/* * Gearman PHP Extension * * Copyright (C) 2008 James M. Luedke , * Eric Day * All rights reserved. * * Use and distribution licensed under the PHP license. See * the LICENSE file in this directory for full text. */ #include "php_gearman_task.h" #include "php_gearman_client.h" inline gearman_client_obj *gearman_client_fetch_object(zend_object *obj) { return (gearman_client_obj *)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(gearman_client_obj, std)); } static void gearman_client_ctor(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS) { gearman_client_obj *client; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } client = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(return_value); if (gearman_client_create(&(client->client)) == NULL) { GEARMAN_EXCEPTION("Memory allocation failure", 0); } client->flags |= GEARMAN_CLIENT_OBJ_CREATED; gearman_client_add_options(&(client->client), GEARMAN_CLIENT_FREE_TASKS); gearman_client_set_workload_malloc_fn(&(client->client), _php_malloc, NULL); gearman_client_set_workload_free_fn(&(client->client), _php_free, NULL); gearman_client_set_task_context_free_fn(&(client->client), _php_task_free); } /* {{{ proto object gearman_client_create() Returns a GearmanClient object */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_create) { if (object_init_ex(return_value, gearman_client_ce) != SUCCESS) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Object creation failure."); RETURN_FALSE; } gearman_client_ctor(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } inline zend_object *gearman_client_obj_new(zend_class_entry *ce) { gearman_client_obj *intern = ecalloc(1, sizeof(gearman_client_obj) + zend_object_properties_size(ce)); zend_object_std_init(&(intern->std), ce); object_properties_init(&intern->std, ce); array_init(&intern->task_list); intern->created_tasks = 0; intern->std.handlers = &gearman_client_obj_handlers; return &intern->std; } /* {{{ proto object GearmanClient::__construct() Returns a GearmanClient object */ PHP_METHOD(GearmanClient, __construct) { return_value = getThis(); gearman_client_ctor(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto object GearmanClient::__destruct() cleans up GearmanClient object */ PHP_METHOD(GearmanClient, __destruct) { char *context = NULL; gearman_client_obj *intern = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(getThis()); if (!intern) { return; } context = gearman_client_context(&(intern->client)); efree(context); if (intern->flags & GEARMAN_CLIENT_OBJ_CREATED) { gearman_client_free(&intern->client); } // Clear Callbacks zval_dtor(&intern->zworkload_fn); zval_dtor(&intern->zcreated_fn); zval_dtor(&intern->zdata_fn); zval_dtor(&intern->zwarning_fn); zval_dtor(&intern->zstatus_fn); zval_dtor(&intern->zcomplete_fn); zval_dtor(&intern->zexception_fn); zval_dtor(&intern->zfail_fn); zval_dtor(&intern->task_list); zend_object_std_dtor(&intern->std); } /* {{{ proto int gearman_client_return_code() get last gearman_return_t */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_return_code) { gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_NULL(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); RETURN_LONG(obj->ret); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string gearman_client_error() Return an error string for the last error encountered. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_error) { char *error = NULL; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_NULL(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); error = (char *)gearman_client_error(&(obj->client)); if (error) { RETURN_STRING(error) } RETURN_FALSE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int gearman_client_get_errno() Value of errno in the case of a GEARMAN_ERRNO return value. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_get_errno) { gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_NULL(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); RETURN_LONG(gearman_client_errno(&(obj->client))) } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int gearman_client_options() Get options for a client structure. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_options) { gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_NULL(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); RETURN_LONG(gearman_client_options(&(obj->client))) } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void gearman_client_set_options(constant option) Set options for a client structure. NOTE: this is deprecated in gearmand */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_options) { zend_long options; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Ol", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &options) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); gearman_client_set_options(&(obj->client), options); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void GearmanClient::addOptions(constant option) Set options for a client structure. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_add_options) { zend_long options; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Ol", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &options) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); gearman_client_add_options(&(obj->client), options); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void GearmanClient::removeOptions(constant option) Set options for a client structure. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_remove_options) { zend_long options; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Ol", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &options) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); gearman_client_remove_options(&(obj->client), options); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_timeout) { gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_NULL(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); RETURN_LONG(gearman_client_timeout(&(obj->client))) } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void gearman_client_set_timeout(object, constant timeout) Set timeout for a client structure. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_timeout) { zend_long timeout; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Ol", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &timeout) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); gearman_client_set_timeout(&(obj->client), timeout); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool gearman_client_add_server(object client [, string host [, int * port [, bool setupExceptionHandler ]]]) Add a job server to a client. This goes into a list of servers than can be used to run tasks. No socket I/O happens here, it is just added to a list. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_add_server) { char *host = NULL; size_t host_len = 0; zend_long port = 0; zend_bool setupExceptionHandler = 1; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O|slb", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &host, &host_len, &port, &setupExceptionHandler) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); obj->ret = gearman_client_add_server(&(obj->client), host, port); if (obj->ret != GEARMAN_SUCCESS) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); RETURN_FALSE; } if (setupExceptionHandler && !gearman_client_set_server_option(&(obj->client), "exceptions", (sizeof("exceptions") - 1))) { GEARMAN_EXCEPTION("Failed to set exception option", 0); } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool gearman_client_add_servers(object client [, string servers [, bool setupExceptionHandler ]]) Add a list of job servers to a client. This goes into a list of servers that can be used to run tasks. No socket I/O happens here, it is just added to a list. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_add_servers) { char *servers = NULL; size_t servers_len = 0; zend_bool setupExceptionHandler = 1; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O|sb", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &servers, &servers_len, &setupExceptionHandler) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); obj->ret = gearman_client_add_servers(&(obj->client), servers); if (obj->ret != GEARMAN_SUCCESS) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); RETURN_FALSE; } if (setupExceptionHandler && !gearman_client_set_server_option(&(obj->client), "exceptions", (sizeof("exceptions") - 1))) { GEARMAN_EXCEPTION("Failed to set exception option", 0); } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::wait() Wait for I/O activity on all connections in a client. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_wait) { gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); obj->ret = gearman_client_wait(&(obj->client)); if (! PHP_GEARMAN_CLIENT_RET_OK(obj->ret)) { if (obj->ret != GEARMAN_TIMEOUT) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); } RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto object gearman_client_do_work_handler(void *add_task_func, object client, string function, zval workload [, string unique ]) Run a task, high/normal/low dependent upon do_work_func */ static void gearman_client_do_work_handler(void* (*do_work_func)( gearman_client_st *client, const char *function_name, const char *unique, const void *workload, size_t workload_size, size_t *result_size, gearman_return_t *ret_ptr ), INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS) { char *function_name; size_t function_name_len; char *workload; size_t workload_len; char *unique = NULL; size_t unique_len = 0; void *result; size_t result_size = 0; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Oss|s", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &function_name, &function_name_len, &workload, &workload_len, &unique, &unique_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); result = (char *)(*do_work_func)( &(obj->client), function_name, unique, workload, (size_t)workload_len, &result_size, &(obj)->ret ); if (! PHP_GEARMAN_CLIENT_RET_OK(obj->ret)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } /* NULL results are valid */ if (! result) { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } RETURN_STRINGL((char *)result, (long) result_size); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string GearmanClient::doNormal(string function, string workload [, string unique ]) Run a single task and return an allocated result. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_do_normal) { gearman_client_do_work_handler(gearman_client_do, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string GearmanClient::doHigh(object client, string function, string workload [, string unique ]) Run a high priority task and return an allocated result. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_do_high) { gearman_client_do_work_handler(gearman_client_do_high, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array GearmanClient::doLow(object client, string function, string workload [, string unique ]) Run a low priority task and return an allocated result. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_do_low) { gearman_client_do_work_handler(gearman_client_do_low, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto object gearman_client_do_background_work_handler(void *add_task_func, object client, string function, zval workload [, string unique ]) Run a task in the background, high/normal/low dependent upon do_work_func */ static void gearman_client_do_background_work_handler(gearman_return_t (*do_background_work_func)( gearman_client_st *client, const char *function_name, const char *unique, const void *workload, size_t workload_size, gearman_job_handle_t job_handle ), INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS) { char *function_name; size_t function_name_len; char *workload; size_t workload_len; char *unique = NULL; size_t unique_len = 0; zend_string *job_handle; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Oss|s!", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &function_name, &function_name_len, &workload, &workload_len, &unique, &unique_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); job_handle = zend_string_alloc(GEARMAN_JOB_HANDLE_SIZE-1, 0); obj->ret = (*do_background_work_func)( &(obj->client), (char *)function_name, (char *)unique, (void *)workload, (size_t)workload_len, job_handle->val ); ZSTR_LEN(job_handle) = strnlen(ZSTR_VAL(job_handle), GEARMAN_JOB_HANDLE_SIZE-1); if (! PHP_GEARMAN_CLIENT_RET_OK(obj->ret)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); zend_string_release(job_handle); RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } if (! job_handle) { zend_string_release(job_handle); RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } RETURN_STR(job_handle); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string GearmanClient::doBackground(string function, string workload [, string unique ]) Run a task in the background. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_do_background) { gearman_client_do_background_work_handler(gearman_client_do_background, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string GearmanClient::doHighBackground(string function, string workload [, string unique ]) Run a high priority task in the background. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_do_high_background) { gearman_client_do_background_work_handler(gearman_client_do_high_background, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string GearmanClient::doLowBackground(string function, string workload [, string unique ]) Run a low priority task in the background. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_do_low_background) { gearman_client_do_background_work_handler(gearman_client_do_low_background, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string GearmanClient::doJobHandle() Get the job handle for the running task. This should be used between repeated gearman_client_do_normal() and gearman_client_do_high() calls to get information. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_do_job_handle) { gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); RETURN_STRING((char *)gearman_client_do_job_handle(&(obj->client))) } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array GearmanClient::doStatus() Get the status for the running task. This should be used between repeated gearman_client_do() and gearman_client_do_high() calls to get information. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_do_status) { uint32_t numerator; uint32_t denominator; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); gearman_client_do_status(&(obj->client), &numerator, &denominator); array_init(return_value); add_next_index_long(return_value, (long) numerator); add_next_index_long(return_value, (long) denominator); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array GearmanClient::jobStatus(string job_handle) Get the status for a backgound job. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_job_status) { char *job_handle; size_t job_handle_len; bool is_known; bool is_running; uint32_t numerator; uint32_t denominator; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Os", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &job_handle, &job_handle_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); obj->ret = gearman_client_job_status(&(obj->client), job_handle, &is_known, &is_running, &numerator, &denominator); if (obj->ret != GEARMAN_SUCCESS && obj->ret != GEARMAN_IO_WAIT) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); } array_init(return_value); add_next_index_bool(return_value, is_known); add_next_index_bool(return_value, is_running); add_next_index_long(return_value, (long) numerator); add_next_index_long(return_value, (long) denominator); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array GearmanClient::jobStatusByUniqueKey(string unique_key) Get the status for a backgound job using the unique key passed in during job submission, rather than job handle. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_job_status_by_unique_key) { char *unique_key; size_t unique_key_len; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Os", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &unique_key, &unique_key_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); gearman_status_t status = gearman_client_unique_status(&(obj->client), unique_key, unique_key_len); gearman_return_t rc = gearman_status_return(status); if (rc != GEARMAN_SUCCESS && rc != GEARMAN_IO_WAIT) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); } array_init(return_value); add_next_index_bool(return_value, gearman_status_is_known(status)); add_next_index_bool(return_value, gearman_status_is_running(status)); add_next_index_long(return_value, (long) gearman_status_numerator(status)); add_next_index_long(return_value, (long) gearman_status_denominator(status)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::ping(string workload) Send data to all job servers to see if they send it back. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_ping) { char *workload; size_t workload_len; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Os", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &workload, &workload_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); obj->ret = gearman_client_echo(&(obj->client), workload, (size_t)workload_len); if (obj->ret != GEARMAN_SUCCESS && obj->ret != GEARMAN_IO_WAIT) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto object gearman_client_add_task_handler(void *add_task_func, object client, string function, zval workload [, string unique ]) Add a task to be run in parallel, background or not, high/normal/low dependent upon add_task_func. */ static void gearman_client_add_task_handler(gearman_task_st* (*add_task_func)( gearman_client_st *client, gearman_task_st *task, void *context, const char *function_name, const char *unique, const void *workload, size_t workload_size, gearman_return_t *ret_ptr), INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS) { zval *zworkload; zval *zdata = NULL; gearman_task_obj *task; char *unique; char *function_name; size_t unique_len = 0; size_t function_name_len = 0; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; // TODO - the documentation on php.net differs from this // As found, this doesn't allow for user to pass in context. if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Osz|zs", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &function_name, &function_name_len, &zworkload, &zdata, &unique, &unique_len ) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); if (unique_len == 0) { unique = NULL; } if (Z_TYPE_P(zworkload) != IS_STRING) { convert_to_string(zworkload); } /* get a task object, and prepare it for return */ if (object_init_ex(return_value, gearman_task_ce) != SUCCESS) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "GearmanTask Object creation failure."); RETURN_FALSE; } task = Z_GEARMAN_TASK_P(return_value); if (zdata) { ZVAL_COPY(&task->zdata, zdata); } ZVAL_COPY(&task->zworkload, zworkload); /* need to store a ref to the client for later access to cb's */ ZVAL_COPY(&task->zclient, zobj); /* add the task */ task->task = (*add_task_func)( &(obj->client), task->task, (void *)task, function_name, unique, Z_STRVAL_P(zworkload), (size_t) Z_STRLEN_P(zworkload), &obj->ret ); if (obj->ret != GEARMAN_SUCCESS) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); RETURN_FALSE; } task->flags |= GEARMAN_TASK_OBJ_CREATED; task->task_id = ++obj->created_tasks; // prepend task to list of tasks on client obj Z_ADDREF_P(return_value); add_index_zval(&obj->task_list, task->task_id, return_value); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto object GearmanClient::addTask(string function, zval workload [, string unique ]) Add a task to be run in parallel. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_add_task) { gearman_client_add_task_handler(gearman_client_add_task, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto object GearmanClient::addTaskHigh(string function, zval workload [, string unique ]) Add a high priority task to be run in parallel. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_add_task_high) { gearman_client_add_task_handler(gearman_client_add_task_high, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto object GearmanClient::addTaskLow(string function, zval workload [, string unique ]) Add a low priority task to be run in parallel. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_add_task_low) { gearman_client_add_task_handler(gearman_client_add_task_low, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto object GearmanClient::addTaskBackground(string function, zval workload [, string unique ]) Add a background task to be run in parallel. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_add_task_background) { gearman_client_add_task_handler(gearman_client_add_task_background, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto object GearmanClient::addTaskHighBackground(string function, zval workload [, string unique ]) Add a high priority background task to be run in parallel. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_add_task_high_background) { gearman_client_add_task_handler(gearman_client_add_task_high_background, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto object GearmanClient::addTaskLowBackground(string function, zval workload [, string unique ]) Add a low priority background task to be run in parallel. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_add_task_low_background) { gearman_client_add_task_handler(gearman_client_add_task_low_background, INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool gearman_client_run_tasks(object client) Run tasks that have been added in parallel */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_run_tasks) { gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); obj->ret = gearman_client_run_tasks(&(obj->client)); if (! PHP_GEARMAN_CLIENT_RET_OK(obj->ret)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* this function is used to request status information from the gearmand * server. it will then call your predefined status callback, passing * zdata/context to it */ /* {{{ proto object gearman_client_add_task_status(object client, string job_handle [, zval data]) Add task to get the status for a backgound task in parallel. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_add_task_status) { zval *zdata = NULL; char *job_handle; size_t job_handle_len = 0; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; gearman_task_obj *task; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Os|z", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &job_handle, &job_handle_len, &zdata ) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); /* get a task object, and prepare it for return */ if (object_init_ex(return_value, gearman_task_ce) != SUCCESS) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "GearmanTask Object creation failure."); RETURN_FALSE; } task = Z_GEARMAN_TASK_P(return_value); if (zdata) { ZVAL_COPY(&task->zdata, zdata); } /* need to store a ref to the client for later access to cb's */ ZVAL_COPY(&task->zclient, zobj); /* add the task */ task->task = gearman_client_add_task_status(&(obj->client), task->task, (void *)task, job_handle, &obj->ret ); if (obj->ret != GEARMAN_SUCCESS) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s", gearman_client_error(&(obj->client))); RETURN_FALSE; } task->flags |= GEARMAN_TASK_OBJ_CREATED; // prepend task to list of tasks on client obj Z_ADDREF_P(return_value); add_next_index_zval(&obj->task_list, return_value); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::setWorkloadCallback(callback function) Callback function when workload data needs to be sent for a task. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_workload_callback) { zval *zworkload_fn; zend_string *callable = NULL; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Oz", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &zworkload_fn ) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); /* check that the function is callable */ if (! zend_is_callable(zworkload_fn, 0, &callable)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "function %s is not callable", callable->val); zend_string_release(callable); RETURN_FALSE; } zend_string_release(callable); /* Defining callback again? Clean up old one first */ if (!Z_ISUNDEF(obj->zworkload_fn)) { zval_dtor(&obj->zworkload_fn); } /* store the cb in client object */ ZVAL_COPY(&obj->zworkload_fn, zworkload_fn); /* set the callback for php */ gearman_client_set_workload_fn(&(obj->client), _php_task_workload_fn); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::setCreatedCallback(callback function) Callback function when workload data needs to be sent for a task. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_created_callback) { zval *zcreated_fn; zend_string *callable = NULL; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Oz", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &zcreated_fn ) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); /* check that the function is callable */ if (! zend_is_callable(zcreated_fn, 0, &callable)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "function %s is not callable", callable->val); zend_string_release(callable); RETURN_FALSE; } zend_string_release(callable); /* Defining callback again? Clean up old one first */ if (!Z_ISUNDEF(obj->zcreated_fn)) { zval_dtor(&obj->zcreated_fn); } /* store the cb in client object */ ZVAL_COPY(&obj->zcreated_fn, zcreated_fn); /* set the callback for php */ gearman_client_set_created_fn(&(obj->client), _php_task_created_fn); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::setDataCallback(callback function) Callback function when there is a data packet for a task. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_data_callback) { zval *zdata_fn; zend_string *callable = NULL; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Oz", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &zdata_fn ) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); /* check that the function is callable */ if (! zend_is_callable(zdata_fn, 0, &callable)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "function %s is not callable", callable->val); zend_string_release(callable); RETURN_FALSE; } zend_string_release(callable); /* Defining callback again? Clean up old one first */ if (!Z_ISUNDEF(obj->zdata_fn)) { zval_dtor(&obj->zdata_fn); } /* store the cb in client object */ ZVAL_COPY(&obj->zdata_fn, zdata_fn); /* set the callback for php */ gearman_client_set_data_fn(&(obj->client), _php_task_data_fn); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::setWarningCallback(callback function) Callback function when there is a warning packet for a task. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_warning_callback) { zval *zwarning_fn; zend_string *callable = NULL; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Oz", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &zwarning_fn ) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); /* check that the function is callable */ if (! zend_is_callable(zwarning_fn, 0, &callable)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "function %s is not callable", callable->val); zend_string_release(callable); RETURN_FALSE; } zend_string_release(callable); /* Defining callback again? Clean up old one first */ if (!Z_ISUNDEF(obj->zwarning_fn)) { zval_dtor(&obj->zwarning_fn); } /* store the cb in client object */ ZVAL_COPY(&obj->zwarning_fn, zwarning_fn); /* set the callback for php */ gearman_client_set_warning_fn(&(obj->client), _php_task_warning_fn); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::setStatusCallback(callback function) Callback function when there is a status packet for a task. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_status_callback) { zval *zstatus_fn; zend_string *callable = NULL; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Oz", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &zstatus_fn ) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); /* check that the function is callable */ if (!zend_is_callable(zstatus_fn, 0, &callable)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "function %s is not callable", callable->val); zend_string_release(callable); RETURN_FALSE; } zend_string_release(callable); /* Defining callback again? Clean up old one first */ if (!Z_ISUNDEF(obj->zstatus_fn)) { zval_dtor(&obj->zstatus_fn); } /* store the cb in client object */ ZVAL_COPY(&obj->zstatus_fn, zstatus_fn); /* set the callback for php */ gearman_client_set_status_fn(&(obj->client), _php_task_status_fn); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::setCompleteCallback(callback function) Callback function when there is a status packet for a task. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_complete_callback) { zval *zcomplete_fn; zend_string *callable = NULL; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Oz", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &zcomplete_fn ) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); /* check that the function is callable */ if (! zend_is_callable(zcomplete_fn, 0, &callable)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "function %s is not callable", callable->val); zend_string_release(callable); RETURN_FALSE; } zend_string_release(callable); /* Defining callback again? Clean up old one first */ if (!Z_ISUNDEF(obj->zcomplete_fn)) { zval_dtor(&obj->zcomplete_fn); } /* store the cb in client object */ ZVAL_COPY(&obj->zcomplete_fn, zcomplete_fn); /* set the callback for php */ gearman_client_set_complete_fn(&(obj->client), _php_task_complete_fn); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::setExceptionCallback(callback function) Callback function when there is a exception packet for a task. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_exception_callback) { zval *zexception_fn; zend_string *callable = NULL; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Oz", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &zexception_fn ) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); if (!gearman_client_set_server_option(&(obj->client), "exceptions", (sizeof("exceptions") - 1))) { GEARMAN_EXCEPTION("Failed to set exception option", 0); } /* check that the function is callable */ if (! zend_is_callable(zexception_fn, 0, &callable)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "function %s is not callable", callable->val); zend_string_release(callable); RETURN_FALSE; } zend_string_release(callable); /* Defining callback again? Clean up old one first */ if (!Z_ISUNDEF(obj->zexception_fn)) { zval_dtor(&obj->zexception_fn); } /* store the cb in client object */ ZVAL_COPY(&obj->zexception_fn, zexception_fn); /* set the callback for php */ gearman_client_set_exception_fn(&(obj->client), _php_task_exception_fn); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::setFailCallback(callback function) Callback function when there is a fail packet for a task. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_fail_callback) { zval *zfail_fn; zend_string *callable = NULL; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Oz", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &zfail_fn ) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); /* check that the function is callable */ if (! zend_is_callable(zfail_fn, 0, &callable)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "function %s is not callable", callable->val); zend_string_release(callable); RETURN_FALSE; } zend_string_release(callable); /* Defining callback again? Clean up old one first */ if (!Z_ISUNDEF(obj->zfail_fn)) { zval_dtor(&obj->zfail_fn); } /* Defining callback again? Clean up old one first */ if (!Z_ISUNDEF(obj->zfail_fn)) { zval_dtor(&obj->zfail_fn); } /* store the cb in client object */ ZVAL_COPY(&obj->zfail_fn, zfail_fn); /* set the callback for php */ gearman_client_set_fail_fn(&(obj->client), _php_task_fail_fn); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void GearmanClient::clearCallbacks() Clear all task callback functions. */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_clear_callbacks) { gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); gearman_client_clear_fn(&obj->client); zval_dtor(&obj->zworkload_fn); zval_dtor(&obj->zcreated_fn); zval_dtor(&obj->zdata_fn); zval_dtor(&obj->zwarning_fn); zval_dtor(&obj->zstatus_fn); zval_dtor(&obj->zcomplete_fn); zval_dtor(&obj->zexception_fn); zval_dtor(&obj->zfail_fn); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string GearmanClient::context() Get the application data */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_context) { const char *data; int length = 0; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); data = gearman_client_context(&(obj->client)); if (data) { length = strlen(data); } RETURN_STRINGL(data, length); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::setContext(string data) Set the application data */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_set_context) { char *data, *old_context; size_t data_len = 0; gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "Os", &zobj, gearman_client_ce, &data, &data_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); old_context = gearman_client_context(&(obj->client)); efree(old_context); gearman_client_set_context(&(obj->client), (void*) estrndup(data, data_len)); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool GearmanClient::enableExceptionHandler() Enable exception handling to be used by exception callback function GearmanClient::setExceptionCallback */ PHP_FUNCTION(gearman_client_enable_exception_handler) { gearman_client_obj *obj; zval *zobj; if (zend_parse_method_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), getThis(), "O", &zobj, gearman_client_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } obj = Z_GEARMAN_CLIENT_P(zobj); if (!gearman_client_set_server_option(&(obj->client), "exceptions", (sizeof("exceptions") - 1))) { GEARMAN_EXCEPTION("Failed to set exception option", 0); } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */