123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494 |
- import clone from 'clone';
- import equal from 'deep-equal';
- import extend from 'extend';
- import Delta from 'quill-delta';
- import DeltaOp from 'quill-delta/lib/op';
- import Parchment from 'parchment';
- import Quill from '../core/quill';
- import logger from '../core/logger';
- import Module from '../core/module';
- let debug = logger('quill:keyboard');
- const SHORTKEY = /Mac/i.test(navigator.platform) ? 'metaKey' : 'ctrlKey';
- class Keyboard extends Module {
- static match(evt, binding) {
- binding = normalize(binding);
- if (['altKey', 'ctrlKey', 'metaKey', 'shiftKey'].some(function(key) {
- return (!!binding[key] !== evt[key] && binding[key] !== null);
- })) {
- return false;
- }
- return binding.key === (evt.which || evt.keyCode);
- }
- constructor(quill, options) {
- super(quill, options);
- this.bindings = {};
- Object.keys(this.options.bindings).forEach((name) => {
- if (name === 'list autofill' &&
- quill.scroll.whitelist != null &&
- !quill.scroll.whitelist['list']) {
- return;
- }
- if (this.options.bindings[name]) {
- this.addBinding(this.options.bindings[name]);
- }
- });
- this.addBinding({ key: Keyboard.keys.ENTER, shiftKey: null }, handleEnter);
- this.addBinding({ key: Keyboard.keys.ENTER, metaKey: null, ctrlKey: null, altKey: null }, function() {});
- if (/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
- // Need to handle delete and backspace for Firefox in the general case #1171
- this.addBinding({ key: Keyboard.keys.BACKSPACE }, { collapsed: true }, handleBackspace);
- this.addBinding({ key: Keyboard.keys.DELETE }, { collapsed: true }, handleDelete);
- } else {
- this.addBinding({ key: Keyboard.keys.BACKSPACE }, { collapsed: true, prefix: /^.?$/ }, handleBackspace);
- this.addBinding({ key: Keyboard.keys.DELETE }, { collapsed: true, suffix: /^.?$/ }, handleDelete);
- }
- this.addBinding({ key: Keyboard.keys.BACKSPACE }, { collapsed: false }, handleDeleteRange);
- this.addBinding({ key: Keyboard.keys.DELETE }, { collapsed: false }, handleDeleteRange);
- this.addBinding({ key: Keyboard.keys.BACKSPACE, altKey: null, ctrlKey: null, metaKey: null, shiftKey: null },
- { collapsed: true, offset: 0 },
- handleBackspace);
- this.listen();
- }
- addBinding(key, context = {}, handler = {}) {
- let binding = normalize(key);
- if (binding == null || binding.key == null) {
- return debug.warn('Attempted to add invalid keyboard binding', binding);
- }
- if (typeof context === 'function') {
- context = { handler: context };
- }
- if (typeof handler === 'function') {
- handler = { handler: handler };
- }
- binding = extend(binding, context, handler);
- this.bindings[binding.key] = this.bindings[binding.key] || [];
- this.bindings[binding.key].push(binding);
- }
- listen() {
- this.quill.root.addEventListener('keydown', (evt) => {
- if (evt.defaultPrevented) return;
- let which = evt.which || evt.keyCode;
- let bindings = (this.bindings[which] || []).filter(function(binding) {
- return Keyboard.match(evt, binding);
- });
- if (bindings.length === 0) return;
- let range = this.quill.getSelection();
- if (range == null || !this.quill.hasFocus()) return;
- let [line, offset] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
- let [leafStart, offsetStart] = this.quill.getLeaf(range.index);
- let [leafEnd, offsetEnd] = range.length === 0 ? [leafStart, offsetStart] : this.quill.getLeaf(range.index + range.length);
- let prefixText = leafStart instanceof Parchment.Text ? leafStart.value().slice(0, offsetStart) : '';
- let suffixText = leafEnd instanceof Parchment.Text ? leafEnd.value().slice(offsetEnd) : '';
- let curContext = {
- collapsed: range.length === 0,
- empty: range.length === 0 && line.length() <= 1,
- format: this.quill.getFormat(range),
- offset: offset,
- prefix: prefixText,
- suffix: suffixText
- };
- let prevented = bindings.some((binding) => {
- if (binding.collapsed != null && binding.collapsed !== curContext.collapsed) return false;
- if (binding.empty != null && binding.empty !== curContext.empty) return false;
- if (binding.offset != null && binding.offset !== curContext.offset) return false;
