Browse Source

removed .title and .alt attributes from ftl

Danny Coates 7 years ago

+ 7 - 24

@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Deprendi más
 uploadPageDropMessage = Suelta equí'l to ficheru p'aniciar la xuba
 uploadPageSizeMessage = Pal meyor funcionamientu, lo meyor ye que'l to ficheru seya menor de 1GB
 uploadPageBrowseButton = Esbilla un ficheru nel to ordenador
-    .title = Esbilla un ficheru nel to ordenador
 uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Esbilla un ficheru pa unviar
-    .title = Esbilla un ficheru pa unviar
 uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Anguaño nun se sofita la xuba múltiple de ficheros o carpetes.
 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Xubir ficheru
 uploadingPageProgress = Xubiendo { $filename } ({ $size })
@@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Descifrando...
 notifyUploadDone = Finó la to xuba.
 uploadingPageMessage = Namái que'l ficheru xuba, sedrás a afitar les opciones de caducidá.
 uploadingPageCancel = Encaboxar xuba
-    .title = Encaboxar xuba
 uploadCancelNotification = Encaboxóse la to xuba.
 uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Esti ficheru ye grande y pue entardar daqué en xubir. ¡Paciencia!
 uploadingFileNotification = Avísame cuando se complete la xuba.
 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Preparáu pa unviar
-    .alt = Xubir
+uploadSvgAlt = Xubir
 uploadSuccessTimingHeader = L'enllaz del to ficheru caducará dempués d'una descarga o en 24 hores.
 copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copia y comparti l'enllaz pa unviar el to ficheru: { $filename }
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 copyUrlFormButton = Copiar al cartafueyu
-    .title = Copiar al cartafueyu
 copiedUrl = ¡Copióse!
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 deleteFileButton = Desaniciar ficheru
-    .title = Desaniciar ficheru
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 sendAnotherFileLink = Unviar otru ficheru
-    .title = Unviar otru ficheru
 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
-    .alt = Baxar
+downloadAltText = Baxar
 downloadFileName = Baxar { $filename }
 downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 downloadMessage = El to collaciu unvióte un ficheru usando Firefox Send, un serviciu que te permite compartir ficheros con un enllaz seguru, priváu y cifráu que caduca automáticamente p'asegurar que les to coses nun queden siempres na rede.
 // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
 downloadButtonLabel = Baxar
-    .title = Baxar
 downloadNotification = Completóse la to descarga.
 downloadFinish = Descarga completada
 // This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
 fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
-// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
+// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 sendYourFilesLink = Prueba Firefox Send
-    .title = Prueba Firefox Send
 downloadingPageProgress = Baxando { $filename } ({ $size })
 downloadingPageMessage = Dexa esta llingüeta abierta entrín vamos en cata del to ficheru y lu desciframos, por favor.
-    .alt = Fallu de xuba
+errorAltText = Fallu de xuba
 errorPageHeader = ¡Daqué foi mal!
 errorPageMessage = Hebo un fallu xubiendo'l ficheru.
 errorPageLink = Unviar otru ficheru
 fileTooBig = Esti ficheru ye mui grande como pa xubilu. Debería tener menos de { $size }.
-    .alt = Enllaz caducáu
+linkExpiredAlt = Enllaz caducáu
 expiredPageHeader = ¡Esti enllaz caducó o enxamás nun esistó!
 notSupportedHeader = El to restolador nun ta sofitáu.
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = L'usu de Firefox Send tamién ta suxetu al <a>Avisu de priv
 deletePopupText = ¿Desaniciar esti ficheru?
 deletePopupYes = Sí
 deletePopupCancel = Encaboxar
-    .title = Desaniciar
-    .title = Copiar URL
+deleteButtonHover = Desaniciar
+copyUrlHover = Copiar URL
 footerLinkLegal = Llegal
 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
 footerLinkAbout = Tocante a Test Pilot

