@@ -1,1611 +0,0 @@
-import {Fragment} from 'react';
-import {initializeOrg} from 'sentry-test/initializeOrg';
-import {
- fireEvent,
- mountWithTheme,
- screen,
- waitForElementToBeRemoved,
- within,
-} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary';
-import {findByTextContent} from 'sentry-test/utils';
-import GlobalModal from 'app/components/globalModal';
-import FiltersAndSampling from 'app/views/settings/project/filtersAndSampling';
-import {
-} from 'app/views/settings/project/filtersAndSampling/utils';
-describe('Filters and Sampling', function () {
- const commonConditionCategories = [
- 'Release',
- 'Environment',
- 'User Id',
- 'User Segment',
- 'Browser Extensions',
- 'Localhost',
- 'Legacy Browser',
- 'Web Crawlers',
- 'IP Address',
- 'Content Security Policy',
- 'Error Message',
- 'Transaction',
- ];
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: TestStubs.Project(),
- });
- function renderComponent(withModal = true) {
- const {organization, project} = initializeOrg({
- organization: {features: ['filters-and-sampling']},
- } as Parameters<typeof initializeOrg>[0]);
- return mountWithTheme(
- <Fragment>
- {withModal && <GlobalModal />}
- <FiltersAndSampling organization={organization} project={project} />
- </Fragment>
- );
- }
- async function renderModal(actionElement: HTMLElement, takeScreenshot = false) {
- // Open Modal
- fireEvent.click(actionElement);
- const dialog = await screen.findByRole('dialog');
- expect(dialog).toBeInTheDocument();
- if (takeScreenshot) {
- expect(dialog).toSnapshot();
- }
- return within(dialog);
- }
- describe('renders', function () {
- it('empty', async function () {
- const component = renderComponent(false);
- const {container} = component;
- // Title
- expect(screen.getByText('Filters & Sampling')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Error rules container
- expect(
- await findByTextContent(
- screen,
- 'Manage the inbound data you want to store. To change the sampling rate or rate limits, update your SDK configuration. The rules added below will apply on top of your SDK configuration. Any new rule may take a few minutes to propagate.'
- )
- ).toBeTruthy();
- expect(
- screen.getByRole('link', {
- name: 'update your SDK configuration',
- })
- ).toHaveAttribute('href', DYNAMIC_SAMPLING_DOC_LINK);
- expect(screen.getByText('There are no error rules to display')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Add error rule')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Transaction traces and individual transactions rules container
- expect(
- screen.getByText(
- 'Rules for traces should precede rules for individual transactions.'
- )
- ).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(
- screen.getByText('There are no transaction rules to display')
- ).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Add transaction rule')).toBeInTheDocument();
- const readDocsButtonLinks = screen.getAllByRole('button', {
- name: 'Read the docs',
- });
- expect(readDocsButtonLinks).toHaveLength(2);
- for (const readDocsButtonLink of readDocsButtonLinks) {
- expect(readDocsButtonLink).toHaveAttribute('href', DYNAMIC_SAMPLING_DOC_LINK);
- }
- expect(screen.getAllByText('Type')).toHaveLength(2);
- expect(screen.getAllByText('Conditions')).toHaveLength(2);
- expect(screen.getAllByText('Rate')).toHaveLength(2);
- expect(container).toSnapshot();
- });
- it('with rules', async function () {
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'error',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 39,
- },
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'trace',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'trace.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 40,
- },
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'transaction',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'custom',
- name: 'event.legacy_browser',
- value: [
- 'ie_pre_9',
- 'ie9',
- 'ie10',
- 'ie11',
- 'safari_pre_6',
- 'opera_pre_15',
- 'opera_mini_pre_8',
- 'android_pre_4',
- ],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 42,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 43,
- },
- }),
- });
- const component = renderComponent(false);
- const {container} = component;
- // Title
- expect(screen.getByText('Filters & Sampling')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Error rules container
- expect(
- await findByTextContent(
- screen,
- 'Manage the inbound data you want to store. To change the sampling rate or rate limits, update your SDK configuration. The rules added below will apply on top of your SDK configuration. Any new rule may take a few minutes to propagate.'
