send.ftl 6.7 KB

  1. title = Send
  2. importingFile = Se ye importando…
  3. encryptingFile = Se ye cifrando…
  4. decryptingFile = Se ye descifrando…
  5. downloadCount =
  6. { $num ->
  7. [one] 1 descarga
  8. *[other] { $num } descargas
  9. }
  10. timespanHours =
  11. { $num ->
  12. [one] hora
  13. *[other] { $num } horas
  14. }
  15. copiedUrl = Copiau!
  16. unlockInputPlaceholder = Clau
  17. unlockButtonLabel = Desblocar
  18. downloadButtonLabel = Descargar
  19. downloadFinish = Descarga completa
  20. fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
  21. sendYourFilesLink = Preba Send
  22. errorPageHeader = I ha habiu bell problema!
  23. fileTooBig = Ixe fichero ye masiau gran pa cargar-lo. Ha de tener menos de { $size }
  24. linkExpiredAlt = Lo vinclo ye caducau
  25. notSupportedHeader = Lo suyo navegador no ye compatible
  26. notSupportedLink = Per qué no ye compatible lo mío navegador?
  27. notSupportedOutdatedDetail = Esta versión de Firefox no admite la tecnolochía web con que funciona lo Send. Habrás d'esviellar lo navegador.
  28. updateFirefox = Esviellar Firefox
  29. deletePopupCancel = Cancelar
  30. deleteButtonHover = Borrar
  31. passwordTryAgain = La contrasenya ye incorrecta. Torne-lo a intentar.
  32. javascriptRequired = Send necesita JavaScript
  33. whyJavascript = Per qué Send necesita JavaScript?
  34. enableJavascript = Activa JavaScript y torna-lo a intentar.
  35. # A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of hours and minutes remaining as digits, example "13h 47m"
  36. expiresHoursMinutes = { $hours } h { $minutes } min
  37. # A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of minutes remaining as digits, example "56m"
  38. expiresMinutes = { $minutes } min
  39. # A short status message shown when the user enters a long password
  40. maxPasswordLength = Maxima lonchitut d'a clau: { $length }
  41. # A short status message shown when there was an error setting the password
  42. passwordSetError = No s'ha puesto definir la clau
  43. ## Send version 2 strings
  44. -send-brand = Send
  45. -send-short-brand = Send
  46. -firefox = Firefox
  47. -mozilla = Mozilla
  48. introTitle = Compartición de fichers simpla y privada
  49. introDescription = { -send-brand } te permite de compartir fichers cifraus de cabo a cabo, y tamién un vinclo que expira automaticament. Asinas, puetz mantener en privau lo que compartes y asegurar-te de que los tuyos contenius no se quedan pa cutio en linia.
  50. notifyUploadEncryptDone = Lo fichero s'ha cifrau y ye presto pa ninviar-se
  51. # downloadCount is from the downloadCount string and timespan is a timespanMinutes string. ex. 'Expires after 2 downloads or 25 minutes'
  52. archiveExpiryInfo = Caduca dimpués de { $downloadCount } u { $timespan }
  53. timespanMinutes =
  54. { $num ->
  55. [one] 1 minuto
  56. *[other] { $num } minutos
  57. }
  58. timespanDays =
  59. { $num ->
  60. [one] 1 día
  61. *[other] { $num } días
  62. }
  63. timespanWeeks =
  64. { $num ->
  65. [one] 1 semana
  66. *[other] { $num } semanas
  67. }
  68. fileCount =
  69. { $num ->
  70. [one] 1 fichero
  71. *[other] { $num } fichers
  72. }
  73. # byte abbreviation
  74. bytes = B
  75. # kibibyte abbreviation
  76. kb = KB
  77. # mebibyte abbreviation
  78. mb = MB
  79. # gibibyte abbreviation
  80. gb = GB
  81. # localized number and byte abbreviation. example "2.5MB"
  82. fileSize = { $num }{ $units }
  83. # $size is the size of the file, displayed using the fileSize message as format (e.g. "2.5MB")
  84. totalSize = Mida total: { $size }
  85. # the next line after the colon contains a file name
  86. copyLinkDescription = Copiar lo vinclo que quiers compartir
  87. copyLinkButton = Copiar lo vinclo
  88. downloadTitle = Descargar los fichers
  89. downloadDescription = Este fichero s'ha compartiu per medio de { -send-brand } con cifrau de cabo a cabo y un vinclo que caduca automaticament.