+ 7 - 24

@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Ətraflı öyrən
 uploadPageDropMessage = Yükləmək üçün faylınızı buraya daşıyın
 uploadPageSizeMessage = Xidmətin daha yaxşı işləməsi üçün faylınız 1 GB-dan az olmalıdır
 uploadPageBrowseButton = Kompüterinizdən fayl seçin
-    .title = Kompüterinizdən fayl seçin
 uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Yüklənəcək faylı seçin
-    .title = Yüklənəcək faylı seçin
 uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Birdən çox fayl və ya qovluq yükləmə hələlik dəstəklənmir.
 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Fayl yüklə
 uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) yüklənir
@@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Şifrə açılır...
 notifyUploadDone = Yükləməniz hazırdır.
 uploadingPageMessage = Faylınız yükləndikdən sonra vaxtı çıxma seçimlərini qura biləcəksiz.
 uploadingPageCancel = Yükləməni ləğv et
-    .title = Yükləməni ləğv et
 uploadCancelNotification = Yükləməniz ləğv edildi.
 uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Fayl böyükdür və yükləmək çox vaxt ala bilər. Səbirli olun!
 uploadingFileNotification = Yükləmə bitdiyində xəbər ver.
 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Göndərməyə hazır
-    .alt = Yüklə
+uploadSvgAlt = Yüklə
 uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Faylınızın keçidinin 1 endirmədən və ya 24 saatdan sonra vaxtı çıxacaq.
 copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Faylınızı göndərmək üçün keçidi köçürün: { $filename }
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 copyUrlFormButton = Buferə köçür
-    .title = Mübadilə buferinə köçür
 copiedUrl = Köçürüldü!
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 deleteFileButton = Faylı sil
-    .title = Faylı sil
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 sendAnotherFileLink = Başqa fayl göndər
-    .title = Başqa fayl göndər
 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
-    .alt = Endir
+downloadAltText = Endir
 downloadFileName = { $filename } faylını endir
 downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 downloadMessage = Yoldaşınız Firefox Send ilə sizə fayl göndərir, fayllarınızı təhlükəsiz, məxfi, şifrələnmiş və daima onlayn qalmaması üçün avtomatik silən fayl göndərmə xidməti.
 // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
 downloadButtonLabel = Endir
-    .title = Endir
 downloadNotification = Endirməniz tamamlandı.
 downloadFinish = Endirmə Tamamlandı
 // This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
 fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } / { $totalSize })
-// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
+// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send Yoxla
-    .title = Firefox Send Yoxla
 downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } faylı ({ $size }) endirilir
 downloadingPageMessage = Lütfən faylı endirib şifrəsini açarkən vərəqi açıq buraxın.
-    .alt = Yükləmə xətası
+errorAltText = Yükləmə xətası
 errorPageHeader = Nəsə səhv getdi!
 errorPageMessage = Faylı yüklərkən xəta baş verdi.
 errorPageLink = Başqa fayl göndər
 fileTooBig = Fayl yükləmək üçün çox böyükdür. Fayl { $size }-dan az olmalıdır.
-    .alt = Keçidin vaxtı çıxıb
+linkExpiredAlt = Keçidin vaxtı çıxıb
 expiredPageHeader = Keçidin vaxtı çıxıb və ya heç vaxt olmayıb!
 notSupportedHeader = Səyyahınız dəstəklənmir.
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Firefox Send saytının istifadəsi həmçinin Mozilla-nın
 deletePopupText = Fayl silinsin?
 deletePopupYes = Bəli
 deletePopupCancel = Ləğv et
-    .title = Sil
-    .title = Keçidi Köçürt
+deleteButtonHover = Sil
+copyUrlHover = Keçidi Köçürt
 footerLinkLegal = Hüquqi
 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
 footerLinkAbout = Test Pilot Haqqında

+ 5 - 19

@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ siteSubtitle = ওয়েব গবেষণা
 siteFeedback = প্রতিক্রিয়া
 uploadPageLearnMore = আরও জানুন
 uploadPageBrowseButton = আপনার কম্পিউটারে ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন
-    .title = আপনার কম্পিউটারে ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন
 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = ফাইল আপলোড
 importingFile = ইম্পোর্ট হচ্ছে...
 verifyingFile = যাচাই হচ্ছে...
@@ -12,33 +11,22 @@ encryptingFile = ইনক্রিপট হচ্ছে...
 decryptingFile = ডিক্রিপট হচ্ছে...
 notifyUploadDone = আপনার আপলোড সম্পন্ন হয়েছে।
 uploadingPageCancel = আপলোড বাতিল করুন
-    .title = আপলোড বাতিল করুন
 uploadCancelNotification = আপনার অাপলোড বাতিল করা হয়েছে।
 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = পাঠানোর জন্য প্রস্তুত
-    .alt = আপলোড
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
+uploadSvgAlt = আপলোড
 copyUrlFormButton = ক্লিপবোর্ডে কপি করুন
-    .title = ক্লিপবোর্ডে কপি করুন
 copiedUrl = কপি করা হয়েছে!
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 deleteFileButton = ফাইল মুছুন
-    .title = ফাইল মুছুন
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 sendAnotherFileLink = আরেকটি ফাইল পাঠান
-    .title = আরেকটি ফাইল পাঠান
 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
-    .alt = ডাউনলোড
+downloadAltText = ডাউনলোড
 downloadFileName = ডাউনলোড { $filename }
 downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
 // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
 downloadButtonLabel = ডাউনলোড
-    .title = ডাউনলোড
 downloadNotification = আপনার ডাউনলোড সম্পন্ন হয়েছে।
 downloadFinish = ডাউনলোড সম্পন্ন
-    .alt = আপালোডে ত্রুটি
+errorAltText = আপালোডে ত্রুটি
 errorPageHeader = কোন সমস্যা হয়েছে!
 errorPageLink = আরেকটি ফাইল পাঠান
 updateFirefox = Firefox হালনাগাদ করুন
@@ -53,10 +41,8 @@ legalHeader = শর্তাবলী এবং গোপনীয়তা
 deletePopupText = ফাইলটি মুছতে চান?
 deletePopupYes = হ্যাঁ
 deletePopupCancel = বাতিল
-    .title = মুছে ফেলুন
-    .title = URL অনুলিপি করুন
+deleteButtonHover = মুছে ফেলুন
+copyUrlHover = URL অনুলিপি করুন
 footerLinkLegal = আইনগত
 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
 footerLinkAbout = Test Pilot পরিচিতি

