@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+import copy
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+import pytest
+from sentry.utils import json, kafka_config, outcomes
+from sentry.utils.outcomes import Outcome, track_outcome
+def setup(monkeypatch, settings):
+ # Rely on the fact that the publisher is initialized lazily
+ monkeypatch.setattr(kafka_config, "get_kafka_producer_cluster_options", Mock())
+ monkeypatch.setattr(outcomes, "KafkaPublisher", Mock())
+ # Reset internals of the outcomes module
+ monkeypatch.setattr(outcomes, "outcomes_publisher", None)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(outcomes, "billing_publisher", None)
+ # Settings fixture does not restore nested mutable attributes
+ settings.KAFKA_TOPICS = copy.deepcopy(settings.KAFKA_TOPICS)
+ "outcome, is_billing",
+ [
+ (Outcome.ACCEPTED, True),
+ (Outcome.FILTERED, False),
+ (Outcome.RATE_LIMITED, True),
+ (Outcome.INVALID, False),
+ (Outcome.ABUSE, False),
+ (Outcome.CLIENT_DISCARD, False),
+ ],
+def test_outcome_is_billing(outcome: Outcome, is_billing: bool):
+ """
+ Tests the complete behavior of ``is_billing``, used for routing outcomes to
+ different Kafka topics. This is more of a sanity check to prevent
+ unintentional changes.
+ """
+ assert outcome.is_billing() is is_billing
+ "name, outcome",
+ [
+ ("rate_limited", Outcome.RATE_LIMITED),
+ ],
+def test_parse_outcome(name, outcome):
+ """
+ Asserts *case insensitive* parsing of outcomes from their canonical names,
+ as used in the API and queries.
+ """
+ assert Outcome.parse(name) == outcome
+def test_track_outcome_default(settings):
+ """
+ Asserts an outcomes serialization roundtrip with defaults.
+ Additionally checks that non-billing outcomes are routed to the DEFAULT
+ outcomes cluster and topic, even if there is a separate cluster for billing
+ outcomes.
+ """
+ # Provide a billing cluster config that should be ignored
+ "cluster": "different",
+ "topic": "new-topic",
+ }
+ track_outcome(
+ org_id=1,
+ project_id=2,
+ key_id=3,
+ outcome=Outcome.INVALID,
+ reason="project_id",
+ )
+ cluster_args, _ = kafka_config.get_kafka_producer_cluster_options.call_args
+ assert cluster_args == (settings.KAFKA_TOPICS[settings.KAFKA_OUTCOMES]["cluster"],)
+ assert outcomes.outcomes_publisher
+ (topic_name, payload), _ = outcomes.outcomes_publisher.publish.call_args
+ assert topic_name == settings.KAFKA_TOPICS[settings.KAFKA_OUTCOMES]["topic"]
+ data = json.loads(payload)
+ del data["timestamp"]
+ assert data == {
+ "org_id": 1,
+ "project_id": 2,
+ "key_id": 3,
+ "outcome": Outcome.INVALID.value,
+ "reason": "project_id",
+ "event_id": None,
+ "category": None,
+ "quantity": 1,
+ }
+ assert outcomes.billing_publisher is None
+def test_track_outcome_billing(settings):
+ """
+ Checks that outcomes are routed to the SHARED topic within the same cluster
+ in default configuration.
+ """
+ track_outcome(
+ org_id=1,
+ project_id=1,
+ key_id=1,
+ outcome=Outcome.ACCEPTED,
+ )
+ cluster_args, _ = kafka_config.get_kafka_producer_cluster_options.call_args
+ assert cluster_args == (settings.KAFKA_TOPICS[settings.KAFKA_OUTCOMES]["cluster"],)
+ assert outcomes.outcomes_publisher
+ (topic_name, _), _ = outcomes.outcomes_publisher.publish.call_args
+ assert topic_name == settings.KAFKA_TOPICS[settings.KAFKA_OUTCOMES]["topic"]
+ assert outcomes.billing_publisher is None
+def test_track_outcome_billing_topic(settings):
+ """
+ Checks that outcomes are routed to the DEDICATED billing topic within the
+ same cluster in default configuration.
+ """
+ "cluster": settings.KAFKA_TOPICS[settings.KAFKA_OUTCOMES]["cluster"],
+ "topic": "new-topic",
+ }
+ track_outcome(
+ org_id=1,
+ project_id=1,
+ key_id=1,
+ outcome=Outcome.ACCEPTED,
+ )
+ cluster_args, _ = kafka_config.get_kafka_producer_cluster_options.call_args
+ assert cluster_args == (settings.KAFKA_TOPICS[settings.KAFKA_OUTCOMES]["cluster"],)
+ assert outcomes.outcomes_publisher
+ (topic_name, _), _ = outcomes.outcomes_publisher.publish.call_args
+ assert topic_name == "new-topic"
+ assert outcomes.billing_publisher is None
+def test_track_outcome_billing_cluster(settings):
+ """
+ Checks that outcomes are routed to the dedicated cluster and topic.
+ """
+ "cluster": "different",
+ "topic": "new-topic",
+ }
+ track_outcome(
+ org_id=1,
+ project_id=1,
+ key_id=1,
+ outcome=Outcome.ACCEPTED,
+ )
+ cluster_args, _ = kafka_config.get_kafka_producer_cluster_options.call_args
+ assert cluster_args == ("different",)
+ assert outcomes.billing_publisher
+ (topic_name, _), _ = outcomes.billing_publisher.publish.call_args
+ assert topic_name == "new-topic"
+ assert outcomes.outcomes_publisher is None