- )
- ).toBeTruthy();
- expect(
- screen.getByRole('link', {
- name: 'update your SDK configuration',
- })
- ).toHaveAttribute('href', DYNAMIC_SAMPLING_DOC_LINK);
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no error rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Errors only')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Add error rule')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Transaction traces and individual transactions rules container
- expect(
- screen.getByText(
- 'Rules for traces should precede rules for individual transactions.'
- )
- ).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no transaction rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- const transactionTraceRules = screen.getByText('Transaction traces');
- expect(transactionTraceRules).toBeInTheDocument();
- const individualTransactionRules = screen.getByText('Individual transactions');
- expect(individualTransactionRules).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Add transaction rule')).toBeInTheDocument();
- const readDocsButtonLinks = screen.getAllByRole('button', {
- name: 'Read the docs',
- });
- expect(readDocsButtonLinks).toHaveLength(2);
- for (const readDocsButtonLink of readDocsButtonLinks) {
- expect(readDocsButtonLink).toHaveAttribute('href', DYNAMIC_SAMPLING_DOC_LINK);
- }
- expect(screen.getAllByText('Type')).toHaveLength(2);
- expect(screen.getAllByText('Conditions')).toHaveLength(2);
- expect(screen.getAllByText('Rate')).toHaveLength(2);
- expect(container).toSnapshot();
- });
- });
- describe('edit rules', function () {
- it('error rule', async function () {
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.1,
- type: 'error',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['1*'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 39,
- },
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'trace',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'trace.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 40,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 43,
- },
- }),
- });
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'PUT',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.5,
- type: 'error',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['[I3].[0-9]'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 44,
- },
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'trace',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'trace.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 40,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 43,
- },
- }),
- });
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/organizations/org-slug/tags/release/values/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: [{value: '[I3].[0-9]'}],
- });
- renderComponent();
- // Error rules container
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no error rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Errors only')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Transaction traces and individual transactions rules container
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no transaction rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- const transactionTraceRules = screen.getByText('Transaction traces');
- expect(transactionTraceRules).toBeInTheDocument();
- const editRuleButtons = screen.getAllByLabelText('Edit Rule');
- expect(editRuleButtons).toHaveLength(2);
- // Open rule modal - edit error rule
- const modal = await renderModal(editRuleButtons[0]);
- // Modal content
- expect(modal.getByText('Edit Error Sampling Rule')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.queryByText('Tracing')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- // Release Field
- await modal.findByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- const releaseField = modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- expect(releaseField).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Release field is not empty
- const releaseFieldValues = within(releaseField).getByTestId('multivalue');
- expect(releaseFieldValues).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(releaseFieldValues).toHaveTextContent('1*');
- // Button is enabled - meaning the form is valid
- const saveRuleButton = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeEnabled();
- // Sample rate field
- const sampleRateField = modal.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025');
- expect(sampleRateField).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Sample rate is not empty
- expect(sampleRateField).toHaveValue(10);
- const releaseFieldInput = within(releaseField).getByLabelText(
- 'Search or add a release'
- );
- // Clear release field
- fireEvent.keyDown(releaseFieldInput, {key: 'Backspace'});
- // Release field is now empty
- const newReleaseFieldValues = within(
- modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')
- ).queryByTestId('multivalue');
- expect(newReleaseFieldValues).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'})).toBeDisabled();
- // Type into realease field
- fireEvent.change(
- within(modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')).getByLabelText(
- 'Search or add a release'
- ),
- {
- target: {value: '[I3].[0-9]'},
- }
- );
- // Autocomplete suggests options
- const autocompleteOptions = within(
- modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')
- ).getByTestId('option');
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toHaveTextContent('[I3].[0-9]');
- // Click on the suggested option
- fireEvent.click(autocompleteOptions);
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'})).toBeEnabled();
- // Clear sample rate field
- fireEvent.change(sampleRateField, {target: {value: null}});
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'})).toBeDisabled();
- // Update sample rate field
- fireEvent.change(sampleRateField, {target: {value: 50}});
- // Save button is now enabled
- const saveRuleButtonEnabled = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButtonEnabled).toBeEnabled();
- // Click on save button
- fireEvent.click(saveRuleButtonEnabled);
- // Modal will close
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByText('Edit Error Sampling Rule'));
- // Error rules panel is updated