+ 7 - 24

@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Més informació
 uploadPageDropMessage = Arrossegueu el fitxer aquí per començar a pujar-lo
 uploadPageSizeMessage = Funciona millor quan els fitxers tenen menys d'1 GB
 uploadPageBrowseButton = Trieu un fitxer de l'ordinador
-    .title = Trieu un fitxer de l'ordinador
 uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Seleccioneu el fitxer que voleu pujar
-    .title = Seleccioneu el fitxer que voleu pujar
 uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Actualment no es permet pujar diversos fitxers ni una carpeta.
 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Puja el fitxer
 uploadingPageProgress = S'està pujant { $filename } ({ $size })
@@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = S'està desxifrant…
 notifyUploadDone = La pujada ha acabat.
 uploadingPageMessage = Quan s'hagi acabat de pujat el fitxer, podreu definir les opcions de caducitat.
 uploadingPageCancel = Cancel·la la pujada
-    .title = Cancel·la la pujada
 uploadCancelNotification = La pujada s'ha cancel·lat.
 uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Aquest fitxer és gros i pot trigar una estona a pujar. Espereu assegut…
 uploadingFileNotification = Notifica'm quan s'acabi de pujar.
 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Llest per enviar
-    .alt = Puja
+uploadSvgAlt = Puja
 uploadSuccessTimingHeader = L'enllaç al fitxer caducarà quan es baixi una vegada o d'aquí 24 hores.
 copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copieu l'enllaç i compartiu-lo per enviar el fitxer: { $filename }
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 copyUrlFormButton = Copia al porta-retalls
-    .title = Copia al porta-retalls
 copiedUrl = Copiat!
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 deleteFileButton = Suprimeix el fitxer
-    .title = Suprimeix el fitxer
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 sendAnotherFileLink = Envieu un altre fitxer
-    .title = Envieu un altre fitxer
 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
-    .alt = Baixa
+downloadAltText = Baixa
 downloadFileName = Baixeu { $filename }
 downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 downloadMessage = Un amic us ha enviat un fitxer amb el Firefox Send, un servei que permet compartir fitxers mitjançant un enllaç segur, privat i xifrat que caduca automàticament per tal que les vostres dades no es conservin a Internet per sempre.
 // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
 downloadButtonLabel = Baixa
-    .title = Baixa
 downloadNotification = La baixada ha acabat.
 downloadFinish = Ha acabat la baixada
 // This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
 fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } de { $totalSize })
-// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
+// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 sendYourFilesLink = Proveu el Firefox Send
-    .title = Proveu el Firefox Send
 downloadingPageProgress = S'està baixant { $filename } ({ $size })
 downloadingPageMessage = Deixeu aquesta pestanya oberta per tal que el fitxer es pugui baixar i desxifrar.
-    .alt = S'ha produït un error en pujar
+errorAltText = S'ha produït un error en pujar
 errorPageHeader = Hi ha hagut un problema
 errorPageMessage = S'ha produït un error en pujar el fitxer.
 errorPageLink = Envieu un altre fitxer
 fileTooBig = Aquest fitxer és massa gros per pujar-lo. Ha de tenir menys de { $size }.
-    .alt = L'enllaç ha caducat
+linkExpiredAlt = L'enllaç ha caducat
 expiredPageHeader = Aquest enllaç ha caducat o no existeix.
 notSupportedHeader = El vostre navegador no és compatible.
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = L'ús del Firefox Send també està subjecte a l'<a>Avís d
 deletePopupText = Voleu suprimir aquest fitxer?
 deletePopupYes = Sí
 deletePopupCancel = Cancel·la
-    .title = Suprimeix
-    .title = Copia l'URL
+deleteButtonHover = Suprimeix
+copyUrlHover = Copia l'URL
 footerLinkLegal = Avís legal
 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
 footerLinkAbout = Quant al Test Pilot

