@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+from datetime import UTC, timedelta
+from unittest import mock
+from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
+import pytest
+from arroyo.backends.kafka import KafkaPayload
+from django.utils import timezone
+from sentry_kafka_schemas.schema_types.monitors_clock_tasks_v1 import MarkMissing
+from sentry.constants import ObjectStatus
+from sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.check_missed import (
+ dispatch_check_missing,
+ mark_environment_missing,
+from sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.producer import MONITORS_CLOCK_TASKS_CODEC
+from sentry.monitors.models import (
+ CheckInStatus,
+ Monitor,
+ MonitorCheckIn,
+ MonitorEnvironment,
+ MonitorStatus,
+ MonitorType,
+ ScheduleType,
+from sentry.testutils.cases import TestCase
+class MonitorClockTasksCheckMissingTest(TestCase):
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.check_missed.produce_task")
+ def test_missing_checkin(self, mock_produce_task):
+ org = self.create_organization()
+ project = self.create_project(organization=org)
+ ts = timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.CRONTAB,
+ "schedule": "* * * * *",
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ "checkin_margin": None,
+ },
+ )
+ # Expected check-in was a full minute ago.
+ monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ last_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=2),
+ next_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=1),
+ next_checkin_latest=ts,
+ status=MonitorStatus.OK,
+ )
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts)
+ message: MarkMissing = {
+ "type": "mark_missing",
+ "ts": ts.timestamp(),
+ "monitor_environment_id": monitor_environment.id,
+ }
+ payload = KafkaPayload(
+ monitor_environment.id.to_bytes(),
+ [],
+ )
+ # assert that task is called for the specific environment
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 1
+ assert mock_produce_task.mock_calls[0] == mock.call(payload)
+ mark_environment_missing(monitor_environment.id, ts)
+ # Monitor status is updated
+ monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.get(
+ id=monitor_environment.id, status=MonitorStatus.ERROR
+ )
+ # last_checkin was NOT updated. We only update this for real user check-ins.
+ assert monitor_environment.last_checkin == ts - timedelta(minutes=2)
+ # next_checkin IS updated for when we're expecting the next checkin
+ assert monitor_environment.next_checkin == ts
+ # Because our checkin was a minute ago we'll have produced a missed checkin
+ missed_checkin = MonitorCheckIn.objects.get(
+ monitor_environment=monitor_environment.id, status=CheckInStatus.MISSED
+ )
+ next_checkin = monitor_environment.last_checkin + timedelta(minutes=1)
+ next_checkin = next_checkin.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ assert missed_checkin.date_added == next_checkin
+ assert missed_checkin.expected_time == next_checkin
+ assert missed_checkin.monitor_config == monitor.config
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.check_missed.produce_task")
+ def test_missing_checkin_with_timezone(self, mock_produce_task):
+ """
+ Validate that monitors configured wih a timezone correctly compute the
+ next_checkin and next_checkin_latest when marking monitors as missed.
+ See commit ed986f16286f32c459a53cd5df65a03d9bdbe80f
+ """
+ org = self.create_organization()
+ project = self.create_project(organization=org)
+ # 1st of Febuary midnight Arizona time
+ ts_tz = timezone.now().replace(
+ month=2,
+ day=1,
+ hour=0,
+ minute=0,
+ second=0,
+ microsecond=0,
+ tzinfo=ZoneInfo("US/Arizona"),
+ )
+ ts = ts_tz.astimezone(UTC)
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ "schedule": "0 0 * * *",
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.CRONTAB,
+ "timezone": "US/Arizona",
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ "checkin_margin": None,
+ },
+ )
+ # Last check-in was yesterday
+ monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ last_checkin=ts_tz - timedelta(days=1),
+ next_checkin=ts_tz,
+ next_checkin_latest=ts_tz + timedelta(minutes=1),
+ status=MonitorStatus.OK,
+ )
+ # No missed check-ins generated any hour between the last check-in and
+ # the upcoming checkin. Testing like this to validate any kind of
+ # strange timezone related issues.