- if (Array.isArray(binding.format)) {
- // any format is present
- if (binding.format.every(function(name) {
- return curContext.format[name] == null;
- })) {
- return false;
- }
- } else if (typeof binding.format === 'object') {
- // all formats must match
- if (!Object.keys(binding.format).every(function(name) {
- if (binding.format[name] === true) return curContext.format[name] != null;
- if (binding.format[name] === false) return curContext.format[name] == null;
- return equal(binding.format[name], curContext.format[name]);
- })) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (binding.prefix != null && !binding.prefix.test(curContext.prefix)) return false;
- if (binding.suffix != null && !binding.suffix.test(curContext.suffix)) return false;
- return binding.handler.call(this, range, curContext) !== true;
- });
- if (prevented) {
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
- });
- }
- }
- Keyboard.keys = {
- TAB: 9,
- ENTER: 13,
- ESCAPE: 27,
- LEFT: 37,
- UP: 38,
- RIGHT: 39,
- DOWN: 40,
- DELETE: 46
- };
- Keyboard.DEFAULTS = {
- bindings: {
- 'bold' : makeFormatHandler('bold'),
- 'italic' : makeFormatHandler('italic'),
- 'underline' : makeFormatHandler('underline'),
- 'indent': {
- // highlight tab or tab at beginning of list, indent or blockquote
- key: Keyboard.keys.TAB,
- format: ['blockquote', 'indent', 'list'],
- handler: function(range, context) {
- if (context.collapsed && context.offset !== 0) return true;
- this.quill.format('indent', '+1', Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- },
- 'outdent': {
- key: Keyboard.keys.TAB,
- shiftKey: true,
- format: ['blockquote', 'indent', 'list'],
- // highlight tab or tab at beginning of list, indent or blockquote
- handler: function(range, context) {
- if (context.collapsed && context.offset !== 0) return true;
- this.quill.format('indent', '-1', Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- },
- 'outdent backspace': {
- key: Keyboard.keys.BACKSPACE,
- collapsed: true,
- shiftKey: null,
- metaKey: null,
- ctrlKey: null,
- altKey: null,
- format: ['indent', 'list'],
- offset: 0,
- handler: function(range, context) {
- if (context.format.indent != null) {
- this.quill.format('indent', '-1', Quill.sources.USER);
- } else if (context.format.list != null) {
- this.quill.format('list', false, Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- }
- },
- 'indent code-block': makeCodeBlockHandler(true),
- 'outdent code-block': makeCodeBlockHandler(false),
- 'remove tab': {
- key: Keyboard.keys.TAB,
- shiftKey: true,
- collapsed: true,
- prefix: /\t$/,
- handler: function(range) {
- this.quill.deleteText(range.index - 1, 1, Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- },
- 'tab': {
- key: Keyboard.keys.TAB,
- handler: function(range) {
- this.quill.history.cutoff();
- let delta = new Delta().retain(range.index)
- .delete(range.length)
- .insert('\t');
- this.quill.updateContents(delta, Quill.sources.USER);
- this.quill.history.cutoff();
- this.quill.setSelection(range.index + 1, Quill.sources.SILENT);
- }
- },
- 'list empty enter': {
- key: Keyboard.keys.ENTER,
- collapsed: true,
- format: ['list'],
- empty: true,
- handler: function(range, context) {
- this.quill.format('list', false, Quill.sources.USER);
- if (context.format.indent) {
- this.quill.format('indent', false, Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- }
- },
- 'checklist enter': {
- key: Keyboard.keys.ENTER,
- collapsed: true,
- format: { list: 'checked' },
- handler: function(range) {
- let [line, offset] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
- let formats = extend({}, line.formats(), { list: 'checked' });
- let delta = new Delta().retain(range.index)
- .insert('\n', formats)
- .retain(line.length() - offset - 1)
- .retain(1, { list: 'unchecked' });
- this.quill.updateContents(delta, Quill.sources.USER);
- this.quill.setSelection(range.index + 1, Quill.sources.SILENT);
- this.quill.scrollIntoView();
- }
- },
- 'header enter': {
- key: Keyboard.keys.ENTER,
- collapsed: true,
- format: ['header'],
- suffix: /^$/,
- handler: function(range, context) {
- let [line, offset] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