- expect(screen.getByText('Errors only')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getAllByText('Release')).toHaveLength(2);
- // Old values
- expect(screen.queryByText('1*')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.queryByText('10%')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- // New values
- expect(screen.getByText('[I3].[0-9]')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('50%')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('transaction trace rule', async function () {
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.1,
- type: 'error',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['1*'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 39,
- },
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'trace',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'trace.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 40,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 43,
- },
- }),
- });
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'PUT',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.1,
- type: 'error',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['1*'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 44,
- },
- {
- sampleRate: 0.6,
- type: 'trace',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'trace.release',
- value: ['[0-9]'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 45,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 43,
- },
- }),
- });
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/organizations/org-slug/tags/release/values/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: [{value: '[0-9]'}],
- });
- renderComponent();
- // Error rules container
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no error rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Errors only')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Transaction traces and individual transactions rules container
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no transaction rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- const transactionTraceRules = screen.getByText('Transaction traces');
- expect(transactionTraceRules).toBeInTheDocument();
- const editRuleButtons = screen.getAllByLabelText('Edit Rule');
- expect(editRuleButtons).toHaveLength(2);
- // Open rule modal - edit transaction rule
- const modal = await renderModal(editRuleButtons[1]);
- // Modal content
- expect(modal.getByText('Edit Transaction Sampling Rule')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByText('Tracing')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByRole('checkbox')).toBeChecked();
- // Release Field
- await modal.findByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- const releaseField = modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- expect(releaseField).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Release field is not empty
- const releaseFieldValues = within(releaseField).getByTestId('multivalue');
- expect(releaseFieldValues).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(releaseFieldValues).toHaveTextContent('1.2.3');
- // Button is enabled - meaning the form is valid
- const saveRuleButton = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeEnabled();
- // Sample rate field
- const sampleRateField = modal.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025');
- expect(sampleRateField).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Sample rate is not empty
- expect(sampleRateField).toHaveValue(20);
- const releaseFieldInput = within(releaseField).getByLabelText(
- 'Search or add a release'
- );
- // Clear release field
- fireEvent.keyDown(releaseFieldInput, {key: 'Backspace'});
- // Release field is now empty
- const newReleaseFieldValues = within(
- modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')
- ).queryByTestId('multivalue');
- expect(newReleaseFieldValues).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'})).toBeDisabled();
- // Type into realease field
- fireEvent.change(
- within(modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')).getByLabelText(
- 'Search or add a release'
- ),
- {
- target: {value: '[0-9]'},
- }
- );
- // Autocomplete suggests options
- const autocompleteOptions = within(
- modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')
- ).getByTestId('option');
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toHaveTextContent('[0-9]');
- // Click on the suggested option
- fireEvent.click(autocompleteOptions);
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'})).toBeEnabled();
- // Clear sample rate field
- fireEvent.change(sampleRateField, {target: {value: null}});
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'})).toBeDisabled();
- // Update sample rate field
- fireEvent.change(sampleRateField, {target: {value: 60}});
- // Save button is now enabled
- const saveRuleButtonEnabled = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButtonEnabled).toBeEnabled();
- // Click on save button
- fireEvent.click(saveRuleButtonEnabled);
- // Modal will close
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() =>
- screen.getByText('Edit Transaction Sampling Rule')
- );
- // Error rules panel is updated
- expect(screen.getByText('Errors only')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Transaction traces')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getAllByText('Release')).toHaveLength(2);
- // Old values
- expect(screen.queryByText('1.2.3')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.queryByText('20%')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- // New values
- expect(screen.getByText('[0-9]')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('60%')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('individual transaction rule', async function () {
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.1,
- type: 'error',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['1*'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 39,
- },
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'transaction',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 40,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 43,
- },
- }),
- });
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'PUT',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.1,
