@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import space from 'sentry/styles/space';
import {Organization, PageFilters, SavedQuery} from 'sentry/types';
import {defined, generateQueryWithTag} from 'sentry/utils';
import {trackAnalyticsEvent} from 'sentry/utils/analytics';
+import {CustomMeasurementsProvider} from 'sentry/utils/customMeasurements/customMeasurementsProvider';
import EventView, {isAPIPayloadSimilar} from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView';
import {formatTagKey, generateAggregateFields} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields';
import {
@@ -489,7 +490,7 @@ class Results extends Component<Props, State> {
render() {
- const {organization, location, router} = this.props;
+ const {organization, location, router, selection} = this.props;
const {
@@ -519,73 +520,78 @@ class Results extends Component<Props, State> {
- <Top fullWidth>
- {this.renderMetricsFallbackBanner()}
- {this.renderError(error)}
- <StyledPageFilterBar condensed>
- <ProjectPageFilter />
- <EnvironmentPageFilter />
- <DatePageFilter alignDropdown="left" />
- </StyledPageFilterBar>
- <StyledSearchBar
- searchSource="eventsv2"
- organization={organization}
- projectIds={eventView.project}
- query={query}
- fields={fields}
- onSearch={this.handleSearch}
- maxQueryLength={MAX_QUERY_LENGTH}
- />
- <ResultsChart
- router={router}
- organization={organization}
- eventView={eventView}
- location={location}
- onAxisChange={this.handleYAxisChange}
- onDisplayChange={this.handleDisplayChange}
- onTopEventsChange={this.handleTopEventsChange}
- total={totalValues}
- confirmedQuery={confirmedQuery}
- yAxis={yAxisArray}
- />
- </Top>
- <Layout.Main fullWidth={!showTags}>
- <Table
- organization={organization}
- eventView={eventView}
- location={location}
- title={title}
- setError={this.setError}
- onChangeShowTags={this.handleChangeShowTags}
- showTags={showTags}
- confirmedQuery={confirmedQuery}
- />
- </Layout.Main>
- {showTags ? this.renderTagsTable() : null}
- <Confirm
- priority="primary"
- header={<strong>{t('May lead to thumb twiddling')}</strong>}
- confirmText={t('Do it')}
- cancelText={t('Nevermind')}
- onConfirm={this.handleConfirmed}
- onCancel={this.handleCancelled}
- message={
- <p>
- {tct(
- `You've created a query that will search for events made
+ <CustomMeasurementsProvider
+ organization={organization}
+ selection={selection}
+ >
+ <Top fullWidth>
+ {this.renderMetricsFallbackBanner()}
+ {this.renderError(error)}
+ <StyledPageFilterBar condensed>
+ <ProjectPageFilter />
+ <EnvironmentPageFilter />
+ <DatePageFilter alignDropdown="left" />
+ </StyledPageFilterBar>
+ <StyledSearchBar
+ searchSource="eventsv2"
+ organization={organization}
+ projectIds={eventView.project}
+ query={query}
+ fields={fields}
+ onSearch={this.handleSearch}
+ maxQueryLength={MAX_QUERY_LENGTH}
+ />
+ <ResultsChart
+ router={router}
+ organization={organization}
+ eventView={eventView}
+ location={location}
+ onAxisChange={this.handleYAxisChange}
+ onDisplayChange={this.handleDisplayChange}
+ onTopEventsChange={this.handleTopEventsChange}
+ total={totalValues}
+ confirmedQuery={confirmedQuery}
+ yAxis={yAxisArray}
+ />
+ </Top>
+ <Layout.Main fullWidth={!showTags}>
+ <Table
+ organization={organization}
+ eventView={eventView}
+ location={location}
+ title={title}
+ setError={this.setError}
+ onChangeShowTags={this.handleChangeShowTags}
+ showTags={showTags}
+ confirmedQuery={confirmedQuery}
+ />
+ </Layout.Main>
+ {showTags ? this.renderTagsTable() : null}
+ <Confirm
+ priority="primary"
+ header={<strong>{t('May lead to thumb twiddling')}</strong>}
+ confirmText={t('Do it')}
+ cancelText={t('Nevermind')}
+ onConfirm={this.handleConfirmed}
+ onCancel={this.handleCancelled}
+ message={
+ <p>
+ {tct(
+ `You've created a query that will search for events made
[dayLimit:over more than 30 days] for [projectLimit:more than 10 projects].
A lot has happened during that time, so this might take awhile.
Are you sure you want to do this?`,
- {
- dayLimit: <strong />,
- projectLimit: <strong />,
- }
- )}
- </p>
- }
- >
- {this.setOpenFunction}
- </Confirm>
+ {
+ dayLimit: <strong />,
+ projectLimit: <strong />,
+ }
+ )}
+ </p>
+ }
+ >
+ {this.setOpenFunction}
+ </Confirm>
+ </CustomMeasurementsProvider>