+ 7 - 24

@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Zjistit více
 uploadPageDropMessage = Přesunutím souboru sem spustíte jeho nahrávání
 uploadPageSizeMessage = Nahrávání funguje nejlépe pro soubory do velikosti 1 GB.
 uploadPageBrowseButton = Vybrat soubor z počítače
-    .title = Výběr souboru z počítače
 uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Zvolte soubor k nahrání
-    .title = Zvolte soubor k nahrání
 uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Nahrávání více souborů najednou nebo celých složek zatím není podporováno.
 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Nahrát soubor
 uploadingPageProgress = Nahrávání souboru { $filename } ({ $size })
@@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Probíhá dešifrování…
 notifyUploadDone = Nahrávání vašeho souboru bylo dokončeno.
 uploadingPageMessage = Po dokončení nahrávání můžete nastavit dobu expirace souboru.
 uploadingPageCancel = Zrušit nahrávání
-    .title = Zrušit nahrávání
 uploadCancelNotification = Nahrávání vašeho souboru bylo zrušeno.
 uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Tento soubor je veliký a jeho nahrávání může chvíli trvat. Posaďte se na chvilku.
 uploadingFileNotification = Upozornit, až bude nahrávání dokončeno.
 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Připraveno k odeslání
-    .alt = Nahrát
+uploadSvgAlt = Nahrát
 uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Platnost odkazu na váš soubor vyprší po jeho prvním stažení, nebo po 24 hodinách.
 copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Zkopírujte a sdílejte odkaz na váš soubor: { $filename }
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 copyUrlFormButton = Zkopírovat do schránky
-    .title = Zkopírovat do schránky
 copiedUrl = Zkopírováno!
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 deleteFileButton = Smazat soubor
-    .title = Smazání souboru
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 sendAnotherFileLink = Poslat další soubor
-    .title = Poslat další soubor
 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
-    .alt = Stáhnout
+downloadAltText = Stáhnout
 downloadFileName = Stáhnout { $filename }
 downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 downloadMessage = Někdo vám posílá soubor pomocí služby Firefox Send, které umožňuje bezpečné, soukromí a šifrované sdílení souborů, které jsou pak automaticky smazány, aby nezůstaly na internetu navěky.
 // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
 downloadButtonLabel = Stáhnout
-    .title = Stáhnout
 downloadNotification = Stahování bylo dokončeno.
 downloadFinish = Stahování dokončeno
 // This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
 fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } z { $totalSize })
-// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
+// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 sendYourFilesLink = Vyzkoušejte Firefox Send
-    .title = Vyzkoušejte Firefox Send
 downloadingPageProgress = Stahování { $filename } ({ $size })
 downloadingPageMessage = Ponechte prosím tento panel otevřený, dokud nepřipravíme váš soubor a nedešifrujeme ho.
-    .alt = Chyba při nahrávání souboru
+errorAltText = Chyba při nahrávání souboru
 errorPageHeader = Nastala chyba!
 errorPageMessage = Při nahrávání souboru se vyskytl problém.
 errorPageLink = Poslat další soubor
 fileTooBig = Tento soubor je příliš veliký. Velikost nahrávaných souborů by neměla překročit { $size }.
-    .alt = Platnost odkazu vypršela
+linkExpiredAlt = Platnost odkazu vypršela
 expiredPageHeader = Platnost tohoto odkazu buď vypršela, nebo vůbec nikdy neexistoval.
 notSupportedHeader = Váš prohlížeč není podporován.
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Používání webové služby Firefox Send se řídí <a>Z
 deletePopupText = Smazat tento soubor?
 deletePopupYes = Ano
 deletePopupCancel = Zrušit
-    .title = Smazat
-    .title = Kopírovat URL
+deleteButtonHover = Smazat
+copyUrlHover = Kopírovat URL
 footerLinkLegal = Právní informace
 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
 footerLinkAbout = O programu Test Pilot