- type: 'error',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['1*'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 44,
- },
- {
- sampleRate: 0.6,
- type: 'transaction',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['[0-9]'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 45,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 43,
- },
- }),
- });
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/organizations/org-slug/tags/release/values/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: [{value: '[0-9]'}],
- });
- renderComponent();
- // Error rules container
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no error rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Errors only')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Transaction traces and individual transactions rules container
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no transaction rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- const transactionTraceRules = screen.getByText('Individual transactions');
- expect(transactionTraceRules).toBeInTheDocument();
- const editRuleButtons = screen.getAllByLabelText('Edit Rule');
- expect(editRuleButtons).toHaveLength(2);
- // Open rule modal - edit transaction rule
- const modal = await renderModal(editRuleButtons[1]);
- // Modal content
- expect(modal.getByText('Edit Transaction Sampling Rule')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByText('Tracing')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByRole('checkbox')).not.toBeChecked();
- // Release Field
- await modal.findByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- const releaseField = modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- expect(releaseField).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Release field is not empty
- const releaseFieldValues = within(releaseField).getByTestId('multivalue');
- expect(releaseFieldValues).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Button is enabled - meaning the form is valid
- const saveRuleButton = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeEnabled();
- // Sample rate field
- const sampleRateField = modal.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025');
- expect(sampleRateField).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Sample rate is not empty
- expect(sampleRateField).toHaveValue(20);
- const releaseFieldInput = within(releaseField).getByLabelText(
- 'Search or add a release'
- );
- // Clear release field
- fireEvent.keyDown(releaseFieldInput, {key: 'Backspace'});
- // Release field is now empty
- const newReleaseFieldValues = within(
- modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')
- ).queryByTestId('multivalue');
- expect(newReleaseFieldValues).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'})).toBeDisabled();
- // Type into realease field
- fireEvent.change(
- within(modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')).getByLabelText(
- 'Search or add a release'
- ),
- {
- target: {value: '[0-9]'},
- }
- );
- // Autocomplete suggests options
- const autocompleteOptions = within(
- modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')
- ).getByTestId('option');
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toHaveTextContent('[0-9]');
- // Click on the suggested option
- fireEvent.click(autocompleteOptions);
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'})).toBeEnabled();
- // Clear sample rate field
- fireEvent.change(sampleRateField, {target: {value: null}});
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'})).toBeDisabled();
- // Update sample rate field
- fireEvent.change(sampleRateField, {target: {value: 60}});
- // Save button is now enabled
- const saveRuleButtonEnabled = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButtonEnabled).toBeEnabled();
- // Click on save button
- fireEvent.click(saveRuleButtonEnabled);
- // Modal will close
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() =>
- screen.getByText('Edit Transaction Sampling Rule')
- );
- // Error rules panel is updated
- expect(screen.getByText('Errors only')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Individual transactions')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getAllByText('Release')).toHaveLength(2);
- // Old values
- expect(screen.queryByText('1.2.3')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.queryByText('20%')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- // New values
- expect(screen.getByText('[0-9]')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('60%')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- });
- describe('delete rules', function () {
- it('error rule', async function () {
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'error',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 39,
- },
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'trace',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'trace.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 40,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 43,
- },
- }),
- });
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'PUT',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'trace',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'trace.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 40,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 43,
- },
- }),
- });
- renderComponent();
- // Error rules container
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no error rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Errors only')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Transaction traces and individual transactions rules container
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no transaction rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- const transactionTraceRules = screen.getByText('Transaction traces');
- expect(transactionTraceRules).toBeInTheDocument();
- const deleteRuleButtons = screen.getAllByLabelText('Delete Rule');
- expect(deleteRuleButtons).toHaveLength(2);
- // Open deletion confirmation modal - delete error rule
- const modal = await renderModal(deleteRuleButtons[0]);
- expect(
- modal.getByText('Are you sure you wish to delete this dynamic sampling rule?')
