123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- # A sample TOML config file for SeaweedFS filer store
- # Used by both "weed filer" or "weed server -filer" and "weed filer.replicate"
- # Put this file to one of the location, with descending priority
- # ./notification.toml
- # $HOME/.seaweedfs/notification.toml
- # /etc/seaweedfs/notification.toml
- ####################################################
- # notification
- # send and receive filer updates for each file to an external message queue
- ####################################################
- [notification.log]
- # this is only for debugging purpose and does not work with "weed filer.replicate"
- enabled = false
- [notification.kafka]
- enabled = false
- hosts = [
- "localhost:9092"
- ]
- topic = "seaweedfs_filer"
- offsetFile = "./last.offset"
- offsetSaveIntervalSeconds = 10
- [notification.aws_sqs]
- # experimental, let me know if it works
- enabled = false
- aws_access_key_id = "" # if empty, loads from the shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials).
- aws_secret_access_key = "" # if empty, loads from the shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials).
- region = "us-east-2"
- sqs_queue_name = "my_filer_queue" # an existing queue name
- [notification.google_pub_sub]
- # read credentials doc at https:
- enabled = false
- google_application_credentials = "/path/to/x.json" # path to json credential file
- project_id = "" # an existing project id
- topic = "seaweedfs_filer_topic" # a topic, auto created if does not exists
- [notification.gocdk_pub_sub]
- # The Go Cloud Development Kit (https:
- # PubSub API (https:
- # Supports AWS SNS/SQS, Azure Service Bus, Google PubSub, NATS and RabbitMQ.
- enabled = false
- # This URL will Dial the RabbitMQ server at the URL in the environment
- # variable RABBIT_SERVER_URL and open the exchange "myexchange".
- # The exchange must have already been created by some other means, like
- # the RabbitMQ management plugin. Сreate myexchange of type fanout and myqueue then
- # create binding myexchange => myqueue
- topic_url = "rabbit://myexchange"
- sub_url = "rabbit://myqueue"