+ notification_uuid: null
+ previous_value: null
+ type: 1
+ user_id: null
+ value: null
+ model: sentry.incidentactivity
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ dashboard_widget_query: 1
+ date_modified: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.442Z'
+ extraction_state: disabled:not-applicable
+ spec_hashes: '[]'
+ model: sentry.dashboardwidgetqueryondemand
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule_trigger: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.408Z'
+ query_subscription: 1
+ model: sentry.alertruletriggerexclusion
+ pk: 1
+- fields:
+ alert_rule_trigger: 1
+ date_added: '2023-12-20T18:32:41.421Z'
+ integration_id: null
+ sentry_app_config: null
+ sentry_app_id: null
+ target_display: null
+ target_identifier: '3'
+ target_type: 1
+ type: 0
+ model: sentry.alertruletriggeraction
+ pk: 1