2014-10-19-upgrading-to-rich-text-deltas.md 3.5 KB

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title: Upgrading to Rich Text Deltas

The new rich text type is now live and being used in Quill v0.18.0. It is a big step towards 1.0 and will be the way documents and changes are represented going forward. In most cases this update is non-disruptive and an upgrade can be a simple increment of the version number[^1].

However, if you happened to be storing the old Delta format, here's a short guide on how to migrate.

The main relevant differences between the old and new Deltas are:

  1. Explicit deletes - We need to go through the old Delta, find the implied deletes and insert explicit delete operations into the new Delta
  2. Support for embeds - If we see the hacky representation of embeds, replace with the new representation
var richText = require('rich-text');

var newDelta = new richText.Delta();
var index = 0;
var changeLength = 0;
oldDelta.ops.forEach(function (op) {
  if (_.isString(op.value)) {
    // Insert operation
    if (op.value === '!' && op.attributes && _.isString(op.attributes.src)) {
      // Found the old hacky representation for an embed
      // Quill only supports images so far so we can be confident this is an image
      // which is represented by 1
      newDelta.insert(1, op.attributes);
    } else {
      newDelta.insert(op.value, op.attributes);
    changeLength += op.value.length;
  } else if (_.isNumber(op.start) && _.isNumber(op.end)) {
    // Retain operation
    if (op.start > index) {
      // Delete operation was implied by the current retain operation
      var length = op.start - index;
      changeLength -= length;
    // Now handle or retain operation
    newDelta.retain(op.end - op.start, op.attributes);
    index = op.end;
  } else {
    throw new Error('You have a misformed delta');

// Handle implied deletes at the end of the document
if (oldDelta.endLength < oldDelta.startLength + changeLength) {
  var length = oldDelta.startLength + changeLength - oldDelta.endLength;

If you cannot use the rich-text module or if you are using this as a general guide for another language, the following might be helpful in crafting insert, delete and retain operations.

var nweDelta = { ops: [] };
oldDelta.ops.forEach(function () {
  // Following a similar logic to the earlier snippet
  // except replacing .insert(), .retain(), .delete() with:
  // insertOp(newDelta.ops, value, formats)
  // retainOp(newDelta.ops, length, formats)
  // deleteOp(newDelta.ops, length)

function insertOp(opsArr, text, formats) {
  var op = { insert: text };
  if (formats && Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
    op.attributes = formats;

function deleteOp(opsArr, length) {
  opsArr.push({ delete: length });

function retainOp(opsArr, length, formats) {
  var op = { retain: length };
  if (formats && Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
    op.attributes = formats;

There are some optimizations performed by rich-text such as excluding no-ops (delete 0 characters) and merging two adjacent operations of the same type (insert 'A' followed by insert 'B' is merged to be a single insert 'AB' operation). But you should not have to worry about these cases since the old Delta format had similar optimizations.

[^1]: All it took to upgrade the examples on quilljs.com was: 2580c2