- ).toBeInTheDocument();
- const modalActionButtons = modal.getAllByRole('button');
- expect(modalActionButtons).toHaveLength(2);
- expect(modalActionButtons[0]).toHaveTextContent('Cancel');
- expect(modalActionButtons[1]).toHaveTextContent('Confirm');
- // Confirm deletion
- fireEvent.click(modalActionButtons[1]);
- // Confirmation modal will close
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() =>
- screen.getByText('Are you sure you wish to delete this dynamic sampling rule?')
- );
- // Error rules panel is updated
- expect(screen.getByText('There are no error rules to display')).toBeInTheDocument();
- // There is still one transaction rule
- expect(transactionTraceRules).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- });
- describe('error rule modal', function () {
- it('renders modal', async function () {
- renderComponent();
- // Open Modal
- const modal = await renderModal(screen.getByText('Add error rule'), true);
- // Modal content
- expect(modal.getByText('Add Error Sampling Rule')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.queryByText('Tracing')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByText('Conditions')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByText('Add Condition')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByText('Apply sampling rate to all errors')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByText('Sampling Rate \u0025')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025')).toHaveValue(null);
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Cancel'})).toBeInTheDocument();
- const saveRuleButton = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeDisabled();
- // Close Modal
- fireEvent.click(screen.getByLabelText('Close Modal'));
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByText('Add Error Sampling Rule'));
- });
- it('condition options', async function () {
- renderComponent();
- // Open Modal
- const modal = await renderModal(screen.getByText('Add error rule'));
- // Click on 'Add condition'
- fireEvent.click(modal.getByText('Add Condition'));
- // Autocomplete
- const autoCompleteList = await screen.findByTestId('autocomplete-list');
- expect(autoCompleteList).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Condition Options
- const conditionOptions = modal.getAllByRole('presentation');
- expect(conditionOptions).toHaveLength(commonConditionCategories.length);
- for (const conditionOptionIndex in conditionOptions) {
- expect(conditionOptions[conditionOptionIndex]).toHaveTextContent(
- commonConditionCategories[conditionOptionIndex]
- );
- }
- // Close Modal
- fireEvent.click(screen.getByLabelText('Close Modal'));
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByText('Add Error Sampling Rule'));
- });
- it('save rule', async function () {
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'PUT',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'error',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 39,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 40,
- },
- }),
- });
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/organizations/org-slug/tags/release/values/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: [{value: '1.2.3'}],
- });
- const component = renderComponent();
- const {getByText, queryByText} = component;
- // Open Modal
- const modal = await renderModal(getByText('Add error rule'));
- // Click on 'Add condition'
- fireEvent.click(modal.getByText('Add Condition'));
- // Autocomplete
- const autoCompleteList = await modal.findByTestId('autocomplete-list');
- expect(autoCompleteList).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Condition Options
- const conditionOptions = modal.getAllByRole('presentation');
- // Click on the first condition option
- fireEvent.click(conditionOptions[0]);
- // Release Field
- await modal.findByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- const releaseField = modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- expect(releaseField).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Release field is empty
- const releaseFieldValues = within(releaseField).queryByTestId('multivalue');
- expect(releaseFieldValues).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- // Type into realease field
- fireEvent.change(within(releaseField).getByLabelText('Search or add a release'), {
- target: {value: '1.2.3'},
- });
- // Autocomplete suggests options
- const autocompleteOptions = within(releaseField).getByTestId('option');
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toHaveTextContent('1.2.3');
- // Click on the suggested option
- fireEvent.click(autocompleteOptions);
- // Button is still disabled
- const saveRuleButton = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeDisabled();
- // Fill sample rate field
- const sampleRateField = modal.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025');
- expect(sampleRateField).toBeInTheDocument();
- fireEvent.change(sampleRateField, {target: {value: 20}});
- // Save button is now enabled
- const saveRuleButtonEnabled = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButtonEnabled).toBeEnabled();
- // Click on save button
- fireEvent.click(saveRuleButtonEnabled);
- // Modal will close
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => getByText('Add Error Sampling Rule'));
- // Error rules panel is updated
- expect(queryByText('There are no error rules to display')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(getByText('Errors only')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(getByText('Release')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(getByText('1.2.3')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(getByText('20%')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- });
- describe('transaction rule modal', function () {
- const conditionTracingCategories = [
- 'Release',
- 'Environment',
- 'User Id',
- 'User Segment',
- 'Transaction',
- ];
- it('renders modal', async function () {
- renderComponent();
- // Open Modal
- const modal = await renderModal(screen.getByText('Add transaction rule'), true);
- // Modal content
- expect(modal.getByText('Add Transaction Sampling Rule')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByText('Tracing')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByRole('checkbox')).toBeChecked();
- expect(
- await findByTextContent(
- modal,
- 'Include all related transactions by trace ID. This can span across multiple projects. All related errors will remain. Learn more about tracing.'
