@@ -5,12 +5,8 @@
from typing import List, Optional, Set
-from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError
-from django.core.serializers import deserialize, serialize
-from django.core.serializers.base import DeserializationError
-from django.db import DatabaseError, IntegrityError, connections, router, transaction
+from django.core.serializers import serialize
from django.db.models import Q
-from rest_framework.serializers import ValidationError as DjangoRestFrameworkValidationError
from sentry.backup.dependencies import (
@@ -21,7 +17,7 @@ from sentry.backup.dependencies import (
from sentry.backup.findings import InstanceID
-from sentry.backup.helpers import EXCLUDED_APPS, DatetimeSafeDjangoJSONEncoder, Filter
+from sentry.backup.helpers import DatetimeSafeDjangoJSONEncoder, Filter
from sentry.backup.scopes import ExportScope
from sentry.models.user import User
from sentry.models.userpermission import UserPermission
@@ -33,12 +29,6 @@ from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.import_export.model import (
- RpcImportError,
- RpcImportErrorKind,
- RpcImportFlags,
- RpcImportOk,
- RpcImportResult,
- RpcImportScope,
from sentry.services.hybrid_cloud.import_export.service import ImportExportService
@@ -60,175 +50,6 @@ class UniversalImportExportService(ImportExportService):
- def import_by_model(
- self,
- *,
- model_name: str,
- scope: Optional[RpcImportScope] = None,
- flags: RpcImportFlags,
- filter_by: List[RpcFilter],
- pk_map: RpcPrimaryKeyMap,
- json_data: str,
- ) -> RpcImportResult:
- import_flags = flags.from_rpc()
- batch_model_name = NormalizedModelName(model_name)
- model = get_model(batch_model_name)
- if model is None:
- return RpcImportError(
- kind=RpcImportErrorKind.UnknownModel,
- on=InstanceID(model_name),
- reason=f"The model `{model_name}` could not be found",
- )
- silo_mode = SiloMode.get_current_mode()
- model_modes = model._meta.silo_limit.modes # type: ignore
- if silo_mode != SiloMode.MONOLITH and silo_mode not in model_modes:
- return RpcImportError(
- kind=RpcImportErrorKind.IncorrectSiloModeForModel,
- on=InstanceID(model_name),
- reason=f"The model `{model_name}` was forwarded to the incorrect silo (it cannot be imported from the {silo_mode} silo)",
- )
- if scope is None:
- return RpcImportError(
- kind=RpcImportErrorKind.UnspecifiedScope,
- on=InstanceID(model_name),
- reason="The RPC was called incorrectly, please set an `ImportScope` parameter",
- )
- import_scope = scope.from_rpc()
- in_pk_map = pk_map.from_rpc()
- filters: List[Filter] = []
- for fb in filter_by:
- if NormalizedModelName(fb.model_name) == batch_model_name:
- filters.append(fb.from_rpc())
- try:
- using = router.db_for_write(model)
- with transaction.atomic(using=using):
- ok_relocation_scopes = import_scope.value
- out_pk_map = PrimaryKeyMap()
- max_pk = 0
- counter = 0
- for deserialized_object in deserialize("json", json_data, use_natural_keys=False):
- counter += 1
- model_instance = deserialized_object.object
- if model_instance._meta.app_label not in EXCLUDED_APPS or model_instance:
- if model_instance.get_possible_relocation_scopes() & ok_relocation_scopes:
- inst_model_name = get_model_name(model_instance)
- if inst_model_name != batch_model_name:
- return RpcImportError(
- kind=RpcImportErrorKind.UnexpectedModel,
- on=InstanceID(model=str(inst_model_name), ordinal=1),
- left_pk=model_instance.pk,
- reason=f"Received model of kind `{str(inst_model_name)}` when `{str(batch_model_name)}` was expected",
- )
- for f in filters:
- if getattr(model_instance, f.field, None) not in f.values:
- break
- else:
- try:
- # We can only be sure `get_relocation_scope()` will be correct
- # if it is fired AFTER normalization, as some
- # `get_relocation_scope()` methods rely on being able to
- # correctly resolve foreign keys, which is only possible after
- # normalization.