+ 7 - 24

@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Dysgu rhagor
 uploadPageDropMessage = Gollyngwch eich ffeiliau yma i gychwyn llwytho i fyny
 uploadPageSizeMessage = Mae'n well cadw maint y ffeiliau o dan 1GB er mwyn iddo weithio ar ei orau.
 uploadPageBrowseButton = Dewiswch ffeil ar eich cyfrifiadur
-    .title = Dewiswch ffeil ar eich cyfrifiadur
 uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Dewiswch ffeil i'w llwytho i fyny
-    .title = Dewiswch ffeil i'w llwytho i fyny
 uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Nid yw llwytho nifer lluosog o ffeilia neu ffolder yn cael ei gynnal ar hyn o bryd.
 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Llwytho ffeil i fyny
 uploadingPageProgress = Llwytho $filename}  i fyny ({ $size })
@@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Wrthi'n dadgryptio…
 notifyUploadDone = Mae eich llwytho wedi gorffen.
 uploadingPageMessage = Unwaith y bydd eich ffeil wedi llwytho bydd modd gosod manylion dod i ben.
 uploadingPageCancel = Diddymu'r llwytho
-    .title = Diddymu'r llwytho
 uploadCancelNotification = Cafodd eich llwytho ei ddiddymu.
 uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Mae'r ffeil yn fawr a gall gymryd peth amser i'w llwytho. Arhoswch!
 uploadingFileNotification = Dweud wrtha i pan fydd y llwytho wedi gorffen.
 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Yn Barod i Anfon
-    .alt = LLwytho i Fyny
+uploadSvgAlt = LLwytho i Fyny
 uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Bydd y ddolen i'ch ffeil y dod i ben ar ôl 1 llwytho neu o fewn 24 awr.
 copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copïo a rhannu'r ddolen i anfon eich ffeil: { $filename }
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 copyUrlFormButton = Copïo i'r clipfwrdd
-    .title = Copïo i'r clipfwrdd
 copiedUrl = Wedi eu copïo!
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 deleteFileButton = Dileu ffeil
-    .title = Dileu ffeil
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 sendAnotherFileLink = Anfon ffeil arall
-    .title = Anfon ffeil arall
 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
-    .alt = Llwytho i lawr
+downloadAltText = Llwytho i lawr
 downloadFileName = Llwytho i lawr { $filename }
 downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 downloadMessage = Mae ffrind i chi yn anfon ffeil atoch drwy Firefox Send, gwasanaeth sy'n caniatáu i chi rannu ffeiliau drwy ddolen ddiogel, breifat ac wedi ei amgryptio sy'n dod i ben yn awtomatig er mwyn sicrhau nad yw eich deunydd yn aros ar-lein am byth.
 // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
 downloadButtonLabel = Llwytho i Lawr
-    .title = Llwytho i Lawr
 downloadNotification = Mae eich llwytho wedi gorffen
 downloadFinish = Llwytho wedi Gorffen
 // This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
 fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } o { $totalSize })
-// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
+// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 sendYourFilesLink = Profwch Firefox Send
-    .title = Profwch Firefox Send
 downloadingPageProgress = Llwytho i lawr { $filename } ({ $size })
 downloadingPageMessage = Gadewch y tab yma ar agor tra fyddwn yn estyn eich ffeil a'i dad-amgryptio.
-    .alt = Gwall llwytho
+errorAltText = Gwall llwytho
 errorPageHeader = Aeth rhywbeth o'i le!
 errorPageMessage = Bu gwall wrth lwytho'r ffeil.
 errorPageLink = Anfon ffeil arall
 fileTooBig = Mae'r ffeil yn rhy fawr i'w llwytho. Dylai fod yn llai na { $size }.
-    .alt = Mae'r ddolen wedi dod i ben
+linkExpiredAlt = Mae'r ddolen wedi dod i ben
 expiredPageHeader = Mae'r ddolen wedi dod i ben neu nad yw wedi bodoli erioed!
 notSupportedHeader = Nid yw eich porwr yn cael ei gynnal.
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Mae'r defnydd o wefan Firefox Send hefyd yn destun <a>Hysby
 deletePopupText = Dileu'r ffeil?
 deletePopupYes = Iawn
 deletePopupCancel = Diddymu
-    .title = Dileu
-    .title = Copïo'r URL
+deleteButtonHover = Dileu
+copyUrlHover = Copïo'r URL
 footerLinkLegal = Cyfreithiol
 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
 footerLinkAbout = Ynghylch Test Pilot

