@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# pylint: skip-file
+# flake8: noqa
+Script that sends generic metrics messages to sentry locally
+This script is designed to be used when creating a new use case ID for the first
+time for the generic metrics platform.
+python send_metrics.py
+Without any command line argument, the script will send 3 metrics
+(counter/set/distribution) for each use case ID registered in
+python send_metrics.py hello world
+The script will treat any arguments supplied as a use case ID, and send 3 metrics
+(counter/set/distribution) for each use case ID specified.
+import datetime
+import itertools
+import json
+import pprint
+import random
+import string
+import sys
+from arroyo.backends.kafka import KafkaPayload, KafkaProducer
+from arroyo.types import Topic
+from sentry.sentry_metrics.use_case_id_registry import UseCaseID
+TOPIC_NAME = "ingest-performance-metrics"
+conf = {"bootstrap.servers": BOOTSTRAP_HOST}
+make_counter_payload = lambda use_case, rand_str: {
+ "name": f"c:{use_case}/{use_case}@none",
+ "tags": {
+ "environment": "production",
+ "session.status": "init",
+ f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_counter_k_{rand_str}": f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_counter_v_{rand_str}",
+ },
+ "timestamp": int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()),
+ "type": "c",
+ "value": 1,
+ "org_id": 1,
+ "retention_days": 90,
+ "project_id": 3,
+make_dist_payload = lambda use_case, rand_str: {
+ "name": f"d:{use_case}/duration@second",
+ "tags": {
+ "environment": "production",
+ "session.status": "healthy",
+ f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_dist_k_{rand_str}": f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_dist_v_{rand_str}",
+ },
+ "timestamp": int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()),
+ "type": "d",
+ "value": [4, 5, 6],
+ "org_id": 1,
+ "retention_days": 90,
+ "project_id": 3,
+make_set_payload = lambda use_case, rand_str: {
+ "name": f"s:{use_case}/error@none",
+ "tags": {
+ "environment": "production",
+ "session.status": "errored",
+ f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_set_k_{rand_str}": f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_set_v_{rand_str}",
+ },
+ "timestamp": int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()),
+ "type": "s",
+ "value": [3],
+ "org_id": 1,
+ "retention_days": 90,
+ "project_id": 3,
+make_psql = (
+ lambda rand_str: f"""
+ SELECT string,
+ organization_id,
+ date_added,
+ use_case_id
+ FROM sentry_perfstringindexer
+ WHERE string ~ 'gen_metric_e2e_.*{rand_str}';
+make_csql = lambda rand_str: "UNION ALL".join(
+ [
+ f"""
+ SELECT use_case_id,
+ org_id,
+ project_id,
+ metric_id,
+ timestamp,
+ tags.key,
+ tags.raw_value
+ FROM {table_name}
+ WHERE arrayExists(v -> match(v, 'gen_metric_e2e_.*{rand_str}'), tags.raw_value)
+ """
+ for table_name in [
+ "generic_metric_counters_raw_local",
+ "generic_metric_distributions_raw_local",
+ "generic_metric_sets_raw_local",
+ ]
+ ]
+def produce_msgs(messages):
+ producer = KafkaProducer(conf)
+ for i, message in enumerate(messages):
+ print(f"Sending message {i + 1} of {len(messages)}:")
+ pprint.pprint(message)
+ producer.produce(
+ Topic(name=TOPIC_NAME),
+ KafkaPayload(key=None, value=json.dumps(message).encode("utf-8"), headers=[]),
+ )
+ print("Done")
+ print()
+ producer.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ rand_str = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=8))
+ use_cases = (
+ [use_case_id.value for use_case_id in UseCaseID if use_case_id is not UseCaseID.SESSIONS]
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1
+ else sys.argv[1:]
+ )
+ messages = list(
+ itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ (
+ make_counter_payload(use_case, rand_str),
+ make_dist_payload(use_case, rand_str),
+ make_set_payload(use_case, rand_str),
+ )
+ for use_case in use_cases
+ )
+ )
+ random.shuffle(messages)
+ produce_msgs(messages)
+ print(
+ f"Use the following SQL to verify postgres, there should be {(strs_per_use_case := 6)} strings for each use cases, {strs_per_use_case * len(use_cases)} in total."
+ )
+ print(make_psql(rand_str))
+ print(
+ f"Use the following SQL to verify clickhouse, there should be {(metrics_per_use_case := 3)} metrics for each use cases, {metrics_per_use_case * len(use_cases)} in total."
+ )
+ print(make_csql(rand_str))