+ for hour in range(24):
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts - timedelta(days=1) + timedelta(hours=hour + 1))
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 0
+ # Mark check in missed a minute later
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts + timedelta(minutes=1))
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 1
+ # Missed check-in correctly updates
+ mark_environment_missing(monitor_environment.id, ts + timedelta(minutes=1))
+ monitor_environment.refresh_from_db()
+ assert MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(
+ monitor_environment=monitor_environment.id,
+ status=CheckInStatus.MISSED,
+ ).exists()
+ assert monitor_environment.next_checkin == ts + timedelta(days=1)
+ assert monitor_environment.next_checkin_latest == ts + timedelta(days=1, minutes=1)
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.check_missed.produce_task")
+ def test_missing_checkin_with_margin(self, mock_produce_task):
+ org = self.create_organization()
+ project = self.create_project(organization=org)
+ ts = timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ "schedule": [10, "minute"],
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.INTERVAL,
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ "checkin_margin": 5,
+ },
+ )
+ # Last check-in was 12 minutes ago.
+ #
+ # The expected checkin was 2 min ago, but has a 5 minute margin, so we
+ # still have 3 minutes to check in.
+ monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ last_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=12),
+ next_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=2),
+ next_checkin_latest=ts + timedelta(minutes=3),
+ status=MonitorStatus.OK,
+ )
+ # No missed check-in generated as we're still within the check-in margin
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts)
+ # assert that task is not called for the specific environment
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 0
+ assert not MonitorEnvironment.objects.filter(
+ id=monitor_environment.id,
+ status=MonitorStatus.ERROR,
+ ).exists()
+ assert not MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(
+ monitor_environment=monitor_environment.id,
+ status=CheckInStatus.MISSED,
+ ).exists()
+ # Missed check-in generated as clock now exceeds expected time plus margin
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts + timedelta(minutes=4))
+ message: MarkMissing = {
+ "type": "mark_missing",
+ "ts": (ts + timedelta(minutes=4)).timestamp(),
+ "monitor_environment_id": monitor_environment.id,
+ }
+ payload = KafkaPayload(
+ monitor_environment.id.to_bytes(),
+ [],
+ )
+ # assert that task is called for the specific environment
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 1
+ assert mock_produce_task.mock_calls[0] == mock.call(payload)
+ mark_environment_missing(
+ monitor_environment.id,
+ ts + timedelta(minutes=4),
+ )
+ monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.get(
+ id=monitor_environment.id, status=MonitorStatus.ERROR
+ )
+ missed_checkin = MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(
+ monitor_environment=monitor_environment.id,
+ status=CheckInStatus.MISSED,
+ )
+ assert missed_checkin.exists()
+ missed_checkin = missed_checkin[0]
+ # Missed checkins are back-dated to when the checkin was expected to
+ # happen. In this case the expected_time is equal to the date_added.
+ checkin_date = monitor_environment.last_checkin + timedelta(minutes=10)
+ checkin_date = checkin_date.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ assert missed_checkin.date_added == checkin_date
+ assert missed_checkin.expected_time == checkin_date
+ assert missed_checkin.monitor_config == monitor.config
+ monitor_env = MonitorEnvironment.objects.get(id=monitor_environment.id)
+ # next_checkin should happen 10 minutes after the missed checkin, or 8
+ # minutes after the reference ts
+ assert monitor_env.next_checkin == missed_checkin.date_added + timedelta(minutes=10)
+ assert monitor_env.next_checkin == ts + timedelta(minutes=8)
+ # next_checkin_latest has the correct margin offset
+ assert monitor_env.next_checkin_latest == monitor_env.next_checkin + timedelta(minutes=5)
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.check_missed.produce_task")
+ def test_missing_checkin_with_margin_schedule_overlap(self, mock_produce_task):
+ """
+ Tests the case where the checkin_margin is configured to be larger than
+ the gap in the schedule.
+ In this scenario we will not mark missed check-ins while it's waiting
+ for the checkin_margin to pass.
+ """
+ org = self.create_organization()
+ project = self.create_project(organization=org)
+ # ts falls on the 5 minute schedule so our every 5 minute schedule
+ # makes sense
+ ts = timezone.now().replace(minute=15, second=0, microsecond=0)
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ # Every 5 minutes
+ "schedule": "*/5 * * * *",
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.CRONTAB,
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ "checkin_margin": 10,
+ },
+ )
+ # Last check-in was 5 minutes ago. Next checkin is now, latest 10
+ # minutes from now. There will be 5 minutes of overlap.
+ monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ last_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=5),
+ next_checkin=ts,
+ next_checkin_latest=ts + timedelta(minutes=10),
+ status=MonitorStatus.OK,
+ )
+ # No missed check-in generated as we're still within the check-in margin
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts)
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 0
+ # Missed checkin is STILL not produced 5 minutes in, even though this
+ # is when another check-in should be happening.
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts + timedelta(minutes=5))
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 0
+ # Still nothing 9 minutes in
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts + timedelta(minutes=9))
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 0
+ # We have missed our check-in at 10 minutes
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts + timedelta(minutes=10))
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 1
+ message: MarkMissing = {
+ "type": "mark_missing",
+ "ts": (ts + timedelta(minutes=10)).timestamp(),
+ "monitor_environment_id": monitor_environment.id,
+ }
+ payload = KafkaPayload(
+ monitor_environment.id.to_bytes(),
+ [],
+ )
+ assert mock_produce_task.mock_calls[0] == mock.call(payload)
+ mark_environment_missing(
+ monitor_environment.id,
+ ts + timedelta(minutes=10),
+ )
+ # The missed checkin is created when it was supposed to happen
+ missed_checkin = MonitorCheckIn.objects.get(
+ monitor_environment=monitor_environment.id,
+ status=CheckInStatus.MISSED,
+ )
+ assert missed_checkin.date_added == ts
+ assert missed_checkin.expected_time == ts
+ monitor_env = MonitorEnvironment.objects.get(
+ id=monitor_environment.id,
+ status=MonitorStatus.ERROR,
+ )
+ # The next checkin is at the 10 minute mark now
+ assert monitor_env.next_checkin == ts + timedelta(minutes=10)
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.check_missed.produce_task")
+ def test_missing_checkin_with_skipped_clock_ticks(self, mock_produce_task):
+ """
+ Test that skipped dispatch_check_missing tasks does NOT cause the missed
+ check-ins to fall behind, and instead that missed check-ins simply will
+ be skipped, but at the correct times
+ """
+ org = self.create_organization()
+ project = self.create_project(organization=org)
+ ts = timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.CRONTAB,
+ "schedule": "* * * * *",
+ "checkin_margin": None,
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ },
+ )
+ monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ last_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=1),
+ next_checkin=ts,
+ next_checkin_latest=ts + timedelta(minutes=1),
+ status=MonitorStatus.OK,
+ )
+ # Nothing happens first run, we're not at the next_checkin_latest
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts)
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 0
+ # Generate a missed-checkin
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts + timedelta(minutes=1))
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 1
+ mark_environment_missing(
+ monitor_environment.id,
+ ts + timedelta(minutes=1),
+ )
+ # MonitorEnvironment is correctly updated with the next checkin time
+ monitor_environment.refresh_from_db()
+ assert monitor_environment.next_checkin == ts + timedelta(minutes=1)
+ # One minute later we SKIP the task...
+ # noop
+ # Two minutes later we do NOT skip the task
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts + timedelta(minutes=3))
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 2
+ mark_environment_missing(
+ monitor_environment.id,
+ ts + timedelta(minutes=3),
+ )
+ # MonitorEnvironment is updated with the next_checkin correctly being
+ # computed from the most most recent check-in that should have happened
+ monitor_environment.refresh_from_db()
+ assert monitor_environment.next_checkin == ts + timedelta(minutes=3)
+ # Missed check-in is created at the time it should have happened, NOT
+ # at the most recent expected check in time, that slot was missed.
+ missed_checkin = (
+ MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(
+ monitor_environment=monitor_environment.id,
+ status=CheckInStatus.MISSED,
+ )
+ .order_by("-date_added")
+ .first()
+ )
+ assert missed_checkin.date_added == ts + timedelta(minutes=1)
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.check_missed.produce_task")
+ def assert_state_does_not_change_for_status(
+ self,
+ state,
+ mock_produce_task,
+ is_muted=False,
+ environment_is_muted=False,
+ ):
+ org = self.create_organization()
+ project = self.create_project(organization=org)
+ ts = timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.CRONTAB,
+ "schedule": "* * * * *",
+ "checkin_margin": None,
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ },
+ status=state,
+ is_muted=is_muted,
+ )
+ # Expected checkin was a full minute ago, if this monitor wasn't in the
+ # `state` the monitor would usually end up marked as timed out
+ MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ next_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=1),
+ next_checkin_latest=ts,
+ status=MonitorStatus.ACTIVE,
+ is_muted=environment_is_muted,
+ )
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts)
+ # We do not fire off any tasks
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 0
+ def test_missing_checkin_but_disabled(self):
+ self.assert_state_does_not_change_for_status(ObjectStatus.DISABLED)
+ def test_missing_checkin_but_pending_deletion(self):
+ self.assert_state_does_not_change_for_status(ObjectStatus.PENDING_DELETION)
+ def test_missing_checkin_but_deletion_in_progress(self):
+ self.assert_state_does_not_change_for_status(ObjectStatus.DELETION_IN_PROGRESS)
+ # Temporary test until we can move out of celery or reduce load
+ def test_missing_checkin_but_muted(self):
+ self.assert_state_does_not_change_for_status(ObjectStatus.ACTIVE, is_muted=True)
+ # Temporary test until we can move out of celery or reduce load
+ def test_missing_checkin_but_environment_muted(self):
+ self.assert_state_does_not_change_for_status(ObjectStatus.ACTIVE, environment_is_muted=True)
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.check_missed.produce_task")
+ def test_not_missing_checkin(self, mock_produce_task):
+ """
+ Our monitor task runs once per minute, we want to test that when it
+ runs within the minute we correctly do not mark missed checkins that
+ may happen within that minute, only at the start of the next minute do
+ we mark those checkins as missed.
+ """
+ org = self.create_organization()
+ project = self.create_project(organization=org)
+ ts = timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ last_checkin_ts = ts - timedelta(minutes=1)
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.CRONTAB,
+ "schedule": "* * * * *",
+ "checkin_margin": None,
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ },
+ )
+ # Expected checkin is this minute
+ MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ last_checkin=last_checkin_ts,
+ next_checkin=ts,
+ next_checkin_latest=ts + timedelta(minutes=1),
+ status=MonitorStatus.OK,
+ )
+ # Last checkin was a minute ago
+ MonitorCheckIn.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ status=CheckInStatus.OK,
+ date_added=last_checkin_ts,
+ )
+ # Running the task will not mark the monitor as missed, since the next
+ # checkin time will be exactly the same as the reference time for the
+ # monitor.
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts)
+ # We do not fire off any tasks
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 0
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.check_missed.produce_task")
+ def test_missed_exception_handling(self, mock_produce_task):
+ org = self.create_organization()
+ project = self.create_project(organization=org)
+ ts = timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ exception_monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.INTERVAL,
+ # XXX: Note the invalid schedule will cause an exception,
+ # typically the validator protects us against this
+ "schedule": [-2, "minute"],
+ "checkin_margin": None,
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ },
+ )
+ failing_monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=exception_monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ last_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=2),
+ next_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=1),
+ next_checkin_latest=ts,
+ status=MonitorStatus.OK,
+ )
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.CRONTAB,
+ "schedule": "* * * * *",
+ "checkin_margin": None,
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ },
+ )
+ successful_monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ last_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=2),
+ next_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=1),
+ next_checkin_latest=ts,
+ status=MonitorStatus.OK,
+ )
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts)
+ # assert that task is called for the specific environments
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 2
+ # assert failing monitor raises an error
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ mark_environment_missing(failing_monitor_environment.id, ts)
+ # assert regular monitor works
+ mark_environment_missing(successful_monitor_environment.id, ts)
+ # We still put the monitor in an error state
+ assert MonitorEnvironment.objects.filter(
+ id=successful_monitor_environment.id, status=MonitorStatus.ERROR
+ ).exists()
+ assert MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(
+ monitor_environment=successful_monitor_environment.id, status=CheckInStatus.MISSED
+ ).exists()
+ @mock.patch("sentry.monitors.clock_tasks.check_missed.produce_task")
+ def test_missed_checkin_backlog_handled(self, mock_produce_task):
+ """
+ In cases where the clock ticks quickly, we may have a queue of mark
+ missed tasks for the same monitor_environment_id.
+ This happens because of the dependency on next_checkin_latest.