- let delta = new Delta().retain(range.index)
- .insert('\n', context.format)
- .retain(line.length() - offset - 1)
- .retain(1, { header: null });
- this.quill.updateContents(delta, Quill.sources.USER);
- this.quill.setSelection(range.index + 1, Quill.sources.SILENT);
- this.quill.scrollIntoView();
- }
- },
- 'list autofill': {
- key: ' ',
- collapsed: true,
- format: { list: false },
- prefix: /^\s*?(\d+\.|-|\*|\[ ?\]|\[x\])$/,
- handler: function(range, context) {
- let length = context.prefix.length;
- let [line, offset] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
- if (offset > length) return true;
- let value;
- switch (context.prefix.trim()) {
- case '[]': case '[ ]':
- value = 'unchecked';
- break;
- case '[x]':
- value = 'checked';
- break;
- case '-': case '*':
- value = 'bullet';
- break;
- default:
- value = 'ordered';
- }
- this.quill.insertText(range.index, ' ', Quill.sources.USER);
- this.quill.history.cutoff();
- let delta = new Delta().retain(range.index - offset)
- .delete(length + 1)
- .retain(line.length() - 2 - offset)
- .retain(1, { list: value });
- this.quill.updateContents(delta, Quill.sources.USER);
- this.quill.history.cutoff();
- this.quill.setSelection(range.index - length, Quill.sources.SILENT);
- }
- },
- 'code exit': {
- key: Keyboard.keys.ENTER,
- collapsed: true,
- format: ['code-block'],
- prefix: /\n\n$/,
- suffix: /^\s+$/,
- handler: function(range) {
- const [line, offset] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
- const delta = new Delta()
- .retain(range.index + line.length() - offset - 2)
- .retain(1, { 'code-block': null })
- .delete(1);
- this.quill.updateContents(delta, Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- },
- 'embed left': makeEmbedArrowHandler(Keyboard.keys.LEFT, false),
- 'embed left shift': makeEmbedArrowHandler(Keyboard.keys.LEFT, true),
- 'embed right': makeEmbedArrowHandler(Keyboard.keys.RIGHT, false),
- 'embed right shift': makeEmbedArrowHandler(Keyboard.keys.RIGHT, true)
- }
- };
- function makeEmbedArrowHandler(key, shiftKey) {
- const where = key === Keyboard.keys.LEFT ? 'prefix' : 'suffix';
- return {
- key,
- shiftKey,
- altKey: null,
- [where]: /^$/,
- handler: function(range) {
- let index = range.index;
- if (key === Keyboard.keys.RIGHT) {
- index += (range.length + 1);
- }
- const [leaf, ] = this.quill.getLeaf(index);
- if (!(leaf instanceof Parchment.Embed)) return true;
- if (key === Keyboard.keys.LEFT) {
- if (shiftKey) {
- this.quill.setSelection(range.index - 1, range.length + 1, Quill.sources.USER);
- } else {
- this.quill.setSelection(range.index - 1, Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- } else {
- if (shiftKey) {
- this.quill.setSelection(range.index, range.length + 1, Quill.sources.USER);
- } else {
- this.quill.setSelection(range.index + range.length + 1, Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- }
- function handleBackspace(range, context) {
- if (range.index === 0 || this.quill.getLength() <= 1) return;
- let [line, ] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
- let formats = {};
- if (context.offset === 0) {
- let [prev, ] = this.quill.getLine(range.index - 1);
- if (prev != null && prev.length() > 1) {
- let curFormats = line.formats();
- let prevFormats = this.quill.getFormat(range.index-1, 1);
- formats = DeltaOp.attributes.diff(curFormats, prevFormats) || {};
- }
- }
- // Check for astral symbols
- let length = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]$/.test(context.prefix) ? 2 : 1;
- this.quill.deleteText(range.index-length, length, Quill.sources.USER);
- if (Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
- this.quill.formatLine(range.index-length, length, formats, Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- this.quill.focus();
- }
- function handleDelete(range, context) {
- // Check for astral symbols
- let length = /^[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/.test(context.suffix) ? 2 : 1;
- if (range.index >= this.quill.getLength() - length) return;
- let formats = {}, nextLength = 0;
- let [line, ] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
- if (context.offset >= line.length() - 1) {
- let [next, ] = this.quill.getLine(range.index + 1);