  90. trySendDescription = Preba { -send-brand } pa una compartición de fichers simpla y segura.
  91. # count will always be > 10
  92. tooManyFiles =
  93. { $count ->
  94. [one] Nomás se puet puyar 1 fitxer de vez.
  95. *[other] Nomás se pueden puyar { $count } fichers de vez.
  96. }
  97. # count will always be > 10
  98. tooManyArchives =
  99. { $count ->
  100. [one] Nomás se permite 1 ficher.
  101. *[other] Nomás se permiten { $count } fichers.
  102. }
  103. expiredTitle = Este vinclo ye caducau.
  104. notSupportedDescription = { -send-brand } no funcionará con este navegador. { -send-short-brand } funciona millor con a zaguera versión de { -firefox } y funcionará con a versión mas recient d'a mayor parte de navegadors.
  105. downloadFirefox = Descargar { -firefox }
  106. legalTitle = Aviso de privacidat de { -send-short-brand }
  107. legalDateStamp = Versió 1.0, con data d'o 12 de marzo de 2019
  108. # A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of days, hours, and minutes remaining as digits, example "2d 11h 56m"
  109. expiresDaysHoursMinutes = { $days } d { $hours } h { $minutes } min
  110. addFilesButton = Triar los fichers a cargar
  111. uploadButton = Cargar
  112. # the first part of the string 'Drag and drop files or click to send up to 1GB'
  113. dragAndDropFiles = Arrociega y suelta los fichers
  114. # the second part of the string 'Drag and drop files or click to send up to 1GB'
  115. # $size is the size of the file, displayed using the fileSize message as format (e.g. "2.5MB")
  116. orClickWithSize = u fes clic aquí pa ninviar dica { $size }
  117. addPassword = Protecher con una clau
  118. emailPlaceholder = Escribe la tuya adreza de correu
  119. # $size is the size of the file, displayed using the fileSize message as format (e.g. "2.5MB")
  120. signInSizeBump = Inicia una sesión pa ninviar dica { $size }
  121. signInOnlyButton = Iniciar la sesión
  122. accountBenefitTitle = Crea una cuenta de { -firefox } u dentra-ie
  123. # $size is the size of the file, displayed using the fileSize message as format (e.g. "2.5MB")
  124. accountBenefitLargeFiles = Compartir fichers dica { $size }
  125. accountBenefitDownloadCount = Compartir fichers con mas chent
  126. accountBenefitTimeLimit =
  127. { $count ->
  128. [one] Mantiene los vinclos activos dica 1 dia
  129. *[other] Mantiene los vinclos activos dica { $count } días
  130. }
  131. accountBenefitSync = Chestiona los fichers compartius dende qualsequier dispositivo
  132. accountBenefitMoz = Descubre mas cosas sobre los atros servicios de { -mozilla }
  133. signOut = Zarrar la sesión
  134. okButton = Vale
  135. downloadingTitle = Se ye descargando
  136. noStreamsWarning = Este navegador talment no pueda descifrar un fichero tant gran.
  137. noStreamsOptionCopy = Copia lo vinclo pa ubrir-lo en belatro navegador
  138. noStreamsOptionFirefox = Preba lo nuestro navegador favorito
  139. noStreamsOptionDownload = Continar con este navegador
  140. downloadFirefoxPromo = Lo nuevo { -firefox } t'ofreix { -send-short-brand }.
  141. # the next line after the colon contains a file name
  142. shareLinkDescription = Comparte lo vinclo enta lo tuyo fichero:
  143. shareLinkButton = Compartir lo vinclo
  144. # $name is the name of the file
  145. shareMessage = Baixa-te «{ $name }» con { -send-brand }: compartición de fiches simpla y segura
  146. trailheadPromo = I hai una manera de protecher la tuya privacidat. Une-te a Firefox.
  147. learnMore = Mas información