+ 7 - 24

@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Mehr erfahren
 uploadPageDropMessage = Ziehen Sie eine Datei zum Hochladen hierher
 uploadPageSizeMessage = Dateien unter 1 GB sorgen für erhöhte Zuverlässigkeit des Betriebs
 uploadPageBrowseButton = Wählen Sie eine Datei auf Ihrem Computer aus
-    .title = Wählen Sie eine Datei auf Ihrem Computer aus
 uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Datei zum Hochladen auswählen
-    .title = Datei zum Hochladen auswählen
 uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Hochladen mehrerer Dateien oder eines Ordners wird derzeit nicht unterstützt.
 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Datei hochladen
 uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) wird hochgeladen
@@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Wird entschlüsselt…
 notifyUploadDone = Ihr Upload ist abgeschlossen.
 uploadingPageMessage = Sobald Ihre Datei hochgeladen wird, können Sie die Optionen zum Ablaufdatum auswählen.
 uploadingPageCancel = Hochladen abbrechen
-    .title = Hochladen abbrechen
 uploadCancelNotification = Ihr Upload wurde abgebrochen.
 uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Diese Datei ist groß, sodass das hochladen einige Zeit dauern könnte. Haben Sie Geduld!
 uploadingFileNotification = Mich benachrichtigen, wenn der Upload abgeschlossen ist.
 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Bereit zum Senden
-    .alt = Hochladen
+uploadSvgAlt = Hochladen
 uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Der Link zu Ihrer Datei läuft nach einem Download oder in 24 Stunden ab.
 copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopieren und teilen Sie den Link, um Ihre Datei zu senden: { $filename }
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 copyUrlFormButton = In Zwischenablage kopieren
-    .title = In Zwischenablage kopieren
 copiedUrl = Kopiert!
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 deleteFileButton = Datei löschen
-    .title = Datei löschen
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 sendAnotherFileLink = Eine weitere Datei senden
-    .title = Eine weitere Datei senden
 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
-    .alt = Herunterladen
+downloadAltText = Herunterladen
 downloadFileName = { $filename } herunterladen
 downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 downloadMessage = Ihr Freund schickt Ihnen eine Datei mit Firefox Send, einem Dienst, mit dem Sie Dateien über einen sicheren, privaten und verschlüsselten Link teilen können, der automatisch abläuft, damit Ihre Daten nicht für immer im Internet bleiben.
 // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
 downloadButtonLabel = Herunterladen
-    .title = Herunterladen
 downloadNotification = Der Download wurde abgeschlossen.
 downloadFinish = Download abgeschlossen
 // This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
 fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } von { $totalSize })
-// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
+// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send ausprobieren
-    .title = Firefox Send ausprobieren
 downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) wird heruntergeladen
 downloadingPageMessage = Bitte lassen Sie diesen Tab geöffnet, während Ihre Datei heruntergeladen und entschlüsselt wird.
-    .alt = Fehler beim Hochladen
+errorAltText = Fehler beim Hochladen
 errorPageHeader = Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten!
 errorPageMessage = Beim Hochladen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
 errorPageLink = Eine weitere Datei senden
 fileTooBig = Die Datei ist zu groß zum Hochladen. Sie sollte maximal { $size } groß sein.
-    .alt = Link abgelaufen
+linkExpiredAlt = Link abgelaufen
 expiredPageHeader = Dieser Link ist abgelaufen oder hat nie existiert!
 notSupportedHeader = Ihr Browser wird nicht unterstützt.
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Die Nutzung der Website von Firefox Send unterliegt außerd
 deletePopupText = Diese Datei löschen?
 deletePopupYes = Ja
 deletePopupCancel = Abbrechen
-    .title = Löschen
-    .title = Adresse kopieren
+deleteButtonHover = Löschen
+copyUrlHover = Adresse kopieren
 footerLinkLegal = Rechtliches
 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
 footerLinkAbout = Über Test Pilot

+ 7 - 24

@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Dalšne informacije
 uploadPageDropMessage = Śěgniśo swóju dataju sem, aby ju nagrał
 uploadPageSizeMessage = Wužywajśo nejlěpje dataje, kótarež su mjeńše ako 1 GB za lěpšu spušćobnosć.
 uploadPageBrowseButton = Wubjeŕśo dataju na swójom licadle
-    .title = Wubjeŕśo dataju na swójom licadle
 uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Wubjeŕśo dataju za nagraśe
-    .title = Wubjeŕśo dataju za nagraśe
 uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Nagrawanje někotarych datajow abo zarědnika se tuchylu njepódpěra.
 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Dataju nagraś
 uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) se nagrawa
@@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Dešifrěrujo se...
 notifyUploadDone = Wašo nagraśe jo dokóńcone.
 uploadingPageMessage = Gaž se waša dataja nagrawa, móžośo nastajenja spadnjenja póstajiś.
 uploadingPageCancel = Nagraśe pśetergnus
-    .title = Nagraśe pśetergnus
 uploadCancelNotification = Wašo nagraśe jo se pśetergnuło.
 uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Toś ta dataja jo wjelika a nagrawanje mógło chylku traś. Buźćo sćerpliwy!
 uploadingFileNotification = K wěsći daś, gaž nagraśe jo dokóńcone.
 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Gótowy za słanje
-    .alt = Nagraś
+uploadSvgAlt = Nagraś
 uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Wótkaz k wašej dataji pó 1 ześěgnjenju abo 24 góźinach spadnjo.
 copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopěrujśo a źělśo wótkaz, aby swóju dataju pósłał: { $filename }
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 copyUrlFormButton = Do mjazywótkłada kopěrowaś
-    .title = Do mjazywótkłada kopěrowaś
 copiedUrl = Kopěrowany!
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 deleteFileButton = Dataju wulašowaś
-    .title = Dataju wulašowaś
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 sendAnotherFileLink = Drugu dataju pósłaś
-    .title = Drugu dataju pósłaś
 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
-    .alt = Ześěgnuś
+downloadAltText = Ześěgnuś
 downloadFileName = { $filename } ześěgnuś
 downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 downloadMessage = Waš pśijaśel wam dataju z Firefox Send sćelo, słužba, kótaraž wam zmóžnja, dataje pśez wěsty, priwatny a skoděrowany wótkaz źěliś, kótaryž awtomatiski spadnjo, až njeby waše daty na pśecej online wóstawali.
 // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
 downloadButtonLabel = Ześěgnuś
-    .title = Ześěgnuś
 downloadNotification = Wašo ześěgnjenje jo dokóńcone.
 downloadFinish = Ześěgnjenje dokóńcone
 // This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
 fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } z { $totalSize })
-// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
+// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send wopytaś
-    .title = Firefox Send wopytaś
 downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) se ześěgujo
 downloadingPageMessage = Pšosym wóstajśo toś ten rejtark wócynjony, mjaztym až wašu dataju ześěgujomy a dešifrěrujomy.
-    .alt = Nagrawańska zmólka
+errorAltText = Nagrawańska zmólka
 errorPageHeader = Něco njejo se raźiło!
 errorPageMessage = Pśi nagrawanju dataje jo zmólka nastała.
 errorPageLink = Drugu dataju pósłaś
 fileTooBig = Toś ta dataja jo pśewjelika za nagraśe. Měła mjeńša ako { $size } byś.
-    .alt = Wótkaz spadnjony
+linkExpiredAlt = Wótkaz spadnjony
 expiredPageHeader = Toś ten wótkaz jo spadnjony abo njejo nigda eksistěrował!
 notSupportedHeader = Waš wobglědowak se njepódpěra.
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Teke wužywanje websedła Firefox Send <a>pokazce priwatnos
 deletePopupText = Toś tu dataju lašowaś?
 deletePopupYes = Jo
 deletePopupCancel = Pśetergnuś
-    .title = Wulašowaś
-    .title = URL kopěrowaś
+deleteButtonHover = Wulašowaś
+copyUrlHover = URL kopěrowaś
 footerLinkLegal = Pšawniske
 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
 footerLinkAbout = Wó Test Pilot

