@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+# Tandem Operational Transform Engine - v0.1.0 - #2012-12-04
+# https://www.stypi.com/
+# Copyright (c) 2012
+# Byron Milligan, Salesforce.com
+# Jason Chen, Salesforce.com
+if require?
+ _ = require('underscore')._
+ diff_match_patch = require('../lib/diff_match_patch')
+ dmp = new diff_match_patch.diff_match_patch
+Tandem =
+ Op: class Op
+ constructor: (@attributes = {})
+ addAttributes: (attributes) ->
+ addedAttributes = {}
+ for key, value of attributes
+ if @attributes[key] == undefined
+ addedAttributes[key] = value
+ return addedAttributes
+ attributesMatch: (other) ->
+ otherAttributes = other.attributes || {}
+ return _.isEqual(@attributes, otherAttributes)
+ composeAttributes: (attributes) ->
+ that = this
+ resolveAttributes = (oldAttrs, newAttrs) ->
+ return oldAttrs if !newAttrs
+ resolvedAttrs = _.clone(oldAttrs)
+ for key, value of newAttrs
+ if Delta.isInsert(that) && value == null
+ delete resolvedAttrs[key]
+ else if typeof value != 'undefined'
+ if typeof resolvedAttrs[key] == 'object' and typeof value == 'object' and _.all([resolvedAttrs[key], newAttrs[key]], ((val) -> val != null))
+ resolvedAttrs[key] = resolveAttributes(resolvedAttrs[key], value)
+ else
+ resolvedAttrs[key] = value
+ return resolvedAttrs
+ return resolveAttributes(@attributes, attributes)
+ numAttributes: () ->
+ _.keys(@attributes).length
+ toString: ->
+ printAttrs = (attrs) ->
+ attr_str = ""
+ for key, value of @attributes
+ attr_str += key + ":"
+ if typeof value == 'object' and value != null
+ attr_str += "{" + printAttrs(value) + "},"
+ else
+ attr_str += value + ","
+ return "{" + attr_str + "}"
+ return printAttrs(@attributes)
+ # Used to represent retains in the delta. [inclusive, exclusive)
+ RetainOp: class RetainOp extends Op
+ constructor: (@start, @end, @attributes = {}) ->
+ console.assert(@start >= 0, "RetainOp start cannot be negative!", @start)
+ console.assert(@end >= @start, "RetainOp end must be >= start!", @start, @end)
+ @copy: (subject) ->
+ console.assert(RetainOp.isRetain(subject), "Copy called on non-retain", subject)
+ attributes = _.clone(subject.attributes)
+ return new RetainOp(subject.start, subject.end, attributes)
+ getLength: ->
+ return @end - @start
+ split: (offset) ->
+ console.assert(offset <= @end, "Split called with offset beyond end of retain")
+ left = new RetainOp(@start, @start + offset, @attributes)
+ right = new RetainOp(@start + offset, @end, @attributes)
+ return [left, right]
+ toString: ->
+ return "{{#{@start} - #{@end}), #{super()}}"
+ @isRetain: (r) ->
+ return r? && typeof r.start == "number" && typeof r.end == "number"
+ InsertOp: class InsertOp extends Op
+ constructor: (@value, @attributes = {}) ->
+ @copy: (subject) ->
+ attributes = _.clone(subject.attributes)
+ return new InsertOp(subject.value, attributes)
+ getAt: (start, length) ->
+ return new InsertOp(@value.substring(start, length), op.attributes)
+ getLength: ->
+ return @value.length
+ join: (other) ->
+ if _.isEqual(@attributes, other.attributes)
+ return new InsertOp(@value + second.value, @attributes)
+ else
+ throw Error
+ split: (offset) ->
+ console.assert(offset <= @value.length, "Split called with offset beyond end of insert")
+ left = new InsertOp(@value.substring(0, offset), @attributes)
+ right = new InsertOp(@value.substring(offset), @attributes)
+ return [left, right]
+ toString: ->
+ return "{#{@value}, #{super()}}"
+ @isInsert: (i) ->
+ return i? && typeof i.value == "string"
+ Delta: class Delta
+ constructor: (@startLength, @endLength, @ops, skipNormalizing = false) ->