- if (next) {
- let curFormats = line.formats();
- let nextFormats = this.quill.getFormat(range.index, 1);
- formats = DeltaOp.attributes.diff(curFormats, nextFormats) || {};
- nextLength = next.length();
- }
- }
- this.quill.deleteText(range.index, length, Quill.sources.USER);
- if (Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
- this.quill.formatLine(range.index + nextLength - 1, length, formats, Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- }
- function handleDeleteRange(range) {
- let lines = this.quill.getLines(range);
- let formats = {};
- if (lines.length > 1) {
- let firstFormats = lines[0].formats();
- let lastFormats = lines[lines.length - 1].formats();
- formats = DeltaOp.attributes.diff(lastFormats, firstFormats) || {};
- }
- this.quill.deleteText(range, Quill.sources.USER);
- if (Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
- this.quill.formatLine(range.index, 1, formats, Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- this.quill.setSelection(range.index, Quill.sources.SILENT);
- this.quill.focus();
- }
- function handleEnter(range, context) {
- if (range.length > 0) {
- this.quill.scroll.deleteAt(range.index, range.length); // So we do not trigger text-change
- }
- let lineFormats = Object.keys(context.format).reduce(function(lineFormats, format) {
- if (Parchment.query(format, Parchment.Scope.BLOCK) && !Array.isArray(context.format[format])) {
- lineFormats[format] = context.format[format];
- }
- return lineFormats;
- }, {});
- this.quill.insertText(range.index, '\n', lineFormats, Quill.sources.USER);
- // Earlier scroll.deleteAt might have messed up our selection,
- // so insertText's built in selection preservation is not reliable
- this.quill.setSelection(range.index + 1, Quill.sources.SILENT);
- this.quill.focus();
- Object.keys(context.format).forEach((name) => {
- if (lineFormats[name] != null) return;
- if (Array.isArray(context.format[name])) return;
- if (name === 'link') return;
- this.quill.format(name, context.format[name], Quill.sources.USER);
- });
- }
- function makeCodeBlockHandler(indent) {
- return {
- key: Keyboard.keys.TAB,
- shiftKey: !indent,
- format: {'code-block': true },
- handler: function(range) {
- let CodeBlock = Parchment.query('code-block');
- let index = range.index, length = range.length;
- let [block, offset] = this.quill.scroll.descendant(CodeBlock, index);
- if (block == null) return;
- let scrollIndex = this.quill.getIndex(block);
- let start = block.newlineIndex(offset, true) + 1;
- let end = block.newlineIndex(scrollIndex + offset + length);
- let lines = block.domNode.textContent.slice(start, end).split('\n');
- offset = 0;
- lines.forEach((line, i) => {
- if (indent) {
- block.insertAt(start + offset, CodeBlock.TAB);
- offset += CodeBlock.TAB.length;
- if (i === 0) {
- index += CodeBlock.TAB.length;
- } else {
- length += CodeBlock.TAB.length;
- }
- } else if (line.startsWith(CodeBlock.TAB)) {
- block.deleteAt(start + offset, CodeBlock.TAB.length);
- offset -= CodeBlock.TAB.length;
- if (i === 0) {
- index -= CodeBlock.TAB.length;
- } else {
- length -= CodeBlock.TAB.length;
- }
- }
- offset += line.length + 1;
- });
- this.quill.update(Quill.sources.USER);
- this.quill.setSelection(index, length, Quill.sources.SILENT);
- }
- };
- }
- function makeFormatHandler(format) {
- return {
- key: format[0].toUpperCase(),
- shortKey: true,
- handler: function(range, context) {
- this.quill.format(format, !context.format[format], Quill.sources.USER);
- }
- };
- }
- function normalize(binding) {
- if (typeof binding === 'string' || typeof binding === 'number') {
- return normalize({ key: binding });
- }
- if (typeof binding === 'object') {
- binding = clone(binding, false);
- }
- if (typeof binding.key === 'string') {
- if (Keyboard.keys[binding.key.toUpperCase()] != null) {
- binding.key = Keyboard.keys[binding.key.toUpperCase()];
- } else if (binding.key.length === 1) {
- binding.key = binding.key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- if (binding.shortKey) {
- binding[SHORTKEY] = binding.shortKey;
- delete binding.shortKey;
- }
- return binding;
- }
- export { Keyboard as default, SHORTKEY };