+ 7 - 24

@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Μάθετε περισσότερα
 uploadPageDropMessage = Εναποθέστε το αρχείο σας εδώ για έναρξη μεταφόρτωσης
 uploadPageSizeMessage = Για περισσότερο αξιόπιστη λειτουργία, προτείνεται να διατηρήσετε το αρχείο κάτω από 1GB
 uploadPageBrowseButton = Επιλέξτε αρχείο από τον υπολογιστή σας
-    .title = Επιλέξτε αρχείο από τον υπολογιστή σας
 uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Επιλέξτε ένα αρχείο για μεταφόρτωση
-    .title = Επιλέξτε ένα αρχείο για μεταφόρτωση
 uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Η μεταφόρτωση πολλαπλών αρχείων ή φακέλου δεν υποστηρίζεται αυτή τη στιγμή.
 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Μεταφόρτωση αρχείου
 uploadingPageProgress = Μεταφόρτωση του { $filename } ({ $size })
@@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Αποκρυπτογράφηση…
 notifyUploadDone = Η μεταφόρτωσή σας ολοκληρώθηκε.
 uploadingPageMessage = Αφού μεταφορτωθούν τα αρχεία σας, θα μπορείτε να ορίσετε επιλογές λήξης.
 uploadingPageCancel = Ακύρωση μεταφόρτωσης
-    .title = Ακύρωση μεταφόρτωσης
 uploadCancelNotification = Η μεταφόρτωσή σας ακυρώθηκε.
 uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Αυτό το αρχείο είναι μεγάλο και ίσως χρειαστεί λίγος αρκετός χρόνος για μεταφόρτωση. Χαλαρώστε!
 uploadingFileNotification = Ειδοποίηση όταν ολοκληρωθεί η μεταφόρτωση.
 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Έτοιμο για αποστολή
-    .alt = Μεταφόρτωση
+uploadSvgAlt = Μεταφόρτωση
 uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Ο σύνδεσμος του αρχείου σας θα λήξει έπειτα από 1 λήψη ή 24 ώρες.
 copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Αντιγράψτε και μοιραστείτε τον σύνδεσμο για αποστολή του αρχείου σας : { $filename }
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 copyUrlFormButton = Αντιγραφή στο πρόχειρο
-    .title = Αντιγραφή στο πρόχειρο
 copiedUrl = Αντιγράφτηκε!
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 deleteFileButton = Διαγραφή αρχείου
-    .title = Διαγραφή αρχείου
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 sendAnotherFileLink = Αποστολή άλλου αρχείου
-    .title = Αποστολή άλλου αρχείου
 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
-    .alt = Λήψη
+downloadAltText = Λήψη
 downloadFileName = Λήψη του { $filename }
 downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 downloadMessage = Ο/Η φίλος/-η σας, σάς στέλνει ένα αρχείο με τη βοήθεια του Firefox Send, μιας υπηρεσίας που επιτρέπει τον διαμοιρασμό αρχείων μέσω ενός ασφαλούς, ιδιωτικού και κρυπτογραφημένου συνδέσμου που λήγει αυτόματα, ώστε να είστε σίγουροι ότι τα αρχεία σας δεν θα παραμείνουν στο διαδίκτυο για πάντα.
 // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
 downloadButtonLabel = Λήψη
-    .title = Λήψη
 downloadNotification = Η λήψη σας ολοκληρώθηκε.
 downloadFinish = Η λήψη ολοκληρώθηκε
 // This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
 fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } από { $totalSize })
-// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
+// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 sendYourFilesLink = Δοκιμάστε το Firefox Send
-    .title = Δοκιμάστε το Firefox Send
 downloadingPageProgress = Γίνεται λήψη του { $filename } ({ $size })
 downloadingPageMessage = Παρακαλώ αφήστε ανοικτή αυτή την καρτέλα όσο λαμβάνουμε και αποκρυπτογραφούμε το αρχείο σας.
-    .alt = Σφάλμα μεταφόρτωσης
+errorAltText = Σφάλμα μεταφόρτωσης
 errorPageHeader = Κάτι πήγε στραβά!
 errorPageMessage = Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη μεταφόρτωση του αρχείου.
 errorPageLink = Αποστολή άλλου αρχείου
 fileTooBig = Αυτό το αρχείο είναι πολύ μεγάλο για μεταφόρτωση. Πρέπει να είναι μικρότερο από { $size }.
-    .alt = Ο σύνδεσμος έληξε
+linkExpiredAlt = Ο σύνδεσμος έληξε
 expiredPageHeader = Αυτός ο σύνδεσμος έχει λήξει ή δεν υπήρξε ποτέ!
 notSupportedHeader = Το πρόγραμμα περιήγησής σας δεν υποστηρίζεται.
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Η χρήση της ιστοσελίδας Firefox Send υ
 deletePopupText = Διαγραφή αρχείου;
 deletePopupYes = Ναι
 deletePopupCancel = Ακύρωση
-    .title = Διαγραφή
-    .title = Αντιγραφή URL
+deleteButtonHover = Διαγραφή
+copyUrlHover = Αντιγραφή URL
 footerLinkLegal = Νομικά
 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
 footerLinkAbout = Σχετικά με το Test Pilot