+ When the clock ticks quickly the result is that we will find the same
+ monitor as needing to be marked as missed for multiple clock ticks. In
+ a scenario where we have a monitor that is intended to run every 10
+ minutes with a missed margin of 1:
+ - tick 1
+ wall-time 12:05:00
+ clock-tick 12:00:00 (there is a backlog)
+ next_checkin_latest 12:01:00
+ XXX: Monitor expected to run. It did not
+ - tick 2
+ wall-time 12:05:01
+ clock-tick: 12:01:00
+ next_checkin_latest 12:01:00
+ XXX: Monitor is detected as missed. Queue mark_missing (12:01:00)
+ - tick 3
+ wall-time 12:05:01
+ clock-tick: 12:02:00
+ next_checkin_latest 12:01:00
+ XXX: The queued mark_missing from the last tick **has not yet
+ executed** thus next_checkin_latest has not moved forward. This
+ means WE WILL DETECT THE MISS AGAIN. Queue mark_missing (12:02:00)
+ - mark_missing (12:01:00) executes
+ wall-time 12:05:01
+ next_checkin_latest 12:11:00 (has been updated since the schedule is every 10 minutes)
+ - mark_missing (12:02:00) executes
+ wall-time 12:05:01
+ next_checkin_latest 12:11:00
+ XXX: This execution **MUST DETECT** that the next_checkin_latest has
+ already moved forward, as we do not want to produce a missed
+ check-in again.
+ - ... Continue until the clock tick backlog is burned down back to
+ wall-clock time.
+ """
+ org = self.create_organization()
+ project = self.create_project(organization=org)
+ # Timestamp is top of the hour midnight
+ ts = timezone.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.CRONTAB,
+ "schedule": "*/10 * * * *",
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ "checkin_margin": None,
+ },
+ )
+ # Expected check in
+ monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ last_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=10),
+ next_checkin=ts,
+ next_checkin_latest=ts + timedelta(minutes=1),
+ status=MonitorStatus.OK,
+ )
+ # Clock tick at 12:00 does not find the monitor as missed
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts)
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 0
+ # Clock tick at 12:01 produces a missed check-in task
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts + timedelta(minutes=1))
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 1
+ # Clock tick at 12:02 produces another missed check-in task. This
+ # happens because the first task has not yet run to re-compute the
+ # next_checkin_latest
+ dispatch_check_missing(ts + timedelta(minutes=2))
+ assert mock_produce_task.call_count == 2
+ # Execute the queued mark_missing tasks. This will have moved the
+ # next_checkin_latest forward, meaning the next tick should NOT create
+ # a missed check-in.
+ mark_environment_missing(monitor_environment.id, ts + timedelta(minutes=1))
+ # We have created a missed check-in
+ missed_checkin = MonitorCheckIn.objects.get(
+ monitor_environment=monitor_environment.id, status=CheckInStatus.MISSED
+ )
+ assert missed_checkin.date_added == ts
+ assert missed_checkin.expected_time == ts
+ # Execute the second task. This should detect that we've already moved
+ # past the next_checkin_latest and NOT create a new missed
+ mark_environment_missing(monitor_environment.id, ts + timedelta(minutes=2))
+ missed_count = MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(
+ monitor_environment=monitor_environment.id, status=CheckInStatus.MISSED
+ ).count()
+ assert missed_count == 1
+ def test_status_updated_before_task_execution(self):
+ """
+ Test that if we queue a test when a monitor is not disabled, but then
+ later disable it before the task executes, we do not create a missed.
+ """
+ org = self.create_organization()
+ project = self.create_project(organization=org)
+ ts = timezone.now().replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ monitor = Monitor.objects.create(
+ organization_id=org.id,
+ project_id=project.id,
+ type=MonitorType.CRON_JOB,
+ config={
+ "schedule_type": ScheduleType.CRONTAB,
+ "schedule": "* * * * *",
+ "max_runtime": None,
+ "checkin_margin": None,
+ },
+ )
+ # environment is disabled
+ monitor_environment = MonitorEnvironment.objects.create(
+ monitor=monitor,
+ environment_id=self.environment.id,
+ last_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=2),
+ next_checkin=ts - timedelta(minutes=1),
+ next_checkin_latest=ts,
+ status=MonitorStatus.DISABLED,
+ )
+ mark_environment_missing(monitor_environment.id, ts)
+ # Do NOT generate a missed check-in
+ assert not MonitorCheckIn.objects.filter(
+ monitor_environment=monitor_environment.id, status=CheckInStatus.MISSED
+ ).exists()