+ if @ops == undefined
+ @ops = @endLength
+ @endLength = _.reduce(@ops, (len, op) ->
+ return len + op.getLength()
+ , 0)
+ else if typeof @ops == 'boolean'
+ skipNormalizing = @ops
+ @ops = @endLength
+ @endLength = _.reduce(@ops, (len, op) ->
+ return len + op.getLength()
+ , 0)
+ if !skipNormalizing
+ normalized = this.normalizeChanges()
+ @ops = normalized.ops
+ length = 0
+ for op in @ops
+ length += op.getLength()
+ console.assert(length == @endLength, "Given end length is incorrect", this)
+ isIdentity: ->
+ if @startLength == @endLength
+ if @ops.length == 0
+ return true
+ index = 0
+ for op in @ops
+ if !RetainOp.isRetain(op) then return false
+ if op.start != index then return false
+ if !(op.numAttributes() == 0 || (op.numAttributes() == 1 && _.has(op.attributes, 'authorId')))
+ return false
+ index = op.end
+ if index != @endLength then return false
+ return true
+ return false
+ normalizeChanges: ->
+ return Delta.copy(this) if @ops.length == 0
+ normalizedOps = []
+ for op in @ops
+ switch typeof op
+ when 'string' then normalizedOps.push(new InsertOp(op))
+ when 'number' then normalizedOps.push(new RetainOp(op, op + 1))
+ when 'object'
+ if op.value?
+ normalizedOps.push(new InsertOp(op.value, op.attributes))
+ else if op.start? && op.end?
+ normalizedOps.push(new RetainOp(op.start, op.end, op.attributes))
+ normalizedOps = _.reject(normalizedOps, (op) -> op.getLength() == 0)
+ return new Delta(this.startLength, this.endLength, normalizedOps, true)
+ compact: ->
+ normalized = this.normalizeChanges()
+ compacted = []
+ for op in normalized.ops
+ if compacted.length == 0
+ compacted.push(op) unless RetainOp.isRetain(op) && op.start == op.end
+ else
+ if RetainOp.isRetain(op) && op.start == op.end
+ continue
+ last = _.last(compacted)
+ if Delta.isInsert(last) && Delta.isInsert(op) && last.attributesMatch(op)
+ # If two neighboring inserts, combine
+ last.value = last.value + op.value
+ else if RetainOp.isRetain(last) && RetainOp.isRetain(op) && last.end == op.start && last.attributesMatch(op)
+ # If two neighboring ranges first's end + 1 == second's start, combine
+ last.end = op.end
+ else
+ # Cannot coalesce with previous
+ compacted.push(op)
+ return new Delta(this.startLength, this.endLength, compacted)
+ getOpsAt: (start, length) ->
+ changes = []
+ index = 0
+ if typeof length == 'undefined'
+ if typeof start == 'number'
+ range = new RetainOp(start, start + 1)
+ else
+ range = RetainOp.copy(start)
+ else
+ range = new RetainOp(start, start + length)
+ for op in @ops
+ if range.start == range.end then break
+ console.assert(Delta.isRetain(op) || Delta.isInsert(op), "Invalid change in op", this)
+ length = op.getLength()
+ if index <= range.start && range.start < index + length
+ start = Math.max(index, range.start)
+ end = Math.min(index + length, range.end)
+ if Delta.isInsert(op)
+ changes.push(new InsertOp(op.value.substring(start - index, end -
+ index), _.clone(op.attributes)))
+ else
+ changes.push(new RetainOp(start - index + op.start, end - index +
+ op.start, _.clone(op.attributes)))
+ range.start = end
+ index += length
+ return changes
+ @copy: (subject) ->
+ changes = []
+ for op in subject.ops
+ if Delta.isRetain(op)
+ changes.push(RetainOp.copy(op))
+ else
+ changes.push(InsertOp.copy(op))
+ return new Delta(subject.startLength, subject.endLength, changes, true)
+ @getInitial: (contents) ->
+ return new Delta(0, contents.length, [new InsertOp(contents)])
+ @getIdentity: (length) ->
+ delta = new Delta(length, length, [new RetainOp(0, length)])
+ return delta
+ @isDelta: (delta) ->
+ if (delta? && typeof delta == "object" && typeof delta.startLength == "number" &&
