@@ -236,4 +236,38 @@ describe('EventSamplesTable', function () {
+ it('only displays data for the columns defined in the name map', async function () {
+ mockQuery = {
+ name: '',
+ fields: ['transaction.id', 'duration'],
+ query: '',
+ version: 2,
+ };
+ mockEventView = EventView.fromNewQueryWithLocation(mockQuery, mockLocation);
+ render(
+ <EventSamplesTable
+ eventIdKey="transaction.id"
+ columnNameMap={{duration: 'Duration'}}
+ cursorName="customCursorName"
+ eventView={mockEventView}
+ isLoading={false}
+ profileIdKey="profile.id"
+ sort={{
+ field: 'transaction.id',
+ kind: 'desc',
+ }}
+ sortKey="customSortKey"
+ data={{data: [{id: '1', 'transaction.id': 'abc', duration: 'def'}], meta: {}}}
+ />
+ );
+ // Although ID is queried for, because it's not defined in the map
+ // it isn't rendered
+ expect(
+ await screen.findByRole('columnheader', {name: 'Duration'})
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(screen.getAllByRole('columnheader')).toHaveLength(1);
+ });