- old_pk = model_instance.normalize_before_relocation_import(
- in_pk_map, import_scope, import_flags
- )
- if old_pk is None:
- continue
- # Now that the model has been normalized, we can ensure that
- # this particular instance has a `RelocationScope` that permits
- # importing.
- if (
- not model_instance.get_relocation_scope()
- in ok_relocation_scopes
- ):
- continue
- # Perform the actual database write.
- written = model_instance.write_relocation_import(
- import_scope, import_flags
- )
- if written is None:
- continue
- # For models that may have circular references to themselves
- # (unlikely), keep track of the new pk in the input map as well.
- new_pk, import_kind = written
- slug = getattr(model_instance, "slug", None)
- in_pk_map.insert(
- inst_model_name, old_pk, new_pk, import_kind, slug
- )
- out_pk_map.insert(
- inst_model_name, old_pk, new_pk, import_kind, slug
- )
- if new_pk > max_pk:
- max_pk = new_pk
- except DjangoValidationError as e:
- errs = {field: error for field, error in e.message_dict.items()}
- return RpcImportError(
- kind=RpcImportErrorKind.ValidationError,
- on=InstanceID(model_name, ordinal=counter),
- left_pk=model_instance.pk,
- reason=f"Django validation error encountered: {errs}",
- )
- except DjangoRestFrameworkValidationError as e:
- return RpcImportError(
- kind=RpcImportErrorKind.ValidationError,
- on=InstanceID(model_name, ordinal=counter),
- left_pk=model_instance.pk,
- reason=str(e),
- )
- # If we wrote at least one model, make sure to update the sequences too.
- if counter > 0:
- table = model_instance._meta.db_table
- seq = f"{table}_id_seq"
- with connections[using].cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(f"SELECT setval(%s, (SELECT MAX(id) FROM {table}))", [seq])
- return RpcImportOk(
- mapped_pks=RpcPrimaryKeyMap.into_rpc(out_pk_map),
- max_pk=max_pk,
- num_imported=counter,
- )
- except DeserializationError:
- return RpcImportError(
- kind=RpcImportErrorKind.DeserializationFailed,
- on=InstanceID(model_name),
- reason="The submitted JSON could not be deserialized into Django model instances",
- )
- # Catch `IntegrityError` before `DatabaseError`, since the former is a subclass of the
- # latter.
- except IntegrityError as e:
- return RpcImportError(
- kind=RpcImportErrorKind.IntegrityError,
- on=InstanceID(model_name),
- reason=str(e),
- )
- except DatabaseError as e:
- return RpcImportError(
- kind=RpcImportErrorKind.DatabaseError,
- on=InstanceID(model_name),
- reason=str(e),
- )
- except Exception as e:
- return RpcImportError(
- kind=RpcImportErrorKind.Unknown,
- on=InstanceID(model_name),
- reason=f"Unknown internal error occurred: {e}",
- )
def export_by_model(
@@ -273,7 +94,7 @@ class UniversalImportExportService(ImportExportService):
allowed_relocation_scopes = export_scope.value
possible_relocation_scopes = model.get_possible_relocation_scopes()
includable = possible_relocation_scopes & allowed_relocation_scopes
- if not includable:
+ if not includable or model._meta.proxy:
return RpcExportError(
@@ -321,9 +142,7 @@ class UniversalImportExportService(ImportExportService):
# For models that may have circular references to themselves (unlikely),
# keep track of the new pk in the input map as well.
nonlocal max_pk
- if item.pk > max_pk:
- max_pk = item.pk
+ max_pk = item.pk
in_pk_map.insert(model_name, item.pk, item.pk, ImportKind.Inserted)
out_pk_map.insert(model_name, item.pk, item.pk, ImportKind.Inserted)
yield item