+ typeof delta.endLength == "number" && typeof delta.ops == "object")
+ for op in delta.ops
+ if !Delta.isRetain(op) && !Delta.isInsert(op)
+ return false
+ return true
+ return false
+ @makeDelta: (obj, skipNormalizing = false) ->
+ return new Delta(obj.startLength, obj.endLength, obj.ops, skipNormalizing)
+ @isInsert: (change) ->
+ return InsertOp.isInsert(change)
+ @isRetain: (change) ->
+ return RetainOp.isRetain(change) || typeof(change) == "number"
+ toString: ->
+ return "{(#{@startLength}->#{@endLength})[#{@ops.join(', ')}]}"
+ diff: (other) ->
+ diffToDelta = (diff) ->
+ console.assert(diff.length > 0, "diffToDelta called with diff with length <= 0")
+ originalLength = 0
+ finalLength = 0
+ ops = []
+ # For each difference apply them separately so we do not disrupt the cursor
+ for [operation, value] in diff
+ switch operation
+ when diff_match_patch.DIFF_DELETE
+ # Deletes implied
+ originalLength += value.length
+ when diff_match_patch.DIFF_INSERT
+ ops.push(new InsertOp(value))
+ finalLength += value.length
+ when diff_match_patch.DIFF_EQUAL
+ ops.push(new RetainOp(originalLength, originalLength + value.length))
+ originalLength += value.length
+ finalLength += value.length
+ return new Delta(originalLength, finalLength, ops)
+ deltaToText = (delta) ->
+ return _.map(delta.ops, (op) ->
+ return if op.value? then op.value else ""
+ ).join('')
+ diffTexts = (oldText, newText) ->
+ diff = dmp.diff_main(oldText, newText)
+ if (diff.length > 2)
+ dmp.diff_cleanupEfficiency(diff)
+ return diff
+ textA = deltaToText(this)
+ textC = deltaToText(other)
+ unless textA == '' and textC == ''
+ diff = diffTexts(textA, textC)
+ insertDelta = diffToDelta(diff)
+ else
+ insertDelta = new Delta(0, 0, [])
+ return insertDelta
+ # Inserts in deltaB are given priority. Retains in deltaB are indexes into A,
+ # and we take whatever is there (insert or retain).
+ compose: (deltaB) ->
+ console.assert(Delta.isDelta(deltaB), "Compose called when deltaB is not a Delta, type: " + typeof deltaB)
+ console.assert(@endLength == deltaB.startLength, "startLength #{deltaB.startLength} / endlength #{this.endLength} mismatch")
+ deltaA = Delta.copy(this)
+ deltaB = Delta.copy(deltaB)
+ deltaA = deltaA.normalizeChanges()
+ deltaB = deltaB.normalizeChanges()
+ composed = []
+ for elem in deltaB.ops
+ elem = new InsertOp(elem) if typeof elem == 'string'
+ if Delta.isInsert(elem)
+ composed.push(elem)
+ else if Delta.isRetain(elem)
+ opsInRange = deltaA.getOpsAt(elem)
+ opsInRange = _.map(opsInRange, (op) ->
+ if Delta.isInsert(op)
+ return new InsertOp(op.value, op.composeAttributes(elem.attributes))
+ else
+ return new RetainOp(op.start, op.end, op.composeAttributes(elem.attributes))
+ )
+ composed = composed.concat(opsInRange)
+ else
+ console.assert(false, "Invalid op in deltaB when composing", deltaB)
+ deltaC = new Delta(deltaA.startLength, deltaB.endLength, composed)
+ deltaC = deltaC.compact()
+ console.assert(Delta.isDelta(deltaC), "Composed returning invalid Delta", deltaC)
+ return deltaC
+ # For each element in deltaC, compare it to the current element in deltaA in
+ # order to construct deltaB. Given A and C, there is more than one valid B.
+ # Its impossible to guarantee that decompose yields the actual B that was
+ # used in the original composition. However, the function is deterministic in
+ # which of the possible B's it chooses. How it works:
+ # 1. Inserts in deltaC are matched against the current elem in deltaA. If
+ # there is a match, we create a corresponding retain in deltaB. Otherwise,
+ # we create an insertion in deltaB.
+ # 2. Retains in deltaC become retains in deltaB, which reference the original
+ # retain in deltaA.
+ decompose: (deltaA) ->
+ deltaC = this
+ console.assert(Delta.isDelta(deltaA), "Decompose2 called when deltaA is not a Delta, type: " + typeof deltaA)
+ console.assert(deltaA.startLength == @startLength, "startLength #{deltaA.startLength} / startLength #{@startLength} mismatch")
+ console.assert(_.all(deltaA.ops, ((op) -> return op.value?)), "DeltaA has retain in decompose")
+ console.assert(_.all(deltaC.ops, ((op) -> return op.value?)), "DeltaC has retain in decompose")
+ decomposeAttributes = (attrA, attrC) ->
+ decomposedAttributes = {}
+ for key, value of attrC
+ if attrA[key] == undefined or attrA[key] != value
+ if attrA[key] != null and typeof attrA[key] == 'object' and value != null and typeof value == 'object'
+ decomposedAttributes[key] = decomposeAttributes(attrA[key], value)
+ else
+ decomposedAttributes[key] = value
+ for key, value of attrA
+ if attrC[key] == undefined
+ decomposedAttributes[key] = null
+ return decomposedAttributes
+ insertDelta = deltaA.diff(deltaC)
+ ops = []
+ offset = 0
+ _.each(insertDelta.ops, (op) ->
+ opsInC = deltaC.getOpsAt(offset, op.getLength())
+ offsetC = 0
+ _.each(opsInC, (opInC) ->
+ if Delta.isInsert(op)
+ d = new InsertOp(op.value.substring(offsetC, offsetC + opInC.getLength()), opInC.attributes)
+ ops.push(d)
+ else if Delta.isRetain(op)
+ opsInA = deltaA.getOpsAt(op.start + offsetC, opInC.getLength())
+ offsetA = 0
+ _.each(opsInA, (opInA) ->
+ attributes = decomposeAttributes(opInA.attributes, opInC.attributes)
+ start = op.start + offsetA + offsetC
+ e = new RetainOp(start, start + opInA.getLength(), attributes)
+ ops.push(e)
+ offsetA += opInA.getLength()
+ )
+ else
+ console.error("Invalid delta in deltaB when composing", deltaB)
+ offsetC += opInC.getLength()
+ )
+ offset += op.getLength()
+ )
+ deltaB = new Delta(insertDelta.startLength, insertDelta.endLength, ops)
+ deltaB = deltaB.compact()
+ return deltaB
+ # We compute the follow according to the following rules:
+ # 1. Insertions in deltaA become retained characters in the follow set
+ # 2. Insertions in deltaB become inserted characters in the follow set
+ # 3. Characters retained in deltaA and deltaB become retained characters in
+ # the follow set
+ follows: (deltaA, aIsRemote) ->
+ deltaB = this
+ console.assert(Delta.isDelta(deltaA), "Follows called when deltaA is not a Delta, type: " + typeof deltaA, deltaA)
+ console.assert(aIsRemote?, "Remote delta not specified")
+ deltaA = Delta.copy(deltaA)
+ deltaB = Delta.copy(deltaB)
+ deltaA = deltaA.normalizeChanges()
+ deltaB = deltaB.normalizeChanges()
+ followStartLength = deltaA.endLength
+ followSet = []
+ indexA = indexB = 0 # Tracks character offset in the 'document'
+ elemIndexA = elemIndexB = 0 # Tracks offset into the ops list
+ while elemIndexA < deltaA.ops.length and elemIndexB < deltaB.ops.length
+ elemA = deltaA.ops[elemIndexA]
+ elemB = deltaB.ops[elemIndexB]
+ if Delta.isInsert(elemA) and Delta.isInsert(elemB)
+ length = Math.min(elemA.getLength(), elemB.getLength())
+ if aIsRemote
+ followSet.push(new RetainOp(indexA, indexA + length))
+ indexA += length
+ if length == elemA.getLength()
+ elemIndexA++
+ else
+ console.assert(length < elemA.getLength())
+ deltaA.ops[elemIndexA] = _.last(elemA.split(length))
+ else
+ followSet.push(_.first(elemB.split(length)))
+ indexB += length
+ if length == elemB.getLength()
+ elemIndexB++
+ else
+ deltaB.ops[elemIndexB] = _.last(elemB.split(length))
+ else if Delta.isRetain(elemA) and Delta.isRetain(elemB)
+ if elemA.end < elemB.start
+ # Not a match, can't save. Throw away lower and adv.
+ indexA += elemA.getLength()
+ elemIndexA++
+ else if elemB.end < elemA.start
+ # Not a match, can't save. Throw away lower and adv.
+ indexB += elemB.getLength()
+ elemIndexB++
+ else
+ # A subrange or the entire range matches
+ if elemA.start < elemB.start
+ indexA += elemB.start - elemA.start
+ elemA = deltaA.ops[elemIndexA] = new RetainOp(elemB.start, elemA.end, elemA.attributes)
+ else if elemB.start < elemA.start
+ indexB += elemA.start - elemB.start
+ elemB = deltaB.ops[elemIndexB] = new RetainOp(elemA.start, elemB.end, elemB.attributes)
+ console.assert(elemA.start == elemB.start, "RetainOps must have same
+ start length when propagating into followset", elemA, elemB)
+ length = Math.min(elemA.end, elemB.end) - elemA.start
+ addedAttributes = elemA.addAttributes(elemB.attributes)
+ followSet.push(new RetainOp(indexA, indexA + length, addedAttributes)) # Keep the retain
+ indexA += length
+ indexB += length
+ if (elemA.end == elemB.end)
+ elemIndexA++
+ elemIndexB++
+ else if (elemA.end < elemB.end)
+ elemIndexA++
+ deltaB.ops[elemIndexB] = _.last(elemB.split(length))
+ else
+ deltaA.ops[elemIndexA] = _.last(elemA.split(length))
+ elemIndexB++
+ else if Delta.isInsert(elemA) and Delta.isRetain(elemB)
+ followSet.push(new RetainOp(indexA, indexA + elemA.getLength()))
+ indexA += elemA.getLength()
+ elemIndexA++
+ else if Delta.isRetain(elemA) and Delta.isInsert(elemB)
+ followSet.push(elemB)
+ indexB += elemB.getLength()
+ elemIndexB++
+ else
+ console.warn("Mismatch. elemA is: " + typeof(elemA) + ", elemB is: " + typeof(elemB))
+ # Remaining loops account for different length ops, only inserts will be
+ # accepted
+ while elemIndexA < deltaA.ops.length
+ elemA = deltaA.ops[elemIndexA]
+ followSet.push(new RetainOp(indexA, indexA + elemA.getLength())) if Delta.isInsert(elemA) # retain elemA
+ indexA += elemA.getLength()
+ elemIndexA++
+ while elemIndexB < deltaB.ops.length
+ elemB = deltaB.ops[elemIndexB]
+ followSet.push(elemB) if Delta.isInsert(elemB) # insert elemB
+ indexB += elemB.getLength()
+ elemIndexB++
+ followEndLength = 0
+ for elem in followSet
+ followEndLength += elem.getLength()
+ follow = new Delta(followStartLength, followEndLength, followSet, true)
+ follow = follow.compact()
+ console.assert(Delta.isDelta(follow), "Follows returning invalid Delta", follow)
+ return follow
+ applyToText: (text) ->
+ delta = this
+ console.assert(text.length == delta.startLength, "Start length of delta: " + delta.startLength + " is not equal to the text: " + text.length)
+ appliedText = []
+ for elem in delta.ops
+ if Delta.isInsert(elem)
+ appliedText.push(elem.value)
+ else
+ appliedText.push(text.substring(elem.start, elem.end))
+ result = appliedText.join("")
+ if delta.endLength != result.length
+ console.log "Delta", delta
+ console.log "text", text
+ console.log "result", result
+ console.assert(false, "End length of delta: " + delta.endLength + " is not equal to result text: " + result.length )
+ return result
+# Expose this code to other files
+root = if (typeof exports != "undefined" && exports != null) then exports else window
+root.Tandem = Tandem