@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from django.db import models
from django.db.models.signals import post_delete, post_save
from django.utils import timezone
-from sentry import features, tsdb
+from sentry import tsdb
from sentry.backup.scopes import RelocationScope
from sentry.db.models import (
@@ -97,28 +97,20 @@ class GroupSnooze(Model):
return True
def test_frequency_rates(self) -> bool:
- if features.has(
- "organizations:groupsnooze-cached-rates", organization=self.group.project.organization
- ):
- return self.test_frequency_rates_w_cache()
- else:
- return self.test_frequency_rates_no_cache()
- def test_frequency_rates_w_cache(self) -> bool:
cache_key = f"groupsnooze:v1:{self.id}:test_frequency_rate:events_seen_counter"
cache_ttl = self.window * 60 # Redis TTL in seconds (window is in minutes)
- value: int | float = float("inf") # using +inf as a sentinel value
+ cached_event_count: int | float = float("inf") # using +inf as a sentinel value
- value = cache.incr(cache_key)
+ cached_event_count = cache.incr(cache_key)
cache.touch(cache_key, cache_ttl)
except ValueError:
# key doesn't exist, fall back on sentinel value
- if value < self.count:
+ if cached_event_count < self.count:
metrics.incr("groupsnooze.test_frequency_rates", tags={"cached": "true", "hit": "true"})
return True
@@ -145,27 +137,6 @@ class GroupSnooze(Model):
return True
- def test_frequency_rates_no_cache(self) -> bool:
- metrics.incr("groupsnooze.test_frequency_rates", tags={"cached": "false"})
- metrics.incr("groupsnooze.test_frequency_rates.snuba_call")
- end = timezone.now()
- start = end - timedelta(minutes=self.window)
- rate = tsdb.backend.get_sums(
- model=get_issue_tsdb_group_model(self.group.issue_category),
- keys=[self.group_id],
- start=start,
- end=end,
- tenant_ids={"organization_id": self.group.project.organization_id},
- referrer_suffix="frequency_snoozes",
- )[self.group_id]
- if rate >= self.count:
- return False
- return True
def test_user_rates_or_counts(self, group: Group) -> bool:
Test if the number of unique users or rate of users seen by the group is below the snooze threshold.
@@ -178,59 +149,28 @@ class GroupSnooze(Model):
to query Snuba. This functionality relies on the fact that this is called in
post-processing for every event, so we can assume that the call-count == event count.
- if features.has(
- "organizations:groupsnooze-cached-counts", organization=self.group.project.organization
- ):
- if self.user_window:
- if not self.test_user_rates_w_cache():
- return False
- elif not self.test_user_counts_w_cache(group):
- return False
- return True
- else:
- if self.user_window:
- if not self.test_user_rates_no_cache():
- return False
- elif not self.test_user_counts_no_cache(group):
+ if self.user_window:
+ if not self.test_user_rates():
return False
- return True
- def test_user_rates_no_cache(self) -> bool:
- metrics.incr("groupsnooze.test_user_rates", tags={"cached": "false"})
- metrics.incr("groupsnooze.test_user_rates.snuba_call")
- end = timezone.now()
- start = end - timedelta(minutes=self.user_window)
- rate = tsdb.backend.get_distinct_counts_totals(
- model=get_issue_tsdb_user_group_model(self.group.issue_category),
- keys=[self.group_id],
- start=start,
- end=end,
- tenant_ids={"organization_id": self.group.project.organization_id},
- referrer_suffix="user_count_snoozes",
- )[self.group_id]
- if rate >= self.user_count:
+ elif not self.test_user_counts(group):
return False
return True
- def test_user_rates_w_cache(self) -> bool:
+ def test_user_rates(self) -> bool:
cache_key = f"groupsnooze:v1:{self.id}:test_user_rate:events_seen_counter"
cache_ttl = self.user_window * 60 # Redis TTL in seconds (window is in minutes)
- value: int | float = float("inf") # using +inf as a sentinel value
+ cached_event_count: int | float = float("inf") # using +inf as a sentinel value
- value = cache.incr(cache_key)
+ cached_event_count = cache.incr(cache_key)
cache.touch(cache_key, cache_ttl)
except ValueError:
# key doesn't exist, fall back on sentinel value
- if value < self.user_count:
+ if cached_event_count < self.user_count:
# if number of hits within the window is less than the threshold, we can't have reached enough users
metrics.incr("groupsnooze.test_user_rates", tags={"cached": "true", "hit": "true"})
return True
@@ -258,17 +198,7 @@ class GroupSnooze(Model):
return True
- def test_user_counts_no_cache(self, group: Group) -> bool:
- metrics.incr("groupsnooze.test_user_counts", tags={"cached": "false"})
- metrics.incr("groupsnooze.test_user_counts.snuba_call")
- threshold = self.user_count + self.state["users_seen"]
- real_count = group.count_users_seen(
- )
- return real_count < threshold
- def test_user_counts_w_cache(self, group: Group) -> bool:
+ def test_user_counts(self, group: Group) -> bool:
cache_key = f"groupsnooze:v1:{self.id}:test_user_counts:events_seen_counter"
users_seen = self.state["users_seen"]
@@ -279,14 +209,14 @@ class GroupSnooze(Model):
CACHE_TTL = 3600 # Redis TTL in seconds
- value: int | float = float("inf") # using +inf as a sentinel value
+ cached_event_count: int | float = float("inf") # using +inf as a sentinel value
- value = cache.incr(cache_key)
+ cached_event_count = cache.incr(cache_key)
except ValueError:
# key doesn't exist, fall back on sentinel value
- if value < threshold:
+ if cached_event_count < threshold:
# if we've seen less than that many events, we can't possibly have seen enough users
metrics.incr("groupsnooze.test_user_counts", tags={"cached": "true", "hit": "true"})
return True