+ 7 - 24

@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ uploadPageLearnMore = Learn more
 uploadPageDropMessage = Drop your file here to start uploading
 uploadPageSizeMessage = For the most reliable operation, it’s best to keep your file under 1GB
 uploadPageBrowseButton = Select a file on your computer
-    .title = Select a file on your computer
 uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Select a file to upload
-    .title = Select a file to upload
 uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Uploading multiple files or a folder is currently not supported.
 uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Upload file
 uploadingPageProgress = Uploading { $filename } ({ $size })
@@ -21,52 +19,39 @@ decryptingFile = Decrypting…
 notifyUploadDone = Your upload has finished.
 uploadingPageMessage = Once your file uploads you will be able to set expiry options.
 uploadingPageCancel = Cancel upload
-    .title = Cancel upload
 uploadCancelNotification = Your upload was cancelled.
 uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = This file is large and may take a while to upload. Sit tight!
 uploadingFileNotification = Notify me when the upload is complete.
 uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Ready to Send
-    .alt = Upload
+uploadSvgAlt = Upload
 uploadSuccessTimingHeader = The link to your file will expire after 1 download or in 24 hours.
 copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Copy and share the link to send your file: { $filename }
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 copyUrlFormButton = Copy to clipboard
-    .title = Copy to clipboard
 copiedUrl = Copied!
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 deleteFileButton = Delete file
-    .title = Delete file
-// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
 sendAnotherFileLink = Send another file
-    .title = Send another file
 // Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
-    .alt = Download
+downloadAltText = Download
 downloadFileName = Download { $filename }
 downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 downloadMessage = Your friend is sending you a file with Firefox Send, a service that allows you to share files with a safe, private, and encrypted link that automatically expires to ensure your stuff does not remain online forever.
 // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
 downloadButtonLabel = Download
-    .title = Download
 downloadNotification = Your download has completed.
 downloadFinish = Download Complete
 // This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
 fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } of { $totalSize })
-// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. Title text for button should be the same.
+// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
 sendYourFilesLink = Try Firefox Send
-    .title = Try Firefox Send
 downloadingPageProgress = Downloading { $filename } ({ $size })
 downloadingPageMessage = Please leave this tab open while we fetch your file and decrypt it.
-    .alt = Upload error
+errorAltText = Upload error
 errorPageHeader = Something went wrong!
 errorPageMessage = There has been an error uploading the file.
 errorPageLink = Send another file
 fileTooBig = That file is too big to upload. It should be less than { $size }.
-    .alt = Link expired
+linkExpiredAlt = Link expired
 expiredPageHeader = This link has expired or never existed in the first place!
 notSupportedHeader = Your browser is not supported.
 // Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
@@ -87,10 +72,8 @@ legalNoticeMozilla = Use of the Firefox Send website is also subject to Mozilla
 deletePopupText = Delete this file?
 deletePopupYes = Yes
 deletePopupCancel = Cancel
-    .title = Delete
-    .title = Copy URL
+deleteButtonHover = Delete
+copyUrlHover = Copy URL
 footerLinkLegal = Legal
 // Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
 footerLinkAbout = About Test Pilot

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff