const { version, homepage } = require('./package.json'); const cdn = process.env.USE_LOCAL_FILE ? `http://localhost:${process.env.npm_package_config_ports_webpack}` : `${version}/dist`; const siteMetadata = { version, cdn, github: '', highlightjs: '//', katex: '//', url: homepage, title: 'Quill - Your powerful rich text editor', shortTitle: 'Quill Rich Text Editor', description: 'Quill is a free, open source WYSIWYG editor built for the modern web. Completely customize it for any need with its modular architecture and expressive API.', shortDescription: 'Quill is a free, open source rich text editor built for the modern web.', }; const config = { siteMetadata, graphqlTypegen: true, plugins: [ 'gatsby-plugin-sass', { resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-react-svg', options: { rule: { include: /svg/, }, }, }, { resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem', options: { name: 'content', path: `${__dirname}/content` }, }, { resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-mdx', options: { gatsbyRemarkPlugins: [ { resolve: 'gatsby-remark-find-replace', options: { replacements: Object.keys(siteMetadata).reduce((acc, key) => { acc[`{{site.${key}}}`] = siteMetadata[key]; return acc; }, {}), prefix: false, }, }, ], }, }, { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-feed`, options: { query: ` { site { siteMetadata { url } } } `, feeds: [ { serialize: ({ query: { site, allMdx } }) => { return => { return Object.assign({}, node.frontmatter, { description: node.excerpt, date:, url: site.siteMetadata.url + node.fields.permalink, guid: site.siteMetadata.url + node.fields.permalink, }); }); }, query: ` { allMdx( sort: { fields: frontmatter___date, order: DESC } filter: { fields: { pageType: { eq: "blog" } } } ) { nodes { frontmatter { date(formatString: "DD MMM yyyy") title } fields { permalink } id body excerpt } } } `, output: '/feed.xml', title: siteMetadata.title, match: '^/blog/', }, ], }, }, { resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-google-gtag', options: { trackingIds: ['G-B37E2WMSPW'], }, }, ], }; module.exports = config;