- )
- ).toBeTruthy();
- expect(
- modal.getByRole('link', {
- name: 'Learn more about tracing',
- })
- ).toHaveAttribute('href', DYNAMIC_SAMPLING_DOC_LINK);
- expect(modal.getByText('Conditions')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByText('Add Condition')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(
- modal.getByText('Apply sampling rate to all transactions')
- ).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByText('Sampling Rate \u0025')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025')).toHaveValue(null);
- expect(modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Cancel'})).toBeInTheDocument();
- const saveRuleButton = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeDisabled();
- // Close Modal
- fireEvent.click(screen.getByLabelText('Close Modal'));
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() =>
- screen.getByText('Add Transaction Sampling Rule')
- );
- });
- it('condition options', async function () {
- const component = renderComponent();
- const {getByText, getByLabelText} = component;
- // Open Modal
- const modal = await renderModal(getByText('Add transaction rule'));
- // Click on 'Add condition'
- fireEvent.click(modal.getByText('Add Condition'));
- // Autocomplete
- const autoCompleteList = await modal.findByTestId('autocomplete-list');
- expect(autoCompleteList).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Trancing Condition Options
- const conditionTracingOptions = modal.getAllByRole('presentation');
- expect(conditionTracingOptions).toHaveLength(conditionTracingCategories.length);
- for (const conditionTracingOptionIndex in conditionTracingOptions) {
- expect(conditionTracingOptions[conditionTracingOptionIndex]).toHaveTextContent(
- conditionTracingCategories[conditionTracingOptionIndex]
- );
- }
- // Unchecked tracing checkbox
- fireEvent.click(modal.getByRole('checkbox'));
- // Click on 'Add condition'
- fireEvent.click(modal.getByText('Add Condition'));
- // No Tracing Condition Options
- const conditionOptions = modal.getAllByRole('presentation');
- expect(conditionOptions).toHaveLength(commonConditionCategories.length);
- for (const conditionOptionIndex in conditionOptions) {
- expect(conditionOptions[conditionOptionIndex]).toHaveTextContent(
- commonConditionCategories[conditionOptionIndex]
- );
- }
- // Close Modal
- fireEvent.click(getByLabelText('Close Modal'));
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => getByText('Add Transaction Sampling Rule'));
- });
- describe('save rule', function () {
- it('transaction trace', async function () {
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'PUT',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'trace',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'trace.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 40,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 40,
- },
- }),
- });
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/organizations/org-slug/tags/release/values/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: [{value: '1.2.3'}],
- });
- renderComponent();
- // Open Modal
- const modal = await renderModal(screen.getByText('Add transaction rule'));
- // Checked tracing checkbox
- expect(modal.getByRole('checkbox')).toBeChecked();
- // Click on 'Add condition'
- fireEvent.click(modal.getByText('Add Condition'));
- // Autocomplete
- const autoCompleteList = await modal.findByTestId('autocomplete-list');
- expect(autoCompleteList).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Condition Options
- const conditionOptions = modal.getAllByRole('presentation');
- // Click on the first condition option
- fireEvent.click(conditionOptions[0]);
- // Release Field
- await modal.findByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- const releaseField = modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- expect(releaseField).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Release field is empty
- const releaseFieldValues = within(releaseField).queryByTestId('multivalue');
- expect(releaseFieldValues).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- // Type into realease field
- fireEvent.change(within(releaseField).getByLabelText('Search or add a release'), {
- target: {value: '1.2.3'},
- });
- // Autocomplete suggests options
- const autocompleteOptions = within(
- modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')
- ).getByTestId('option');
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toHaveTextContent('1.2.3');
- // Click on the suggested option
- fireEvent.click(autocompleteOptions);
- // Button is still disabled
- const saveRuleButton = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeDisabled();
- // Fill sample rate field
- const sampleRateField = modal.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025');
- expect(sampleRateField).toBeInTheDocument();
- fireEvent.change(sampleRateField, {target: {value: 20}});
- // Save button is now enabled
- const saveRuleButtonEnabled = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButtonEnabled).toBeEnabled();
- // Click on save button
- fireEvent.click(saveRuleButtonEnabled);
- // Modal will close
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() =>
- screen.getByText('Add Transaction Sampling Rule')
- );
- // Transaction rules panel is updated
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no transaction rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- const transactionTraceRules = screen.getByText('Transaction traces');
- expect(transactionTraceRules).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Release')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('1.2.3')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('20%')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- describe('individual transaction', function () {
- it('release', async function () {
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'PUT',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'transaction',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'glob',
- name: 'event.release',
- value: ['1.2.3'],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 41,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 40,
- },
- }),
- });
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/organizations/org-slug/tags/release/values/',
- method: 'GET',
- body: [{value: '1.2.3'}],
- });
- renderComponent();
- // Open Modal
- const modal = await renderModal(screen.getByText('Add transaction rule'));
- // Unchecked tracing checkbox
- fireEvent.click(modal.getByRole('checkbox'));
- // Click on 'Add condition'
- fireEvent.click(modal.getByText('Add Condition'));
- // Autocomplete
- const autoCompleteList = await screen.findByTestId('autocomplete-list');
- expect(autoCompleteList).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Condition Options
- const conditionOptions = modal.getAllByRole('presentation');
- // Click on the first condition option
- fireEvent.click(conditionOptions[0]);
- // Release Field
- await modal.findByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- const releaseField = modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release');
- expect(releaseField).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Release field is empty
- const releaseFieldValues = within(releaseField).queryByTestId('multivalue');
- expect(releaseFieldValues).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- // Type into realease field
- fireEvent.change(
- within(releaseField).getByLabelText('Search or add a release'),
- {
- target: {value: '1.2.3'},
- }
- );
- // Autocomplete suggests options
- const autocompleteOptions = within(
- modal.getByTestId('autocomplete-release')
- ).getByTestId('option');
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(autocompleteOptions).toHaveTextContent('1.2.3');
- // Click on the suggested option
- fireEvent.click(autocompleteOptions);
- // Button is still disabled
- const saveRuleButton = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeDisabled();
- // Fill sample rate field
- const sampleRateField = modal.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025');
- expect(sampleRateField).toBeInTheDocument();
- fireEvent.change(sampleRateField, {target: {value: 20}});
- // Save button is now enabled
- const saveRuleButtonEnabled = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButtonEnabled).toBeEnabled();
- // Click on save button
- fireEvent.click(saveRuleButtonEnabled);
- // Modal will close
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() =>
- screen.getByText('Add Transaction Sampling Rule')
- );
- // Transaction rules panel is updated
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no transaction rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- const individualTransactionRules = screen.getByText('Individual transactions');
- expect(individualTransactionRules).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Release')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('1.2.3')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('20%')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('legacy browser', async function () {
- MockApiClient.addMockResponse({
- url: '/projects/org-slug/project-slug/',
- method: 'PUT',
- body: TestStubs.Project({
- dynamicSampling: {
- rules: [
- {
- sampleRate: 0.2,
- type: 'transaction',
- condition: {
- op: 'and',
- inner: [
- {
- op: 'custom',
- name: 'event.legacy_browser',
- value: [
- 'ie_pre_9',
- 'ie9',
- 'ie10',
- 'ie11',
- 'safari_pre_6',
- 'opera_pre_15',
- 'opera_mini_pre_8',
- 'android_pre_4',
- ],
- },
- ],
- },
- id: 42,
- },
- ],
- next_id: 40,
- },
- }),
- });
- renderComponent();
- // Open Modal
- const modal = await renderModal(screen.getByText('Add transaction rule'));
- const checkedCheckbox = modal.getByRole('checkbox');
- // Checked tracing checkbox
- expect(checkedCheckbox).toBeChecked();
- // Uncheck tracing checkbox
- fireEvent.click(checkedCheckbox);
- // Unched tracing checkbox
- expect(checkedCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
- // Click on 'Add condition'
- fireEvent.click(modal.getByText('Add Condition'));
- // Autocomplete
- const autoCompleteList = await screen.findByTestId('autocomplete-list');
- expect(autoCompleteList).toBeInTheDocument();
- // Condition Options
- const conditionOptions = modal.getAllByRole('presentation');
- // Click on the seventh condition option
- fireEvent.click(conditionOptions[6]);
- // Legacy Browsers
- expect(modal.getByText('All browsers')).toBeInTheDocument();
- const legacyBrowsers = Object.keys(LEGACY_BROWSER_LIST);
- for (const legacyBrowser of legacyBrowsers) {
- const {icon, title} = LEGACY_BROWSER_LIST[legacyBrowser];
- expect(modal.getByText(title)).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getAllByTestId(`icon-${icon}`)[0]).toBeInTheDocument();
- }
- expect(modal.getAllByTestId('icon-internet-explorer')).toHaveLength(4);
- expect(modal.getAllByTestId('icon-opera')).toHaveLength(2);
- expect(modal.getByTestId('icon-safari')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(modal.getByTestId('icon-android')).toBeInTheDocument();
- const switchButtons = modal.getAllByTestId('switch');
- expect(switchButtons).toHaveLength(legacyBrowsers.length + 1);
- // All browsers are unchecked
- for (const switchButton of switchButtons) {
- expect(switchButton).not.toBeChecked();
- }
- // Click on the switch of 'All browsers' option
- fireEvent.click(switchButtons[0]);
- // All browsers are now checked
- for (const switchButton of switchButtons) {
- expect(switchButton).toBeChecked();
- }
- // Button is still disabled
- const saveRuleButton = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(saveRuleButton).toBeDisabled();
- // Fill sample rate field
- const sampleRateField = modal.getByPlaceholderText('\u0025');
- expect(sampleRateField).toBeInTheDocument();
- fireEvent.change(sampleRateField, {target: {value: 20}});
- // Save button is now enabled
- const saveRuleButtonEnabled = modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Rule'});
- expect(saveRuleButtonEnabled).toBeEnabled();
- // Click on save button
- fireEvent.click(saveRuleButtonEnabled);
- // Modal will close
- await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() =>
- screen.getByText('Add Transaction Sampling Rule')
- );
- // Transaction rules panel is updated
- expect(
- screen.queryByText('There are no transaction rules to display')
- ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- const individualTransactionRules = screen.getByText('Individual transactions');
- expect(individualTransactionRules).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Legacy Browser')).toBeInTheDocument();
- for (const legacyBrowser of legacyBrowsers) {
- const {title} = LEGACY_BROWSER_LIST[legacyBrowser];
- expect(screen.getByText(title)).toBeInTheDocument();
- }
- expect(screen.getByText('20%')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- });
- });
- });