@@ -1,163 +1,6 @@
-const html = require('choo/html');
-const assets = require('../../../common/assets');
-const title = require('../../templates/title');
-const signupPromo = require('../../templates/signupPromo');
-const fileList = require('../../templates/fileList');
-const setPasswordSection = require('../../templates/setPasswordSection');
-const uploadBox = require('../../templates/uploadedFileList');
-const expireInfo = require('../../templates/expireInfo');
+const fileManager = require('../../templates/fileManager');
+const split = require('../split');
module.exports = function(state, emit) {
- // the page flickers if both the server and browser set 'effect--fadeIn'
- const fade = state.layout ? '' : 'effect--fadeIn';
- const hasAnUpload = state.archive && state.archive.numFiles > 0;
- const optionClass = state.uploading ? 'uploadOptions--faded' : '';
- const btnUploading = state.uploading ? 'btn--stripes' : '';
- const cancelVisible = state.uploading ? '' : 'noDisplay';
- const faded = hasAnUpload ? 'uploadArea--faded' : '';
- const selectFileClass = hasAnUpload > 0 ? 'btn--hidden' : '';
- const sendFileClass = hasAnUpload > 0 ? '' : 'btn--hidden';
- let btnText = '';
- if (state.encrypting) {
- btnText = state.translate('encryptingFile');
- } else if (state.uploading) {
- btnText = `sending... ${Math.floor(state.transfer.progressRatio * 100)}%`;
- } else {
- //default pre-upload text
- btnText = state.translate('uploadSuccessConfirmHeader');
- }
- return html`
- <div class="${fade} welcome">
- ${title(state)}
- <div class="welcome__file-manager">
- </div>
- <div class="welcome__context">
- <div class="welcome__signup-promo">
- ${signupPromo(state)}
- </div>
- <div class="welcome__file-list">
- ${fileList(state)}
- </div>
- <div class="welcome__context-footer">
- <a
- href="https://www.mozilla.org"
- class="socialSection__link">
- <img
- class="footer__mozLogo"
- src="${assets.get('mozilla-logo.svg')}"
- alt="mozilla"/>
- </a>
- </div>
- </div>
- <label class="uploadArea"
- ondragover=${dragover}
- ondragleave=${dragleave}>
- ${uploadBox(state.archive, state, emit)}
- <div class="uploadedFilesWrapper ${faded}">
- <img
- class="uploadArea__icon"
- src="${assets.get('addfile.svg')}"
- title="${state.translate('uploadSvgAlt')}"/>
- <div class="uploadArea__msg">
- ${state.translate('uploadDropDragMessage')}
- </div>
- <span class="uploadArea__clickMsg">
- ${state.translate('uploadDropClickMessage')}
- </span>
- </div>
- <input id="file-upload"
- class="inputFile fileBox"
- type="file"
- multiple
- name="fileUploaded"
- onfocus=${onfocus}
- onblur=${onblur}
- onchange=${addFiles} />
- </label>
- <div class="uploadOptions ${optionClass}">
- ${expireInfo(state, emit)}
- ${setPasswordSection(state)}
- </div>
- <label for="file-upload"
- class="btn btn--file ${selectFileClass}"
- title="${state.translate('uploadPageBrowseButton1')}">
- ${state.translate('uploadPageBrowseButton1')}
- </label>
- <button
- class="btn ${btnUploading} ${sendFileClass}"
- onclick=${state.uploading ? noop : upload}
- title="${btnText}">
- ${btnText}
- </button>
- <button class="btn--cancel uploadCancel ${cancelVisible}"
- onclick=${cancel}>
- ${state.translate('uploadingPageCancel')}
- </button>
- </div>
- `;
- function noop() {}
- function dragover(event) {
- const div = document.querySelector('.uploadArea');
- div.classList.add('uploadArea--dragging');
- }
- function dragleave(event) {
- const div = document.querySelector('.uploadArea');
- div.classList.remove('uploadArea--dragging');
- }
- function onfocus(event) {
- event.target.classList.add('inputFile--focused');
- }
- function onblur(event) {
- event.target.classList.remove('inputFile--focused');
- }
- function cancel(event) {
- if (state.uploading) {
- emit('cancel');
- const cancelBtn = document.querySelector('.uploadCancel');
- cancelBtn.innerHTML = state.translate('uploadCancelNotification');
- }
- }
- function addFiles(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- const newFiles = Array.from(event.target.files);
- emit('addFiles', { files: newFiles });
- }
- function upload(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- event.target.disabled = true;
- if (!state.uploading) {
- emit('upload', {
- type: 'click',
- dlimit: state.downloadCount || 1,
- password: state.password
- });
- }
- }
+ return split(state, fileManager(state, emit));