#!/usr/bin/env node const exec = require("node:child_process").execSync; const fs = require("node:fs"); const path = require("node:path"); const crypto = require("node:crypto"); const { parseArgs } = require("node:util"); const args = parseArgs({ options: { version: { type: "string" }, "dry-run": { type: "boolean", default: false }, }, }); const dryRun = args.values["dry-run"]; if (dryRun) { console.log('Running in "dry-run" mode'); } const exitWithError = (message) => { console.error(`Exit with error: ${message}`); process.exit(1); }; if (!process.env.CI) { exitWithError("The script should only be run in CI"); } exec('echo "//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN}" > ~/.npmrc'); exec('git config --global user.name "Zihua Li"'); exec('git config --global user.email "635902+luin@users.noreply.github.com"'); /* * Check that the git working directory is clean */ if (exec("git status --porcelain").length) { exitWithError( "Make sure the git working directory is clean before releasing" ); } /* * Check that the version is valid. Also extract the dist-tag from the version. */ const [version, distTag] = (() => { const inputVersion = args.values.version; if (!inputVersion) { exitWithError('Missing required argument: "--version "'); } if (inputVersion === "experimental") { const randomId = crypto .randomBytes(Math.ceil(9 / 2)) .toString("hex") .slice(0, 9); return [ `0.0.0-experimental-${randomId}-${new Date() .toISOString() .slice(0, 10) .replace(/-/g, "")}`, "experimental", ]; } const match = inputVersion.match( /^(?:[0-9]+\.){2}(?:[0-9]+)(?:-(dev|alpha|beta|rc)\.[0-9]+)?$/ ); if (!match) { exitWithError(`Invalid version: ${inputVersion}`); } return [inputVersion, match[1] || "latest"]; })(); /* * Get the current version */ const currentVersion = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync("package.json", "utf-8") ).version; console.log( `Releasing with version: ${currentVersion} -> ${version} and dist-tag: ${distTag}` ); /* * Update version in CHANGELOG.md */ console.log("Updating CHANGELOG.md and bumping versions"); const changelog = fs.readFileSync("CHANGELOG.md", "utf8"); const UNRELEASED_PLACEHOLDER = "# [Unreleased]"; const index = changelog.indexOf(UNRELEASED_PLACEHOLDER); if (index === -1) { exitWithError(`Could not find "${UNRELEASED_PLACEHOLDER}" in CHANGELOG.md`); } let nextVersionIndex = changelog.indexOf("\n# ", index); if (nextVersionIndex === -1) { nextVersionIndex = changelog.length - 1; } const releaseNots = changelog .substring(index + UNRELEASED_PLACEHOLDER.length, nextVersionIndex) .trim(); fs.writeFileSync( "CHANGELOG.md", changelog.replace( UNRELEASED_PLACEHOLDER, `${UNRELEASED_PLACEHOLDER}\n\n# ${version}` ) ); /* * Bump npm versions */ exec("git add CHANGELOG.md"); exec(`npm version ${version} --workspaces --force`); exec("git add **/package.json"); exec(`npm version ${version} --include-workspace-root --force`); if (distTag === "experimental") { console.log(`Skipping: "${pushCommand}" for experimental version`); } else { const pushCommand = `git push origin ${process.env.GITHUB_REF_NAME} --follow-tags`; if (dryRun) { console.log(`Skipping: "${pushCommand}" in dry-run mode`); } else { exec(pushCommand); } } /* * Build Quill package */ console.log("Building Quill"); exec("npm run build:quill"); /* * Publish Quill package */ console.log("Publishing Quill"); const distFolder = "packages/quill/dist"; if ( JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(distFolder, "package.json"), "utf-8")) .version !== version ) { exitWithError("Version mismatch between package.json and dist/package.json"); } exec(`npm publish --tag ${distTag}${dryRun ? " --dry-run" : ""}`, { cwd: distFolder, }); /* * Create GitHub release */ if (distTag === "experimental") { console.log("Skipping GitHub release for experimental version"); } else { const filename = `release-note-${version}-${(Math.random() * 1000) | 0}.txt`; fs.writeFileSync(filename, releaseNots); try { const prereleaseFlag = distTag === "latest" ? "--latest" : " --prerelease"; const releaseCommand = `gh release create v${version} ${prereleaseFlag} -t "Version ${version}" --notes-file "${filename}"`; if (dryRun) { console.log(`Skipping: "${releaseCommand}" in dry-run mode`); console.log(`Release note:\n${releaseNots}`); } else { exec(releaseCommand); } } finally { fs.unlinkSync(filename); } } /* * Create npm package tarball */ exec("npm pack", { cwd: distFolder });