@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
+title = Firefox Send
+siteSubtitle = netteksperiment
+siteFeedback = Tilbakemelding
+uploadPageHeader = Privat, kryptert fildeling
+uploadPageLearnMore = Les mer
+uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Last opp fil
+uploadingPageHeader = Laster opp din fil
+importingFile = Importerer…
+verifyingFile = Verifiserer...
+encryptingFile = Krypterer...
+decryptingFile = Dekrypterer...
+ .title = Avbryt opplasting
+uploadCancelNotification = Din opplasting ble avbrutt
+ .alt = Last opp
+// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
+ .title = Kopier til utklippstavle
+copiedUrl = Kopiert!
+// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
+ .title = Slett fil
+// Note: Title text for button should be the same.
+ .title = Send en annen fil
+// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
+ .alt = Last ned
+downloadFileName = Last ned { $filename }