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- ---
- title: Clipboard Module
- ---
- The Clipboard handles copy, cut and paste between Quill and external applications. A set of defaults exist to provide sane interpretation of pasted content, with the ability for further customization through matchers.
- The Clipboard interprets pasted HTML by traversing the corresponding DOM tree in [post-order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#Post-order), building up a [Delta](/docs/delta/) representation of all subtrees. At each descendant node, matcher functions are called with the DOM Node and Delta interpretation so far, allowing the matcher to return a modified Delta interpretation.
- Familiarity and comfort with [Deltas](/docs/delta/) is necessary in order to effectively use matchers.
- ## API
- #### addMatcher
- Adds a custom matcher to the Clipboard. Matchers using `nodeType` are called first, in the order they were added, followed by matchers using a CSS `selector`, also in the order they were added. [`nodeType`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeType) may be `Node.ELEMENT_NODE` or `Node.TEXT_NODE`.
- **Methods**
- ```javascript
- addMatcher(selector: String, (node: Node, delta: Delta) => Delta)
- addMatcher(nodeType: Number, (node: Node, delta: Delta) => Delta)
- ```
- **Examples**
- ```javascript
- quill.clipboard.addMatcher(Node.TEXT_NODE, (node, delta) => {
- return new Delta().insert(node.data);
- });
- // Interpret a <b> tag as bold
- quill.clipboard.addMatcher('B', (node, delta) => {
- return delta.compose(new Delta().retain(delta.length(), { bold: true }));
- });
- ```
- ### dangerouslyPasteHTML
- Inserts content represented by HTML snippet into editor at a given index. The snippet is interpreted by Clipboard [matchers](#addMatcher), which may not produce the exactly input HTML. If no insertion index is provided, the entire editor contents will be overwritten. The [source](/docs/api/#events) may be `"user"`, `"api"`, or `"silent"`.
- Improper handling of HTML can lead to [cross site scripting (XSS)](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-site_Scripting_(XSS)) and failure to sanitize properly is both notoriously error-prone and a leading cause of web vulnerabilities. This method follows React's example and is aptly named to ensure the developer has taken the necessary precautions.
- **Methods**
- ```javascript
- dangerouslyPasteHTML(html: String, source: String = 'api')
- dangerouslyPasteHTML(index: Number, html: String, source: String = 'api')
- ```
- **Examples**
- ```javascript
- quill.setText('Hello!');
- quill.clipboard.dangerouslyPasteHTML(5, ' <b>World</b>');
- // Editor is now '<p>Hello <strong>World</strong>!</p>';
- ```
- ## Configuration
- ### matchers
- An array of matchers can be passed into Clipboard's configuration options. These will be appended after Quill's own default matchers.
- ```javascript
- const quill = new Quill('#editor', {
- modules: {
- clipboard: {
- matchers: [
- ['B', customMatcherA],
- [Node.TEXT_NODE, customMatcherB]
- ]
- }
- }
- });
- ```